How to tell if gold is real or not

How to test gold with vinegar

How to test gold for authenticity with vinegar. Which of the available tools will help identify a fake? We will talk about this in the article. Understanding how to test gold at home, you can once and for all remove doubts or fake jewelry - it depends on your luck.

Test gold for authenticity with vinegar

How to test gold for authenticity at home

Modern fakes are so skillful that it is impossible to distinguish decorations from decent alloys with the naked eye. So how can you test gold at home, and is it quite possible to do this without going to a jeweler?

Using vinegar

To test gold at home with vinegar, pour table vinegar into a glass and dip the jewelry in it for 30 seconds.

Gold is unusually inert: if you drop a precious piece of jewelry into table vinegar, nothing will happen; a fake item will react with the liquid - the color will change, it is quite possible that gas will begin to be released with the release of bubbles. Find out how to clean gold with vinegar at home.

You should not check gold items of 585 standard and below in this way - they contain many impurities of other metals that will react with the reagent.

After cleaning with vinegar, the jewelry is washed with cold water, wiped dry and polished with suede. This can help remove vinegar from the jewelry and remove the hostile effect of the reagent.

Acetic acid

Testing gold with acetic acid is as follows:

  1. Pour three tablespoons of vinegar essence.
  2. Dip the metal into a highly concentrated solution for 4-6 minutes and wait for the result.
  3. If the jewelry becomes dark or another reaction makes itself felt (for example, gas formation), the product is fake.
  4.  In cases where a small part of gold is added to the fake, the reaction will be uneven. That is, the decoration darkens in several places.

Vinegar has a negative effect on pearls and silver inserts, so composite items cannot be tested using this method.

Not only gold items are cleaned with preservatives. See how to remove blackness from silver with vinegar in one go at home.

Methods for checking gold for authenticity

What else to check

A list of the simplest methods that will help you check whether a particular piece of jewelry is a fake.

Way How to check What to watch Flaws
Sample, stamp, color carefully inspect the product using a magnifying glass There is a clear mark on the surface, Samples: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 916, 958, 999. The color of the decoration is even and uniform Blotches and play of color are present in the creative solution of the jewelry designer.
Water Water is poured into a glass, after which the jewelry is lowered into it. It will sink instantly - the composition contains more than 50% of unsullied, respectable metal. There is no 100% guarantee that what you are holding is not a fake.
Iodine Using a cotton swab dipped in iodine solution, run along the inside of the ring in the cleared area, watch the reaction of the drop after 3 minutes. On a gold product, iodine will not change its initial color. The volume of the drop will not change. A black speck remains on the gold. Other alloys will react with iodine. The drop begins to discolor and decrease in volume until it dries completely. The fake has a milky speck, including some whitening of the area where iodine is applied. After completing the procedure, clean the prints: with a soap-ammonia solution; Dip Coca Cola into the drink for 5 minutes. Gilding with iodine gives the same reaction as gold.
lapis pencil Wet the decoration with water and draw a stripe with a lapis pencil. A mark remains on the fake. It is impossible to distinguish gold from gilding.
Black bread Take the crumb, mix with water and stick around the decoration. When the crumb becomes a crust, break it. If there are dark prints inside the crumb, it means the fake has oxidized. If not, then it's either gold or gold plated. Wait more than a day until the bread dries out. It is impossible to distinguish gold from gilding.
Magnet Place the decoration near the magnet. No reaction - golden jewelry. The fake is immediately attracted. The magnet does not attract bronze, copper, or aluminum.
Pin, teeth Scratch or bite The imprint is preserved, there is no hesitation: the product is made of gold. You can ruin the jewelry. Aluminum fake behaves exactly the same.

How to quickly test gold at home. How to check gold jewelry:

Safety rules when determining whether a product contains gold or not

At home, only acetic acid is used. And then, in a diluted form. Complex chemical studies are carried out in specialized laboratories using special equipment.

Experimenting with acid at home is unsafe for both health and jewelry.

  1. Before starting the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands to remove dirt and grease. As a rule, it is much better to wear gloves.
  1. The time the gold is in the solution must be observed correctly.
  1. Upon completion of work, wash the product with running water to remove any remaining vinegar.

Checking the authenticity of gold with a lapis pencil

How long to keep jewelry in vinegar

Fake gold instantly darkens in vinegar - pour into a glass and hold in the solution for 5 minutes. Also, household appliances are cleaned with the help of a preservative. It is very easy to clean the inside of a steam iron from scale using available means.

What happens if you keep a product in vinegar for several hours?

Gold does not dissolve in acid, the gilding will partially dissolve, and the fake will disappear.

Have you ever tested gold with vinegar?

Is it possible to check products with stones?

It is not recommended to test gold decorations with stones and the addition of other valuable metals using vinegar. The action of acid will affect the condition of silver and pearls.

Which vinegar to use to determine authenticity

In home practice, apple, balsamic, table vinegar, and vinegar essence are used.

We do not recommend testing jewelry of 585 standard or lower with vinegar and iodine. You will have to remove traces with ammonia and polish the product.

Which verification method is the most reliable?

Nothing compares to the technical equipment of assay offices, where jewelers, without damaging the product, will give out a detailed range of composition components in percentage terms.

Counterfeits on the gold market, how to distinguish gold from fakes at home:

On a note

Choose gold jewelry from salons that have been tested by quality and time-tested manufacturers. If you purchase gold secondhand or in an unverified shopping center, to verify the authenticity of the product.

Take a close look at the item. Gold shines equally under the sun and in the shade.

The inside of the product is made with care. The label indicates the weight and sample. According to the order of the government of the Russian Federation on May 6, 2016 No. 394, alloys in which more than 30% of the weight is precious metal are stamped with hallmark.

Use a composition of 2-3 methods, for example, a magnet and a lapis pencil. The main thing is not to try too hard, so as not to spoil the soft metal.

Checking gold jewelry for authenticity is a simple task, but if you doubt the results, it is better to contact a jeweler for an assessment of the metal.

After purchase, an expert opinion will be required to return the counterfeit to the store.

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Reviews from those who tested gold with vinegar

I would write one point - do not buy if in doubt... although I always have iodine, a magnet, an antiseptic pencil and 70% vinegar in my pocket. The first method is definitely not the way. In Turkey, right at the counter they ask what standard to give you :)rn Very often I check my gold products that I buy.

It's a pity that this is not possible when purchasing. But if I follow these methods, I only came across real options, which makes me happy. We had an engagement ring lying around, which we got by chance - with samples, etc. I wanted to adjust it to my size, we got to the jewelry store, and the truth suddenly emerged, and they didn’t take any money for it.

Although there were doubts before this - the ring had a strange shade.rn Thanks for the advice. But my girlfriend works at a pawnshop, so I know a lot about gold)) There is only one reliable method, this is a reagent. A notch is made on the product and a reagent is applied to it. If it boils, it is not gold; if it does not boil, it is gold.

You need to be careful with iodine and vinegar at home; you can ruin the decoration.



How to check gold for authenticity (and is it worth doing it yourself)

Which color is correct
How to test gold at home
What is a hallmark
How to determine the hallmark of gold

Gold has been known to people since ancient times. For example, the ancient Incas called this metal “sweat of the sun” and mined it in huge quantities. True, they didn’t know its value. For which they paid. The conquistadors destroyed the army of Emperor Atahualpa for the sake of precious ingots.

According to various estimates, from 30 BC to 2019, about 195 thousand tons of precious metal were mined. Possessing it has always been considered a sign of prosperity and wealth. At the same time, “unscrupulous market participants” have also long learned to counterfeit this precious metal using various methods.

What color is right

On the shelves of jewelry stores and boutiques you can find jewelry made of white, yellow and pink metal. It has a characteristic yellow color, its Latin name aurum translates as “yellow”.

Remember that it is very soft, so the products are not made of pure metal, but of a jewelry alloy. Additional components are added to it, which give color and affect properties (the hardness of the material increases, the melting point decreases, and elasticity increases).

It is difficult to determine authenticity by appearance. Remember that there are also gold coatings that are applied to jewelry, giving them the desired shine and beauty. Unscrupulous manufacturers may pass them off as original.

How to test gold at home

At home, without special knowledge and tools, it will be difficult to check whether jewelry is gold or not. You can find a lot of recommendations on the Internet on how to identify gold. But some methods can damage the product.

Expert advice: you shouldn’t check it yourself and waste time reading materials that give universal advice on “how to identify gold at home.” You can easily ruin your favorite decoration.

With iodine 

One of the most common instructions is how to test gold using iodine. This “chemical” method can lead to the fact that stains may remain on the item, which will then be difficult to remove. Many jewelry contains stones that also require careful handling.  

For the same reason, the testing methods using vinegar offered on the Internet are extremely undesirable.
Techniques for testing gold on a tooth may prompt a visit to the dentist.

The most reliable way is to go to the laboratory and let the experts speak. Some gemological centers also offer such services (depending on the complexity, the metal can be determined in 30 minutes).   

Another way out is to go to the nearest pawnshop, where employees will be able to give an answer on the metal and tell what standard it is.

What is a sample

In Russia, the circulation of precious metals is strictly controlled. Jewelry is marked with an hallmark. It is possible to determine the content of noble metal in the alloy. In accordance with Russian legislation, the following jewelry alloys exist (metric standards):

Let's take the most common one in jewelry - 585. This means that 1000 grams of the alloy contains at least 585 grams of pure gold (corresponding to 415 grams of ligature). The more gold it contains, the more expensive the final material.

Useful information is encrypted in a small imprint of the stamp. You can identify the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate, the mark of the assay certificate (depicted as the head of a girl in a kokoshnik) and the digital designation itself.

The jewelry manufacturer puts his mark, which is called the name tag, which also contains information about the year of manufacture, state inspection code, and manufacturer.

If you decipher it correctly, you can get the necessary information about the product. But a fraudster can fake them. However, the quality of such falsification may vary. It is difficult to verify the authenticity; the result may be unreliable.

Organoleptic method

The senses are involved. The product is examined with the naked eye, as well as with a magnifying glass, the color is assessed, and the smell is checked (fake products made of base metals often have their own characteristic smell). They also determine whether the jewelry is heavy, since the metal has a high density and therefore will be weighty.

Research using assay reagents

The so-called Drip method. Its essence is that a drop of reagent is applied to the cleaned surface of the product. After 15-20 seconds it is removed with special paper. The reaction of the alloy determines the sample.

Determination on the touchstone

This is a black block of fine-grained flint slate. On it, the sample is determined by the lines applied by the metal.

  1. First, the surface of the stone is prepared, then strips are applied to it with the product, which are called “rubs.”
  2. Next to them, similar strips with standard samples are made with standard needles.
  3. Reagents are applied to the resulting “drawings”, after 15-20 seconds they are removed.
  4. After the reaction, they are compared, which makes it possible to determine compliance.

Instrumental method

Special detectors are used and this also requires special knowledge. The advantage of such diagnostics (as well as other professional methods) is that it cannot damage jewelry.


Gemstone expert, @yulia.irtyuga


How to identify gold at home. Helpful Tips:

It's no secret that recently more and more jewelry stores have appeared in cities, where customers are offered a wide selection of gold products. Meanwhile, mining of this metal has been suspended or stopped in many gold-mining countries.

This suggests that some jewelry stores offer customers not real, but fake jewelry, the composition of which is noticeably different from precious ones.

In this regard, jewelers' clients are faced with the question of how to buy a real product and not a cheap fake, as well as how to identify gold at home if the purchase has already taken place.

Before the purchase

In general, it is worth buying precious items only in the most famous and largest jewelry stores. Of course, their prices are very different from the cost of jewelry purchased at the market or at a kiosk, but you can be sure that you are paying for gold and not for a fake.

In addition, in specialized stores you can always ask for a quality certificate, and it will be easily provided to any client. When purchasing a product, it is important to pay attention to the sample - it should be visible, if the jewelry bears the manufacturer's mark - this is very good, since it almost 100% guarantees authenticity.

Not everyone knows that the hallmark numbers are the ratio of gold and other components in the jewelry. How to determine gold purity? The best option would be to contact specialists who have the ability to use special equipment and reagents. The metal itself is quite soft, and various compounds are added to it to strengthen the products.

For example, a sample of 585 indicates that the gold content in the jewelry is 585 particles per 1000. In addition to the numbers, it is worth paying attention to the inside of the products - it should be of a uniform color, neatly made and not differ from the outside.

At home

If the purchase has already been completed, the authenticity of the precious metal can be verified using various simple means. There are several ways to determine gold at home. One of the most common is to try it on the tooth. Soft gold leaves fingerprints, but counterfeit gold does not. But in this case, it is worth keeping in mind that there are other soft metals - for example, gold-plated zinc jewelry will also leave teeth marks or scratches.

Using ceramics

You can verify the authenticity of a product using unfired ceramics. Run the decoration over it and see what kind of mark remains. Gold leaves gold scratches, if the color is dark then it is most likely a fake. Ceramics can be replaced with another solid object, but then you need to have another product that is not in doubt. The marks should remain the same in color and depth.

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How to determine gold at home? By sound. Experts say that the fall of a gold ring or bracelet produces a clear sound, similar to crystal ringing. Counterfeits do not make such a sound when they fall. Of course, to check jewelry in this way, you need to have excellent hearing. In addition, this can only be done with rings and bracelets - chains and earrings will not work.

By severity

One of the methods for determining whether it is gold or not is to pay attention to its mass. Gold is one of the heaviest metals; in the old days it was tested in water - if it sinks immediately, then it is real. If not, it’s an alloy or a fake. Of course, these indicators are also very subjective.

Using iodine or vinegar

Another method for determining gold at home is using chemical reactions. It is enough to apply a drop of iodine or vinegar to the product and hold for several minutes. Real gold does not react with these substances, and there will be no traces left on it.

Spots that appear after the experiment indicate a fake. You can use a lapis pencil for the same purpose, which is sold in pharmacies. This substance - silver nitrate - will leave its mark on counterfeits, but not on gold. Before using lapis, it is better to moisten the decoration with water.

Bread crumb

How to determine the authenticity of gold using bread? Roll the decoration into crumb and leave for a couple of days. When it dries, break it and look - green or dark marks indicate that the product is not real. Gold does not react when interacting with substances contained in black bread, and it does not oxidize.


Another simple way is to use a magnet. Pure gold does not attract, but if it interacts, then we have an alloy coated with gold. But it is worth considering that there are products made of copper or aluminum; they are also not magnetic. For the experiment you need a magnet that is strong enough, a regular one from a refrigerator will not work.


Gold products do not change their color and shine in the sun or in the shade. They look the same. But fakes and alloys can differ in different lighting conditions, and this is noticeable even to the ordinary eye, especially if you look more closely.

Density test

Gold is one of the metals with the highest density. If the jewelry is not inlaid with stones, you can conduct a special test.

To do this, you need to weigh it (ask a jeweler at any workshop or pawnshop), then place it in a small container of water with a millimeter scale on it, and see how many millimeters the water rises. Density can be calculated using the formula: divide the mass of the product by the number of millimeters obtained.

The resulting number is the density of the metal. Gold of different grades can have different densities - from 12.9 to 19 g/ml. Accordingly, the higher the density, the higher the sample. This is a fairly accurate test showing the authenticity of the jewelry.


How to distinguish gold from gilding: 7 accurate ways to check, video

A sign of the times is the emergence of more and more jewelry stores, their number is steadily growing, and the quality of the jewelry products offered is increasingly being questioned. But they are made quite skillfully. Even experts cannot always guarantee the authenticity of precious items.

In addition, only a small specific segment of the jewelry is subject to inspection. Having superficially checked the product (no more is required from him), the expert confirms its authenticity and the fake, containing a minimum of pure metal, is sent for sale to the store.

Nobody wants to become a victim of deception and give money for fake jewelry. Then it makes sense to learn how to identify pure gold from counterfeit yourself. First of all, you need to know something about gold itself and its characteristics. Additionally, here you will receive some tips on how to distinguish gold from gilding.

Gold: what is it?

Rare earth precious metal yellow in color. Does not oxidize and does not lose its properties over time. Due to its plasticity and softness, it can be easily processed using both cold and melting methods. Its softness does not allow it to be used as jewelry in its pure form.

To make jewelry, harder metals are added to give it hardness, such as silver or copper. All so-called gold jewelry are alloys.

Any jeweler is well aware of the ratio of gold in the alloy. Some of them, especially unburdened by conscience, use this knowledge for their own selfish purposes. But there are some rules that can help determine whether the gold you are being offered is real or a cheap fake.

Buy gold only in reputable jewelry stores operated by jewelry factories, but not in boutiques and small stalls. The cost will, of course, be more expensive, but there will be less risk of buying a fake.

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A real ingot must be marked with data about the sample. A careful study of the tag will tell you about the manufacturer, the price per gram and for the entire jewelry as a whole, weight, sample. There must be an OTK stamp. The sample indicates the content of pure gold in the jewelry.

The most popular are 585 and 750. This means that they contain 58.5% and 75% pure gold, respectively. When the sample is found, you should carefully examine the clasp of the bracelet or earring. If there are scratches on them, then you should not take this product.

The reason here is the following. In bracelets, chains and earrings, the sample is placed on the clasps. And suppliers only send locks for inspection and, after inspection, calmly place them on gold-plated fakes.

Finally, you should find the logo or imprint of the manufacturing company on the reverse side of the jewelry. The method described now relates to the visual assessment of gold.

But this is also not an indicator of reliability, since in Turkey, for example, they can give you any test before your eyes. Yes, and not only there. A fuzzy, blurry sample is the first sign of a fake; such gold should not be taken. The second detail that you should pay attention to is the inside of the product, which should be perfectly mirror-like, without any irregularities or roughness.

How to distinguish pure gold from gilding?

Now about how to recognize a fake from pure metal.

have long been known :

  1. To the sound . You need to throw the product onto any perfectly smooth, hard surface. For example, a table. Pure, crystal ringing will testify to pure gold. However, this method is not suitable for chains and bracelets.
  2. "On the tooth" . This method has been around as long as gold. It was also used by our ancestors, who literally tested the authenticity of real metal. A fake is always solid. If you scratch it, then under the top layer of gold there will be a dark-colored alloy.
  3. Vinegar test . When placed in vinegar or treated with vinegar (drop it on the jewelry), real gold will remain unchanged. The fake will darken in two minutes.
  4. Iodine test . Drop onto the surface of the product. Real gold will not react to this in any way. The fake will have a light to black stain.
  5. Pencil to stop bleeding (lapis pencil) . Moisten the surface a little and apply a line. The gold will not react, and the fake will instantly oxidize and darken.
  6. The solar way . The simplest authentication method. Examine the jewelry in the shade and immediately take it out into the sunlight and examine it again. Real gold will shine equally in the shade and in the sun. The fake looks dull and faded in the shade, but shines in the sun.
  7. Gilding is quickly determined with silver nitrate (can be purchased at a pharmacy). The surface of the product, previously moistened with water, must be wiped with a cotton wool moistened with silver nitrate. The gold will not react and the gold-plated surface will darken.

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Now you know how to distinguish gold from gilding or fake. The described methods are quite enough to be able to independently determine the authenticity of your gold jewelry.


How to determine whether it is gold or not?

Professional jewelers and self-taught craftsmen can easily determine the authenticity of a product made of precious metals with the naked eye. For the average consumer, characterizing a gold product is a complex task that requires attention, certain skills and available materials. To avoid being deceived by scammers and to protect yourself from purchasing a fake, you need to know how to test gold for authenticity at home.

The oldest methods of testing gold

Before the invention of modern precious metal analyzers, training videos and reagents, experts tested gold jewelry using simple but effective methods.


Determination “by eye” allows you to determine the presence of gold markings (up to 999 fineness) or the mass of an object in carats.

Checking with a magnifying glass will simplify the task, since the markings on the metal are applied very finely. The mark must be clear, even, with distinguishable markings and proportional edges. Rare exhibits and objects made of old gold cannot be checked visually: the sample may be deformed.

A visual test allows you to identify a gold-plated object in places of bends and fastenings: if there is a different alloy under the precious metal, the product will become discolored over time. Genuine gold becomes brighter in places of folds and fastenings, but does not lose its yellowish tint.

Testing gold “to the point”

The favorite method of film directors to distinguish gold from gilding is still effective today. Gold is soft, so when you bite into it, it will leave a slight mark on the alloy. Its depth depends on the sample: the higher it is, the more prone the product is to deformation.

It is not necessary to bite the product: a small clamp or puncture is no less practical. It is prohibited to check goods in stores this way. Before leaving a mark on the product, you must ensure the owner’s consent.

The time-tested method is not 100% reliable: if the lead is gold-plated, there will be a mark after biting.

Determining the authenticity of metal by smell

Smell testing is a simple method on how to test gold at home. Precious metal has no odor. If, when you bring the product to your nose, a pronounced metallic smell appears, then this indicates a counterfeit item. To make it easier to recognize a fake, you should rub the product.

Solar method

In clear weather, it is easy to distinguish between gold and fake. When the precious metal is brought to an illuminated surface and back, it does not lose its visual advantages: the gold both glittered and will continue to glitter with the same brightness. The gold plating will lose its reflectivity and fade.

Rule of musical ear

The ability of precious items to ring like rock crystal when heavy objects fall onto the surface distinguishes them from gold-plated trinkets. Jewelers note the effectiveness of the sound method in determining the quality of a product, but the appraiser must have an ear for music. You can check a gold ring, earrings and other items that do not consist of several links in this way.

Gold vs. Gold – check with another gold jewelry

It is effective to distinguish a noble metal from a fake at home if you have a gold product of the same standard and parameters.

You should hold two objects with equal pressure on a hard, flat surface. The pressure marks must be identical. If the density, width, and depth of the grooves are different, the product being tested is counterfeit.

How to identify real gold using reagents and special items

Reaction or chemical inertness upon contact with other elements and substances are effective methods for distinguishing real gold from a fake.

Reaction with iodine

Testing gold with iodine gives a 100% result, but after it you should clean the product from traces (by placing it in a glass of Coca-Cola for 5 minutes). Iodine is applied to the inside after scratching the application area with an abrasive or sandpaper; 1 drop is enough.

The noble metal reacts and the color of the object changes. The counterfeit product does not darken after iodine.

Gold and vinegar

After immersing the product in a container with vinegar for 5 minutes, you should wait for the absence/presence of traces on the surface of the product. Testing gold with vinegar is similar to the method using iodine: there will be no reaction on the noble metal. The forged metal will turn black.

Nitric acid and gold

How to determine the quality of a product using nitric acid? The same as with other reagents. A real noble metal does not darken and does not react to acid.

How to spot a fake using ammonia

Ammonia removes traces of darkening on jewelry, so by wiping the item with a dampened cloth, experts determine the quality of gold at home. Black marks, surface abrasion and tarnishing indicate that the alloy has been gilded. Real gold does not change its appearance when exposed to ammonia, except for the disappearance of dark traces during use or contamination of the noble metal.

Magnetic method

An easy way to determine whether it is gold or not is to use a magnet. Jewelry made of precious metal is not attractive, unlike fakes. To determine the authenticity of gold, special magnets purchased in a store are suitable, and not souvenirs from the sea. Copper, bronze or aluminum will also not interact with a magnet.

Ceramic surface as a way to protect yourself from counterfeiting

The unfired ceramic tile method accurately determines whether a product is a fake. Rubbing a ring or other precious metal object against ceramics leaves a yellowish mark. After the test, a fake will reveal itself by the presence of a dark stripe on the ceramic.

A piece of ceramic tile purchased at a home improvement store or an ordinary plate can be used as a tester.

lapis pencil

The method is effective if you wet the product with water before use. After running a pencil over the surface, there should be no traces left - they mean a fake.

Folk way

Craftsmen learned to counterfeit jewelry back in the old days, so buyers have long learned how to distinguish gold from a fake at home. Bread crumb is a faithful assistant for determining the quality of the metal. By leaving the product inside the crumb for 48 hours, past experts looked for green or dark marks on the surface. They indicate a product made from cheap alloys.

Archimedes' method

The great scientist and thinker studied metal using mathematical calculations and formulas. He placed the piece of jewelry in a flask of water and measured the amount of substance displaced. The data corresponded to the parameters of a noble metal. The method is not suitable for hollow jewelry (“blown” rings, chains).


The use of touchstone has been known for a long time. It determines the gold standard and allows you to identify a fake. After rubbing the stone with almond oil, you should draw a line on its surface. An assay needle is used to mark product samples. By dripping nitric acid onto the strokes, reaction experts determine the conformity of the declared sample and the nobility of the metal.

Modern precious metal analyzers

Mobile analyzers use X-rays to determine metal markings, identify counterfeits and measure the proportion of ligature. Scope of application: pawnshops, jewelry stores and centers for receiving/delivering products made from precious metals.

How to distinguish gold from copper

Copper resembles gold in appearance and is often used as an alloy metal. To avoid counterfeiting, you should pay attention to the sample of the product (corresponds to the marking of jewelry made of precious metal) and appearance. The shade of copper is reddish, gold is yellowish.

Copper tends to darken over time, and gold jewelry never changes color and brightness, but is subject to deformation, since the metal is very soft.

How to distinguish gold from pyrite

Pyrite is called “false gold” because of its external similarity to the noble metal. It refers to iron sulfide, a mineral.

Element differences:

pyrite has a sulfur smell; when exposed to a sharp object, a dent will remain on the gold, and the pyrite will split;

Pyrite does not shine in the shadows, unlike gold, which has a constant calm shine outside the light source.

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Are your gold jewelry real? checking gold for authenticity

Some people check gold for authenticity out of necessity, others out of curiosity. But the essence remains the same: even at home, without special equipment at hand, it is quite possible to find out whether the gold is real, clarify its sample and find out the approximate weight of the product.

Of course, to be sure of the result, it is best to seek the help of specialists, but you can try to determine the authenticity of gold using home methods.

How to test gold with iodine

The most common way to test gold, or more precisely, to find out which sample it belongs to, is the use of iodine.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in our country gold jewelry is most often found in samples of 583 and 585; it is to confirm or refute these values ​​that iodine is used. You can use this method as follows:

  • the decoration needs to be cleaned a little with sandpaper; it is advisable to do this procedure on the part of the product that is not noticeable;
  • now you need to apply iodine to the area that has been cleansed;
  • after that all that remains is to observe the chemical reaction that will certainly occur at the point of contact between iodine and metal;
  • as a rule, the presence of a persistent stain indicates that this is real gold, classified as 585;
  • otherwise it can be an ordinary metal such as brass, bronze or copper alloy.

This method is quite common among home testing of gold jewelry, and pawn shops often use it as the most effective and fastest in time.

It is important to remember that after such a study there is a need to clean the jewelry from traces of iodine. You can do it like this:

  • use hyposulfite, which is usually used as a fixative in photography; you can purchase it at the pharmacy;
  • you need to dilute this product in a glass of water;
  • Place the jewelry in a container with hyposulfite and leave for 30 minutes to act;
  • then wash the gold and wipe it dry with a cloth.

How to determine the authenticity of gold at home

In order to solve the question of how to test gold for authenticity at home, it should be noted that it is better to do this procedure in a laboratory or jewelry salon. However, in everyday situations, it is much easier to use some folk recipes.

Using a magnet

Testing with a magnet involves seeing if the jewelry sticks to it. As a rule, gold, which does not have impurities, is not magnetized, but the fact that the jewelry is stuck to a magnet may indicate a large number of different metals in its composition.

bread test

Gold can be checked for authenticity using bread:

  • you need to take black bread and mash its crumb;
  • put a gold decoration in this part of the bread and leave it for several days, after putting it in a place inaccessible to light and cool;
  • After the allotted time, you can evaluate the result; if the metal has acquired a green tint, this may indicate that it contains many impurities that should not be present in genuine gold.


siliceous shale is considered the safest and most effective method. you need to use it like this:

  • on the surface of this block you need to draw a line with a needle, which is present in the set and is a kind of standard;
  • next to the first line you need to make the second one a testable sample;
  • then treat these strips with a special solution and evaluate their appearance;
  • genuine gold gives an identical appearance to the test sample.

method of checking the sound of products

  • you need to throw gold onto a hard surface;
  • the clear sound of crystal will indicate that this is an original;
  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to check chains or bracelets using this method.

"biting" method

the oldest method involves testing the strength of a gold product. it is based on the fact that genuine metal will certainly be damaged if you bite it. Today there is no need to bite jewelry, you can simply scratch the surface of the product with a sharp device. If you get a fake, the scratch will reveal a dark base.

checking gold with vinegar

You can test gold with vinegar. do it like this:

  • immerse the decoration in a container filled with this substance;
  • leave for a short period;
  • If the product darkens or changes color, then it is genuine gold.

lapis pencil

You can buy a lapis pencil at the pharmacy, which can also help in testing gold at home for authenticity. it should be applied as follows:

  • gold needs to be moistened with water;
  • put a dot on it using this pencil;
  • real gold will not change its appearance.

Let's take a closer look at the gold jewelry

You can determine whether your jewelry is gold or not in clear weather, using the help of the sun. genuine metal will have the same appearance and shine both in the sun and in the shade. whereas impurities of other metals will give the product faded shades.

how to check gold in a pawnshop

Probably every person who has researched their own jewelry at home has thought about how gold is checked in a pawnshop. The entire procedure takes place through the sequential implementation of the following activities:

  • weigh products on special scales;
  • viewed through a magnifying glass that magnifies the decoration tenfold;
  • during this procedure, the sample and name of the accessory are carefully studied;
  • now it’s time to verify the authenticity of products; chemical acids or touchstones are used for this purpose;
  • gilded jewelry is checked by making a small cut, onto which acids are applied, and by exposure to them, the authenticity of such products is revealed.

In addition, pawn shops quite often use a spectrometer, where, using radiation similar to X-rays, products are checked for compliance with certain parameters.

How to check white gold for authenticity

Methods for identifying the authenticity of classic products and those made of white metal are somewhat different.

How do you know if white gold is real?

  • The most effective way is to go to a pawnshop, where they carry out assay analysis.
  • In addition, you can use a lapis pencil, which you need to draw a line on the moistened product. Real metal will remain pure.
  • Traces of iodine applied to accessories that immediately evaporate may indicate that this is real metal.
  • Separately, it should be noted that white gold, which was passed over a blank sheet of paper, will not leave any traces.

How to find out the weight of gold at home

It is not uncommon for people who handed over items to a pawnshop to later find out that the metal weighed much more than what was stated on the receipts. Therefore, there are often situations when a person wants to make sure in advance what weight a piece of jewelry actually has, so as not to be deceived by unscrupulous people.

Workshops use ultra-precise and sensitive scales to weigh jewelry. At home, you can be content with the following methods:

  • Using kitchen scales, ideally electronic.
  • An application of Archimedes' principle, which requires immersing gold jewelry in a liquid and then calculating the water it displaces. In order to find out the weight of the product, you need to multiply the volume of water that was displaced by the density of gold (which is equal to 19.3 units).
  • In addition, you can weigh the product on a flat knitting needle, on one side of which a small weight is placed, and on the other the product to be measured. Once equilibrium has been established, the distances between all objects can be measured, the values ​​of which are divided among themselves and multiplied by the density of the metal.

It is worth noting that calculating the weight, as well as the authenticity of gold jewelry, is not a very difficult task, which can be solved at home. However, to obtain a reliable result, it would be more reliable to contact qualified specialists.


How to test gold at home?

Everyone at least once wanted to check gold at home for authenticity. Given that the demand for expensive products is increasing, gold has long become a trap for buyers. Fraudsters counterfeit precious metals, giving them all the necessary qualities or properties.

To check the authenticity of gold, you need to contact the Assay Office, its services are quite accessible. You can also contact a familiar jeweler or professional expert. Probably, only experts can answer 100% about the authenticity of the product.

More often, gold is counterfeited using a metal called tungsten. This is due to the fact that it is similar in density to gold (19.3 g/cm3). The counterfeiting process is as follows: the blank is coated with gold and that’s it, it’s ready. You can recognize a fake only by drilling a hole that will show what is inside.

Previously, we wrote how to check silver. Are there any ways to help test gold at home? Of course, there are ways to test gold at home, and more than one!

Testing gold at home with a magnet

The essence of this method is to expose scammers using a magnet. All precious metals are non-magnetic, therefore, real gold should not react to a magnet in any way.

It should be noted that aluminum and copper are not susceptible to magnetism, and in turn can be used in deception. In this case, pay attention to the weight of the product. Copper and tin are lightweight metals, which means they will be much lighter than a similar product made from gold.

How to test gold for authenticity with vinegar

This method involves keeping the product in vinegar for a short time. If the metal turns black, then most likely you have fallen into the clutches of scammers.

Testing gold with lapis pencil

This method is very easy to apply in practice. Since lapis pencil is a drug whose main function is to stop bleeding (scratches, warts, cracks, erosions), it can easily be bought at a pharmacy. Using a pencil, you need to draw a stripe on the product, previously soaked in water. If, after erasing the strip, a trace remains, then again we can talk about a fake.

Fifth method - test gold with gold

Probably every person has gold jewelry in their jewelry boxes, for example, a pendant or ring, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt. Take the decoration you are confident in and draw a line on a hard object. Then make similar movements with the product in which you have even the slightest doubt. If the results are different, then you most likely have fake gold.

Checking with a magnifying glass

You need to check the hallmark with a magnifying glass. It must be clear and parallel to the part on which it was applied. The numbers must be clear and even.


How to distinguish gold from fake at home: features, recommendations

Gold has always been and remains the most stable way to invest capital. After all, this precious metal practically does not lose its value and is constantly growing in price. It is not surprising that the business of counterfeit jewelry attracts all kinds of dishonest dealers and brings huge profits to scammers. This article will tell you how to distinguish gold from a fake and not become a victim of crooks.

Features of the precious metal

Pure gold has a rich yellow color and differs from other metals in its softness and ductility. And to give strength to jewelry, copper or silver, as well as other substances, are always added to it. So no piece of jewelry can be made of “pure gold.”

Fineness is precisely the percentage of pure metal. For example, a 585-carat product should contain 58.5% gold, and the rest should be impurities. Only bank bars with a purity of 999 can be called “pure”. But such gold is not used in the manufacture of jewelry.

So if the product tag contains 999 purity, then this is an obvious lie.

Are you real?

The best way to distinguish gold from a fake is to take it to a specialist for inspection. But if you can’t visit a jeweler, then you can use a few tips from professionals. First of all, carefully examine the decoration.

It must have a special marking that is responsible for the authenticity of the metal. In addition, the gold jewelry must have a hallmark stamped on it; if it is not there, then the weight of the item in carats. A magnifying glass will help make your inspection easier. If the sample has unclear and blurry outlines, then most likely it is a fake.

Of course, this does not apply to antique jewelry.

But modern fraudsters have learned to put a sample on fakes, so this method does not always help. How to distinguish fake gold if it is hallmarked? First of all, look at the edges and joints of the decoration. Over time, the top layer wears off, and if other metal is visible through it, then this is not a piece of jewelry made of pure gold.

Let's check the teeth

We have all often watched the same scene in movies: a man tests gold “by the tooth.” This method really works, and in this way you can recognize whether the jewelry in front of you is real or fake. Take, for example, a ring or earring and press it with your teeth.

Real gold will leave traces, and the deeper they are, the higher the purity of the product. However, there is another soft metal that will also leave dents: lead. So a “tooth test” is not a reliable way to distinguish real gold from a fake.

Read on for other methods.

Ceramics to the rescue

There are a huge number of ways to distinguish gold from a fake at home, but now we will talk about the simplest. Take an unglazed ceramic dish and run the gold piece over it using light pressure.

Be careful when doing this, as the decoration can be easily scratched. Now look at the result of your actions: if the stripe left by the product is black, then this is a real fake.

Gold leaves a yellow line in this test.

Magnet check

For the next method, how to distinguish gold from fake at home, you will need a small magnet. Just don’t think that the one that decorates your refrigerator will do. The magnet must be real, heavy and hard. Only this one interacts well with all metals.

Bring a gold item to a magnet, and if they are attracted, it means that this is a fake. But sometimes a component is added to jewelry that is attracted by a magnet. In this case, you can confuse real jewelry with a fake.

So this method is not the most correct, so it is worth trying other verification methods.

Nitric acid

This chemical solution will easily help identify a fake. How to distinguish gold from counterfeit using it? For the experiment, we will need a small metal dish in which we will place the decoration.

Now we drop the solution onto the item from a pipette and observe the reaction: if the decoration has changed color and acquired a greenish tint, then you are dealing with the most ordinary metal. Gilding in this test will take on a milky hue, and only real gold will not change color.

Today this is the most reliable way to detect fake metal! But it cannot be said that nitric acid is present in every home, so it is worth learning about other testing methods.

A few more ways

  • Take a small bowl and pour vinegar into it. Now place the gold jewelry there. If the metal is real, then nothing will happen to it. The fake will darken within two minutes.
  • Sound check. Throw gold jewelry on the table and listen: the precious metal sounds loudly, like crystal. This test can only be carried out with small items, such as earrings, rings, pendants.
  • Iodine testing. This chemical element reacts with all metals except gold. To check, apply a drop of iodine to the product, preferably on the inside, and look at the reaction: if the metal has darkened, acquired a light gray or even black color, then the jewelry is fake. Real gold will remain consistently yellow.

How to distinguish gold from fake gilding or copper

All of the above methods are relevant in cases of outright fakery. But how can one recognize whether another metal is hidden under a thin layer of gold and whether the gilding is passed off as a “pure” product? The presence of a sample is no longer an indicator of the authenticity of the metal, so let’s move on to practical tests.

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First of all, take a closer look at the decoration; there should be no scratches on it, and the processing should be perfectly smooth. If you notice minor damage, then most likely the jewelry is covered with gold, and only the lock is made of real metal. If everything is clean, then scrape the jewelry in an inconspicuous area. With this test, the gold will remain intact, but the gilding will come off slightly and other metal will be exposed.

An excellent way to distinguish gold from a fake is a lapis pencil. This medical product interacts well with and oxidizes metals, and you can buy it at any pharmacy. Scrape the product a little and wet the area with water. Now you need to follow the scraping with a pencil. All metals except gold will darken.

How to distinguish gold from fake and brass

The most common method of deception in the jewelry market is to pass off brass alloys, which are very similar in appearance, as “pure” gold.

In some cases, only a professional can distinguish a fake, but you can avoid fraud yourself:

  • Take a closer look at the shade of the product. Any discrepancy with the usual color of gold indicates a large number of impurities.
  • Before purchasing jewelry, you should find out its regular price. If the price of a product is too low, the likelihood of counterfeiting increases significantly.
  • Brass and gold differ in chemical composition, and accordingly, they have different weights. That is, identical products will have different masses. Gold is heavier, and jewelry made from the precious metal will weigh more.

Or maybe it's silver?

White gold has recently gained wild popularity. This is due to the fact that products made from such metal are particularly refined and refined. It is not surprising that the market is flooded with counterfeits made from less noble metal. How to distinguish white gold from a fake? First of all, take a closer look at the color of the product.

Silver has a cooler tone. A good test method is a paper test. If you run a silver item over it, an almost imperceptible mark will remain; white gold will not leave it at all. In addition, tests with iodine, vinegar, a magnet and a lapis pencil, which were discussed above, will help to distinguish the noble metal.

It is best to purchase real jewelry in well-known jewelry stores that value their reputation. And what is especially important - try to avoid shopping in spontaneous markets, stalls, passages or from strangers. This will help you avoid being disappointed and becoming a victim of scammers. Don’t try to save money - and then the decoration will delight you for a long time with its warm color and bright shine.


How to test gold in home conditions

Gold is one of the most coveted precious metals on Earth. It is used not only in the production of jewelry, but also in various fields of science, in the production of technology, and various equipment.

Gold in its pure form is rarely used, as it is a soft, ductile material. It is usually mixed with other metals to form alloys. In jewelry, quality is assessed by the gold content of the product. For this purpose, a sample in the form of a stamp is used.

Fineness 999 means almost pure gold, without impurities.

For the most part, gold jewelry contains hallmarks of 585 and 583. 585 standard means that the product contains 58.5% gold and 41.5% admixture of other metals. The deception in the production of gold jewelry is to indicate, for example, 585 standard, but in fact there will be much less gold. There are also complete fakes, when the product does not contain a single percentage of gold. How can you determine whether you have gold in front of you or not?

How to check gold in a pawnshop

Gold buyers test gold jewelry with acids. First, gold is passed over a touchstone (silicon slate), and depending on the sample on the product, a certain acid is used. A little bit of metal remains on the stone, and a drop of acid is dropped onto it. The fake will evaporate under the influence of acid, and traces of real gold will remain in place.

The first thing they do in a pawnshop is examine the sample. It must be clear in all corners and bear the manufacturer's mark. Then the specialist places the jewelry on the magnet. This is such a quick method to eliminate gross fakes. Gold is not magnetic, but if another metal is plated with gold, it will be attracted to the magnet. Well, then the specialist uses chemistry to determine the quality of the product.

How to find out the hallmark of a gold product at home: Archimedes' method

To carry out the test, we will need electronic scales, a calculator, and water. The method is based on Archimedes' law, according to which we determine the density of the product and compare it with the standard.

To calculate, we need to know the weight of the product and the weight of the displaced liquid. Then perform a mathematical operation and compare it with the table of metal densities.

More similar, it is described in the video - how to determine real gold and its purity by water:

Precious metal density table:

metal Silver Gold 375, 500 Gold 583, 585 Gold 750 Gold 999
density 9 — 10 11 — 12 12 — 14 14 — 17 19,3

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How to check gold for authenticity at home?

Gold is a precious metal that, due to its softness, is usually combined with other metals (alloys are prepared from which jewelry is made). pure gold in a gold alloy is measured by its fineness. For example, a 750-karat gold alloy contains 75% pure gold, and the remaining 25% is alloy and impurities.

Despite the fact that the circulation of precious metals is strictly controlled by the state on the basis of the Law on Precious Metals and Stones, gold products are quite often counterfeited. For example, they underestimate the content of pure gold, or replace gold with other cheaper yellow metals.

Therefore, at the time of purchase, especially in unfamiliar places or from other people, it is important to know at least a few simple ways to check whether the product is gold or not.

Testing methods vary in cost and complexity, depending on how accurate you need the result and the nature of the “sample” being tested.

Preliminary tests - checking for gold or fake

In nature, there are substitutes for gold with physical properties very similar to it. For example, pyrite (a golden-colored mineral with a metallic sheen, which is a compound of iron and sulfur; sulfur or iron pyrite). There are also cheaper imitations, including, for example, ordinary copper with gold plating.

To avoid overspending on advanced tests, you should try the following pre-tests first:

  • Scratch the piece across the unglazed porcelain and look at the line left behind. If it is dark in color, it is most likely pyrite. If it's golden yellow, it's gold.
  • Next, run the product over ordinary glass. Since gold is softer than glass, it should not leave a mark
  • one of the most accessible ways is to check with an iodine solution, which is sold in any pharmacy. To do this, apply a drop of iodine to the gold item for 3-5 minutes, then wipe off with a napkin. If the color darkens, then you are dealing with gold. Neither copper nor brass, which are often used in counterfeits, react with iodine solution and the color of products made from them will not change. If you decide to try checking your jewelry this way, choose the least visible area of ​​the piece or its inner side. A stain caused by iodine will be difficult to remove.
  • bring the product to the magnet. If it's attracted to a magnet, it's probably not pure gold.
  • If you do not have a magnet, or the result is in doubt, use vinegar to check the authenticity of gold. Dip the product in vinegar for a while; if it darkens, it’s a fake.

None of these methods will accurately determine the purity of gold jewelry or the percentage of gold in the product, but you will at least get approximate results. You can read more about what gold can interact with in the article “Physical and chemical properties of gold.”

Testing gold for authenticity by acid/scratch

The acid/scratch test is the least expensive option compared to other tests for determining gold purity, but can still provide fairly accurate results. You can check it at home.

To do this, you need to buy an acid testing kit from a professional chemical laboratory or a jewelry store. The test is carried out in series, using gold needles with increasing gold content (assays).

Almost any acid can be used to determine the authenticity of gold - sulfuric, nitric, and so on.

Apply a micro scratch to the product and drop a little acid onto the scratch. Then compare what color will remain in that scratch (by comparing it with the needles) and make a conclusion about the likely metal sample.

You can also use the so-called “touch stone”, which has a matte polished surface. Lightly “scratch” your item being tested on the touchstone. To do this, first select the least visible area of ​​the jewelry, then press and rub the gold fragment on the stone several times. Do the same with the sample from the testing kit.

You can select 2-3 test samples that you think are closest in gold content to the product being tested. “Draw” each of them on the stone as close as possible to the scratch mark left by the product being tested. Then compare the trace left with the tone of the strokes of the standard of the well-known sample (that is, with the traces of the samples for testing).

Testing gold and determining the sample using special instruments

More advanced methods of determining the purity of gold in a product involve the use of instruments that give more accurate results. The most common are electronic testers, which exist in a variety of forms - both for individuals and for professional laboratories. Electronic testers use drops of liquid to scan a sample and generate a digital indication of purity.

More expensive is the X-ray method, used only in laboratory conditions. It is used to analyze wavelength dispersion, which determines not only the gold grade (content) but also the complete composition of the gold alloy.

Assay analysis

Fire assay is commonly used to determine the purity of larger gold samples. It is rarely used for testing coins or jewelry due to its "destructive" nature. The fact is that a fragment of the sample has to be melted and separated from the sample.

The separated portion of the sample is then heated to extremely high temperatures and fused with lead and silver, which act as agents that separate and collect the pure gold at the end of the process. The resulting product is then weighed to determine the purity of the original sample.


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Ways to test gold at home

Many people are partial to gold jewelry. Today, the number of jewelry stores around the world continues to grow, despite the fact that gold reserves are rapidly drying up.

This suggests that the quality of an impressive part of the goods offered is much lower than what the seller claims.

In addition, the number of individuals who deceive gullible citizens by deception is increasing, offering them cheap jewelry, the appearance of which, without an expert assessment, cannot be distinguished from gold.

As for the expert assessment, it is not always reliable, and all because the gold seller, who wants to receive a certificate for his product, submits only part of the product (a couple of links, for example) for examination.

In this case, the check extends to the top coating of the product element, while its remaining parts can be made of semi-precious metal.

For this reason, every person who prefers gold jewelry should know how to check the authenticity of gold.

Authentication using iodine

Characteristics of real metal

Before you figure out how to test gold at home, you should learn about the signs of this metal and its properties. You can recognize real pure gold by its characteristic sunny yellow hue and plasticity.

However, such metal is not used in the jewelry industry, since it has a short service life due to its tendency to deform.

For this reason, more durable and wear-resistant metals are added to gold - copper, silver, platinum, palladium, zinc (ligature).

A measure showing the gold content in 1 kilogram of an alloy is called fineness. The most popular among jewelers and buyers of precious jewelry is 585 gold, in which the percentage of gold is 58.5%, or 585 grams.

The composition of the ligature will determine the shade of gold. For example, white gold is an alloy in which silver or platinum predominates. Testing gold for authenticity is complicated by the fact that the alloy of this metal contains impurities.

A real gold product can be recognized based on its following features:

  1. It is sold in a specialized jewelry store or salon, and these establishments have a brilliant reputation in the jewelry market.
  2. The tag on the product contains the following information: manufacturer’s brand, article number, real price per gram of metal, price per product, sample and expert’s stamp.
  3. The hallmark has clear contours and is clearly visible even to the naked eye.
  4. Jewelry made from real gold looks perfect and has no external defects.

But all these rules, despite their universality, will not allow you to determine 100% whether it is gold or not. So how can you check gold for authenticity without expert evaluation?

lapis pencil

Verification methods

In everyday life, proven methods are used to determine the authenticity of gold at home:

  1. Sound of gold: the jewelry being tested should be taken and thrown onto a flat, hard surface. A product made of precious metal will make a clear, ringing sound when it hits the surface.
  2. Durability: if you scratch a fake, a mark will immediately form on it. Real gold, due to its softness, is scratch resistant.
  3. Acid Resistance: Real gold can be identified using vinegar. To do this, you can place the decoration in a container with acetic acid. The fake gold will immediately acquire a dark tint, while the genuine gold will remain the same as it was before testing.
  4. Iodine test: if you drop a little iodine onto the surface of a fake, the stain will eat into the surface in a matter of seconds. But iodine is safe for real gold.
  5. Test with a lapis pencil: if you have such a thing in your home medicine cabinet, then it will unmistakably help you distinguish gold from a fake. To carry out the test, the decoration should be slightly wetted, and then a dash should be placed on its surface with a lapis pencil. Genuine gold will not show any reaction when in contact with a lapis pencil, while fake gold will darken.
  6. Magnet Test: Gold is a metal that is not attracted to a magnet. But checking a metal for authenticity with a magnet will be reliable only if the alloy does not contain aluminum, copper and bronze.

Checking gold with a magnet

How to find out the authenticity of gold without improvised means:

  • you need to take the gold into daylight, and then into a dark place - a real precious metal will shine the same in different lighting;
  • You can compare the purchased jewelry with another gold product of a similar standard, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt.

All of the listed methods to answer the question of how to identify gold and distinguish it from counterfeit metal do not provide a 100% guarantee of the veracity of the assessment. To obtain reliable information about the authenticity of gold, you should contact an independent appraiser. Using special equipment and reagents, an expert will form an objective assessment of a particular product that is positioned as gold in just a few minutes.

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