How to calculate the weight of a sheet of metal

Steel sheet weight – Calculator and tables

Sheet metal is a rolled piece of a specific material, most often steel, that is widely used in industrial production, construction, automotive and other industries.

Sheet steel is the most popular type of sheet blanks, which is produced using cold or hot rolling technology. In the first case, the steel will be called cold-rolled (maximum sheet thickness up to 5 mm), and in the second - hot-rolled.

The KALK.PRO sheet metal weight calculator allows you to calculate the weight of sheet steel based on known thickness and area. You can also familiarize yourself with the metal grade and regulatory documents in the corresponding tabs of the tool. The calculator operates on the basis of GOST 19903-74 “Hot-rolled sheet metal”.

Using the calculator, you can find the weight of rolled sheets of any size and thickness, for example sheets of 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 mm, etc., the standard material is carbon steel St3st with a density of 7850 kg/m3.

By default, the weight of 1m2 of sheet steel is considered.

In order to calculate the weight of sheet metal using our calculator, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Select the metal type (default is Steel ).
  2. Confirm the type of assortment - Sheet / Plate .
  3. Select the metal grade (default Steel St3st ).
  4. Specify the sheet parameters - thickness t (mm), width a (mm), length b (mm) .
  5. Enter the quantity of rolled metal, pcs .

Formula for calculating the weight of sheet metal

The weight of sheet metal can also be calculated independently using simple mathematical formulas and tables according to GOST.

  • a – width;
  • b – length;
  • t – thickness;
  • ρ – density.

Weight table for 1 m2 of sheet metal according to GOST 19903-74

Sheet size (TxWxD), mm Sheet thickness, mm Weight of 1 square meter, kg Sheet weight, kg
0.5x1250x2500 0,5 3,93 12,27
0.7x1250x2500 0,7 5,5 17,17
0.8x1250x2500 0,8 6,28 19,63
1x1250x2500 1,0 7,85 24,53
1.2x1250x2500 1,2 9,42 29,44
1.5x1250x2500 1,5 11,78 36,80
2x1250x2500 2 15,70 49,06
2.5x1250x2500 2,5 19,63 61,33
3x1250x2500 3 23,55 73,59
3.5x1250x2500 3,5 27,48 85,86
4x1500x6000 4 31,40 282,60
5x1500x6000 5 39,25 353,25
6x1500x6000 6 47,10 423,90
7x1500x6000 7 54,95 494,55
8x1500x6000 8 62,80 565,20
1500x6000 9 70,65 635,85
10x1500x6000 10 78,50 706,50
12x1500x6000 12 94,20 847,80
14x1500x6000 14 109,90 989,10
16x1500x6000 16 125,60 1130,40
18x1500x6000 18 141,30 1271,70
20x1500x6000 20 157,00 1413,00
22x1500x6000 22 172,70 1554,30
Sheet size (TxWxD), mm Sheet thickness, mm Weight of 1 square meter, kg Sheet weight, kg
25x1500x6000 25 196,25 1766,25
28x1500x6000 28 219,80 1978,20
30x1500x6000 30 235,50 2119,50
32x1500x6000 32 251,20 2260,80
35x1500x6000 35 274,75 2472,75
36x1500x6000 36 282,60 2543,40
40x1500x6000 40 314,00 2826,00
45x1500x6000 45 353,25 3179,25
50x1500x6000 50 392,50 3532,50
55x1500x6000 55 431,75 3885,75
60x1500x6000 60 471,00 4239,00
65x1500x6000 65 510,25 4592,25
70x1500x6000 70 549,50 4945,50
80x1500x6000 80 628,00 5652,00
90x1500x6000 90 706,50 6358,50
100x1500x6000 100 785,00 7065,00
110x1500x6000 110 863,50 7771,50
120x1500x6000 120 942,00 8478,00
130x1500x6000 130 1020,50 9184,50
140x1500x6000 140 1099,00 9891,00
150x1500x6000 150 1177,50 10597,50
160x1500x6000 160 1256,00 11304,00

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Ferrous metal weight table

· 09.09.2019

The issue of calculating the weight of rolled metal is relevant not only for specialists, but also for private developers and home craftsmen. If you have a reference book at hand and, especially, an online metal calculator, it is not difficult to make the appropriate calculations. What if you only have a tape measure and a calculator on your phone? It is difficult to obtain accurate results with such an arsenal, but it is quite possible to approximately determine the weight of some metal products.

We calculate the weight of rolled sheets

Definition! In all our calculations, the base value is the average density of steel - 7,850 kg/m3 according to the SI system.

First, let’s carry out a simple step - find out the mass of a square meter of steel sheet 1 mm thick. It looks like this - 1 m x 1 m x 0.001 m x 7850 kg/m3. That is, we multiplied the length, width and thickness of the sheet (all values ​​were taken in meters), and we got the volume of the product. The product of volume and density gives mass - 7.85 kg. Thus, we found out that a square meter of steel sheet 1 mm thick weighs 7.85 kg.

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And then all calculations are made by multiplying the value of 7.85 kg by the area and thickness of the real sheet. For example, you need to buy a sheet with a thickness of 4 mm and an area of ​​2 m2. The mass of such a product is determined by the formula 7.85x4x2 = 62.8 kg. A sheet of the same size, but 2 mm thick, weighs 7.85 x 2 x 2 = 31.4 kg.

If you are satisfied with the approximate calculation, round the value of 7.85 kg to 8 kg. Then calculations can be carried out even in your head without a calculator, and the error will be less than 2%.

We present the weights of steel sheets of the most popular sizes.

Sheet thickness, mm Sheet dimensions, m Sheet weight, kg Weight 1 m 2, kg
0,35 1.0x2.0 5,5 2,75
0,35 1.25x2.5 8,59
0,5 1.0x2.0 7,85 3,93
0,5 1.25x2.5 12,27
0,8 1.0x2.0 12,56 6,28
0,8 1.25x2.5 19,63
1,0 1.0x2.0 15,7 7,85
1,0 1.25x2.5 24,53
1,5 1.0x2.0 23,55 11,78
1,5 1.25x2.5 36,8
2,0 1.0x2.0 31,4 15,7
2,0 1.25x2.5 49,06
2,5 1.0x2.0 39,25 19,63
2,5 1.25x2.5 61,33
3,0 1.0x2.0 47,1 23,55
3,0 1.25x2.5 73,59
3,5 1.25x2.5 85,86 27,48
4,0 1.5x6.0 282,6 31,4
5,0 1.5x6.0 353,25 39,25

What is a conversion factor

Let's complicate the task. Suppose you need to buy a sheet of non-ferrous metal. Let's use a conversion factor, which is the ratio of the density of a particular metal or alloy to the average density of steel. By multiplying the weight of a steel product of a certain range and size by the coefficient of the desired metal or alloy, we obtain the weight of the part.

Name of metal or alloy Coefficient
Aluminum 0,34
Copper 1,14
Brass LS59 1,08
Bronze OTS 5-5-5 1,12
Gray cast iron 0,9

Example - let's calculate the mass of a bronze sheet with a thickness of 2 mm and an area of ​​2 m2.

7.85x2x2x1.12 = 35.2 kg

Attention! The same simple algorithm can be applied to non-metallic sheet materials, for which there are also conversion factors. For example, for rubber - 0.17-0.23, organic glass - 0.15, caprolon - 0.15, textolite - 0.18, rubber - 0.17-0.23.

How to find out the mass of a pipe

To determine the mass of pipes, it is optimal to use tables.


Formula for calculating the mass of metal

The metal is widely used in various industries. When creating metal structures, it is necessary to first calculate two important indicators: strength and total weight.

The strength of the structure can be calculated using the methods of the theory of strength of materials. Weight is calculated taking into account the following characteristics:

  • standard sample density (determined by physical characteristics);
  • metal shape (according to the existing assortment - rolled sheets, channel, angle, pipe, etc.);
  • geometric shape, part dimensions.

The presence of various forms of metal products requires an individual approach when calculating the following parameters:

  • the mass of the entire metal structure;
  • required volume of metal.

What is a conversion factor?

It allows you to calculate the weight of products made of any material. It is obtained as the ratio of the density of the selected material to the density of steel. Next, to calculate the required parameter, it is enough to calculate such a parameter of a steel product of a given shape. The resulting result will be multiplied by the conversion factor for this material.

The coefficient is a dimensionless quantity. It has its own specific meanings for various metals and alloys. For example, aluminum has 0.34, copper - 1.14, and 1.12 is used for OTS5-5-5 bronze.

To calculate the weight of a sheet made of the specified bronze, it is necessary to obtain the parameter of the same sheet of steel, multiplying with a conversion factor.

Metal conversion factor

The same calculation method, the use of a conversion factor, can be fairly applied to non-metallic rectangular products. For example, to textolite with a coefficient of 0.18, organic glass - 0.15. The results obtained will satisfy the accuracy requirements.

What makes calculating the weight of metal more difficult?

A serious difference in the data obtained for calculating the mass of a steel product is the technology of its production. The difference between cold-rolled metal and hot-rolled metal can be quite significant. We are talking about the accuracy of geometric characteristics while maintaining density along the entire length of the product.

The use of continuous heating and subsequent cooling leads to such negative phenomena as oxidation and recrystallization. The unevenness of these processes causes a change in such a parameter as thickness.

The accuracy of calculations for cold-rolled and hot-rolled metal profiles will differ. The error caused by thickness instability requires obtaining some average value.

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How to calculate the mass of a rectangular profile?

A rectangular profile is a parallelepiped with a given wall thickness. The wall thickness is specified in the technical documentation for a specific sample.

Mass calculation can be done in two ways. In the first method, the cross-sectional area is calculated: for a sheet of a given thickness. Calculate the mass of a rectangular parallelepiped based on its external dimensions. Then the same calculations are made for a parallelepiped with internal dimensions. The difference between the two values ​​will be the desired characteristic.

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In the second method, the weight of one wall of the structure is calculated. If the cross-section is square, multiply by four. If it is rectangular, the sizes of the smaller and larger walls will be calculated separately. Then multiply each value by two and add the results to get the final figure.

Square profile weight

To simplify the process, special tables have been developed.

Determining the weight of a round profile

Round metal products include solid rods, fittings, and pipes of various diameters. The approach to solving the problem remains the same. If the product is solid, it is necessary to calculate the volume, multiply by the density of the material. The volume of metal is calculated using known geometric formulas.

Round profile weight

If the round workpiece is hollow inside, you need to know the wall thickness. Next, you can use one of the methods applicable to calculate the value of rectangular rolled products. The only difference will be the calculated ratios for finding the volume.

How to find out the mass of a hexagonal profile?

Solid metal rods with a hexagonal cross-section are often used. The calculation method for such products remains the same. It is necessary to remember from the school geometry course how the volume of a regular hexagonal parallelepiped is calculated.

The task is greatly simplified if you know the size or number of such a rental. All numbers are given in a standardized table.

The hexagonal profile with the smallest number 10 weighs only 0.68 kg, the largest number 60 weighs 24.5 kg.

The calculations are based on a formula for calculating the volume of a regular hexagonal prism. Having calculated this volume, it is multiplied by the density of the metal. A mass of hexagonal product is obtained.

It should be remembered that the use of simplified methods gives approximate results. They are used for express assessments. When developing design documentation in detail, more accurate indicators are used.

How to find out the mass of a pipe

Finding the parameter of a metal pipe of any diameter is carried out similarly to the method for a round profile. Calculate the difference in the areas of two circles. The first has the outer radius of the pipe. The second has the inner radius of the pipe.

The resulting difference is multiplied by the length of the pipe, calculating the volume of metal. Multiplying by the density of steel, the mass of a pipe of a given length is found. Operations with non-ferrous metal products are simplified through the use of a conversion factor.

When working with ready-made tables, you should find data for a 1 m bar with a radius equal to the outer diameter. Calculate the diameter of the rod, which is equal to the internal diameter. Subtract the smaller value from the larger value to get the desired result. It should be multiplied by the length of the sample.

How to calculate the mass of an angle, channel, I-beam

The parameter is calculated using data on the width of the shelf and the thickness of the metal. The product is considered as half of a rectangular profile.

There are ready-made calculation tables for the entire range of rolled metal products.

However, corners from different manufacturers have real weight characteristics that differ from the tabular data. They deliberately reduce the thickness of the shelf. They are motivated by the desire to reduce the cost of products. The parameter difference differs significantly from the parameters provided by GOST.

The weight characteristics of the channel and I-beams are determined according to the tables. This is caused by the difficulties of calculating the volume of complex geometric shapes.


Channel weight

The product according to GOST is a hot-rolled profile.
This is a metal beam, which in cross-section resembles the letter “P”. buy a high-quality from our company. The range includes products of various sizes and weights.

Before purchasing products, it is advisable to inquire about all the required sizes. The product itself comes with a varied level of inclination, any type, parameters, length.

It can be used to enhance load-bearing, axial loads. It is also used to strengthen floors, roofs, and walls.

The channel has a fairly wide range of applications. It has a low metal intensity, fairly high metal strength, and low weight for 1 m.

About hot rolled products

It is used to give stability and rigidity to the building. It withstands longitudinal loads well.

Areas of product use:

● beams;

● stairs;

● as supports as columns;

● metal frames for various designs;

● as a structural element of bridges;

● as part of architectural compositions;

● in automotive construction;

● in the production of machine tools;

● in the manufacture of cars.

The weight of a product is affected by its size, shape, and metal.

Most often it is used specifically in construction. It is in demand as an integral part of the building, used to reinforce reinforced concrete parts. It can also be used for installing floors and constructing frame buildings.

About the weight of the channel

Structures are made of steel and other metals. If it is made of aluminum, then the weight of product No. 12 will be less than that of a model made of steel.

If the profile shape is simple, then it is not difficult to calculate the mass of the product. For consideration, let’s take a product with equal shelves, which has a parallel arrangement of the inner edges of the walls.

There are also models that have profiles with unequal flanges, for which it is more difficult to calculate the mass.

In order to make correct calculations of the load experienced during the construction of supports and structures, you need to know the mass of the product. You don't have to put the entire product on the scale. If you know just the weight of 1 m, then you can easily calculate the mass of the total footage.

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About the mass of channel 10

Depending on the size of this product, its weight can be 3-12.7 kg. The difference in numbers is due to different wall height parameters. In this case, the height of the walls can be 40-160 mm. As for the thickness of the product, it is 2-6 mm.

About the mass of a linear meter of products

A product with index 5, dimensions 50x32 mm, wall thickness 4.4 mm, shelf thickness 7.0 mm, weight 1 linear. m will be equal to 4.84 kg.

For a model with index 6.5, dimensions 65x36 mm, wall thickness 4.4 mm, shelf thickness 7.2 mm, the figure will be 5.9 kg.

For No. 8 with parameters 80x40 mm, wall height 4.5 mm, shelf height 7.4 mm, the figure will be 7.05 mm.

If it is No. 10, dimensions 100x46 mm, wall thickness 4.5 mm, shelf thickness 7.6 mm, then its mass will be equal to 8.59 kg.

For No. 12 with dimensions 120x52 mm, wall thickness 4.8 mm, shelf thickness 7.8 mm, the weight will be 10.4 kg.

For No. 14 with parameters 140x58 mm, wall thickness 4.9 mm, shelf thickness 8.1 mm, weight will be 12.3 kg.

If it is No. 16, dimensions 160x64 mm, wall thickness 5.0 mm, shelf thickness 8.4 mm, the weight will be 14.2 kg.

For No. 16a with parameters 160x68 mm, wall thickness 5.0 mm, shelf thickness 9.0 mm, the weight will be 15.3 kg.

For No. 18, parameters are 180x70 mm, with a wall thickness of 5.1 mm, shelf thickness of 8.7 mm, weight - 16.3 kg.

No. 18a with dimensions 180x74 mm, wall thickness 5.1 mm, shelf thickness 9.3 mm will weigh 17.4 kg.

For No. 20 with dimensions 200x76 mm, wall thickness 5.2 mm, shelf thickness 9.0 mm, the weight will be 18 kg.

For No. 22 with dimensions 220x82 mm, wall thickness 5.4 mm, shelf thickness 9.5 mm, the weight will be 21 kg.

For No. 6.5P with a height of 65 mm, the weight will be 5.9 kg/m.

For No. 8P with a height of 80 mm, the weight will be 7.05 kg/m.

For No. 10P with a height of 100 mm, the weight will be 8.59 kg/m.

For an equal-flange bent steel profile in accordance with GOST 8247-83 with dimensions 25:30:2 mm, the weight will be 1.22 kg/m.

For products with dimensions 28:27:2.5 mm, the weight will be 1.42 kg/m.

For a product with dimensions 30:25:3 mm, the weight will be 1.61 kg/m.

For a model with parameters 32:25:2 mm, the weight will be 1.17 kg/m.

About calculating the weight of the channel

The weight of the goods is calculated using the nominal parameters of shelf thickness, length, width. Nowadays it is difficult to find rolled products whose weight is less than the calculated one.

According to GOST, deviations in the thickness, length, and width of the shelves are permissible. In total, they are capable of increasing the actual weight of rolled metal by up to 5%.

About bent profile

The mass of the 25:26:2 mm channel is just over a kilogram. For No. 41 the mass will be 24.38 kg.

A high product number does not mean that the product will be heavier. For example, mass No. 20 may be less than mass No. 21 if the thickness and parameters of the walls of the products are the same.

The mass of the hot-rolled profile is 4.84 kg for model 5U. The length of such a product is 1 m, dimensions 50:32:4.4 mm. This channel has a wall height of 40 mm.

To determine the type and size of a product, a number in the designation or marking is used. If the edges of a product are located at an angle, then they are marked U. If the shelves do not have a slope, then they are marked P.

You can also find the following markings: C indicates a special model, E - economical, L - light.

If you set the dimensions of the width, height of the shelves, and the total length of the workpiece, you can also calculate the weight of the product.

When choosing products, you should choose a good quality product. It must withstand corrosion well and be durable.

To package hot-rolled profiles, bundles or bags are used. Their weight can be 4.5-8 tons. In two places, each pack is tied with steel tape. Tags are attached to opposite sides of the package indicating the steel grade, GOST, package weight, heat number, batch number.

For transportation between batches, wooden blocks are placed. This helps prevent damage to the surfaces of goods that may occur when the goods slide. In addition, wooden blocks provide clearance between batches of goods.

Steel is often used to make goods. The quality of steel is determined by the presence of impurities in it. Ordinary steel should contain no more than 0.05% sulfur and phosphorus. It is these elements that are responsible for the fragility and red brittleness of the metal.


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