When did the profession of welder appear?

Welding is a profession worth being proud of!

The welding profession today is among the TOP 50 most promising and in demand professions on the labor market, which are taught in secondary specialized educational institutions. Unfortunately, these days few young people strive to acquire blue-collar professions, so there is an acute shortage of welders on the market. Such specialists are of special importance in every production; their work is well paid, especially if the welder already has work experience.

Subtleties of the specialty

Welder is a prestigious working profession that involves working with welding equipment. Such workers are engaged in welding metal structures of various levels of complexity, as well as welding parts, products and pipelines for various purposes. The quality of the welds and the entire work as a whole depends only on the professionalism of the welder.

The work of a welder is very responsible. A specialist should not make mistakes - every mistake in work can lead to serious consequences.

All welders are divided into three groups, depending on the type of equipment they work with:

  • Gas welder;
  • Welder of manual arc and semi-automatic welding;
  • Operator of automatic welding machines.

When working, welders use electric arc welding or a special gas torch. During work, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: you can only work with welding in a special mask with darkened glass, which reduces the brightness of the scattering of sparks.

Who is a welder suitable for?

The work of a welder is quite hard and harmful to the eyes, so it is very important to have good health and good vision. A good specialist must have excellent patience: sometimes he has to work in confined spaces and cramped rooms, being in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

A good welder must be persistent, hardworking and courageous. It is important for him to be dexterous and flexible enough. Making ceiling seams always requires special skill, so a qualified welder can be called a virtuoso.

We must not forget about accuracy. This quality should also be inherent in a good welding specialist. It is very important to do the work not only quickly and in accordance with the technical specifications, but also carefully. The welds of a qualified welder are pleasant to examine; they are smooth, without smudges or other flaws.

What should a welder know?

To get a prestigious and highly paid job, a welder must not only be able to use a welding machine, but also have a good knowledge of theoretical material:

  • Electrical engineering and general technology for melting various metals;
  • Basic properties of gases used in work;
  • Operating principles of welding equipment;
  • Technological instructions and safety precautions when working with a welding machine.

Future welders study all this material in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Where to go to study to become a welder?

Today you can get a welding profession in most colleges and technical schools in the Leningrad region. Some educational institutions also teach the specialty “Welding”.

  • Welder (manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing)
  • Bor Agro-Industrial College
  • Priozersky Polytechnic College
  • Polytechnic College of Svetogorsk
  • Slantsevsky Industrial College
  • Tosno Polytechnic College
  • Welder (electric and gas welding work)
  • Volkhov College of Transport Construction
  • Kirishi Polytechnic College
  • Kirov Polytechnic College
  • Podporozhye Polytechnic College
  • Slantsevsky Industrial College
  • Sosnovoborsk Polytechnic College
  • Technical College of Water Transport
  • Tikhvin Industrial and Technological College named after. E. I. Lebedeva
  • Welding production
  • Vyborg Polytechnic College "Alexandrovsky"
  • Kingisepp College of Technology and Service
  • Kirov Polytechnic College
  • Luga Agro-Industrial College
  • Polytechnic College of Svetogorsk
  • Sosnovoborsk Polytechnic College
  • Tikhvin Industrial and Technological College named after. E. I. Lebedeva
  • Tosno Polytechnic College

Employment and career growth

Welding work is needed in almost every enterprise. There are few qualified specialists, so, as a rule, welders receive high salaries.

  • After graduating from an educational institution and receiving a diploma, a welder can get a job:
  • To construction sites;
  • To metal structures factories;
  • For machine-building enterprises;
  • To metallurgical plants;
  • To oil refineries;
  • To shipyards;
  • To energy enterprises.

This specialty is also in demand in agriculture. Car repairs and other equipment cannot be repaired without the help of a welder.

The time has already passed when office workers were paid more than blue-collar workers. Now the labor market is oversaturated with economists, accountants, lawyers and managers, but there are just not enough welders. If you want to have a prestigious job with a high salary, you should pay attention to this work specialty.

Source: https://mel.fm/blog/mariya-lyutaya/69382-svarshchik--professiya-kotoroy-stoit-gorditsya

Profession overview: electric arc and argon arc welder

Manual arc and electric arc welding is a method of joining metal elements using thermal melting of the joints of the product using a special hand tool.

This technology is used in all areas that require working with metal - in the construction of buildings and bridges, in the laying of pipes and heating mains, in the energy sector, in the automotive and shipbuilding industries, in the production and repair of any large and small metal products. Even in art and sculpture, welding technologies are often used.

Lately, argon arc welding has become increasingly popular, making it possible to work with low-alloy and stainless steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals: copper, aluminum, nickel, titanium, silver, etc.

A specialist who carries out welding work is called a welder. This profession, depending on the welding technique and the tools used to fuse metals, is divided into several specializations:

  • manual arc welder (electric welder);
  • gas welder (gas-electric welder);
  • argon arc welder (electric argon welder);
  • automatic welding machine operator, etc.

The welding profession owes its origin to the Russian electrical physicist Vasily Petrov, who in 1802 discovered the effect of an electric arc, which creates a high temperature between two carbon electrodes, although this discovery did not immediately find practical application in industry. But after just a few decades, the electric arc method of joining steels and metals made a real revolution and began to be used everywhere in industry and construction. This effect made it possible to melt the joints of metals for their simultaneous connection using a weld.  

Skills and specifics of the work of an electric welder

Due to the high demand for welding work in any field, specialists in the field of manual welding do not experience difficulties finding work. However, this profession requires high responsibility, a serious approach and the desire to perform work at the highest level.

The quality of welding seams is one of the decisive conditions for the strength, reliability, durability and safety of metal structures, so the cost of mistakes here is especially high.

Any shortcomings, negligence and connivance in work can lead to serious and even catastrophic consequences, especially when it comes to the construction of buildings and bridges, welding of oil and gas pipelines, and mechanical engineering.

Therefore, a professional welder must know not only the technology for performing a certain welding method and methods for testing welds, but also have a good knowledge base about the physics of thermal processes, electrical engineering, chemical, physical and thermal properties of various metals and alloys.

In addition, it is extremely important to know welding and fire safety techniques.

For narrower specializations, it is necessary to study the properties of active and inert gases used for anti-oxidation, to master the methods and principles of operation of tools, argon-arc and electric-arc equipment used for welding.

Among personal qualities, it is important to note high responsibility, attention to detail, good eyesight, a certain perfectionism and desire to improve one’s skills, readiness for physical activity, the ability to quickly respond to emergency situations, a serious attitude to safety precautions and strict compliance with the smallest requirements. This work is classified as dangerous, and it is these qualities that will help you not only perform your tasks efficiently, but also protect yourself and others from serious harm to your health and life.

Job description of a welder

The job responsibilities of welders depend on the scope and specifics of the work, the techniques and equipment used, the category of specialists and the individual requirements of each individual employer. In its most general form, a welder’s job description may contain the following responsibilities:

  1. Manual arc/argon-arc/plasma welding of medium complexity of parts of units, apparatus, pipelines and other structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
  2. Welding of complex elements made of carbon and special steels in various spatial positions of welds (including/excluding ceiling).
  3. Manual oxygen cutting and planing of complex parts made of high-carbon, low-carbon and other special steels, non-ferrous metals, as well as welding of cast iron structures.
  4. Fusion of heated pipes and cylinders, defects in mechanical parts and structures.
  5. Welding of various complex parts, assemblies and tools, worn parts.
  6. Reading drawings and diagrams of complex welded metal structures.

Prospects and advantages of the profession

In order to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist, you need to constantly improve your skills and improve your professional skills.

This means that an electric welder needs to take advanced training courses and obtain a higher professional rank in order to achieve an increase in his value in the labor market.

For work with oil and gas pipelines, which is limited to specialists with the highest qualifications, separate training is often required. The higher the professional rank of a welder, the more professional opportunities and advantages he has.

  • The 3rd category is assigned to a welder immediately after completing training. This level implies knowledge of basic types of welding and practical skills in performing simple welding work - usually manual and arc.
  • The 5th category allows you to weld complex components and parts, as well as elements under pressure, work with multi-position equipment and weld vacuum-tight joints.
  • 6th category – an indicator of the highest class and skill of welding, allows you to work with parts and welding techniques of any complexity, including work on gas and oil pipelines.

Advantages of being a welder:

  • High demand for the profession in various industries and regions;
  • The opportunity to find a job even without experience - young specialists are willingly hired immediately after training in the housing and communal services sector;
  • In the case of highly qualified welding specialists, we are talking not just about demand, but about an acute shortage of professionals in the market;
  • As of May 18, 2014, 1,161 vacancies were registered in Moscow for the request “electric welder”;
  • The average salary of a welder in Moscow, according to the Yandex.Work service, is 37,000 rubles, however, the statistics are influenced by the availability of vacancies for one-time work; in reality, the average is higher - approximately 55,000 rubles;
  • The oil and gas industry offers the maximum salaries for welders - they can reach 120,000 - 150,000 rubles per month;
  • A number of welding specialists are entitled to special pension conditions and additional paid leave.

Disadvantages of being a welder:

  • The profession of an electric welder is a dangerous type of work - because the temperature at the tip of the welding electrode can reach 5000 degrees Celsius, which exceeds the melting point of any existing metals.
  • Working conditions for a welder can be difficult, especially when working at heights, in extreme conditions or under the influence of various adverse weather factors;
  • Due to the strong brightness of the electric arc radiation, welding puts a lot of strain on vision and can provoke the development of electroophthalmic disease. It is necessary to observe all safety measures and eye protection, using a mask with tinted glass;
  • Other occupational diseases may occur due to industrial dust entering the respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis).

Compensation for harmful working conditions for electric welders – early retirement and additional leave

Due to hazardous and dangerous working conditions, electric welders who work in such conditions at least 80% of the time may be entitled to additional paid leave annually. This right is regulated by article number 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To determine whether working conditions comply with the specified requirements, the enterprise undergoes a special assessment of working conditions (formerly certification). According to the rules, electric welders or electric gas welders working indoors (or other hazardous conditions) are entitled, in addition to the main vacation of 28 calendar days, to an additional vacation of 14 calendar days.

At the same time, for welders working on external work, 7 additional calendar days are added to the 28 days of the main vacation.

Federal Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” of 2001 defines the right to an early retirement pension when working under difficult, dangerous and harmful working conditions. The list of relevant professions and industries is established in accordance with Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved by Resolution No. 10 of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991.

According to List No. 2, this right is granted to:

  • gas cutters;
  • electric welders of manual welding and automatic/semi-automatic machines performing welding in a carbon dioxide environment;
  • gas-electric welders engaged in manual and semi-automatic welding;
  • some other welding specialists.

The right of these specialists to early retirement applies if they were engaged in performing the work specified in the lists for no less than 80% of their working time.

Representatives of these specialties can retire by age 5 years earlier than generally established conditions. Early retirement pension due to hazardous work conditions is assigned to: women at 50 years old , and men at 55 years old , if they have worked in hazardous/difficult conditions for at least 10 and 12.5 years, respectively, and their total insurance period is at least 20 and 25 years.

Electric welders of manual welding and semi-automatic welding are entitled to an early pension without any additional conditions. Automatic/semi-automatic electric welding in an argon environment does not give the right to early retirement according to List No. 2.

However, when working in particularly difficult/dangerous conditions, preferential retirement can be established according to List No. 1, if the welder worked in industries included in this list.

Training of electric welders and electric argon welders

To begin independent work, specialists in electric arc and argon arc welding only need 3 qualification categories, which can be obtained upon completion of short-term professional courses. The “101 course” training center provides full-fledged theoretical and practical training from scratch for working specialties in the following areas:

Graduates receive a state-issued certificate with the appropriate qualifications. If necessary, the center provides assistance in finding employment. Additionally, after training, you can receive a fire safety certificate and a Welder Certification Certificate.

Source: https://101course.ru/articles/obzor-professii-svarshhik-elektrodugovoj-i-argonodugovoj-svarki.html

Profession welder

A welder is a worker who welds metals.

The main goal of a welder is to connect metal parts into complex structures.


The welder profession is usually divided into the following types:

  • welders on press welding machines;
  • welders on diffuse welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on electron beam welding installations;
  • electric and gas welders.

There are also 6 categories for welders, which are determined based on the professional skills of specialists and their skill.

History of the profession

The profession of welder appeared in 1802. After all, it was then that Petrov managed to discover the effect of an electric arc, which is capable of creating very high temperatures. It was so high that it even allowed the metal to melt.

And even after time, this method became revolutionary and remained a mass technology for joining materials.

Professional holiday

The last Friday of May is the day when welders began to celebrate their professional holiday. This day was not chosen in vain, because it is the last working day of spring, and a hot summer is ahead. And in the summer, repairs and construction begin, which become possible only thanks to welding.

Welder's Day is considered an unofficial holiday; it is not celebrated as a red day on the calendar, but in the soul of every welder it burns with a bright flame.

Advantages and disadvantages

Working as a welder is quite profitable:

  • high wages, especially for welders of the highest ranks and with work experience;
  • It is not at all necessary to obtain a higher education, because for this job a secondary education is sufficient;
  • the profession is in high demand on the labor market, and the demand for it is falling, and this is due to the fact that the work of a welder is almost always needed.

But there are also negative aspects to this profession:

  • dangerous and hard work, sometimes welders are forced to work at great heights and in various extreme conditions;
  • monotony tires her;
  • severe strain on the eyes, because welding occurs at high radiation brightness;
  • the occurrence of certain occupational diseases is possible.

Therefore, to work as a welder, you must have no medical contraindications.

Requirements for the profession

To work as a welder, you must:

  • have work experience;
  • a document that confirms qualifications;
  • be able to read blueprints and operate hand and power tools.

Experience with metal-cutting machines is preferred.

Job responsibilities

Responsibilities of a welder:

  • manufacture and release high-quality products;
  • work as prescribed in the technological training plan;
  • plan the timing and scope of work;
  • analyze work technologies;
  • adhere to labor safety standards and strict welding procedures;
  • place an order for products and materials for subsequent work;
  • maintain the necessary records;
  • assistance in organizing work that can increase the level of labor productivity.
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Also, these specialists can participate in research work aimed at improving technology and working methods.


Generally, the welder's responsibility is to:

  • improper performance of their duties;
  • offenses committed in the course of work;
  • material damage caused;
  • violation of professional discipline.

Welder authority

The welder has the right to:

  • making proposals to management, as well as proposals regarding bringing to justice an employee who has violated discipline;
  • requesting information necessary to perform job duties;
  • familiarization with the documents that define his rights and obligations in accordance with his position;
  • familiarization with the draft decision, which was approved by the organization’s management, regarding the employee’s activities;
  • assistance in ensuring comfortable working conditions.

Features of the profession

Who is a welder? A welder is a person with a working specialty. His activity involves working in welding production. This worker connects all kinds of metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines.

Therefore, the work of a welder must be very precise and professional. After all, the quality of work and welding seams depend on his professionalism. Even one mistake in the work of this specialist can lead to irreparable consequences.

To protect themselves and protect their face and eyes, welders must always follow safety precautions and use special masks with tinted lenses. This mask helps suppress the bright flames and sparks that workers have to deal with.

Our century is an era of new technologies, which is based on metal. It is used almost everywhere. Everyday life, industry, construction and many other areas need it.

Specialists in this industry are very valuable, because welding work will always be necessary.

Professional skills and abilities

Career guidance can provide invaluable assistance in choosing a profession. But if you are already sure that you want to become a welder, then you need to know:

  • electrical engineering, metal appearance technology;
  • gas properties;
  • methods and principles of operation of the equipment used;
  • labor protection and safety instructions;
  • chemistry, physics.

Every day, workers perform welding work and are exposed to various types of hazards: injury, damage to the eyes, hearing, lungs, and the threat of electric shock.

Most welders get injured as a result of neglecting safety precautions. To avoid this, you must strictly adhere to safety precautions.

Personal qualities of a welder

Every welder must be characterized by attentiveness, accuracy, hard work and perseverance - these are the main pillars on which the profession is based.

Physical endurance will also come in handy, because work as a welder can be carried out in dangerous and extreme conditions: at heights, on fragile surfaces, in rain and snowstorms.

And the ability to be able to focus attention is one of the most important qualities, because work requires concentration and caution.

The specialist must also be endowed with endurance, excellent vision and flexible legs and arms - this is required so that the work process is easier and more efficient.

The profession requires balance and patience, because situations can be very different, and by demonstrating these qualities, you can resolve any problem.

Welder career

The profession of a welder is considered quite in demand and relevant today.

And although it is not distinguished by prestige, there is career growth in the work.

There are a huge number of opportunities to advance your career.

Young specialists who gain work experience can already take on more serious assignments and work in this field.

Having set a goal, a specialist can easily occupy leadership positions.

Places of work

There is no shortage of welder vacancies these days. They can easily find work in:

  • private organizations;
  • service areas;
  • housing and communal services;
  • construction sites;
  • auto repair shops;
  • communications organizations;
  • industrial plants and factories.

Sometimes welders are asked to travel for a period of time, from 20 to 50 days, to work at sites where there is a shortage of specialists in this field.

Almost all industries require welding work: mechanical engineering, agriculture, oil refining industry.

Salary, how much does a welder earn?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors: the region, work experience, level of rank, and place of work.

In Russia, workers without work experience receive about $350.

Well, if these are experienced specialists with a high rank, then earnings vary from 500 to 800 dollars.

In Ukraine, the average salary of a worker in this field is about $400.

If a specialist is hardworking and constantly improves his skills, then he is guaranteed a decent income.

Education, how to become a welder?

In order to become a welder, it is enough to receive secondary specialized education at a technical school, college or college.

And sometimes it is enough to undergo training directly on the job, as a probationary period. Specialized courses are also suitable.

Hard work, an irresistible desire, valuable experience and the absence of medical contraindications will certainly help you achieve significant success in this area.

Source: https://WorkKing.ru/proforientatsiya/professiya/svarshhik.html

Electric welder: the essence of a specialist’s work

Welding is an extremely common technology for fastening metal parts and mechanisms. Where rigidity and solidity of the structure are required, welding is used. The difficulty is that you need to strictly follow the technology. And this requires skill and experience.

So welding work is the domain of professional welders with an official certificate and experience. And in about half of the cases when applying for a job, these will be the “crusts” of an electric welder.

What does an electric welder do?

To begin with, it should be noted that welder is the general name of the specialty. Well, an electric welder is, accordingly, a worker who has the skills of welding metal using an electric arc.


The main working tool of an electric welder is a welding machine with a high-power electric generator. Thanks to it, an electric arc is supplied through a special electrode at high voltage. Under its action (about 7000 degrees Celsius), the metal surface melts and, as it cools, is sintered into a monolithic seam.

Electric welding is actually the most ancient method of welding steel and metal parts. Now it is also widely used in various variations. The main advantage is low cost and performance. True, learning to be an electric welder and gaining the necessary experience is not so easy.

In addition, labor legislation clearly distinguishes between two narrow specializations of electric welders. Some have the skills of manual and semi-automatic (mechanical) welding, others have automatic welding skills, that is, they operate special automatic welding machines.

One way or another, the responsibilities of an electric welder come down to several actions:

  1. welding products in various positions and at specified angles;

  2. cleaning of welds;

  3. reading product drawings;

  4. plasma cutting of various products (both simple and complex).

What an electric welder should be able to do, working conditions

To successfully work in his specialty, an electric welder must know a lot and be able to do even more. As mentioned above, making a strong and even weld (especially when working with refractory products) is an extremely non-trivial task. This can only be achieved with many years of practice and continuous training.

However, already at the initial second level, an electric welder must know and be able to do several things:

  1. the principle of operation and design of welding machines on direct and alternating current, how they differ and how to handle them;

  2. what types of welds are there?

  3. how to properly clean surfaces before welding;

  4. properties of metals and various alloys, how they behave when welded;

  5. methods for eliminating welding defects and the causes of their occurrence.

If we are talking about automatic electric welding, the worker must be able to maintain and eliminate minor malfunctions of the automatic welding machine.

Of course, the norm of life for any electric welder is strict adherence to safety rules when working with electricity, installation work, etc.

Electric welders usually work outdoors - especially when it comes to laying pipelines, welding bridge structures, or erecting cell phone towers. Very often these are 30/30 or 45/45 day shifts, shift work in almost any weather.

So to work as an electric welder you will probably need iron health and excellent endurance.

How long to study to become a welder after grades 9 and 11

You can learn to be a welder at a technical school. The length of training depends on the grade after which you decide to enroll in college. Depending on the chosen program, obtaining an education will take from 10 months to 3 years and 10 months. More details about how long it takes to study to become a welder after 9th grade or 11th grade are in the table:

OKSO code Program Establishment Duration of training Welding production College 3 years 10 months (after 9th grade)
2 years 10 months (after 11th grade)

Source: https://kedu.ru/press-center/profgid/elektrosvarshchik

What is the profession of a welder?

The profession of a welder is a working specialty that is quite in demand these days. Welding is the joining of products without the use of fasteners.

Welding work is carried out in any industry: mechanical engineering, machine tool building, metallurgy, housing and communal services, automotive industry, shipbuilding, agriculture. The service life of various equipment depends on the quality of the welder’s work.

By welding, you can firmly and reliably connect not only new elements of products, but also repair old ones.

What skills should a specialist have?

The welder must know:

  • technology of metals during melting, basics of electrical engineering;
  • properties of gases during antioxidation;
  • principles and methods of operation of equipment required for welding;
  • safety precautions and labor protection instructions;
  • have knowledge of physics and chemistry at the school curriculum level.

The personal qualities of a welder include:

  • perseverance;
  • hard work;
  • intelligence;
  • accuracy, since the work is harmful and dangerous;
  • excellent vision;
  • responsibility.

What are the responsibilities of a welder?

The profession of a welder obliges:

  • produce only high-quality products;
  • plan the timing and volume of work provided;
  • observe the welding mode;
  • order new materials needed for work;
  • maintain documentation and reports of work performed;
  • comply with labor safety standards;
  • if possible, increase the level of labor productivity;
  • improve technologies, working methods, participate in research.

What categories correspond to the profession?

1. Welder-press operator. Pipelines, steel containers, point assemblies, structures, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic materials and alloys, and cutting tools are subject to press welding.

2. Welder of diffusion welding installations. The object of work is unique and expensive components, metal parts, multi-chamber diffusion welding installations, extensive structures made of honeycomb panels, nitrogen saturation of metal fixtures.

3. Electron beam welder. The work is related to vacuum electron beam welding of expensive components, alloys, heat-limited products, as well as small-sized, miniature products, metals and alloys with a thickness of no more than 0.8 mm.

4. Thermal welder. Welding parts using the thermite method, installing a press, molds, coating them, removing them from special molds, drying, making and firing crucibles, preparing a composition for them, as well as working with thermite, sifting it, crushing it, mixing it, packaging it. Responsibilities include processing mechanisms and checking the operation of ventilation units.

5. Gas welder. Responsibilities include welding with liquid gas parts and assemblies of any complexity, steel, cast iron and metal pipelines under the influence of vibration, high pressure, cutting, melting metals with hard alloys.

6. Electric and gas welder. Email the welder is obliged to perform arc, gas and plasma welding of steel, cast iron alloys and assemblies of any complexity, building structures, to use a cutter when cutting metal, to weld steel, titanium structures, devices, assemblies under the influence of vibration and dynamic loads, to perform welds in any plane, direction and position, weld metals and alloys, complex block structures.

The qualifications of welders, their professional qualities and skill are assessed through the awarded category. There are six of them in total. A welder's salary directly depends on his qualifications.

1st category - welders of plastic products. Responsibilities include dismantling, assembling elements for welding, and simple work on welding plastic bags and parts.

2nd category – masters of thermite welding. Here you need the ability to use simple drawings and perform plasma and arc welding.

3rd category - the product of all main types of welding, especially manual and arc.

4th category – manual, arc, plasma welding, oxygen cutting of more complex parts.

5th category – welding of parts and assemblies of increased complexity, vacuum connections. Welding under pressure, exposed to electron beams.

6th category – performance of any type of work related to gas and oil pipelines, work of any complexity, a high-class specialist with a wide profile.

What is the salary of welders?

Today, staff shortages are common. For college graduates without work experience, the income is from $500, and for those with a high rank - from $1000 and above. The salary of a welder depends on the category, skill level, and place of work. The same order can be paid differently. The oil and gas industry is a better paid field of activity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The welding profession is in high demand on the market, given the decent level of salaries of professional welders. Significant disadvantages are rather difficult, harmful working conditions, the negative impact of electric arcs and ultraviolet radiation on vision, inhalation of harmful gas vapors and dust, leading to asthma, silicosis, and pneumoconiosis.

Who should not work as a welder?

Working welders carry out their activities in hazardous conditions and are equated to the category of increased danger.

Persons with cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, problems with vision, nervous system, or unstable psyche are strictly prohibited from working in this specialty.

It is also undesirable to work as a welder if you have allergies, osteochondrosis, or radiculitis. After passing a medical examination, citizens with these diseases may be suspended from work.


In the future, the profession of a welder involves obtaining professional education, work experience, and advanced training.

The career ladder looks like this: foreman - technician - technologist - engineer - department head - head of the entire enterprise - designer - constructor - chief engineer. The speed of advancement up the career ladder directly depends on the quality of the employee’s work, as well as his personal ambitions.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/176023/chto-predstavlyaet-soboy-professiya-svarschik

Profession welder: description, program and training features:

There comes a time when a person is faced with choosing the profession in which he will work in the future. Whether you are just starting to work after graduating from school or technical school, or there is a need for retraining, you want to learn as much as possible about the field of study you are interested in and the upcoming work. This article examines the profession of a welder: what does he do, in what areas is his work needed, how to train for it and what is required for this?

Employee functions and areas of activity

The profession of a welder is a responsible and serious activity. People are accustomed to the fact that the importance of work depends on the use of intellectual work, computer technology and other attributes of management positions, office workers and scientific specialists. In reality, it turns out that all this means nothing without the labor of people working with their hands.

The welder profession is involved in many areas of production and construction. Often people who own private houses and summer cottages are interested in the services of this specialist.

Welders are involved in the construction of multi-storey and private houses, improvement of sports and playgrounds, gardening work, in the factory production process, in the manufacture of specialized devices, machines, equipment and even furniture, in automobile service and other areas of life and work of society.

What do you need for work?

The profession of a welder is not that difficult to obtain. You can learn it in 2-3 years at schools that provide educational services at an average professional level. At the same time, in your last year you can already work and earn money.

The job requires physical health, endurance, and good eyesight. In addition, spatial awareness and technical thinking are required. Since work can be carried out in different conditions, including at height, stability and a developed vestibular apparatus are required.

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There are also certain health requirements. It is not recommended to choose this profession if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders of the respiratory tract, as well as diseases of the bones and joints. Such work will only aggravate the disease and cause exacerbations.

Programs for the profession of welder

You can study for this profession at colleges, vocational schools and technical schools. Welder is a profession whose training takes 2 years based on 11 classes of a secondary school or 3 years based on 9 classes. Names of areas of study:

  • electric and gas welding welder;
  • adjuster of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.

In the third year, students go on practical training before passing the final certification. Many enterprises pay for this work and then hire them for official work.

The welding profession has standards on which the rank received depends. There are six of them, by the way. Accordingly, the higher the rank, the more experience and skills the employee has, the more in demand he is and the more he claims to be paid.

Any welder, regardless of category, method of work and type of equipment, must know the following:

  • electrical engineering, technologies for melting various metals;
  • chemical and physical properties of gases;
  • features, principle of operation and design of the equipment and units used in the work;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • safety regulations.

Varieties within the profession

Welders can work with different equipment under different conditions. Based on this, there are several types of welding work, each of which requires specialized skills and knowledge:

  • welding using a pressing machine;
  • welding on diffuse welding installations;
  • gas welding;
  • electric welding;
  • thermite welding;
  • electron beam welding;
  • combined electric and gas welding.

The most common specializations in the welding profession are electric welding and gas welding.

Pros and cons of work

When choosing a profession, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the job. The following positive aspects can be highlighted in the work of a welder:

  • high demand, low competition for good jobs;
  • high wages;
  • the opportunity to work individually, fulfilling orders, independently adjusting your work schedule.

Naturally, there are also negative aspects in the work of a welder. Among them are the following:

  • heavy physical labor affecting human health;
  • work in difficult conditions - sometimes you have to work at significant heights or in adverse weather conditions;
  • a large number of occupational diseases associated with the respiratory tract and vision, which with age only worsen a person’s general well-being.

Where to work and what salary to expect?

The work of a welder today is in great demand and is highly paid. The shortage of good specialists becomes especially noticeable in the warm season. At this moment, field and garden work begins, people improve their own houses and plots. Welders who decide to work individually as entrepreneurs keep a record of clients a month in advance, or even more.

At this moment, prices for their services rise sharply. People are interested in their work, they are willing to pay more if only a competent specialist would do everything quickly and efficiently. Welding gates, wickets, construction of private houses, cottages, outbuildings, gazebos, garages - all this is within the competence of welders in the summer.

At this point, the price of even the simplest work can rise to tens of thousands of rubles.

Welders are always in demand at factories, ports, oil depots and other commercial, municipal and government structures. Now this profession seems unpromising and unfashionable to young people. They choose a less paid profession, but at the same time more prestigious. Therefore, there is always a great demand for good welders with good salary offers. On average, the salary of a welder at an average plant in Russia ranges from 60 to 120 thousand rubles per month.

Source: https://www.syl.ru/article/366670/professiya-svarschik-opisanie-programma-i-osobennosti-obucheniya

Profession welder: education, how much he earns, pros and cons

A welder is a necessary and responsible working profession. The service life of various metal units, building structures and equipment depends on the quality of work of these specialists.

What does he do?

A welder connects metal parts, structures, containers, and pipelines to each other using various welding methods. Electric arc or gas welding is most often used. In the first case, welding electrodes or wire are used, and in the second, a gas torch is formed by the combustion of gas (hydrogen, propane, argon, butane, benzene) and oxygen.

A weld seam is formed at the joints. Its quality serves as a measure of the welder’s work, as it determines the strength and durability of the welded part.

During welding work, the worker must strictly follow safety precautions, especially protect his face and eyes. Ultraviolet radiation and the bright light of the electric arc generated during welding are very harmful to human vision.

Categories of welders

Since there are now about 20 welding methods, each welding specialist has his own specialization:

  • electric and gas welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on press (resistance) welding machines;
  • welders on diffuse welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • welders on electron beam installations.

The skill level of these workers is determined by rank 1 to 6. The higher the number, the higher the qualification of the welder.

Where can he work?

Welding is used everywhere. It has almost completely replaced other methods of joining metal parts. Therefore, welders are in demand in many industries: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, oil, gas and defense industries, housing and communal services, shipbuilding, agriculture, construction.

Welders will always find work in auto repair shops, artistic forging studios, gardening partnerships, and repair and installation shops of enterprises. As a part-time job, you can consider minor repairs for private individuals, especially in the summer.

Responsibilities of a welder

A welder has a fairly wide range of responsibilities. These include:

  • reading technical drawings for entire products or individual parts;
  • adjustment of welding equipment;
  • welding of parts;
  • application in work of horizontal, vertical, ceiling welding seams;
  • semi-automatic and automatic metal cutting;
  • control of welding seams;
  • preventing the formation of defects in the process of welding;
  • compliance with labor safety instructions, use of personal protective equipment during work;
  • maintaining the required documentation for work performed;
  • feasible participation in research work to improve welding technology.

Highly qualified welders have a personal mark with which they mark the welded seam on the metal.

Requirements for the profession

The following professional requirements are imposed on welders:

  • possession of basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and electrical engineering;
  • understanding of the operating principles of welding equipment;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used in welding, types of welding electrodes and wire;
  • knowledge of the metal melting process;
  • ability to solder and deposit metal;
  • ability to weld using all methods according to their specialization;
  • ability to plan deadlines and volumes of work;
  • knowledge of types of defects in welds, methods for their prevention and elimination;
  • analysis of the rationality of the welding technology used and, if necessary, proposals for design improvements;
  • knowledge of consumables used in welding.

Equally important for a welder are personal qualities and health requirements. In particular, workers in this specialty must be balanced, patient, quick-witted, purposeful, attentive, tenacious, physically resilient and have good hand dexterity. Welders should not have problems with vision, hearing, breathing, musculoskeletal system, or mental health. Allergies and diseases of the cardiovascular system are also unacceptable.

If it is necessary to work at height, the welder receives the appropriate permit unless the medical commission reveals any contraindications.

Taking into account the fact that the work of a welder is physically quite difficult, this profession is chosen mainly by men. However, there is also a small percentage of women.


The profession of a welder is obtained in colleges, technical schools, and schools. After the 9th grade, training will take 3–4 years, and after the 11th grade – 2–3 years. Future graduates (in most educational institutions) receive the specialty “welder for gas welding and electric welding” or “operator of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.” The most famous and prestigious educational institutions of secondary specialized education:

  • College of Architecture Design and Reengineering in Moscow;
  • College of Water Resources and Petrovsky College in St. Petersburg;
  • regional technical college and industrial college of energy and communications in Vladivostok;
  • Industrial and Technological College named after. V.M. Kurochkin in Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg;
  • College of Architecture and Construction in Barnaul;
  • College of Railway Transport and Communications and Industrial College in Volgograd;
  • Humanitarian and Technical College in Orenburg;
  • Kuzbass College of Architecture, Geodesy and Construction in Kemerovo;
  • College of Welding and Industrial Technologies and Industrial and Economic College in Voronezh;
  • college of water transport in Tyumen;
  • Baltic Shipbuilding College in Kaliningrad;
  • vocational college No. 21 in Yaroslavl;
  • industrial construction college in Lipetsk;
  • motor transport technical school in Izhevsk;
  • multidisciplinary technical school in Omsk;
  • Kalmyk College of Oil and Gas in Elista.

During the training process, future welders receive theoretical knowledge of welding: rules and regulations of industrial safety at production facilities, electrical safety, principles of operation of welding machines, semi-automatic machines, generators, welding technology. Computer virtual simulators are now widely used to obtain practical skills. Students must master them and only then will they be allowed to do real welding.

You can also learn the welding profession through specialized courses. But the form of training will be full-time in any case. Classes can be group or individual. For people who have health restrictions, but are admitted to welding, it is possible to increase the training period, but not more than six months.

When training, it should be taken into account that access to gas equipment is permitted only from 18 years of age. Therefore, if an electric welder wants to master gas welding, he will have to complete his studies at special courses or undergo training programs at the enterprise.

Workers who are focused on career growth subsequently receive higher education as a welding engineer. The most famous universities in this area include:

  • Aviation Institute and Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman in Moscow;
  • Polytechnic University named after. Peter the Great, Marine Technical University in St. Petersburg;
  • State Technical University in Omsk;
  • Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok;
  • Siberian State Industrial University in Novokuznetsk;
  • vocational pedagogical university in Yekaterinburg;
  • State Technical University in Volgograd;
  • University of Science and Technology. M.F. Reshetnev and Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk;
  • Don State Technical University in Rostov-on-Don.

Additional education

Workers can increase their qualification level or master another welding method by taking special advanced training courses (they are also called accelerated courses, since the person already has a level).

Every year, all welders, regardless of category, undergo recertification to confirm their level of skill. This rule was introduced due to the high responsibility of this profession.

A number of welders and engineering and technical workers involved in welding production are additionally certified by NAKS (national agency for welding control) if they work at enterprises whose activities are controlled by Rostechnadzor. Or in organizations performing high-risk work.

A welder can obtain a NAKS certificate independently if he contacts the nearest regional center and passes a theoretical and practical exam. For an employee, this will be an indisputable advantage when looking for a job.

Pros and cons of the profession

The undeniable advantages of the welding profession include high demand in the labor market, as well as the opportunity to earn extra money if desired. In addition, these specialists receive high salaries and can grow in their careers.

The disadvantages of the profession include: difficult, sometimes extreme working conditions, the possibility of occupational diseases arising over time due to heavy loads on vision and respiratory organs (electroophthalmia, bronchial asthma, silicosis).

Salary and career growth

The salary level of welders is determined by category, work experience, individual enterprise and region. A specialist with no experience sometimes starts as an apprentice. Graduates on average can count on 25–30 thousand rubles. Welders with experience receive 35–70 thousand rubles. And workers with grades 5–6 and working on a rotational basis in the most “profitable” areas - oil and gas companies - earn up to 110 thousand rubles. per month.

Horizontal career growth in this profession means increasing the grade, mastering other welding methods in addition to the main one in the specialty. If there is ambition, a welder can get a higher education and move to an engineering position and, in the future, possibly become a manager. Thus, this blue-collar profession also allows for vertical career growth.

The demand for welders will remain as high both in the short and long term. Although many manufacturing processes are being automated, welding will not be affected. And in the absence of medical contraindications, many students who want to get a working specialty opt for this profession.

Source: https://o-professii.ru/professija-svarshhik-obrazovanie-skolko-zarabatyvaet-pljusy-i-minusy/


A welder is a metal specialist who connects metal parts into complex structures using electric welding. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and the economy (see choosing a profession based on your interest in school subjects).

Welder is a working specialty and involves working in welding production. The specialist is engaged in connecting metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity.

The quality of work and welding seams depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not made that could lead to catastrophic consequences.

 The profession of a welder is divided into several specialties: gas welder, manual arc welder, operator of automatic welding machines.

In their work, welders use electric arc welding or a gas torch. In the first case, an electric arc is used to melt metals, and the temperature at the end of the welding electrode reaches 5,000 degrees Celsius.

This exceeds the melting point of all existing metals. When using a gas torch, a flame is formed due to the combustion of a mixture of flammable gas (hydrogen, propane, gasoline, butane, benzene, kerosene) and oxygen.

This type of welding is usually used when replacing radiators and pipes in residential premises, due to the absence of sparks during the operation.

While working, it is very important for welders to observe safety measures and use special masks with tinted glass to protect their face and eyes. This mask significantly suppresses the brightness of flames and sparks.

Types of welders:

  • welders on press welding machines;
  • welders on diffuse welding installations;
  • thermite welders;
  • gas welders;
  • welders on electron beam welding installations;
  • electric and gas welders.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of occupational health and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry.

Personal qualities

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movements of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • hard work;
  • perseverance.


  • high demand in the labor market;
  • fairly high salaries for experienced welders.


  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitudes or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • heavy load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, electric arc (the appearance of the disease electroophthalmia);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).

Place of work

Almost all industries require welding work, for example, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, agriculture, and the oil refining industry.

Main places of work for welders:

  • construction sites;
  • auto repair shops;
  • industrial plants, factories;
  • organizations providing communications media.

Salary and career

There is a shortage of technical specialists in Russia, so the salary of a first-class welder can exceed the income of a middle manager.

Young specialists receive about 20,000 rubles, the salary of experienced high-level workers (the sixth highest category, assigned to highly qualified specialists) averages from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles monthly.

But, as with other professions, the amount of a welder’s salary depends on the place of work, experience, hard work and desire to constantly improve their skills. Thus, the lowest salary for specialists is in the housing and communal services sector, and the highest in the oil and gas industry.

Typically, college graduates do not have to look for a job for a long time. Welders without experience are accepted into private service organizations and housing and communal services. With the acquisition of experience, young specialists are already entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites.

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Welding education can be obtained at vocational schools or colleges. The training lasts three years on the basis of 9th grade and 2 years on the basis of 11th grade in the specialties “welder of electric welding and gas welding works” and “operator of welding and gas-plasma cutting equipment.”

Source: https://www.profguide.io/professions/svarshik.html

Welder's Day

Welder's Day is a professional holiday for welders. Specialists whose work is related to welding take part in the celebration. They are joined by their friends, relatives, and close people. The holiday is also celebrated by students, graduates and teachers of specialized educational institutions.

In Russia, Welder Day is celebrated on the last Friday of May and has an unofficial status. In 2020, the holiday falls on May 29.

Those associated with the holiday celebrate it in professional groups. Managers congratulate their subordinates and present distinguished employees with certificates and bonuses.


history of the holiday

The profession of a metal specialist appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, when the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov invented welding. By connecting two electrodes, he created an electric arc. The enormous temperature between them melted the metal, allowing the two metal parts to be joined at the molecular level. Soon the organization of societies for the electrical processing of metals began. Welder's Day began to be celebrated at the end of the 20th century.


Experts celebrate Welder's Day in professional groups, organize corporate parties and have feasts. Enterprise managers congratulate their subordinates, present distinguished employees with certificates and bonuses, and add gratitude to their personal files. Friends and family members congratulate workers, give them gifts and organize home gatherings.

Daily task

Inspect your house, cottage or garage. Find structures that were created by welding.

Interesting Facts

A lot of time has passed since Vasily Petrov discovered the electric arc, but progress has not stood still. Many different types of welding have appeared:

  • electric welding – joining two metals using an electrode and current;
  • laser – welds parts using a laser;
  • electrobeam – melts metal with a beam of electrons;
  • contact - two electrodes built into the apparatus with different poles, when connected, form spot welding;
  • diffusion - can connect metal and ceramics;
  • gas welding - welding using two gases, acetylene and oxygen, which during combustion creates a temperature at which the metal melts, etc.


“Congratulations on Welder’s Day. I wish that the seams hold securely and firmly, that there will always be a job with good pay. Let the master’s work be feared, let the moments of life be bright, like splashes of metal.”

“We congratulate all welders on the holiday. Your work impresses with its brightness, but behind the fountain of sparks lies a titanic work that not everyone can comprehend. We wish you to be collected and attentive at work, so that mistakes do not overshadow your workdays.”

“Congratulations on Welder Day! Your craft is not blacksmithing, but it is also associated with high temperatures and metal, and it seems to me that Hephaestus himself masterfully taught you something! Be ardent not only in work, but also in life, because a person with a warm, living heart can handle anything! Don’t be discouraged, live happily, drinking honey from a golden glass on holidays!


Mask. A welding mask will serve as a useful and practical gift for a welder. When choosing a mask, make sure that it has a high-quality automatic light filter.

Metal souvenirs. A set of metal shot glasses, a mug, a keychain, an ashtray or a flask with a personalized engraving will serve as a thematic gift for someone whose work is related to metal.

Picnic set. A set of picnic dishes, skewers, a grill grate, and a frying pan for cooking over a fire will be an excellent gift for someone who loves to relax in nature. Such a gift will be an incentive to get out of town more often and forget about the hustle and bustle of work.


Hot dancing
Participants of the competition are divided into pairs. In each pair, the legs of the contestants are tied (the left of the first participant and the right of the second participant) so that they turn out to be one whole. Then music of various styles is turned on: hip-hop, lambada, salsa, cancan, sirtaki and so on. Participants must improvise and dance to the music. The most charismatic couple wins the competition.

Warm heart
The presenter invites the competition participants to check which of them has the warmest heart. To do this, all competitors are given the same number of ice cubes. Participants must melt this ice using their body heat: rub them in their palms, warm them in their mouths, breathe on them, and so on. The participant who completes the task faster wins.

Skillful Feet
This competition challenges contestants to demonstrate dexterity on their feet. Each competitor is given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. Holding a felt-tip pen between their feet, they will have to write a phrase, for example: “I am the best welder!” The winner is the one who manages to cope with the proposed task faster and better.

About the profession of a welder

The profession includes a number of specialties: gas welder, electric welder, welding machine operator. Without such specialists it is impossible to even imagine any production.

Welding work is carried out in difficult and sometimes extreme conditions: on the ground, underground, under water, in space. This work is very responsible: if the welding is performed poorly, then an accident in a residential building or in production is inevitable.

The profession also requires courage, bravery, and physical endurance.

The main tasks of welders are to connect metal structures into a single whole using the welding method. Welding is used in almost all industries: industrial and domestic construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, oil refining and agricultural sectors. Welders are in great demand in the labor market. The work of highly qualified specialists is highly valued and well paid.

Similar holidays in Russia

On April 19, Russia celebrates Scrap Processing Industry Worker's Day.

Metallurgist Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in July.

Mechanical Engineer Day is celebrated on October 30.

Source: https://my-calend.ru/holidays/den-svarshchika

What is the profession of a welder?

The welding profession is popular and prestigious at any time - graduates of vocational schools or lyceums immediately find a permanent place of work, because experienced and far-sighted managers provide places for young performers who do not have practical experience, wanting to independently raise an experienced worker, rather than enter into an agreement with certified craftsmen to carry out their work whims.

Professional skills

A welder is a specially trained worker who knows how to qualitatively connect various structures or individual metal parts using a consumable electrode. A complex profession requires you to know:

  • technology of melting metals and alloys;
  • properties of gases used in welding;
  • device, as well as the principle of operation of the equipment;
  • safety rules, labor protection;
  • physics and chemistry at the high school level.

Workers in this specialty are constantly in contact with high temperatures, as well as harmful fumes and gases , so precision of movements, increased caution and accuracy are required here. If a welder makes a mistake, for example on an open construction site, people working nearby can be harmed.

Personal qualities

The specialty of a welder is based on such pillars as attentiveness, perseverance in achieving goals, accuracy and hard work, while good health and thorough physical training are required, since you have to remain in an uncomfortable position for a long time or be in a narrow space. You have to work in difficult weather conditions and at heights, so you need a good vestibular system and strong nerves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities include:

  • high rates of remuneration, especially for holders of higher categories and experienced welders who have access to all types of similar work;
  • To get a prestigious job, a secondary education is enough;
  • the profession is in demand on the labor market, and the demand for experienced welders is quite high;
  • welders retire earlier due to the high harmfulness of the production process.

There are also negative factors:

  • the work involves explosive gases or electricity, you have to weld at heights, in extreme conditions in all weather conditions;
  • the monotony of the process tires;
  • heavy load on the organs of vision, despite the quality of protection;
  • the risk of injury from burns or electric shock is quite high;
  • possibility of acquiring occupational diseases.

Therefore, when joining a job, welders undergo an intensive medical examination.

Medical restrictions

Persons with at least one of the following diseases are not allowed to work as a welder:

  1. Hypertension of any stage.
  2. Bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  3. Rheumatism or other abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Vision problems.
  5. Hand tremors.
  6. Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  7. Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or acrophobia (fear of heights).

In addition to the listed diseases, persons suffering from sudden loss of consciousness are not even allowed to study.


What does a welder do:

  • high-quality products with excellent presentation;
  • plans the volume and timing of the assigned work;
  • observes the correct welding mode;
  • orders related materials and consumables;
  • maintains technical documentation;
  • draws up a report on the work done.

Upon receipt of the fourth category, the performer can already participate in research work to improve technology and methods for carrying out welding processes.


The category of welder depends on the ability to use different welding technologies, for example:

  1. Point contact equipment does not have the usual consumable electrode, and the process of joining metal parts is quite simple.
  2. Vacuum diffusion welding installations are used to join not only metal parts, but also steel and ceramics. A characteristic feature is heating up to 70% of the melting point.
  3. Joining metal using electron beam installations is also carried out in a rarefied atmosphere; only highly qualified craftsmen are allowed to perform the work; detailed information about this unusual welding profession can easily be found in reference books or the Internet.
  4. Thermite welding is characterized by high temperatures and the release of light energy; welders of at least the fifth category and having extensive experience in carrying out similar work are allowed to perform such work.
  5. Gas welding is different from other categories. The profession of a gas welder is based on working with open flames and explosive equipment, so cylinders with acetylene and oxygen must be located at a distance from the welding site. When replacing the burner with an oxygen cutter, the contractor will be able to cut sheets according to a template or cut off unnecessary parts from the structure.
  6. The most popular category is considered to be the profession of an electric welder, who connects metal products using a consumable electrode.

Performers who have received 5th or 6th category in any category can, if desired, take exams and become a technologist.


What ranks do welders have? The first rank is assigned to a vocational school graduate, and the highest, sixth rank is awarded to a generalist , for whom nothing is impossible in welding. But young performers must remember that mid-level welders are found in many industries and construction sites, and there are not so many masters of this difficult profession.

Place of work

The welding profession is in great demand today, so finding a job is not a problem:

  • private workshops, service stations and small enterprises;
  • Housing and communal services and service sectors;
  • construction of buildings, bridges and road connections in large cities;
  • industrial enterprises and much more.

There is also a rotational method of work , when managers announce the recruitment of welders for a period of a month or more to perform urgent work at remote sites, where workers are delivered using local aviation.

Salary and career

A welder’s salary depends on many factors, for example: in which region he works, experience and degree of qualification, as well as where exactly he works - in a factory, construction site or shipyard. A vocational school graduate without practical experience receives a low salary of no more than 12 thousand rubles, but after passing the qualifying exams for the next category, he is guaranteed to receive up to 20 thousand rubles.

Next comes the following increase: 3rd category - 20-30; 4 - 30-40; 5 - up to 50, and masters with the sixth category receive at least 50 thousand rubles per month.

If a welder constantly improves his skills, then high pay is guaranteed . In EU countries the situation is somewhat different; for ease of reference, the data is presented in the table:

The name of the country discharge Salary per month, euro
Estonia minimum 1300
Czech 3 1.2-2.5 thousand
Germany 3 1.0-3.0 thousand
Belgium, Finland 3.2 thousand

Career growth in the welding profession does exist, although some skeptics argue otherwise. Judge for yourself: upon entering a job, a vocational school graduate is allowed only to perform simple types of welding work, but after working for at least three years, he has at least the third category, access to complex work and a salary 2.5 times higher.

Perspectives and training

Already during practical training, supervisors mark individual students, because they stand out among their fellow students. A welding career consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtaining theoretical knowledge.
  2. Acquiring professional skills and work experience.
  3. Increased qualification level.
  4. Obtaining higher education for growth in production.

Having a secondary technical education behind him, a welder can occupy the positions of a foreman, shop foreman or technologist , and after graduating from an institute in absentia, other prospects open up - an engineer, a mid-level manager, a researcher, a designer, a constructor or a top-echelon manager.

What kind of education is needed for a welder? The basics of the profession are obtained at vocational schools or higher vocational schools, and after developing practical skills, they take exams at advanced training courses at NAKS centers.

Who has no chance

The work of a welder is a category of increased danger , since the performer is constantly in a harmful environment, therefore similar activities are prohibited for persons prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory problems, poor eyesight and unstable psyche. When entering a vocational school, such a contingent is eliminated by a medical examination.

Low pay for hard work

Skeptics say that blue-collar jobs are low-paying jobs, but they are deeply mistaken; this judgment appeared in the 90s of the last century, when office professions related to computerization appeared, so the prestige of blue-collar jobs among young people began to decline. We have already written about earnings in a separate section, and it is enough to compare the salary of a highly qualified welder with an average clerk wiping his pants in the office to understand the difference.

Only for the stronger sex

Today, about 6% of welders are representatives of the fairer sex, but there is a tendency for this figure to significantly increase. Women welders take prizes in artistic welding, and in production the number of female workers in this workshop is noticeably increasing, despite the obvious difficulties of the profession.

Lack of vacancies

The presence or absence of jobs for welders in different regions of Russia is difficult to measure with specific numbers, because it depends on subjective reasons: the presence of housing construction, roads with interchanges and bridges, as well as production needs. Often, managers are looking for welders with a certain professional training, so graduates with argon-arc or semi-automatic techniques immediately find work, and gas welders continue their search.


Amateurs are mistaken in believing that welding is a tedious monotony; in practice, every performer is required to know different techniques for welding metal structures and be able to apply this knowledge in practice

No career growth

The more experience a novice welder has, the faster he will receive the next rank and improve his material support . By performing responsible work, the welder begins to earn more money, and having received a higher education, there is the prospect of occupying a leadership position in the enterprise, starting with the junior engineering staff of the workshop. Welders employed at shipyards receive an international certificate guaranteeing prestigious pay in any country in the world.


Every graduate of TPU or a higher school for the training of welding specialists has the prospect of career growth - all they need is the desire to gain practical skills and successfully pass qualifying exams to increase their rank.

Source: https://svarka.guru/sertifikatsiya-i-obuchenie/professiya.html

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