How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh?

Reinforcement weight 10 and other characteristics

Steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is produced by hot rolling from carbon and low-alloy steels. Depending on the class, the rods may have a smooth surface or a periodic profile. Metal products with a profile surface perform the functions of working elements when creating reinforcement frames, while those with a smooth surface serve as distribution or assembly elements.

Types and characteristics of fittings with a diameter of 10 mm

According to GOST 5781-82, reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 mm are of the following classes:

  • A.I. _ The product has a smooth profile and is made from carbon steel of ordinary quality (St3) of different degrees of deoxidation: boiling, semi-calm, calm. Due to its smooth surface, it has weak contact with the concrete mixture, therefore it is not used as working reinforcement that absorbs forces.
  • AII . Made from low alloy steel HGT. It has a periodic profile with protrusions located along a helical line.
  • AIII . This is the most common class of reinforcing bars in ordinary construction. On the surface there are protrusions running along a helical line and having equal approaches on both sides of the surface of the rod.
  • AIV-AVI . This is reinforcement with high strength characteristics. It has a corrugated profile and is made of low-alloy steel.

Rods of classes AII-AVI can have a smooth surface (as agreed with the customer).

Dimensions and weight of reinforcing steel with a diameter of 10 mm

The cross-sectional size of periodic profile reinforcing bars is determined by the nominal diameter, which is equal to the nominal diameter of a smooth bar with an identical cross-sectional area. The weight of 1 m of reinforcement with a smooth and corrugated surface and a nominal diameter of 10 mm is 0.617 kg, in a ton - 1620 meters. Permissible deviations in weight are +5%/-6%. Cross-sectional area – 0.785 cm2.

Developers can purchase reinforcing steel with a diameter of 10 mm with a smooth and periodic profile in coils or in lengths of 6-12 m, packaged in bundles. The ends of the rods are coated with a composition of the color that corresponds to a certain class. To increase strength, reinforcing bars can be subjected to heat treatment. To improve corrosion resistance, galvanizing is carried out.


How much does 10 mm 11.7 m reinforcement weigh?

  • Aluminium, duralumin
  • Copper, bronze, brass
  • Tin
  • Lead
  • Zinc

It contains information about how many meters there are in 1 ton of reinforcement, and how much 1 linear meter of reinforcement weighs (or simply the weight of 1 meter of reinforcement) and how much a rod of reinforcement weighs 10 in Tomsk. The edge pitch of the rods, their class (A240-A1000, A1-A4). A3 fittings of measured length are available in lengths of 6 meters and 11.7 meters.

the permissible percentage of unmeasured length is 10%. price per meter 13.00 rub. The number of rods is given based on the weight of 1t, the length of the rod is approximately 12 meters. At the same time, the weight of 1 meter of 10 millimeter reinforcement, according to GOST data, is 0.617 kg. Weight of linear meter of reinforcement kg. — — How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh according to GOST 5781 - 53. The diameter of the reinforcement is 10 mm. Weight of linear meter of reinforcement kg.

— — How much does 1 meter weigh - reinforcement 10 mm according to GOST 5781 - 53. diameter of reinforcement 10 mm.

Please tell me how much a meter of reinforcement 10 and 12 weighs, or maybe someone has a link with such information. Thank you in advance for your answers. Shiryaevskaya M. The table shows the theoretical weight of corrugated rod reinforcement - A3 according to GOST 5781-82 per 1 p/m.

Hot-rolled sheet 4-12mm 5000, how much does the reinforcement weigh 10 including VAT per ton. In this case, a thermally strengthened version (AT) and products that are strengthened by hood (B) are distinguished. Metal products for the foundation are calculated as the amount of reinforcement in meters. Reinforcing steel class.

The weight of the reinforcement is 10 a3.

How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh?

Design cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement cm2. Weight per linear meter of reinforcement. When constructing elements of country houses from monolithic concrete, significant costs are required to reinforce the structure. 36. 10.18. 7.99. How much and what is in a ton of reinforcement.

At the same time, reinforcement 10 weight per linear meter forms the cost due to the following characteristics, which play a big role when choosing products for construction work: Brand and quality of the metal made (low-alloy steel (or 08g2s), but carbon steel has a different index - ST3), Rib pitch rods, their class (A240-A1000, A1-A4). Fittings 10.

Angles are supplied in lengths of measured and unmeasured lengths depending on the weight of the reinforcement 10 (11.7 m, 6-9 m and 6-11.7 m). Loading is carried out in open vehicles. Rolled metal has excellent anti-corrosion properties, strong toughness and increased resistance to deformation, loads and cracking.

In industrial production, it is customary to consider such a measure not in meters, but in tons, therefore a linear meter is simply multiplied by a thousand kilograms, and then you get the total cost of the material.

A-II, A-III. 160x160x10. Number of meters of reinforcement in a ton, m. 6. 10Х17Н13М2 (AISI 316). But religion doesn’t allow you to ask the same thing? The length of reinforcement rods with a cross-sectional diameter of 6,8,10 mm is 6,9,12 meters. St5sp, St5ps 18G2S.

How much does 10 mm 11.7 m reinforcement weigh?

At the same time, you should know that the number of meters in a ton will also depend on the diameter of the reinforcement itself: the thinner the structure itself, the more meters there will be in a ton.

Knowing the data on the footage and weight of 10mm reinforcement will allow you not only to get an idea of ​​the expected costs of the work, but will also give you the opportunity to control the activities of your hired team of builders.

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Steel products of this diameter are usually used to install strip foundations in country cottages. Features of reinforcement Metal rods are produced in the following forms: How many kg per meter of reinforcement.

For example, tolerances for the deviation of the actual from the theoretical weight of reinforcement or a steel circle are given in GOST 5781-82. Denis. Reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is used for the production of metal structures of various complexity, for the manufacture of parts of various diameters and types, which are used to reinforce reinforced concrete buildings, and are also used in the construction of high-rise buildings and other heavy structures.

In this case, in the end you receive data that will be useful to you for reinforcing the structure. Weight per linear meter of reinforcement GOST 5781-82. Number of views: 71692. With a periodic profile or class A2, Corrugated type (A3 or A4), Smooth shape (A1). The actual weight of the reinforcement may differ from the theoretical weight ± 0.2% - 3%. 6.31. 158.48.

10. 0.617. Handbook of metal and rolled metal products. To find out, for example, how much the reinforcement of a structure being built weighs, you need to: sum up the length of all the reinforcement bars of the structure and multiply by all Reinforcement 6. 0.222. 4.5045. 4504.

How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh? Metal products for the foundation are calculated as the amount of reinforcement in meters. 10mm reinforcement for foundation A3. Our team has been working for you for more than 10 years. sale of apartments st. How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh per meter. You can independently calculate this value only if you do not have a ready-made project estimate, or significant changes have been made to the documents for your project.

Reinforcement A3 Ø 10 mm. 0.617. Steel reinforcement. channel 10 grade steel. the weight of the I-beam is 14. The register is made of electric-welded steel pipe. Reinforcement 8. 0.395. 2.53165. 2531. Weight of reinforcement.

Profile diameter, mm. 10-40 40-80. How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh? Diameter Length: Number of rods: 10 1621m 135pcs. Reinforcement weight per linear meter.

How much does the fittings weigh?

see also

  • HOW MUCH DOES 1 M OF REINFORCEMENT WEIGH? The table of reinforcement weights will help them with this. Reinforced concrete today is the most common material used in the construction of multi-story buildings.
  • HOW MUCH DOES 1 KG OF 12 MM REINFORCEMENT WEIGH? In most cases, using the table, you can find the required value. To carry out calculations, you can use special tables in which
  • HOW MUCH DOES 1 M OF REINFORCEMENT WEIGHT? 12 mm class metal. The weight (mass) of 1 meter of reinforcement also depends on this. But even in the absence of a summary document, the mass of 1 meter of reinforcement is calculated sufficiently
  • HOW MUCH 1 M OF REINFORCEMENT WEIGHES 12To find out how much weight 1 meter of reinforcing steel of any thickness and grade has, you can use a calculator, which is usually posted on
  • HOW MUCH DOES 1 M OF 10 MM REINFORCEMENT WEIGH? The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends on the diameter. In the absence of a table, the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement can be calculated independently. Usually the foundation


Reinforcement diameter 10 weight

If I understand correctly, then you are not interested in the weight of 10 mm reinforcement in general, but most likely the weight of one meter of reinforcement. This question could be asked in the Yandex PS a little differently: the weight of a meter of reinforcement is 10 mm, the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement is 10 mm, the conditional weight of reinforcement is 10 mm, the specific or theoretical weight of reinforcement is 10 mm, the calculated weight of reinforcement is 10 mm, and so on.

Despite the fact that these questions are formulated slightly differently, in general we are talking about the same thing. In fact, you want to calculate how much the 10 mm diameter reinforcement that you have in stock weighs, or the 10 mm reinforcement that you want to buy, but for some reason, it is not convenient for you to weigh the 10 mm reinforcement on a scale and it is more convenient to turn to reinforcement weight table. Such a table of reinforcement weights is in GOST for reinforcement.

From the table of reinforcement weights, you need to find out the theoretical value of the weight of one linear meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm.

Weight of reinforcement 10 mm diameter #8212; according to GOST

We did some not very complicated work for you, so that you do not need to download a free table of reinforcement weights or download the entire range of reinforcement, and we found the exact value of the mass of one linear meter of 10 mm reinforcement.

REINFORCEMENT WEIGHT 10 mm #8212; is 0.62 kg per linear meter.

How to use the value you found now: the weight of reinforcement 10 mm in diameter?

In fact, using the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement is very simple and convenient, although it looks somewhat #171;intimidating#187; at first glance. There are quite detailed tables of the weight of linear meta reinforcement . taking into account different types of fittings according to GOST (there are actually three of them). I'll show you with an example. So, for example, you want to buy 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm.

Perhaps you need to reinforce the foundation for a fence or solve some other construction problem. When selling 10 mm reinforcement, the seller usually sets the price of the reinforcement in tons; it is in tonnage that he buys it at the factory. He sells you 10 mm reinforcement in meters, in linear meters, of which you need exactly 25 m. That is, the price of 10 mm reinforcement per ton tells you absolutely nothing.

In order to somehow convert the number of linear meters of 10 mm reinforcement you have into categories close to: price per ton of 10 mm reinforcement, you need to calculate how much your 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm weigh. We find line #8212 in the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement; the weight of a linear meter of 10 mm reinforcement (we have already done this for you #8212; see above), opposite shows the weight of a meter of 10 mm reinforcement in kilograms #8212; 22.25 kg.

Now, knowing the weight of one meter of 10 mm reinforcement, we must multiply it by the number of meters #8212; 0.89 x 25 = 22.25 kg. That is, your 25 linear meters weigh exactly 22.25 kg. This is the THEORETICAL WEIGHT OF A METER OF REINFORCEMENT 10 mm in diameter.

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Reinforcement weight 10 mm theoretical and actual

But the actual weight of reinforcement 10 mm in diameter and its theoretical weight #8212; these are two different quantities. Unfortunately, the actual actual weight of the reinforcement never exactly coincides with the calculated theoretical weight of a linear meter of reinforcement specified in GOST. There are several reasons for this of a purely technical nature, features of the production of fittings, tolerances within a certain standard, and so on.

Therefore, when selling and purchasing 10 mm fittings, preference is ALWAYS GIVEN to the actual weight obtained when weighed on a scale. Not a single trading organization or company selling fittings will agree with the weight estimate obtained by calculation.

I won’t even mention the specifics of obtaining additional profit when selling fittings with a diameter of 10 mm, due to #171;fine-tuning the scales#187;. This is a separate topic. However, it is reasonable to practice CHECKING THE ACTUAL WEIGHT of 10 mm reinforcement by comparing the scale readings with the calculated or conditional weight of the reinforcement.

This allows you to avoid GROSS MISTAKES and significant overweighting of 10 mm fittings by an unscrupulous seller. You should always check the weight indicated by the seller of the fittings by #171;quick estimate#187; according to tabular data.


How much does 10 meters of reinforcement weigh - Table of weight and number of meters per ton!

Reinforcing bars are mainly used to strengthen concrete. A mesh is knitted from them, so it absorbs the tensile force that goes to the concrete. In the construction sector, rolled products with a section size of 10 millimeters are very often used. And, in order to create a reinforced frame or mesh, you need to know the exact weight of the 10 mm reinforcement. per meter In this article we will talk specifically about this steel product.

The weight of the reinforcement is always determined by the GOST 5781-82 standard, it says what the mass and other parameters should be. The fittings are available in two types:

  • hot rolled;
  • cold rolled.

The rolled product itself is created in the form of metal rods or rods.

Reinforcement 10 mm weight 1 meter

To estimate the cost of construction, or finished objects, you need to know the exact mass of reinforced structures. Find out how much 10 mm reinforcement weighs. can be done in a simple way: we sum up the length and multiply by the linear weight of our rolled metal.

In order to find out the mass of a linear meter, you need to check the table, which displays all the dimensions, their weight and the number of meters per ton.

Table of weight and number of meters per ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm.

The weight of 1 meter of reinforcement measuring ten millimeters is presented in the table of the ratio of diameter and weight of one meter. Knowing the weight of reinforcing steel according to GOST 5781-82, you can estimate the rolling coefficient (the ratio of the mass of reinforcement to the volume of concrete) and calculate how many metal rods are needed (per cube of concrete ).

How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh? Table.

Name Section size Weight of 1 meter
Armature 10 mm. The weight of 1 m is equal to 0.617 kg.

How many meters of 10 mm reinforcement. in a ton? Table.

Name Section size Number of meters per ton
Armature 10 mm. There are 1620 m in 1 ton .

Having the above table at hand, you will always know the exact quantity and weight of this steel product with the required cross-sectional diameter. It won’t be difficult to calculate the cost before purchasing, thereby saving yourself from unnecessary costs.

How to make an independent calculation?

Without tabular data, the total weight of the reinforcing mesh or the weight of one linear meter can be calculated using an online calculator, or you can do it yourself. To do this, the length of the reinforcing mesh rods, for example, with an area of ​​1 m2, is multiplied by the specific weight of one linear meter of reinforcement rods. The volume of steel for 1 m of the metal cylinder under study is equal to 1 meter x (∏ x D2 x / 4).

The weight of the reinforcing bar will be equal to the derivative of the resulting volume and the specific gravity of the reinforcement, which is equal to 7850 kg/m3. This simplified technique allows you to calculate the mass in kilograms of one meter of reinforcing bars, as well as convert the weight into units of length (meters).

Reinforcement 10 mm weight 1 meter table

Steel reinforcement bars take on tensile forces when working in a mass of concrete, which the concrete itself does not tolerate well.

Tension of a structure occurs mainly when a load is applied to the foundation, so the main area of ​​application of reinforcement is the foundations of construction projects and the walls of monolithic concrete structures.

The reinforcement is tied into a reinforcing frame, the fastening of periodic profile rods and smooth steel rods is carried out by wire binding or (in some cases) welding. Therefore, to create a reinforced frame or one reinforcing mesh, you need to know the weight and dimensions of the rods.

For example, 10 mm reinforcement weighs 1 meter a little more than half a kilogram - more accurate data on all diameters in accordance with the weight and length of the rods can be found in the table below:

Ø, mm Weight 1 m, kg How many linear meters in one ton Error, %
6 0,22 4504,5 +9/-7
8 0,39 2531,7 +9/-7
10 0,618 1620,8 +5/-6
12 0,88 1126,1 +5/-6
14 1,2 826,5 +5/-6
16 1,6 632,9 +3/-5
18 2,0 500,0 +3/-5
20 2,5 404,9 +3/-5
22 3,0 335,6 +3/-5
25 3,9 259,7 +3/-5
28 4,8 207,0 +3/-5
32 6,3 158,5 +3/-4
36 7,9 125,2 +3/-4
40 9,9 101,3 +3/-4
45 12,5 80,1 +3/-4
50 15,4 64,9 +2/-4
55 18,7 53,6 +2/-4
60 22,2 45,1 +2/-4
70 30,2 33,1 +2/-4
80 39,5 25,3 +2/-4
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Reinforcement by weight is selected in accordance with GOST 5781-82, which regulates the sizes of rods, their diameter, profile and other standards. The production of reinforcing bars can be cold- or hot-rolled; the reinforcement itself is made in the form of rods or wire.

The weight of 1 meter of hot-rolled reinforcement does not depend on the operating parameters of the material, which are classified in six property ranges according to strength and steel grade. Designation of fittings classes: A I, A II, A III, A IV, A V, A VI

Class Ø Brand
A I (A 240) 6-40 mm St3KP, St3PS, St3SP
A II (A 300) 10-40 mm40-80 mm St5SSP, St5PS18G2S
AC II (AC 300) 10-32 mm36-40 mm 10GT
A III (A 400) 6-40 mm6-22 mm 35GS, 25G2S32G2RPS
A IV (A 600) 10-32 mm6-8 mm36-40 mm 80С20ХГ2Ц
A V (A 800) 6-8 mm10-32 mm36-40 mm 23Х2Г2Т
A VI (A 1000) 10-22 22Kh2G2AYu, 22Kh2G2R, 20Kh2G2SR

Weight of linear and linear meter of reinforcement

In practice, the mass of construction reinforcing bars is the sum of the weight of all the reinforced frames of the foundation or concrete walls of the object plus the weight of the reinforcing mesh that is placed in the concrete solution in the formwork. The most popular diameters of reinforcing bars in industrial and individual construction are from 8 to 25 mm, the profile is periodic (corrugated reinforcement). Rods and smooth rods of larger diameter indicated in the table are used only in industrial construction.

Weight table for steel building reinforcement

The weight of reinforcement that needs to be purchased is calculated as follows: first, the length of all reinforcement bars in the package is summed up, the result is multiplied by the weight of 1 linear meter of reinforcement - these values ​​are indicated in the table. Knowing the total length of the rods, you can get the total weight.

To do this, you need to multiply the specific gravity of the reinforcement products by the length of the reinforcement in linear meters.

The table shows the cross-sections of reinforcement bars in relation to 1 linear meter of reinforcement of classes A 1 (A 240), A 2 (A 300), A 3 (A 400), A 4 (A 800), A 5 (A 800), A 6 (A 1000), as well as the total footage of rods in 1 ton.

Without tabular data, the total weight of the reinforcing mesh or the weight of 1 linear meter can be calculated using an online calculator or independently. To do this, the length of the reinforcing mesh rods, for example, with an area of ​​1 m2, is multiplied by the specific weight of 1 linear meter of reinforcement rods.

The volume of steel for 1 meter of the metal cylinder under study is equal to 1 meter x (∏ x D2 x / 4). The weight of the reinforcing bar will be equal to the derivative of the resulting volume and the specific gravity of the reinforcement, which is 7,850 kg/m3.

This simplified technique allows you to calculate the mass in kilograms of 1 meter of reinforcing bars, as well as convert the mass into units of length (meters).

Weight of reinforcement, weight of linear meter of reinforcement

When constructing elements of country houses from monolithic concrete, significant costs are required for structural reinforcement . The weight of reinforcement in a structure is calculated by multiplying the total length of all rods by the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement. The weight of a meter of reinforcement is taken from the table. Knowing the weight of the reinforcement, you can estimate the percentage of reinforcement of the structure (the ratio of the weight of the reinforcement to the volume of concrete) and calculate the market value of the reinforcement, since the price of rolled metal is calculated per kg.

The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends on the diameter

Diameter of fittings, mm Cross-sectional area, cm2 Reinforcement weight, kg/m Steel grade
3 0,071 0,055(0,051) Ordinary and high-tensile wire
4 0,126 0,098(0,090) Ordinary and high-tensile wire
5 0,196 0,154(0,139) Ordinary and high-tensile wire
6 0,283 0,222 A-III, ordinary and high-tensile wire
7 0,385 0,302 A-III, ordinary and high-tensile wire
8 0,503 0,395 A-III, ordinary and high-tensile wire
9 0,636


Reinforcement weight 10 mm

Reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is used for the production of metal structures of various complexity, for the manufacture of parts of various diameters and types, which are used to reinforce reinforced concrete buildings, and are also used in the construction of high-rise buildings and other heavy structures.

Rolled metal has excellent anti-corrosion properties, strong toughness and increased resistance to deformation, loads and cracking. In this case, a thermally strengthened version (AT) and products that are strengthened by hood (B) are distinguished.

Features of fittings

Metal rods are produced in the following forms:

  • With a periodic profile or class A2;
  • Corrugated type (A3 or A4);
  • Smooth shape (A1).

At the same time, reinforcement 10 weight per linear meter forms the cost due to the following characteristics, which play a big role when choosing products for construction work:

  • The brand and quality of the metal made (low-alloy steel (or 08g2s), but carbon steel has a different index - ST3);
  • The edge pitch of the rods, their class (A240-A1000, A1-A4).

How much does 10 mm reinforcement weigh?

Metal products for the foundation are calculated as the amount of reinforcement in meters. In this case, in the end you receive data that will be useful to you for reinforcing the structure. In industrial production, it is customary to consider such a measure not in meters, but in tons, therefore a linear meter is simply multiplied by a thousand kilograms, and then you get the total cost of the material.

At the same time, you should know that the number of meters in a ton will also depend on the diameter of the reinforcement itself: the thinner the structure itself, the more meters there will be in a ton. At the same time, the weight of 1 meter of 10 millimeter reinforcement, according to GOST data, is 0.617 kg.

Steel products of this diameter are usually used to install strip foundations in country cottages.

Knowing the data on the footage and weight of 10mm reinforcement will allow you not only to get an idea of ​​the expected costs of the work, but will also give you the opportunity to control the activities of your hired team of builders.

You can independently calculate this value only if you do not have a ready-made project estimate, or significant changes have been made to the documents for your project.


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