Why do magnets attract?

Male magnet: why are you drawn to this zodiac?

why do magnets attract


Many representatives of the fair half of humanity see the ideal of men differently.

Some are attracted by beauty, others by success, others by loyalty and reliability. And when all these qualities are present in a man together, then this is almost the ultimate dream of a woman.

We are talking about three signs of the zodiac, among whose representatives there are the largest number of males, inside of which there seems to be a kind of magnet attached that attracts women to themselves.


For many Taurus, the phrase that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey is absolutely not relevant. Among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are such handsome men that women take their breath away.

It is clear that at the sight of such “Apollos”, women of all ages easily lose their heads, sometimes committing truly reckless acts. But they will regret them later. In the meantime, fall into the strong arms of these handsome men.


Geminis are not only distinguished by their attractive appearance, but they also know how to present themselves the way they need. Therefore, deception is possible here. Not all Geminis reveal their true colors at the first meeting. The bitter truth may be revealed later, when a woman in love, having believed the fairy tales of the “prince,” has already made a bunch of mistakes, jumping headlong into the pool of unexpected love.

But, of course, not all Geminis are swindlers and hunters of “rich widows.” They are really good, and next to them even the most successful woman feels weak and defenseless. And strong women sometimes need this so much


Aquarians only at first glance look like frivolous ladies' men. But this is their mask for communicating with the weaker sex. In fact, if Aquarius sees in a woman the one who is the only one for life, he quickly turns into himself.

And the main quality of representatives of this zodiac sign is reliability. Maybe for those ladies who have not yet had their fun, Aquarius will seem boring. But those who dream of a home, family and children will be behind such a man as if behind a stone wall.

Source: https://horoscopes.rambler.ru/longread/42736356-muzhchina-magnit-pochemu-vas-tyanet-k-etomu-zodiaku/

IT News

why do magnets attract
Date Category: Physics

When a magnet attracts metal objects to itself, it seems like magic, but in reality the “magical” properties of magnets are associated only with the special organization of their electronic structure. Because an electron orbiting an atom creates a magnetic field, all atoms are small magnets; however, in most substances the disordered magnetic effects of atoms cancel each other out.

The situation is different in magnets, the atomic magnetic fields of which are arranged in ordered regions called domains. Each such region has a north and south pole. The direction and intensity of the magnetic field is characterized by the so-called lines of force (shown in green in the figure), which leave the north pole of the magnet and enter the south.

The denser the lines of force, the more concentrated the magnetism. The north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole of another, while two like poles repel each other. Magnets attract only certain metals, mainly iron, nickel and cobalt, called ferromagnets.

Although ferromagnetic materials are not natural magnets, their atoms rearrange themselves in the presence of a magnet in such a way that the ferromagnetic bodies develop magnetic poles.

Magnetic chain

Touching the end of a magnet to metal paper clips creates a north and south pole for each paper clip. These poles are oriented in the same direction as the magnet. Each paper clip became a magnet.

Countless little magnets

Some metals have a crystalline structure made up of atoms grouped into magnetic domains. The magnetic poles of the domains usually have different directions (red arrows) and do not have a net magnetic effect.

Formation of a permanent magnet

  1. Typically, iron's magnetic domains are randomly oriented (pink arrows), and the metal's natural magnetism does not appear.
  2. If you bring a magnet (pink bar) closer to the iron, the magnetic domains of the iron begin to line up along the magnetic field (green lines).
  3. Most of the magnetic domains of iron quickly align along the magnetic field lines. As a result, the iron itself becomes a permanent magnet.

Source: http://Information-Technology.ru/sci-pop-articles/23-physics/231-pochemu-magnit-prityagivaet-zhelez

Why does a magnet attract or everything about magnetic fields

why do magnets attract

 Why does a magnet attract or everything about magnetic fields

Magnets, like the toys stuck to your refrigerator at home or the horseshoes you were shown in school, have several unusual features. First of all, magnets are attracted to iron and steel objects, such as the door of a refrigerator. In addition, they have poles. Bring two magnets closer to each other. The south pole of one magnet will be attracted to the north pole of the other.

The north pole of one magnet repels the north pole of the other. The magnetic field is generated by electric current, that is, by moving electrons. Electrons moving around an atomic nucleus carry a negative charge. The directed movement of charges from one place to another is called electric current. An electric current creates a magnetic field around itself.

This field, with its lines of force, like a loop, covers the path of electric current, like an arch that stands over the road. For example, when a table lamp is turned on and a current flows through the copper wires, that is, the electrons in the wire jump from atom to atom and a weak magnetic field is created around the wire.

In high-voltage transmission lines, the current is much stronger than in a table lamp, so a very strong magnetic field is formed around the wires of such lines. Thus, electricity and magnetism are two sides of the same coin - electromagnetism.

The movement of electrons within each atom creates a tiny magnetic field around it. An electron moving in orbit forms a vortex-like magnetic field. But most of the magnetic field is created not by the movement of the electron in orbit around the nucleus, but by the movement of the atom around its axis, the so-called spin of the electron. Spin characterizes the rotation of an electron around an axis, like the movement of a planet around its axis.

In most materials, such as plastics, the magnetic fields of individual atoms are randomly oriented and cancel each other out. But in materials like iron, the atoms can be oriented so that their magnetic fields add up, so a piece of steel becomes magnetized. Atoms in materials are connected in groups called magnetic domains. The magnetic fields of one individual domain are oriented in one direction.

That is, each domain is a small magnet. Different domains are oriented in a wide variety of directions, that is, randomly, and cancel each other's magnetic fields. Therefore, a steel strip is not a magnet. But if you manage to orient the domains in one direction so that the forces of the magnetic fields combine, then beware! The steel strip will become a powerful magnet and will attract any iron object from a nail to a refrigerator.

Magnetic iron ore mineral is a natural magnet. But still, most magnets are made artificially. What force can force atoms to line up to form one large domain? Place the steel strip in a strong magnetic field. Gradually, one by one, all domains will turn in the direction of the applied magnetic field.

As the domains rotate, they will draw other atoms into this movement, increasing in size, literally swelling. Then the identically oriented domains will connect, and lo and behold, the steel strip has turned into a magnet. You can demonstrate this to your comrades using an ordinary steel nail. Place the nail in the magnetic field of a large neodymium magnet.

Hold it there for a few minutes until the nail domains line up in the desired direction. Once this happens, the nail will briefly become a magnet. With its help you can even pick up fallen pins from the floor.

Why doesn't a magnet attract everything?

In fact, the interaction of a magnet with substances has many more options than just “attracts” or “does not attract.” Iron, nickel, and some alloys are metals that, due to their specific structure, are very strongly attracted by a magnet.

The vast majority of other metals, as well as other substances, also interact with magnetic fields - they are attracted or repelled by magnets, but only thousands and millions of times weaker.

Therefore, in order to notice the attraction of such substances to a magnet, you need to use an extremely strong magnetic field, which you cannot get at home.

But since all substances are attracted to a magnet, the original question can be reformulated as follows: “Why then is iron so strongly attracted by a magnet that manifestations of this are easy to notice in everyday life?” The answer is: it is determined by the structure and bonding of iron atoms. Any substance is composed of atoms connected to each other by their outer electron shells.

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It is the electrons of the outer shells that are sensitive to the magnetic field; they determine the magnetism of materials. In most substances, the electrons of neighboring atoms feel the magnetic field “at random” - some repel, others attract, and some generally try to turn the object around.

Therefore, if you take a large piece of a substance, then its average force of interaction with a magnet will be very small.

Iron and metals similar to it have a special feature - the connection between neighboring atoms is such that they sense the magnetic field in a coordinated manner. If a few atoms are tuned to be attracted to a magnet, they will cause all neighboring atoms to do the same. As a result, in a piece of iron all the atoms “want to attract” or “want to repel” at once, and because of this, a very large force of interaction with the magnet is obtained.

A magnet is a body that has its own magnetic field. In a magnetic field, there is some effect on external objects that are nearby, the most obvious being the ability of a magnet to attract metal.  

The magnet and its properties were known to both the ancient Greeks and the Chinese. They noticed a strange phenomenon: small pieces of iron were attracted to some natural stones.

This phenomenon was first called divine and used in rituals, but with the development of natural science it became obvious that the properties were of a completely earthly nature, which was first explained by the physicist from Copenhagen Hans Christian Oersted.

He discovered in 1820 a certain connection between the electric discharge of current and a magnet, which gave rise to the doctrine of electric current and magnetic attraction.

Natural science research

Oersted, conducting experiments with a magnetic needle and a conductor, noticed the following feature: a discharge of energy directed towards the needle instantly acted on it, and it began to deviate.

The arrow always deviated, no matter from which side he approached.

A physicist from France, Dominique François Arago, began repeated experiments with a magnet, using as a basis a glass tube rewound with a metal thread, and he installed an iron rod in the middle of this object.

With the help of electricity, the iron inside began to be sharply magnetized, because of this various keys began to stick, but as soon as the discharge was turned off, the keys immediately fell to the floor.

Based on what was happening, a physicist from France, Andre Ampere, developed an accurate description of everything that happened in this experiment.

When a magnet attracts metal objects to itself, it seems like magic, but in reality the “magical” properties of magnets are associated only with the special organization of their electronic structure. Because an electron orbiting an atom creates a magnetic field, all atoms are small magnets; however, in most substances the disordered magnetic effects of atoms cancel each other out.

The situation is different in magnets, the atomic magnetic fields of which are arranged in ordered regions called domains. Each such region has a north and south pole. The direction and intensity of the magnetic field is characterized by the so-called lines of force (shown in green in the figure), which leave the north pole of the magnet and enter the south.

The denser the lines of force, the more concentrated the magnetism. The north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole of another, while two like poles repel each other. Magnets attract only certain metals, mainly iron, nickel and cobalt, called ferromagnets.

Although ferromagnetic materials are not natural magnets, their atoms rearrange themselves in the presence of a magnet in such a way that the ferromagnetic bodies develop magnetic poles.

Magnetic chain

Touching the end of a magnet to metal paper clips creates a north and south pole for each paper clip. These poles are oriented in the same direction as the magnet. Each paper clip became a magnet.

Countless little magnets

Some metals have a crystalline structure made up of atoms grouped into magnetic domains. The magnetic poles of the domains usually have different directions (red arrows) and do not have a net magnetic effect.

Formation of a permanent magnet

Typically, iron's magnetic domains are randomly oriented (pink arrows), and the metal's natural magnetism does not appear. If you bring a magnet (pink bar) closer to the iron, the magnetic domains of the iron begin to line up along the magnetic field (green lines). Most of the magnetic domains of iron quickly align along the magnetic field lines. As a result, the iron itself becomes a permanent magnet.

Magnetic effect

Today it is obvious that the matter is not in miracles, but in a more than unique characteristic of the internal structure of the electronic circuits that form magnets. An electron that constantly rotates around an atom forms the same magnetic field.

Microatoms have a magnetic effect and are in complete equilibrium, but magnets, with their attraction, influence some types of metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt.
These metals are also called ferromagnets. In close proximity to a magnet, atoms immediately begin to rearrange and form magnetic poles.

Atomic magnetic fields exist in an ordered system; they are also called domains. In this characteristic system there are two poles opposite to each other - north and south.


The north pole of a magnet attracts the south pole, but two identical poles immediately repel each other.

Modern life without magnetic elements is impossible, because they are found in almost all technical devices, including computers, televisions, microphones, and much more. In medicine, magnets are widely used in examinations of internal organs and in magnetic therapy.

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Source: https://magnet-prof.ru/index.php/pochemu-magnit-prityagivaet-ili-vse-o-magnitnyih-polyah.html

Teacher's word |

why do magnets attract

Myakotina Anna Gennadievna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: GBOU School 183
Locality: Moscow
Name of material: Scenario of continuous educational activity
Topic: “Magnet and its properties”
Section: preschool education









The lesson was prepared and conducted by: Myakotina Anna Gennadievna








Goal : development of the child’s cognitive activity in the process of getting acquainted with

properties of magnets.



— consolidate the concept of “magnet”;

- form an idea of ​​the properties of a magnet;






carrying out

practical experiments, draw conclusions, generalizations.


- develop in children interest and specific ideas about the magnet and its

properties through experimental activities.


— develop skills of cooperation and mutual assistance;

bring up







- promote the creation of game situations, expand communicative

children's abilities.

Vocabulary work: magnet, attraction, magnetic objects.

Equipment: iron, plastic, rubber, wooden objects;










child; paper clips; coins; surprise magnets; Whatman paper, glue, pictures









properties of a magnet.

Progress of activities


It can be small or big.

Iron is very friendly with it.

With him and the blind, of course,

Find a needle in a pile of hay. (Magnet)

Guys, I invite you to become little explorers. Today we are with

We will conduct experiments with magnets.

EXPERIENCE No. 1 “Attracts, does not attract”

There are a lot of objects on trays in front of you, and they are all made from

different materials. Let's

Let's check what objects are attracted to










bring it up




— What objects are attracted to a magnet?

— What material are they made of?

- What objects are not attracted?

- What conclusion can be drawn?

CONCLUSION: The magnet attracts metal objects and does not attract

paper, wood, plastic items, fabric items.



are attracted


are called

magnetic objects

EXPERIMENT No. 2. “Paper, fabric, plastic”



















paper, fabric, cardboard, plastic.

Place a piece of paper on the paperclip. Try it, the magnet will attract.

Now place the fabric (cardboard, plastic) on the paperclip.

CONCLUSION: Fabric, paper, cardboard, plastic are not an obstacle to


EXPERIENCE No. 3. "Magnet and Water"

Let's do another experiment and find out if it works

magnetic force in water.

There are glasses of water in front of you. Take a paperclip and throw it at this

cup. Now you must take the magnet and lower it into the water, bring it to

paperclip. What do we see? (Children speak out)

CONCLUSION: the magnet retains its properties in water.

EXPERIENCE No. 4. "Magnet, water and glass"

- Here's a more difficult problem for you. How to get a paperclip out of a glass of water

getting neither your hands nor the magnet wet. (Children's answers)




we'll find out


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obstacle. To do this, take a magnet, bring it closer to the paper clip through the glass and

Let's try to move it to the edge of the glass.

CONCLUSION: the magnet acts through glass.

EXPERIMENT No. 5 “Help the bug walk along the path”

There are insects in front of you and labyrinths drawn on cardboard. Help

walk the bug along the path. To do this, place the bug at the beginning of the path, and

magnet for card. And use a magnet to guide it to the end of the path.

CONCLUSION: You can control objects using a magnet.

Let's summarize our research.

— What objects are attracted to a magnet? (made of metal, iron).

— What objects are not attracted to a magnet? (made of fabric, paper, cardboard

wood, plastic)

— Are paper, plastic, fabric, cardboard, glass an obstacle to

magnetic force of a magnet?

— How can you get a paperclip or other metal object out of water without

getting your hands wet?

Source: https://slovopedagoga.ru/servisy/publik/publ?id=9829

How to make a real compass without water. How to make your own compass at home. Wind protection

why do magnets attract

Which way is north? Show it now. If you can't, then find out where north is using a compass. Do you have a compass? No? Don't worry - you can make a homemade compass with your own hands. In addition, you will learn how a compass works, and who can independently determine the desired direction of the cardinal points without any compass.

To construct a homemade compass you will need:


Separate magnet with north and south poles

bottle cap

Small bowl of water

A homemade compass is made as follows

1. Swipe the north pole along the needle, from eye to tip, at least ten to twenty times. This will magnetize the needle.

2. Cut a small piece from the end of the cork. About ten, twelve millimeters will be enough.

3. Pass the needle from one circle to the other.

4. Fill the bowl with water (halfway will be enough). Place the cork and needle in the water.

5. Set up your homemade compass on a flat surface and watch what happens. The end will point north.

How a homemade compass works

attract steel and other magnets. A magnet has a south and a north pole, and the north pole of one magnet and the south pole of another magnet attract each other. rich in iron, so the Earth is a magnet, with north and south poles. The Earth's magnetic field is not strong enough to completely attract all other magnets to the south or north poles, but strong enough to turn them around.

Since the magnetized needle, inserted into the cork, floats on water, it can freely rotate and unfold in accordance with the magnetic poles of the Earth. This is the simplest homemade compass that can tell you where north is and where south is. If we put our homemade compass on a piece of cardboard, then after the needle points to the north, we can mark all cardinal directions on this cardboard. And then you will always know which way is north, south, west and east.

The South Pole is the only place on Earth where any direction points.

Who has their own internal compass?

Orient themselves in space using the sun as a magnet. And bats have a magnetic substance in their bodies called magnetite, which they use as an “internal compass” to help them navigate space.

It happens that you need to know exactly which side is south and which is north. At home, this can be useful when setting up an antenna, but travelers cannot do without such knowledge, especially in the wild.

Of course, the easiest way is to use a regular compass. What to do if it is not at hand? How to make a compass at home and outdoors? It turns out it's very simple.

You don't need special equipment - just improvised materials that every home has, or can be easily obtained in the forest.

at home

1. In order to make an indispensable tourist attribute, you need a needle, a small piece of foam rubber and a mug of water. To begin with, you should take foam rubber, approximately 3x3 centimeters. We will need it so that the needle floats on the water and does not sink. We pierce the foam rubber with a needle in the center and place the simple structure in a mug of water.

2. In order for it to become a real compass, it remains to magnetize one tip of the needle. Finding a magnet in an apartment is very easy. It is in the headset, holding the doors or in the speakers of the music center. To demagnetize the needle, just bring one of its tips to a gas burner and hold it over the fire for 20 seconds. Thus, the magnetized tip of the needle will show us north, the demagnetized tip will tell us where south is. We place our structure in the water again.

3. To understand where north is and where south is, stand facing the direction of the needle. Remember which window the sun shines through in the morning (this will be the east), respectively, the sun sets in the opposite direction - this will be the west. Now stand along the needle so that the east is on the left and the west is on the right. This will put you facing south and your back to north.

How to make a compass in nature

Sometimes when hiking, for example in the forest, it is important to know the exact direction of the path so as not to get lost. It turns out that it is also easy to understand where is north and where is south, using available means. Let's look at two options for how to create your own compass in extreme conditions.

1. For the first option you need to find something metal. Any nail, wire or needle will do. To magnetize our arrow, just rub it on your hair. Next, the nails need to be tied to a thread or fishing line and hung on a static surface (for example, a tree branch). It is important that the length of the thread is at least 40 centimeters, otherwise the result will be inaccurate. Now the arrow will accurately point with its magnetized end to the north. You already know how to determine other directions.

2. For the second option you need a bowl of water. Magnetize one end of the arrow and place it in a bowl, placing it on a piece of bark. The arrow will definitely tell you where north is.

So now you know how to make a compass in any situation. This procedure will not take much time, even in a modern apartment, even in a dense forest. It is enough to show a little ingenuity, find suitable materials, create a simple device with your own hands, and you will always know exactly in which direction you should move. Now you are not afraid of any troubles while traveling.

Sometimes on long trips there is an urgent need to correctly determine the cardinal directions. It may even happen that the life and health of the expedition members will depend on this. If you have a compass, it doesn't matter.

What if it fails or is lost? Then the options are: determine the cardinal directions by the stars, the sun, signs, or make a primitive compass yourself.

I just want to tell you how to make a compass yourself, using only available materials. We will look at several variations of such homemade devices.

DIY compass made from a needle and a container of water

We will need:

  • A glass or ceramic container with fresh water (metal ones are not suitable as they will distort the magnetic field).
  • Needle
  • A piece of floating material (cork, polystyrene, foam rubber)

Assembling a homemade compass

Cut off a small piece of floating material. The most important thing is that it is of such a size as to ensure the buoyancy of the needle attached to it and at the same time that it is of such a size that the forces of surface tension of the water and the drag forces are negligible - this is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the readings.

Our needle will serve as an arrow. First you need to make sure that one end of the needle is magnetized and the other is not. If you have magnets at hand (they are present in the speakers of the player, receiver, electric motors, etc.), then you can magnetize the needle-arrow with their help.

If there are no magnets, then you can simply hold one end of the needle over the flame for 25-35 seconds, after which this tip will be demagnetized (if you were interested in physics at school, you understand why this happens). So, the arrow is ready.

Its magnetized end will point to Serer, and the non-magnetized end will point to the South.

We attach the needle-arrow to the float. The most convenient way is to carefully pierce the float with a needle along the axis of symmetry. This fastening is simple and at the same time reliable. All that remains is to simply place the float with the arrow in a container of water so that the walls of the container do not interfere with the rotation of the arrow. The compass is ready, all that remains is to calibrate it.

If you know which tip of your needle was magnetized and which was not, you can immediately judge where north is by the position of the magnetized tip. If you don’t know, then the following facts will help you determine where North and South are: the place where the sun rises and where it sets (Sunrise-East, Sunset-West) or the position of the polar star. Using these signs you can easily calibrate your homemade compass.

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DIY compass without using liquid

We will need:

  • Safety razor needle or blade
  • Transparent bottle
  • Thin thread or fishing line

Assembly of the structure

We make a compass needle and magnetize it, as described in the previous instructions. To make an arrow, you can use a needle or a safety razor blade. You can also make an arrow from half a razor blade.

We tie a thread or fishing line to an improvised arrow at its center of gravity. We place the arrow inside the transparent vessel so that it is suspended. The vessel will protect our structure from the wind.

We calibrate the resulting compass using the method described in the last paragraph of the previous instructions and obtain a device ready for use.

As you can see, making a compass yourself is not that difficult. On the one hand, we looked at some interesting solutions, but if you dig deeper, it becomes obvious that we have expanded our knowledge base with extremely useful information! Happy travels, friends.

And you will also find an interesting video from the network on our topic:

Source: https://stroypay.ru/recipes/kak-sdelat-nastoyashchii-kompas-bez-vody-kak-samomu-sdelat.html

Where is neodymium magnet used in everyday life?

why do magnets attract

What is a neodymium magnet? This is a high-tech development of modern scientists. More than 20 years of hard scientific and practical work were spent on obtaining such magnets. As a result, a magnet was obtained that surpasses all other known magnets in its characteristics.

It is made using rare earth alloys, so interest in such materials has always been and remains high. The task for the scientist and experts was to create a powerful and strong magnet, which at the same time retains its basic physical properties for a long time.

These are the properties that a neodymium magnet has, the strength of which has not weakened for many decades, and its scope of application is quite wide. Their use is described here.

Is it possible to create a neodymium magnet yourself?

Many have wondered about creating such a magnet at home, but, unfortunately, it will not be possible to create such a device at home. The most advanced technologies, equipment and tools are used to produce such magnets. Therefore, it will definitely not be possible to create such a device without special tools.

The magnet itself is made in an interesting way, the material for manufacturing is crushed, then sintered in special furnaces and then it is given the power of a magnet. Therefore, it will not be possible to repeat this at home.

But many people don’t even realize that neodymium magnets are found in household devices and various appliances, and after the device fails, the magnet can be removed and used for various purposes.

Neodymium magnets in the house

So, where can you get a neodymium magnet at home? Many people don’t even realize that there are many places around us where you can find products made from this rare alloy. There are several places and devices where such magnets are most often used.

Hard disks . Hard drives can be identified as the first place among all devices where you can find such a magnet. Moreover, such a data storage device can be found in any home. Of course, no one will disassemble a work computer or laptop in order to remove a magnet from it.

In addition, a hard drive is a high-tech device that is quite difficult to open and disassemble. It is also worth noting that hard drives contain quite powerful magnets, which are not inferior in strength to those that can be bought in a specialized store.

Another important point is that modern hard drives have much weaker magnets due to new standards and manufacturing technologies, so it’s better to look for an old drive.

Furniture latches . No one would probably have guessed that you could look for a powerful magnet in ordinary furniture latches that hold the door closed. But a neodymium magnet is very often located inside the latch.

This is due to the fact that the surface area of ​​the latch is relatively small, so ordinary magnets will not give the desired effect. Also, the latches themselves quite often break and after that you can disassemble them and remove the magnets, or from old furniture, which is often simply taken to a landfill.

But it is worth noting that the power of such magnets is low, so they are not suitable for all purposes.

Engines and generators . Quite often, powerful neodymium magnets can be found in modern electric motors. The power and size of the magnets in the motors are quite large. An important nuance is that the engine or generator itself should not be very old. Because the production of neodymium magnets began relatively recently. Therefore, they most likely will not be found in old Soviet engines.

Source: https://slon-cpk.ru/kurenie/gde-primenjaetsja-neodimovyj-magnit-v-bytu/

Magnets instead of valve springs

why do magnets attract

dude knows physics like his back hand

Well, as I understand it, the consumption should have decreased due to the fact that the force applied to opening the valve has decreased significantly. That’s just how the problem of valve hanging at high speeds is solved, since it is precisely for this reason that stiff springs and double springs are installed so that the piston does not catch up with the valve, which by inertia is still in the opening stage, although the camshaft is no longer pressing on it.

So it turns out that the meaning of such a modification is lost because the force will be almost the same as with a spring, but the price of this design will be tens of times higher than a simple spring. If, on the contrary, the magnet force is too weak, then at high speeds the pistons will catch up with the valves. If only you make variable power of the magnets when it decreases at opening and increases at closing. But this is PPC space technology for a simple engine))))

with sufficient magnet power, there will be no valve “hanging” at all - it will always be in contact with the camshaft. the shaft itself will pull the valve towards itself without waiting for the spring to “wake up” to push the valve out of the combustion chamber.

in other words, the attraction of the valve is constant, not variable (unlike a spring, which has less force at the beginning of its compression, and more at the end), not inertial - there is no swing. there are a lot of advantages. I agree that space technology))) but everything was once expensive until mass production began.

What’s more interesting is the accuracy of the valve length. or some very cunning adjustment will turn out - the valve with the stop glass will turn out to be non-separable

They say about these people “Kulibin” - after the name of the famous Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin. There have always been eccentrics inventing crazy mechanisms in Rus' and the USSR. We collected the inventions of several of them and found out that “Kulibinism” comes in different forms.

I have to admit right away: this material was intended to be 100% entertaining, as a reason to once again marvel at strange homemade products and those who invent them. But during the preparation process, a couple of interesting details became clear.

We decided to talk not just about homemade cars (this is a separate topic), but about something more - it’s always interesting when a person encroaches on the very principles of a car’s design. We all, as a rule, believe that it is very difficult to invent something new in this area - and in any case, it is impossible to do it in your own garage or Khrushchev room.

We have become accustomed to the idea that the time of lone inventors remains somewhere in the first half of the 20th century. But perhaps we are wrong.

Inventor of the Wheel

Let's start with the supposedly invented technology of driving on a flat tire. Modern “Kulibins” are very fond of television - stories about them appear with enviable regularity on regional and even central channels. Alexei Mishin from Yekaterinburg had his moment of fame - in 2012, his “invention” was broadcast on “Russia 2”.

Television people, unless they are dedicated car channels, generally don't know much about cars or vehicle technology in general, and this was one of those cases where they fell victim to their ignorance. As, apparently, the inventor himself.

In the story, his “know-how” is contrasted with Runflat technology , but nothing is said about other experiments with various tire reinforcement options that have been going on almost since the beginning of the last century - say, about the Michelin “armored” tire PAX-System.

In addition to the lack of obvious novelty, the Ekaterinburg resident’s “invention” is difficult to disassemble and assemble, is difficult to balance and has enormous weight compared to a regular wheel.

Source: http://automotocity.com/avtovaz/magnity-vmesto-klapannyh-pruzhin.html

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