Unusual methods for removing rust from metal
The question of how to remove rust from any surface worries many people. After all, it is quite difficult to quickly remove such corrosion from metal, stone and other surfaces. Rust forms on any metal surface as a result of abundant moisture or a violation of the integrity of its top layer, as a result of which air currents begin to penetrate into the iron.
They cause the development of a powerful reaction, as a result of which corrosion foci are formed on the metal due to oxidation of the material. It is currently possible to stop the development of rust by any means - store-bought, home-made and folk, the main thing is to know exactly the recipes that will allow you to clean the metal surface, and also keep in mind that any product is selected based on the area of the surface being treated.
How to get rid of rust, and what product effectively removes the corrosive layer?
Natural remedies to remove rust from metal at home
If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to remove rust from metal using natural products, you need to choose the right recipe and then strictly follow it. Only then will it be possible to completely overcome the corrosive layer, as well as remove it from any surface.
First of all, you should try this method: we clean small reddish stains using sandpaper or a brush with dense and hard bristles, after which we cover the surface to be treated with paint.
It will protect the material from the appearance of a second corrosion layer - however, if this method does not help, you can use the following recipes to remove rust from metal:
How to remove rust from metal? If the corrosive layer is small and thin, resembling a film, ordinary potatoes will help get rid of it. To do this, cut 1 tuber in half and wipe the rusty areas with it.
Potatoes contain acid that can quickly corrode. In addition, it does not harm the metal surface.
After applying potato juice, it should be left for 5 minutes, then wiped with a dry cloth - eventually it will turn orange and the rust will completely leave the surface.
If corrosion has heavily covered the metal, potatoes alone will not be able to completely overcome it - to do this, add a little lemon juice in any proportion to the potato pulp, and then apply it to the rusty metal. After 15 minutes, rub the mixture into the damaged surface with a toothbrush, and then wipe it dry with a rag.
Before applying this paste, it is recommended to wipe the surface with sandpaper to quickly and effectively remove rust from the metal. However, if you don’t have it on hand, lemon peel can replace such paper.
How to remove rust from metal? If its layer is too large, lemon pulp, to which you should add a little coarse salt, will help remove it from the surface, while maintaining its appearance. The salt in this recipe acts as a scrub, cleaning the metal from corrosion, which will easily come off from its base thanks to the action of lemon. This method is the cheapest and fastest, but it can only be used on small surfaces.
Removing rust from metal is quite simple using vinegar. This table solution carefully removes corrosion while maintaining the integrity and appearance of the product. But for this recipe to help completely overcome rust, lemon juice should be added to the vinegar (the proportion of ingredients should be equal). Apply the liquid to the metal with a sponge, after which the cleaned surface is washed with warm water. The mixture should be kept on the corrosion layer for 2-3 hours.
You should not clean metal with apple cider vinegar or other vinegar, as they will leave stains on it that cannot always be removed.
Methods for removing rust from metal that do not harm the surface are carried out using ordinary baking soda, which perfectly cleans rusty parts. To do this, 3 tablespoons of the composition are diluted in water until they form a thick and uniform paste.
If it turns out liquid, you need to add a little flour to the mass.
Such “household” products, which are found in every home, quickly remove corrosion, but for this it is important to apply the mixture correctly: apply the product using a thin stick in an even layer, after which it remains on the surface for 20 minutes.
You can wash off the composition only after cleaning it with a brush or washcloth - this manipulation needs to be carried out for as long as it takes to completely remove the red spots. If after one procedure it was not possible to clean the metal, next time you should apply more soda-flour layer.
How to clean rust at home? To do this, you can use lime juice, which contains a lot of caustic acids. However, this fruit is too expensive, especially if you need to clean a large corrosive area, so you can replace it with ordinary citric acid, which has a low price.
Dissolve the powder in a liter of water (this will require 3 sachets), then boil the liquid and apply it to the corrosive layer. For large surfaces, leave the solution on the surface for 8 hours.
True, for this you will have to apply several layers of liquid with citric acid to achieve a positive result.
Compared to citric acid, oxalic acid brings its effect much faster - within 30-40 minutes. You need to prepare the solution in exactly the same way, but you should apply it with a sponge, making sure to wear gloves. In just half an hour the surface will be cleaned and its appearance will be completely restored.
Of course, such methods of removing rust will be more useful if they are used for small things (jewelry, screwdrivers, nuts, etc.), but it is often possible to wash away corrosion on large surfaces.
Unusual solutions for cleaning metal from rust
Currently, rust from surfaces can be removed not only with lemon juice or vinegar; to remove it, you can also use familiar products that do an excellent job of removing red stains that appear as a result of damage to the top layer of the product.
So, how can you remove the corrosive layer:
How can you remove rust with this drink? It’s very simple - it contains phosphoric acid, which quickly and efficiently destroys corrosion. To do this, cola is applied to the rusty surface, and after 3-5 hours it is washed off with a brush or washcloth.
To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to apply the drink to the surface several times. On large surfaces, such as pipes or the underbody of a car, cola is applied using a spray bottle.
How to understand that the corrosive layer can already be removed? To do this, it must become soft and easily move away from the surface.
This rust remover is also quite effective. Treat the rusty surface with ketchup or tomato juice and then leave it for 20 minutes. Because these products are thick, they get the job done quickly. Cleaning the product from corrosion and juice is carried out using a cloth, which is recommended to be moistened in cool water.
A modern anti-hangover drug is also capable of removing rust from any surface (if the area to be treated is too large, you need to take more tablets than indicated in the recipe). Take 5 tablets and then dissolve them in a glass of water. After dissolving them, apply to the rusty surface several times (until the solution runs out), and then wait 20 minutes. It is necessary to wash off the tableted liquid with a brush to achieve the best effect.
- Chalk, liquid glycerin or fish oil.
These products can also quickly overcome the corrosive layer. To do this, they are applied one by one to the dirty area, and then after 1-2 hours they are wiped with a rag. If it is a powder, it is applied after dilution in water.
You should not mix the above products, since each of them knows its “job” well. It will be better if these removing compounds are used once a day - then it will be much easier to achieve a positive result.
Chemical methods for removing corrosion
Additional recipes that can wash off rust include chemical compounds, namely:
- take 100 grams of petroleum jelly and mix it with 50 grams of lactic acid, then mix and apply to the affected areas for 1 hour (this composition turns rust into small particles similar to salt, which are easy to remove with a brush);
- take a liter of water, add 5 grams of potassium hydrogen tartrate, as well as 50 grams of chloride, then mix, apply to the surface and leave for several hours;
- put a little coal in the machine oil, then moisten a rag in the resulting mixture and begin to clean the rusty surface (with the help of this cleaning agent you will not have to wait long for the result);
- how to clean and restore shine to a rusty product: take tin chloride and water, then apply the liquid to the corrosive surface for 5 minutes, and then rinse it with water (important: only an adult should be allowed to use this recipe);
- Corrosion can be prevented with the help of rust converters, which allow you to carefully and quickly clean the surface (you should ask the sellers about how to choose a good product).
It is worth recalling that after applying any of the above-described composition, be sure to wash it off the surface so as not to violate its integrity, as well as not to harm the appearance of the product.
Today, as a rule, the above recipes clean any metal surfaces, although not the first time. The main thing is to do everything according to the recipe, and then there will be no trace of rust left.
Source: https://hozsoveti.ru/dom/ubrat-rzhavchinu
How to remove rust from a metal surface: the most affordable means
Any unprotected metal will become rusty over time. The more severe the operating conditions, the faster this happens. Home plumbing, car body parts, tools, dishes - all of this is subject to corrosion. If you notice red spots in time, you can quite easily deal with them with home remedies, without resorting to serious chemicals. This material from Housechief.ru will tell you how to remove rust from a metal surface.
Rust is an indicator of the process of metal destruction. If you don't fight it, it will destroy the product
Why even a little rust can become a big problem
As soon as man learned to mine and use iron ore, he began to look for ways to preserve the metal from corrosion. Herodotus, in his works, described in detail the technique of coating iron with a layer of protective tin, and archaeological excavations of more ancient cultural layers indicate the practice of protecting metal products using lubricant.
Only high-quality lubricant can prevent corrosion.
So what happens to such a hard and durable metal, why does it become loose and brittle over time? It's all about oxygen. It is he who causes a chemical oxidation reaction, gradually capturing deeper and deeper layers.
There is only one way to stop this reaction: to cover the object with a protective layer that will prevent direct contact of the metal with air. If this is not done, the rust will grow from a small speck into a huge ulcer, and then completely turn into a hole.
Objects made of thin sheet metal especially suffer from this process: plumbing fixtures, dishes, various household containers.
Rust “eats” gear teeth and other mechanical parts, damaging the car body
Is it possible to prevent this process? Careful care, protective coating and timely lubrication are all simple preventative measures. What to do if corrosion does appear?
How to remove rust from metal: mechanical method
Let's start with the most basic: mechanical cleaning.
Mechanical cleaning will take a lot of effort and time, but will give a clear result, especially if you do not particularly value the rusted product.
Cleaning metal from rust can be done manually, with sandpaper, or using household tools: a grinder, grinder, drill or grinder with an attachment, or a sandblaster. If we are talking about large parts of building structures, this is the right choice of method for combating rust.
In the process, take care of your hands and lungs - work with gloves and a respirator
Important! When exposing a layer of pure metal by mechanical cleaning, be sure to then cover it with an appropriate primer and paint, or other protective coating, otherwise corrosion will immediately begin to destroy it.
How to remove rust by heat treatment
Metal layers destroyed by corrosion can simply be burned off using an acetylene torch. The technique is quite simple, but it has its drawback: you cannot be completely sure that all affected areas have been treated reliably enough.
You run the risk of not seeing “surviving” stains under the fire-darkened surface, and after painting they will appear again
How to use chemicals to remove rust from metal
Chemists have succeeded in inventing various compounds to successfully combat metal corrosion.
In any auto store you will find a whole arsenal of special anti-corrosion chemicals.
We are not looking for easy ways, so let's look at the arsenal of available chemistry - what might be useful?
How to get rid of rust on metal using zinc chloride: master class
To protect a metal part from corrosion damage, you can coat it with a layer of zinc chloride. It is quite possible to do this at home:
Illustration | Description of action |
To work, you will need soldering acid, zinc, which can be obtained from batteries, a piece of thin foam rubber and a charger or car battery. | |
Wrap the zinc in foam rubber, secure it in the cover with wire or thread, leaving a piece for contact. | |
Attach the positive contact of the charger to the open area of the zinc workpiece. | |
The minus is attached directly to the part you will be processing. | |
Dip the foam wrapper into the soldering acid. | |
Apply zinc coating to the part, being especially careful when treating difficult areas. | |
Please note that the charger readings will decrease as the coating dries. |
Attention! You should work with soldering acid with extreme caution; it is very caustic. Protect your hands with gloves.
Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids as a means of combating corrosion
Removing rust from metal at home from small metal objects can be done using hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. An important condition in this process is the use of an inhibitor - methenamine.
If you do not remove the acid from the metal with ammonia, you can hopelessly damage the product. The procedure is as follows: the part is immersed in a five percent acid solution until the stain disappears, and then rinsed in a solution of ammonia (500 mg per liter of water). If the item is too large, the stains are covered with a remover remove rust from metal using a brush
Use of oxalic and lactic acids
You need to work with toxic oxalic acid very carefully: be sure to use respiratory protection, goggles and gloves. Before acid etching, the product should be washed with soapy water and dried. For treatment, dissolve 5.5 teaspoons of acid in a glass of water. The part is left in this solution for 30 minutes.
Afterwards, traces of corrosion can be easily cleaned off with a brush, and the product itself should be rinsed under the tap and dried
If you have lactic acid in your arsenal, it is diluted in Vaseline in a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting liquid for removing rust from metal is applied to the damaged area, and after dissolving the stains, it is removed with a napkin with Vaseline.
Folk remedies in the fight against rust
Not every home has zinc, sulfuric or oxalic acid just waiting in the wings. It doesn’t matter, there are other effective methods of combating red plaque, and you will certainly have some of the necessary ingredients at home.
How to Remove Rust from a Metal Surface Using Regular Potatoes
How to remove rust from dishes? This recipe will appeal to housewives who are tired of fighting rust on kitchen baking sheets.
Simple potatoes and a little table salt will help in the fight against rusty plaque.
Large potatoes should be cut in half, dip the cuts in salt and rub the rusty marks on the dishes with this “tool”. The secret to the effectiveness of this method is the same oxalic acid, which is found in your favorite vegetable. The salt will act as an abrasive and the acid will dissolve the rust.
How to remove rust from metal: lemon secret
Citric acid is used in baking and home canning. It will also help in the fight against corrosion on kitchen knives. Liquid for removing rust from metal is prepared from water and citric acid powder.
You can use natural lemon juice to clean your knife.
Soak your knife in the solution overnight and simply rinse it with clean water in the morning.
How to Remove Rust from Metal Using Baking Soda
Home plumbing is treated with a paste of baking soda and water. Leave the mixture on the reddened areas for half an hour, then brush with a synthetic brush and rinse with plain water.
Baking soda is a safe composition for cleaning metal parts in the bathroom
Table vinegar against rust stains
If you have not yet decided how to remove rust from metal, pay attention to table vinegar. If the surface has already begun to delaminate, first clean the area with a wire brush, and then immerse the product in vinegar or place a rag soaked in it on the damaged area. Contact time is from 12 hours to a full day.
You need the most ordinary vinegar - white, not apple or wine.
After processing – washing and drying.
How to remove rust from metal at home with hydrogen peroxide
What else effectively eats away rust? An excellent option is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. 1 part peroxide is mixed with 2 parts ammonia. All damaged areas are treated with this liquid and left for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards rinse with water. This work is very difficult - you need to take care of your eyes and lungs.
When processing, it is better to open all the windows and wear a respirator, goggles and gloves.
Original products for removing rust from metal
There are other options for combating rye, for which you can use very unexpected products: Coca-Cola and ketchup.
Coca Cola is a universal remedy
How to remove rust from chrome parts of a bicycle or car?
Buy real cola - this is a remedy for literally all problems: from insect pests to stains of various origins
There are people who are distrustful of this method, but it’s better to see it once, here’s a clear example:
Ketchup as a rust remover from metal
Ketchup or tomato juice can remove some stains on your cutlery. Spread the sauce on them and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, simply wash and wipe dry.
In most cases, this method works provided that there is at least something natural in the ketchup
Home electrolysis technique
At the end of our material, a few words about home electrolysis. This is not the easiest method of combating corrosion, but if you particularly value a metal product, it will come in handy. It is used by collectors of rare coins and treasure hunters.
This is exactly the option when the item receives virtually no damage.
Electrolyte ideally removes traces of rust even in the most difficult places. You do not risk overexposing or damaging the metal during processing. See how it's done:
Whichever method you choose from the ones described above, remember: without subsequent protection of the cleaned metal, all your efforts are in vain. Therefore, think about how to treat the product after removing the rust, so as not to return to this issue again.
If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments!
Source: https://HouseChief.ru/kak-udalit-rzhavchinu-s-metallicheskoj-poverhnosti.html
How to get rid of rust
If you find rust on a metal object or clothing, do not despair - you can easily remove it with your own hands at home. Even if you can’t remove the rust the first time, with some effort you can always return your favorite item to its original appearance.
How to get rid of rust - fish oil
Apply fish oil to the rust and leave for several hours. Under the influence of fat, the rust will quickly disappear. The fat will create a thin shell on the metal coating, which will act as a reliable protector against the re-formation of corrosion.
How to get rid of rust - lemon juice and vinegar
Mix these 2 substances in equal proportions and apply to the rust. This product can be used to combat rust on metal, in the bathroom, and even on clothing. It will take a couple of hours to clean metal, and 20 minutes to clean clothes. After the specified time has elapsed, scrub away any rust on metal with steel wool and on clothing with a brush. After removing the rust, rinse the area well with plenty of water and dry.
How to get rid of rust - ketchup
You shouldn't be surprised! It seems like a fantasy, but it works. This method allows you to quickly remove rust:
- Apply a generous layer of ketchup or tomato sauce to the rust;
- leave it all for a couple of hours;
- rinse the metal surface thoroughly;
- wipe dry.
If you don't believe me, try it! We guarantee that the result will please you very much.
How to get rid of rust - Alkazeltzer - a hangover remedy
Do you think we're kidding? I'm not kidding. Alkaseltzer not only helps get rid of hangovers, but also rust. Dissolve several tablets of the drug in a bucket or basin with warm water. Place metal objects there that need to be cleaned of rust. Shake the water, remove the items, rinse and dry them. You will be surprised how the metal sparkles!
How to get rid of rust - oxalic acid
This is a very effective remedy. When using it, you must adhere to safety precautions: wear safety glasses and rubber gloves. A respirator wouldn’t hurt either, because the vapors of this substance are highly toxic:
- wash the rusty item with detergent;
- dry it;
- dilute 6 teaspoons of oxalic acid in 300 ml of water;
- place the rusty object in the resulting solution for 30 minutes;
- remove any remaining rust with a brush;
- dry the sparkling metal object.
Using this product, you can effectively clean rust from white items. Immerse your items in the solution and wait for the stain to disappear. Now rinse the clothes in a solution of ammonia and water (2 tablespoons of ammonia are added to 1 liter of water).
How to get rid of rust - baking soda
Dissolve so much baking soda in water that the mixture becomes similar to hair gel (in consistency):
- Use the resulting mixture to treat rusty areas, such as a faucet or a bathroom sink;
- leave it all for 30 minutes;
- Use a metal scraper to thoroughly wipe the surface;
- If the rust is completely removed, the procedure should be repeated.
How to get rid of rust - white vinegar and flour
Using these components, you can easily remove rust from brass items. Prepare special paste:
- 1 tablespoon rock salt;
- 300 ml vinegar;
- flour to obtain a thick consistency.
Treat the rusty areas of brass with the prepared product and leave for 30 minutes. Use a cloth to remove the solution from the surface and rinse it with cold water. Dry the metal thoroughly.
How to get rid of rust - salt and lime
Now you probably thought that the only thing missing here is tequila. But that's not true! We will need this set to effectively destroy rusty plaque. Sprinkle rock salt on the affected areas and generously pour in lemon or lime juice. Leave it all for a couple of hours. Don't throw away lemon or lime peels. It can remove rusty deposits.
How to get rid of rust - glycerin and tooth powder
Using this product you can effectively combat rust on colored fabrics:
- mix glycerin and tooth powder in equal proportions;
- apply to the rust stain;
- leave it all for a day;
- wash things and you won’t see the slightest trace of rust.
When starting to remove rust with your own hands, always wear plastic or rubber gloves. Follow all the above-mentioned stain removal rules and you will notice that you can remove rust stains from both clothing and any metal surfaces.
Source: https://sovetclub.ru/kak-izbavitsya-ot-rzhavchiny
How to remove rust from metal at home
It will be useful for every owner of an apartment or house to learn how to remove rust from metal products. Metal cleaning can be done in different ways, each of which has its own characteristics.
General characteristics of cleaning methods
Rust removal can be done by mechanical treatment or chemical action.
The mechanical method of cleaning metal from rust requires the use of brushes with metal bristles, fine-grained sandpaper or grinding devices. Experts note that the greatest effect can be achieved by combining different methods. For example, the bulk of rusty traces can be removed mechanically, and the remaining traces can be treated with a special preparation.
The modern market offers a wide selection of drugs that can not only remove signs of corrosion, but also prevent its formation.
Mechanical restoration
Mechanical methods allow you to quickly remove rust from a metal surface. First, it is necessary to give an adequate assessment of the scale and level of oxidation of the metal alloy. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of material that needs to be processed.
Mechanical processing is performed according to the following scheme:
- First, it is recommended to apply a special product to problem areas. This will soften the oxidized surface.
- If the material is durable, then you can use a small chisel and hammer to eliminate a thick layer of corrosion.
- Subsequent processing is performed with sandpaper or a brush with metal bristles. The device can be made with your own hands from pieces of wire, or purchased in a store.
If the surface is covered with a thick layer of rust, it will be faster and easier to clean it with a sander.
Chemical exposure
For metal surfaces at home, you can use an effective chemical rust remover. The composition must be selected taking into account the required level of purification.
Traditional methods
You can remove rust from metal at home using available folk remedies.
Aluminium foil
This cleaner removes corrosion from metal surfaces just as well as a stiff brush. Moreover, every housewife has it.
To process, you need to cut off a small piece of food foil and crumple it into a strong ball, which you need to use to clean the coating.
This metal rust remover can quickly clean any metal surface, including the soleplate of your iron.
However, if the pipe is completely rusted, it is better to purchase a new one, because You won't be able to clean it with foil.
Hydrogen peroxide or vinegar
Hydrogen peroxide has special reducing and oxidizing properties. This substance can be used to restore the shine of toilet bowls, kitchen appliances and bathroom surfaces. To get rid of rust, it is recommended to combine peroxide with trisodium phosphate. Processing is performed according to the following scheme:
- First, you need to dilute 4 tbsp in 3 liters of clean water. l. sodium salt (trisodium phosphate). After this, you need to pour 50-60 ml of peroxide into the prepared mixture. This should be done as carefully as possible, dividing the portion into several parts.
- You need to soak the rusty fixtures in the resulting solution for half an hour. If the metal product is large, it can be processed using a sponge.
- Marks must be rubbed carefully. After processing the mixture, the solution should be left on the surface for 10 minutes.
- Then the metal surface is treated with clean water.
When using caustic products for cleaning, you must remember to be safe and protect the skin of your hands and mucous membranes. You can treat the metal with vinegar. To achieve maximum efficiency, you must adhere to the following instructions:
- First, vinegar must be poured into a vessel in which the rusted object should fit.
- Then the product is immersed inside and left for 20-30 minutes.
- After this, you need to remove the product from the container and remove the rust with a wire brush.
- After this, the metal must be rinsed and dried.
Potatoes with lemon, soda or laundry soap
These rust removers can clean both small and large metal objects.
1 potato tuber must be cut into 2 parts, and laundry soap or soda powder should be applied to the cut. Before processing potatoes, the surface can be wiped with a lemon cut. The substances contained in this fruit will soften corrosion and allow it to be quickly removed using half a potato.
Citric, oxalic or hydrochloric acid
You can remove rust stains with citric acid. This substance has the following advantages:
- cheap;
- accessible;
- the paint layer on the metal will not swell;
- there are no aggressive compounds in citric acid;
- The substance is safe for the skin of the hands.
The substance is poured into a plastic vessel and filled with heated water. The contaminated object is placed in the prepared mixture and left for 5-7 hours. If the mixture was made correctly, the substance will begin to foam and fizz, interacting with the corrosion. After 5-7 hours, the object is removed from the mixture, washed with water and dried.
When using oxalic acid-based rust preventatives, you must take precautions - use protective gloves and goggles. Additionally, it is recommended to use a respirator, because toxic fumes of the substance can harm the body.
First, the rusted product is washed with running water and a cleaning agent, and then dried. Then 6 tsp. oxalic acid must be dissolved in 0.3 liters of clean water. The problematic item is lowered into the mixture for 30-40 minutes. Remains of rusty deposits are removed with a brush.
Lime and salt
Salt and citric acid are an extremely effective cleaning combination for fighting rust.
To use it, you need to cut the lime into 2 equal parts and squeeze the juice out of them onto the rusted surfaces. Then problem areas should be sprinkled with salt crystals.
The peel of the fruit can be used to remove rust residues.
Baking soda or baking soda with flour
To remove corrosion, you can use baking soda powder by diluting it with water. Proportions are selected individually. However, the finished solution should have a thick consistency. Flour can be used as a thickener.
The finished composition must be applied to the rusty surface and wait several hours. After this, the rust can be removed with aluminum foil or a wire brush.
Chemical methods of removal
Chemical attack is the most effective way to eliminate corrosion. There are several means for this.
Lactic or phosphoric acid
If there is a lot of rust, the product can be cleaned with a solution of 0.1 liters of lactic acid and 0.1 kg of Vaseline or paraffin oil. The acid converts corrosion into salts, which then dissolve in Vaseline. After this, the surface to be treated should be wiped with a soft cloth.
Phosphoric acid turns the rusty layer into a dense material. To do this, the substance must have a concentration of 30% or 15%. The product is applied to problem areas using a spray bottle, after which it is left to dry naturally. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to mix 1000 ml of acid with 15 ml of tartaric acid and 5 ml of butanol.
Sulfuric or hydrochloric acid
It is recommended to combine acids with inhibitors. To remove rust, experts recommend adding methenamine to the acid solution.
For processing, small metal parts can be dipped into a solution of 5% sulfuric or hydrochloric acid mixed with 1 liter of clean water and 500 mg of hexamine. Large objects are treated with a brush. After treatment, the item must be additionally treated with a weakly concentrated solution of ammonia.
Formalin or zinc chloride
A solution for eliminating corrosion is prepared from 0.25 liters of water, 0.25 kg of formaldehyde, 0.05 kg of caustic soda and 50-60 ml of ammonia. The prepared mixture is diluted with 1 liter of clean water.
Before placing rusted parts into the solution, they should be degreased. Removing rust using this method takes about half an hour.
Rust preparations from the store. Converters and Solvents
If home remedies don't work, you can use a commercial rust remover. Ready-made formulations can be purchased at auto chemical, construction and household goods stores.
You can use the following compositions:
- Acid against corrosion. This substance is sold in all construction and household goods stores. Most often, instructions for its use are detailed on the packaging. It must be taken into account that acid has an aggressive effect, so it can dissolve not only organic matter, but also metal.
- Anti-rust. This liquid for removing rust from metal eats away traces of corrosion without affecting the base material.
- Rust converter (Autoprofi, Hi-Gear, Permatex, etc.). This product for removing corrosion traces from metal surfaces is highly effective.
These compounds must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
Source: https://uborka-v-dome.ru/layfhaki/kak-ubrat-rzhavchinu-s-metalla.html
How to clean rust from metal at home, cleaning dumbbells and scissors
Rust is formed as a result of contact of metal products with air and moisture. Oxidation occurs and items are damaged by corrosion. It can destroy the metal, and if no action is taken, you will have to say goodbye to the product. You can quickly remove rust from metal at home using household products or folk methods.
Removing rust from metal products
Rust on metal can ruin even the most beautiful product.
There are different ways to clean rust. The choice depends on the degree of surface damage. At the initial stage, you can clean the surface with a wire brush. Sometimes this is enough. If the rust has set in or you don’t want scratches to remain on the product, you need to resort to more effective methods.
With severe damage, it is not always worth spending time and effort on cleaning to save an old frying pan or other item. Sometimes it's easier to buy a new one.
Purifying iron using chemistry
To remove rust, converters and solvents are available and can be purchased at any hardware store. Almost all of them contain orthophosphoric or other acid, due to which they strongly corrode brown formations. These preparations form a protective film on the treated metal, preventing the reoccurrence of corrosion.
Converters and Purifiers
Before using them, the rusted surface must be cleaned with a metal brush or sandpaper. This is necessary to remove plaque, which forms red flakes and dust. Then you should degrease the area or element being treated using gasoline or solvent.
Then apply the converter using a brush and leave for a while - the duration depends on the degree of damage. When the reaction begins, a black or dark blue coating should appear. To remove it, after drying, the part or surface must be treated again with fine sandpaper.
Among the converters we can highlight Khimreaktiv, Blesk, Composite, Khimrezerv, Hanseline, Antikor-Super, Tsinkar.
Zinc chloride
Cleaning with this product will help get rid of rust marks. 50 g of chloride should be mixed with 5 g of potassium hydrogen tartrate. Then pour the mixture into a container and lower the items being processed into it. Leave for a while and then remove using tongs. If heavily soiled, wipe off the residue with a sliver. Rinse thoroughly with running water. This is a good option for cleaning bolts, nuts, chains and other small parts.
The ingredients of the composition are very aggressive, so you must work with rubber gloves, adhering to safety rules.
Lactic acid and petroleum jelly
To remove rust from coins and jewelry, you can use a composition containing these ingredients. You need to mix 100 g of Vaseline and 50 g of acid. Apply with a brush to the object to be treated. Remove the salt formed during the reaction with sandpaper or a toothbrush. Remove any remaining substance with a napkin or cloth soaked in Vaseline oil.
Oxalic acid
An effective anti-corrosion agent. You need to dissolve 4 tbsp. l. drug in a glass of water. Place the damaged items in a container with the resulting liquid. In case of heavy contamination, pre-treat the surfaces with a metal brush. Leave in the solution for 30 minutes, remove with tongs, and clean with a toothbrush.
An important rule when working with chemicals is safety.
Folk remedies for rust removal
It is better to clean dishes and jewelry using homemade products. They are safe and quite often can give results no worse than a chemical drug. Using traditional methods, you can clean dumbbells, scissors, knives, dishes, tools and even car parts.
Peeling potatoes
You can remove rusty formations from knives and utensils with potatoes. It needs to be cut in half and thoroughly wipe the areas affected by corrosion. If the degree of damage is high, the vegetable should be cut into slices and applied to the surface for 15–20 minutes. Then wipe it with a damp cloth.
You can use another method of peeling potatoes. Grate it on a fine grater. Add lemon, minced, and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Lubricate the rusty areas with the resulting mixture and leave for a while. Then wash well.
Table vinegar
The acid is good at corroding brown corrosion spots. Small items should be soaked in vinegar for 2 hours. After the rust has softened, clean the items with a piece of aluminum foil. To remove corrosion from a large surface, wipe the affected area with a rag soaked in vinegar. After some time, remove the rust with a wire brush.
Salt and lime
This is one of the most effective ways to remove rust formations. With its help you can not only remove plaque, but also stop the corrosion process.
To treat a rusted product, cut a lime and squeeze every drop of juice onto the damaged areas. Sprinkle salt on top. After 2 hours, you can try to remove the plaque using citrus peel.
If the contamination is not removed well, you need to wait some more time. You can use lemon instead of lime, but the result will be less effective.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice mixed with table vinegar effectively removes rust. The product can remove even deep corrosion. It is necessary to dilute lemon juice with vinegar in equal quantities. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas using a brush or sponge. Leave for 2 hours, then wash with clean water. Lemon vinegar can be used to treat dishes, taps, pipes and various parts.
To prepare the composition you need to use only table vinegar. Another type of it can leave dark marks that are difficult to remove.
Citric acid
To soak stubborn rust, you can use a solution with citric acid. To do this, dilute 3 sachets of powder in a liter of water. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and place small items, nails, bolts, nuts into it. Leave for 8 hours, or better yet overnight, then remove softened traces of corrosion with a toothbrush or sandpaper.
An excellent product for removing rust from coins. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Leave the coins in the resulting mixture for half an hour. Then rub each thoroughly with a brush. You can use baking soda to clean any other small elements and surfaces. The paste is applied to the treated area, rubbed well with a brush, and then washed off with clean water.
A tasty, popular drink that can remove rust from metal objects. Pour the cola into a container, preferably a plastic one, and place the damaged parts in it. Leave for several hours. Remove residues with a toothbrush or fine-grained sandpaper. Rinse with water.
Any soda that contains phosphoric acid is suitable for cleaning.
Tomatoes and ketchup
You can get rid of mild rust using canned tomatoes, ketchup or tomato paste. To do this, apply the product to the red formations and hold for 20-30 minutes. If the contamination is severe, leave for a longer time. Then rinse the items being treated thoroughly with water.
You can rid metal products of rust stains using an anti-hangover remedy. Add 5-6 tablets of the drug to a container with water. Place household utensils in it for 10–15 minutes. Then wash with clean water and dry.
Using any of the described means, you should not increase their duration of action so as not to damage the metal.
Removing rust using electrolysis
The method is effective, but dangerous. Therefore, it should be used only in the most necessary cases, if rust cannot be dealt with using folk remedies and special chemicals.
To remove corrosion, proceed as follows:
- Fill a plastic container with warm water.
- Add 2 tbsp. l. soda or salt.
- Get a car battery charger.
- Attach a metal plate to one wire, and a corroded object to the other.
- Place both ends in the container and turn on the device for half an hour, setting the current to 4–6 amperes.
- Remove any remaining rust with a brush or sponge.
Cleaning with this method must be done extremely carefully. Children should not be present. Remove items to be cleaned from the container only after disconnecting from the power supply!
Prevention of rust formation on metal products
To prevent items from rusting, you should follow some recommendations:
- Keep metal products dry. After contact with water, dry them thoroughly.
- To avoid moisture accumulation, it is better to store iron objects in cold places.
- Before painting, treat products with a moisture-proof primer. For a smooth surface it is better to use an aerosol, for a rough surface - putty.
- If possible, apply a layer of paint to the metal surface, which will provide protection from moisture.
By cleaning rust from metal at home, you can restore it to its proper appearance and extend its service life. By following pollution prevention tips, you can avoid this problem altogether.
Source: https://kliningovyj-raj.ru/himchistka/kak-bystro-ubrat-rzhavchinu-s-metalla-v-domashnix-usloviyax/
How to quickly remove rust from metal at home
How to remove rust from metal surfaces - this question is relevant for owners of country houses and apartments. Before performing the final finishing, it is imperative to prepare the surface. There are various ways to remove corrosive plaque.
Let's look at the most effective means that will help remove rust from metal at home.
Cleaned old rusty tools. Well, to do this, first I had to compare several methods
How to quickly remove rust from metal at home
I won’t tell you why and why you need to remove rust from metal in this article. The main question we will consider is how to remove rust from metal at home. I will describe the process of removing rust from metal from my own experience.
A solution for removing rust from metal.
The Internet is full of rust removal methods, many of which I have tried at home. You can read about the results in the article Removing rust from metal on our Yandex.Zen channel. In the same article I will talk about removing rust from metal with citric acid. I have been using this method for a long time and am quite satisfied. There are no difficulties in preparing the solution, and the price of such a solution is lower than the price of a ready-made rust converter.
We will look at the process of removing rust from metal using the example of an old axe, two shells from the Second World War and an open-end wrench. And if the layer of rust on the key is, let’s say, superficial, then the ax and the sleeves have very deep pockets of corrosion. Let's see how our solution copes. I will use the key for clarity, but the ax and cartridges will be useful to me later. I will make a beautiful gift ax , and a camp stove .
No matter how strong the rust remover is, it will take a very long time to remove deep and loose rust. Therefore, to speed up the process, we remove the top layer of rust from our elements using a metal brush. It is not necessary to use a sandpaper or grinder with an attachment; a brush is enough.
When the metal objects are cleaned, we begin to prepare the solution. To do this, you need to dissolve citric acid in warm water. Proportions? There are no exact proportions. 50 grams is quite enough. per liter of water, I usually dilute 100 grams per liter.
You can, of course, dilute 300 grams, and the process will proceed much faster. Here everything comes down to cost. If you dilute 0.5 kg in a bucket of water. citric acid, then the cost of such a solution will be 100 rubles, but you will have to wait a day. And if you dissolve 3 kg in a bucket of water.
You will have to wait 3-4 hours for lemons, but such a solution will cost 600 rubles. decide for yourself.
The process of removing rust from metal at home.
After cleaning the metal objects from loose rust with a brush, I placed them in a plastic tray. It took 2.5 liters of water to cover them completely. For this amount I poured 200 grams of lemon.
Then I stirred it until completely dissolved, immersed our “test subjects” again and left the solution to “work.”
I placed the second sleeve vertically specifically so that later I could show the result as in a toothpaste advertisement: “we will spread the right side of the egg with regular toothpaste, and the left side ..”))).
The citric acid solution gradually eats away the rust layer by layer. To ensure access of the acid to subsequent layers, after 2-3 hours I take out all the objects and clean off the corroded layers with a wire brush.
It takes no more than 5 minutes, but the result is much better. Then every hour I repeat this procedure 3-4 more times. The photo shows cleaning the ax after 2 hours in the solution.
As you can see, the effect of the solution for removing rust from metal is already visible to the naked eye.
It is necessary to clean off the corroded layer only for deeply ingrained rust. The key lay in the open air for several months, so the rust did not have time to eat as deeply as into the ax or the sleeve. It only took him 2 hours to completely get rid of the rust. The result can be seen in the photo. I took out the key, and the rest of the items continued to lie in the solution.
After a day, the transparent solution accumulated a large amount of corroded rust and became very cloudy. Now we clean all the items again with a metal brush from rust residues, wash them in a solution and look at the result.
The result of removing rust from metal after 24 hours
This is what happened a day later.
As we can see, the rust has completely corroded, leaving only black spots with remnants of transformed rust, which can be removed with the same metal brush.
Metal post-processing.
Now we can process our items with sandpaper or a grinder so that the surface is smooth and attractive.
Of course, in order not to wait a day, it was possible to immediately remove the rust using abrasives. But none of them remove rust from the pores. Therefore, removing rust with citric acid is more useful not from the point of view of facilitating the cleaning process, but to protect the metal from further corrosion.
If you do not plan to process the cleaned items in the future, you should wash them in a soda solution to neutralize the acid. And then lubricate with diesel fuel, penetrating lubricant or machine oil. This will protect the treated metal from oxidation and re-corrosion.
Source: https://havehouse.site/kak-bystro-ubrat-rzhavchinu-s-metalla-v-domashnih-usloviyah/
How to clean metal from rust: the most effective methods
Rust is a red-brown coating on metal that forms as a result of oxidation and leads to the destruction of the material. This process is also called chemical and electrochemical corrosion.
Corrosion spots on a metal surface appear for various reasons. They quickly take over large areas. Learn how to get rid of rust quickly, and prevent it from spreading as soon as you discover the problem.
Traditional methods
You can quickly remove rust from a metal surface at home using simple home remedies.
There are many options to make the surface of objects perfectly clean, remove all contaminants, and also get rid of corrosion.
Among them are the use of vinegar, soda, oxalic and hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Aluminum foil, citric acid and others also help to clean it.
Aluminium foil
This product removes rust from metal no worse than any abrasive brush, only much more economically. In addition, every housewife has aluminum foil in her kitchen, but no brush.
Removing rust from metal at home is very simple and easy. In this case, there is no need to prepare any solutions.
Cut a small piece of foil, crumple it into a tight ball, and begin cleaning the surface.
The method removes corrosion on household appliances, for example, on an iron. It can also be used to clean corrosion from any metal surface in the house.
Cleaning with foil doesn't always help. When the pipe is completely rusty, don't waste your time, better buy a new pipe. Surely in a few months (at best) traces of corrosion will again appear on it.
This product will definitely be found in any kitchen. To achieve ideal cleaning results, it is better to use white vinegar.
A metal rust remover effectively cleans it without compromising the integrity of other surfaces.
How to scrub off corrosion with vinegar:
- Pour white vinegar into a container large enough to fit the spoiled item.
- Immerse the product in a container with product. Do not dilute the solution.
- Leave the item in the container of white vinegar until the corrosion has weakened enough to be easily removed.
- Put on rubber gloves, remove the product from the solution and clean with a wire brush.
- Rinse the metal well, then dry.
In fact, the whole process goes very quickly, because while the metal is soaking, you can do laundry or spend time with your loved ones.
A food product such as soda is well capable of cleaning metal from rust. This tool is truly universal. Using soda, you can also wash clothes until they are white and remove coffee, blood and green grass stains.
Procedure to complete:
- It is necessary to prepare the composition so that you get a texture like store-bought sour cream, but not too thick. To do this, you will need to mix baking soda with plain water in a separate container. Select the proportions yourself, focusing on the area to be processed.
- Apply the paste to the metal surface. Allow the product to sit for a while before rinsing with water. 30 minutes is enough, you can support it more, but it will not become more effective.
- After half an hour, scrub the surface with a brush with metal teeth, then rinse with water.
This technology is not particularly effective. Baking soda can only remove small stains at a time. If the processing area is large, more paste will be needed, and therefore more time and effort.
Lemon acid
One of the most effective and easiest ways to remove rust from metal is to use citric acid.
It has many advantages, including:
- paint from a metal surface does not peel off or swell;
- accessible and cheap;
- does not contain aggressive chemicals;
- does not harm the skin of the hands (in some cases allergic reactions occur);
- cheaper than any chemical reagent.
To work with citric acid, buy gloves and safety glasses. During the period of scraping off rust, pieces can fly into the eyes and injure them.
How to clean metal surfaces:
- To begin with, parts requiring processing must be degreased. Wash them with dishwashing detergent.
- Pour warm water into a suitable container and add citric acid. The more concentrated the solution, the better its reaction with the metal. For 100 ml of water you will need approximately 80 grams of citric acid.
- Leave the products in the solution for several hours. After just 5 minutes, if you look closely, you can see bubbles. This indicates that the reaction is good, and the process of cleaning the metal from rust has begun.
When the corrosion has completely disappeared, wash the items under running water, removing any residue with a wire brush.
Oxalic acid
What do you know about such a cleaning agent as oxalic acid? As it turned out, this product is very effective; it is used to wash off rust from taps, in the bathroom, in the car.
Acids are the best products recommended to use for corrosion on metal.
Getting rid of corrosion correctly:
- Clean the area, remove all objects that will interfere with work.
- First you need to degrease the products. Then, putting on a respirator and rubber gloves, get to work.
- Dilute 5 tsp. oxalic acid in a glass of water. Wait for it to dissolve, place objects in the solution for 20 minutes, or brush them.
- Then take a wire brush and remove the rust layer.
- Rinse everything off with water.
Oxalic acid is a good remedy. But it is not recommended to reuse it.
Hydrochloric acid
Rusting is a process accompanied by corrosion of metal and deterioration of its appearance. Stains can be found not only in the car, but also in the kitchen on taps.
Rust can be removed easily and quickly using hydrochloric acid. This folk method is no less effective than the previous ones. The whole difference lies in the funds and the method of its implementation.
How to remove rust from metal:
- To implement the method you will need hydrochloric acid, rags, rubber gloves and a lot of water.
- Put on rubber gloves, take a rag and treat all contaminated areas with the product. Rub the metal surface as if you were polishing it.
- After 30 minutes, rinse everything with plenty of water. Hydrochloric acid can damage the skin of your hands, so be careful with it.
This method of removing rust from metal is very effective. It is used not only at home; many service station technicians use this technique to get rid of corrosion on the metal of the car.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has unique oxidizing and reducing properties.
The product used in medicine to disinfect wounds is also actively used to scrub off corrosion.
Hydrogen peroxide is used to restore bathtubs, toilets, kitchen knives and tools.
Hydrogen peroxide works more effectively if used together with trisodium phosphate.
How to remove rust from metal:
- Dilute 4 tbsp in a suitable container. l. trisodium phosphate powder in 3 liters of water. Then carefully pour in 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The latter is added in small portions; divide the entire portion into 5 parts.
- Soak the tools in the solution for 30 minutes. If the metal object is large, put on rubber gloves, take a dish sponge and apply the product.
- Rub stains without fear of damaging the material; the product is absolutely safe for it. Leave for 10 minutes, let the solution work a little longer.
- Rinse all treated areas with clean water.
You can also use hydrogen peroxide separately by diluting it in water. But this remedy does not work as well as with trisodium phosphate.
The best and fastest way to remove rust from metal is with a converter. Chemical reagents remove corrosion even in hard-to-reach places.
The converter will save you a lot of time. The main component in such compositions is phosphoric acid and other substances that accelerate the reaction of converting rust into iron oxide, which becomes part of the protective coating.
How to remove rust:
- First, the surface should be treated with a degreasing compound.
- Then apply rust converter. Wear gloves to avoid getting the product on your hands.
- Leave the composition on the metal for 15 minutes, this is enough for the rust to turn into orthophosphate. It turns gray.
- After which the converter must be washed off with plenty of water.
Rust removal is carried out very quickly. You can remove corrosion in one go, but sometimes you need to repeat the procedure.
Zinkar rust converter is used to work with metals such as steel. Not only can it wash away corrosion, this product creates a protective film on the surface so that it does not appear again.
A composition that you can prepare yourself will help remove corrosion from a metal surface; the main ingredient is formaldehyde in a volume of 250 g.
Also, to prepare the solution you will need 250 ml of water, 50 g of caustic soda and 50 ml of ammonia.
The resulting mixture is diluted in 1 liter of water. Objects that require cleaning are placed in this solution.
But first, all products must be degreased. After treatment, wait half an hour, then rinse and dry the products.
This method of combating corrosion is very common and is considered one of the most reliable. Such products are very cheap and have a simple application technology.
Paint and varnish coatings also guarantee the product a beautiful appearance. It can be applied at home or in a workshop.
This method of corrosion protection is accessible to most people.
All proposed methods for removing rust from metal surfaces should be used strictly according to the instructions. It is not recommended to increase their exposure time, since any substance can damage the metal.
Source: https://domovodstvo.pro/uborka/kak-ubrat-rzhavchinu/
How to get rid of rust at home: effective ways
Hello, friends! Rust is an inevitable phenomenon that occurs with any metal containing iron and impurities, such as carbon. It is formed upon contact with water, air or some kind of oxidizing agent. When there is contact with salty liquid, the deterioration of iron occurs much faster.
If you do not get rid of the beginnings of red spots, they will gradually destroy the metal, it will become soft, brittle and holes will appear. It will become impossible to use the product for its intended purpose.
Fortunately, coping with trouble is not so difficult at the initial stage. Today we’ll talk about how to get rid of rust.
There are four main ways to get rid of corrosion: mechanical cleaning, chemical removal, electrolysis and heat treatment.
Mechanical cleaning
A small amount of rusty deposits can be eliminated through mechanical action. Sandpaper, a sanding machine, a metal brush, sandblasting machines and other tools will help with this at home. They can also be used to remove a thick layer before applying any chemical solvent.
The disadvantages of the method are the possible incomplete removal of corrosive particles, especially in shaped objects. In addition, the method cannot be used for all surfaces. For example, cleaning plumbing fixtures in this way is a bad idea.
Most chemicals irritate the skin of the hands, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, when working, be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a mask, and also ensure a flow of fresh air into the room.
This substance carefully and effectively corrodes red plaque. To perform the procedure, you need to place the item in vinegar overnight, and then wipe off the rust with a crumpled piece of foil.
This option is suitable if the object is small. For large items, there is a slightly different technique: you need to wipe the affected area with a sponge soaked in vinegar. This must be done until the stain disappears. Then you need to rinse off the product with plain water and wipe the surface dry.
Lemon acid
One of the most gentle (including for the human body) and simple recipes. For cleaning, you should prepare a special solution in the following proportion: 80 g of lemon per 100 ml of liquid.
The further method is no different from the previous one: dip the object for several hours or rub it with a rag. For a more effective and quick result, you can boil the solution and put the product in boiling water.
The lemon juice can be replaced with fresh lemon or lime. In addition to them, use salt. Pour salt onto the affected area and pour citrus juice over it. All that remains is to wipe away the traces of corrosion with a ball of foil or a fruit peel.
Oxalic acid
This method effectively removes rusty stains from faucets and plumbing fixtures.
You need to dilute 6 tbsp. l. of the drug in 300 ml of water and place an object previously washed with soap into the solution. After half an hour, you need to pull it out and brush it to remove any remaining plaque. All that remains is to rinse and dry the item.
Oxalic acid is found in potatoes, so the vegetable can also dissolve corrosion. This works especially well for thin and long tools: knives, scissors, screwdrivers, keys. All you have to do is stick the device into a potato and leave it overnight. In the morning you will have to scrub the item a little with a brush.
Hydrochloric acid
Use a cloth soaked in acid to wipe all affected areas. Keep it like this for 30 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water.
This product can remove lesions not only from household items, but also from the car body.
Carbonated drinks
Source: https://vsvoemdome.ru/dom/hozyajstvo/kak-izbavitsya-ot-rzhavchiny
How to remove rust from metal at home
Metal is a highly resistant material. It is used in homes, gardens, industry, i.e. almost everywhere. But sustainability does not mean indestructibility. Moisture and associated rust can corrode the metal surface. Fortunately, rust can be fought. With a few tips on how to remove rust from metal at home, you can return metal objects to their original condition.
Traditional methods
One of the products used to clean metal surfaces and remove stains from stainless steel is Coca-Cola. It contains phosphoric acid, a substance that is effective in cleansing.
Place the item in a container with a drink, leave it for the whole day, then wipe the surface of the cleaned item with a cloth. Another option is to soak a cloth in soda and wrap it around the item. Change several times.
Vinegar is found in almost every home cleaning or stain removal manual. Its positive qualities include its ability to clean metal. Vinegar reacts with it, so after placing an item in a vinegar bath for several hours, the unsightly coating is easily wiped off. Baths are suitable for small parts (manicure tools, metal rings). After removing the corrosive layer, wipe the items with a cloth.
When cleaning large surfaces, pour vinegar directly onto the rusty part or wipe it several times with a cloth soaked in vinegar.
Remove dirt with a wire brush or a piece of aluminum foil.
Lemon acid
Among the methods for cleaning cast iron cauldrons from rust, cast iron cookware, pipelines from the inside and outside, citric acid is last on the list. The problem with this substance is that along with the corrosion, it also removes the surface layer. This may cause dark spots to appear.
Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. citric acid in 100 ml of water. Immerse the metal in the solution or apply it to the surface. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, wipe with a cloth, normalize the acidity with a solution of soda and water. Rinse again and dry.
Important! A solution of citric acid is a good way to remove rust from clothes, including white ones. When removing stains from fabric, apply the solution in an inconspicuous area to see if it discolors the fabric.