Which is heavier copper or lead?

What is heavier copper or iron

Heavy metals are chemical elements with the properties of metals (including semimetals) and significant atomic weight or density.

Definition [edit | edit code]

There are about forty different definitions of the term heavy metals , and it is impossible to point to one of them as the most accepted. Accordingly, the list of heavy metals according to different definitions will include different elements. The criterion used may be a relative atomic mass greater than 50, in which case all metals starting with vanadium are included in the list, regardless of density.

Another frequently used criterion is a density approximately equal to or greater than the density of iron (8 g/cm 3 ), then elements such as lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, cobalt are included in the list, and, for example, lighter tin falls out of the list. There are classifications based on other values ​​of threshold density (for example, density 5 g/cm 3 [1] [2]) or atomic weight.

Some classifications make exceptions for noble and rare metals, not classifying them as heavy; some exclude non-ferrous metals (iron, manganese).

The term heavy metals is most often considered not from a chemical, but from a medical and environmental point of view [3] and, thus, when included in this category, not only the chemical and physical properties of the element are taken into account, but also its biological activity and toxicity, as well as volume use in economic activities [4] .

Biological role [edit | edit code]

Many heavy metals , such as iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, are involved in biological processes and, in certain quantities, are trace elements .

On the other hand, heavy metals and their compounds can have a harmful effect on the human body and can accumulate in tissues, causing a number of diseases. Metals that have no beneficial role in biological processes, such as lead and mercury, are defined as toxic metals .

Some elements, such as vanadium or cadmium, which are generally toxic to living organisms, may be beneficial to some species [5] .

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Heavy metal pollution[ edit | edit code]

Among various pollutants, heavy metals (including mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc) and their compounds are distinguished by their prevalence, high toxicity, and many of them are also capable of accumulation in living organisms. They are widely used in various industrial processes, therefore, despite cleaning measures, the content of heavy metal in industrial wastewater is quite high.

They also enter the environment through household wastewater, smoke and dust from industrial enterprises. Many metals form stable organic compounds; the good solubility of these complexes facilitates the migration of heavy metals in natural waters.

Heavy metals include more than 40 chemical elements, but taking into account their toxicity, persistence, ability to accumulate in the external environment and the scale of distribution of toxic compounds, approximately four times fewer elements require control.

Ocean pollution [edit | edit code]

In addition to wastewater, large masses of heavy metal enter the ocean through the atmosphere and with the burial of various wastes in the World Ocean. For marine biocenoses, the most dangerous are mercury, lead and cadmium.

Mercury [edit | edit code]

Mercury is transferred to the ocean with continental runoff (primarily from industrial water runoff) and through the atmosphere. Atmospheric dust contains about 12 thousand tons of mercury. Up to a third of this amount is formed during the weathering of rocks containing mercury (cinnabar).

Anthropogenic mercury enters the atmosphere primarily when coal is burned in power plants. About half of the annual industrial production of this metal (910 thousand tons) ends up in the ocean. Some bacteria convert toxic mercury chlorides into even more toxic methylmercury [6].

Mercury compounds are accumulated by many marine and freshwater organisms in concentrations many times higher than its content in water.

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Eating fish and seafood has repeatedly led to mercury poisoning of the population. Thus, by 1977, there were 2,800 victims of Minamata disease, which was caused by waste from enterprises that used mercuric chloride as a catalyst entering Minamata Bay with wastewater. Mercury compounds are highly toxic to humans.

Lead [edit | edit code]

Lead is a trace element found in all components of the environment: rocks, soils, natural waters, atmosphere, living organisms. In addition, lead enters the environment as a result of human economic activities. Before the ban on the use of tetraethyl lead in fuel at the beginning of the 21st century, vehicle exhaust fumes were a significant source of lead in the atmosphere. With continental dust in the atmosphere, the ocean receives 20-30 thousand tons of lead per year [6].

Lead enters the human body through food and water, and from the air. Lead can be excreted from the body, but slow elimination rates can lead to accumulation in the bones, liver and kidneys.

Cadmium [edit | edit code]

Cadmium is a relatively rare and trace element and is naturally concentrated in zinc minerals.

It enters natural waters as a result of soil washout, weathering of polymetallic and copper ores, and with wastewater from ore processing, metallurgical and chemical industries. Cadmium is normally present in the human body in microscopic quantities.

When the body accumulates cadmium compounds, the nervous system is affected and phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disrupted. Chronic poisoning leads to anemia and bone destruction.

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UdVjes? — a jesli Stalj s Palladijem 60%?

probably copper, higher density

copper, and it’s generally not correct to compare the alloy and pure metal

1 cubic decimeter (1 liter) of iron

8.9kg. for steels, the specific gravity ranges from 7.7 to 7.9 g/cm3

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Nothing can be heavier than your questions

A kilogram of steel is equal to a kilogram of copper

It’s immediately obvious that the woman is answering

It’s immediately obvious that the question is being asked by a man: you’ll lose your mind until you get the exact wording

Can I ask? Came across » Which is better? Cover yourself with a copper basin, or have balls of steel?

in what sense is it heavier?

You cannot literally compare the qualities of copper and steel. Because copper is an element, and steel is an alloy of elements. If your question is akin to “what is heavier than a pound of hay or a pound of iron,” then yes.. They are the same.. And, if from the point of view of a comparative analysis of atomic masses, then we need to calculate what is the proportion of carbon in the composition of steel. But, in any case, copper is heavier. If we talk about the atomic mass of the same volume of a substance.

Which metal is the heaviest?

In everyday life, lead is considered a heavy metal. It is heavier than zinc, tin, iron, copper, but still it cannot be called the heaviest metal. Mercury, a liquid metal, heavier than lead; If you throw a piece of lead into mercury, it will not sink in it, but will float on the surface. You can hardly lift a liter bottle of mercury with one hand: it weighs almost 14 kg. However, mercury is not the heaviest metal: gold and platinum are one and a half times heavier than mercury.

The record for heaviness is broken by rare metals - iridium and osmium: they are almost three times heavier than iron and more than a hundred times heavier than cork; it would take 110 ordinary plugs to balance one iridium or osmium plug of the same dimensions.

For reference, here is the specific gravity of some metals:

Source: https://morflot.su/chto-tjazhelee-med-ili-zhelezo/

Density and specific gravity of metals, use of tables for different materials in calculations, volumetric gravity of steel

Metal products are used in all spheres of human activity. Metals in the scientific sense are simple substances with specific properties (metallic luster, malleability, high electrical conductivity). In everyday life and in production, their alloys with other elements are often used. These solidified melts are also commonly called metals.

Definition and use of density

As you know, to find the density of a substance, its mass is divided by its volume. Density is a physical and chemical characteristic of a substance. She is constant. Materials for industrial production must meet this indicator. To denote it, it is customary to use the Greek letter ρ.

The density of iron is 7874 kg/m³, nickel - 8910 kg/m³, chromium - 7190 kg/m³, tungsten - 19250 kg/m³. Of course, this applies to hard alloys. In the molten state, substances have different characteristics.

In nature, only some metals are present in large quantities. The specific gravity of iron in the earth's crust is 4.6%, aluminum - 8.9%, magnesium - 2.1%, titanium - 0.63%. Metals are indispensable in most areas of human activity. Their production is growing year by year. For convenience, metals are divided into groups.

Iron and its alloys

Ferrous metals are usually called steel and cast iron of various grades. An alloy of iron and carbon is considered steel if the iron content is at least 45% and the carbon content is 0.1%-2.14%. Cast iron, accordingly, contains more carbon.

To obtain the necessary properties of steels and alloys, they are alloyed (alloying additives are added during remelting). This is how the specified grades are melted. All metal grades strictly comply with certain technical conditions. The properties of each brand are regulated by state standards.

Depending on the composition, the density of steel varies in the range of 7.6–8.8 (g/cm³) in the SGS or 7600–8800 (kg/m³) in the SI (this can be seen from Table 1). Of course, steel has a complex structure; it is not a mixture of different substances. However, the presence of these substances and their compounds changes properties, in particular density. Therefore, high-speed steels with a high tungsten content have the highest densities.

Non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Products made of bronze, brass, copper, aluminum are widely used in production:

  • Bronzes are usually alloys of copper with tin, aluminum, lead and beryllium. However, in the Bronze Age, when the proportion of bronze in the total mass of metal products was almost 100%, these were copper-arsenic alloys.
  • Zinc-based alloys - brass. Brass may contain tin, but its amount is less than zinc. Lead is sometimes added to produce free-flowing chips. In addition to jewelry alloys of brass and bronze, they are needed for machine and marine parts, hardware, and springs. Some varieties are used in aviation and rocketry.
  • Duralumin (duralumin) - an alloy of aluminum and copper (copper 4.4%) is a high-strength alloy. Mainly used in aviation.
  • Titanium is stronger than many steel grades. At the same time it is twice as light. These qualities have made it indispensable in most industries. It is also widely used in medicine (prosthetics). The share of titanium in the production of aircraft reaches 70% of all smelted in the world. About 15% of titanium is used for chemical engineering.
  • Silver and gold are the first metals with which man became acquainted. Throughout the history of mankind, these metals have mostly been used for jewelry. And currently the trend continues.
  • Due to its high refractoriness, tungsten is indispensable in instrument making. Its high density allows it to be used as radiation protection.
  • Nickel and chromium form nichrome - a heat-resistant plastic alloy, very durable and reliable.

Different grades of steel and cast iron, bronze and other metals have different chemical compositions and different densities. The densities of all required materials are measured and systematized. Tables containing this data are available to users. With their help, you can easily find the mass of a product of a given shape.

Determination of product mass

All modern reference materials, GOST and technical specifications of enterprises have been adjusted in accordance with the international classification.

Using reference tables of densities of various materials, it is easy to determine their mass. This is especially true when items are heavy or appropriate scales are not available. To do this, you need to know their geometric parameters. Most often, you need to find out the mass of an object in the form of a cylinder, pipe or parallelepiped:

  1. Metal rods are cylindrical in shape. Knowing the diameter and length, it is easy to find out the mass. Mass equals density times volume. Finding the volume of an object. It is obtained by multiplying the cross-sectional area by the length. The area of ​​a circle, knowing the diameter, is easy to determine. The squared diameter is multiplied by 3.14 (pi), divided by 4.
  2. We obtain the mass of the pipe in the same way. When finding the area, we take the difference between the outer and inner diameter of the section.
  3. To determine the mass of a sheet, bloom, slab or bar of rectangular cross-section, we determine the volume by multiplying the length, height and thickness. Multiply by the density from the reference book.

With such calculations, a small error is always allowed, because the shapes are not ideal. In practice it can be neglected. Manufacturers of metal products have developed special mass calculators for users. It is enough to enter unique dimensions in the appropriate windows and get the result.

What is specific gravity

Specific gravity is the density multiplied by the acceleration of gravity (gravity) or the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume. It is unacceptable to confuse it with density. However, this often occurs due to confusion between the concepts of mass and weight.

The weight of a body, and therefore its specific gravity, changes depending on the force of gravity. It is not a constant value. Depending on the place where the item is located, it has different meanings. This physical quantity will be different even at different points on the Earth.

The acceleration of gravity at the equator is greater than at the poles. Mass and density are constant.

For example, you can calculate the specific gravity of silver. On Earth, this value will be 10,500 kg/m³ (density of pure metal). Multiplying by 9.81 m/s2 (gravity), you can get 103005 N/m³. And on the Moon, 10,500 kg/m³ is multiplied by 1.62 m/s2 (gravity on the Moon). The result is different - 17.01 N/m³. In the cabin of a ship rotating around the Earth there is weightlessness and acceleration is zero. Consequently, the weight of any material here is zero.

All values ​​will be different. The greatest value will be in the first case, because on Earth the acceleration of gravity has the greatest significance. In zero gravity, a thing weighs nothing. The density of the same material will be the same anywhere. It is a constant.

In order to create tables of the specific gravity of metals on various planets (or in other conditions), it is necessary to know the acceleration of gravity and density.

Transportation of metal products

In the cargo transportation system, such a concept as “volumetric weight” is involved. If the mass of an object in one cubic meter is 167 kg, then this weight is considered physical, and if it is less, it is considered volumetric. For example, the mass of a cube of carbon steel is 7750 kg. In other words, the volumetric weight of steel is 7750 kg. These calculations are needed to determine how much volume the transported cargo will occupy.

However, depending on what metal products are transported, the volume will vary. Let's assume that there are several different hardware of the same grade of steel. In theory, they have the same density.

However, ingots, large-grade products and coils of wire have different volumes, and therefore, when transported, they will take up more or less space in transport. Thus, they have different volumetric weights.

Under any conditions, a cubic meter of steel is more than 167 kg, therefore, it cannot be called volumetric.

Source: https://obrabotkametalla.info/splavy/plotnost-i-udelnyj-ves-metallov

Heavy metals

Today, about 40 different interpretations of the term “heavy metals” are known, and it is absolutely impossible to single out the most correct one. Thus, each definition of heavy metals will include its own list of elements in accordance with certain criteria.

Often, the characteristics of heavy metals are based on: atomic mass, density, toxicity, prevalence in the natural environment, degree of involvement in natural and man-made cycles. For example, the main criterion may be a minimum relative atomic mass of 50. According to this feature, absolutely all metals, starting with vanadium, will fall under the list of “heavy metals,” regardless of their density.

However, in other definitions of this term, density is the main characteristic on the basis of which the list is compiled, and it must be more than or equal to 8 g/cm3 (iron density). According to this criterion, the following elements will be included in the list of “heavy metals”: ​​lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, cobalt, but tin will already be excluded from this list, as it is lighter.

In addition, the classification of metals may also be based on other values ​​of threshold density (for example, 5 g/cm3) or atomic mass. Thus, some groups of heavy metals may include elements that are brittle or metalloids (for example, bismuth or arsenic, respectively). In this regard, the term “heavy metals” is considered from a medical and environmental point of view.

This allows the compilation of a list of heavy metals to be based not only on the physical and chemical properties of the element, but also on its biological activity, toxicity, as well as the volume of its use in economic activities.

However, in most cases, the list of heavy metals includes 40 elements with a relative density exceeding 6. Despite the fact that the terms “heavy metals” and “toxic metals” are considered synonymous, the number of hazardous metals is still significantly less , which cannot but rejoice.

Of primary interest are the elements that have the widest and most active use in production, as a result of which they accumulate in the environment, which poses a danger to human health in terms of their biological activity and toxicity. Among these are lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, bismuth, cobalt, nickel, copper, tin, antimony, vanadium, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and arsenic.

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Properties of heavy metals

Heavy metals in the atmosphere are organic and inorganic compounds. They may be present as dust, aerosol, or in gaseous elemental form (for example, mercury).

It is worth noting that lead, cadmium, copper and zinc aerosols include mainly submicron particles, the diameter of which is approximately 0.5 - 1 microns.

But nickel and cobalt particles in the form of an aerosol are coarse particles with a diameter exceeding 1 micron. Their formation mainly occurs during the combustion of diesel fuel.

In the aquatic environment, heavy metals can be present in three main forms: suspended particles, colloidal particles, and dissolved compounds.

The latter are free ions and soluble complex compounds with organic (humic and fulvic acids) and inorganic (halogens, sulfates, phosphates, carbonates) ligands.

The form of an element in water is determined by hydrolysis, which greatly influences the presence of these elements in the aquatic environment. A huge amount of heavy metals are transported through surface water in suspension.

heavy metals in soils are presented in water-soluble, ion-exchange and weakly adsorbed forms. The former are mainly chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, as well as organic complex compounds. It should be said that the connection of heavy metal ions with soil minerals, as part of the crystal lattice, is often noted.

The table presents the biogeochemical properties of heavy metals, which were assessed according to three main criteria: high (H), moderate (U), low (L).

It is worth noting that the biogeochemical properties of heavy metals include toxicity, carcinogenicity, solubility and many others, which are expressed differently in them. However, there are two main properties, on the basis of which the degree of danger of a particular heavy metal for a living organism is determined, depending on the concentration. These properties include: biochemical activity and organic form of distribution.

Determination of heavy metals

Today, there are two main groups of analytical methods that allow the determination of heavy metals (for example, in water or soil), namely:

  • electrochemical methods;
  • spectrometric methods.

It is worth noting that the second group is gradually losing ground and giving way to electrochemical methods.

Among the spectrometric methods, the most common one should be highlighted - atomic absorption spectrometry with different atomization of samples. In the case when it is necessary to determine several elements simultaneously, the main method of determination is atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, as well as mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.

In order to determine heavy metals by electrochemical methods, the sample is transferred to an aqueous solution. Electrochemical methods include: polarographic (voltammetric), potentiometric, coulometric, conductometric and many others.

It is worth noting that there are situations when it is impossible to determine heavy metals using only one method, then several methods are used at once with further titration.

These methods are based on the analysis of current-voltage characteristics, the potentials of ion-selective electrodes, the integral charge, which serves to ensure that the desired metal precipitates on the electrode of the electrochemical cell, the electrical conductivity of the solution, etc. These methods make it possible to determine heavy metals up to 10-9 mol/l.

The group of spectral analyzes includes many different methods used to determine heavy metals. First of all, it includes in its list atomic emission analysis, atomic absorption analysis, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, and X-ray spectral analysis.

In some cases, when the concentration of heavy metals is in a fairly small concentration, they are often determined by several spectrometric methods.

Sometimes, to determine heavy metals, it is necessary to resort to complex methods that combine both spectral and electrochemical methods. One such method is spectropolarimetric analysis.

The heaviest metal

It is impossible to identify and name one single heaviest metal, since the criteria for determining the “heaviness” of a metal can be completely different. This was discussed at the beginning of this article.

Thus, one of the heaviest metals is lead, which is not inferior to zinc, tin, iron, and copper, but it cannot bear the title of the heaviest metal. For example, lead is significantly inferior to liquid metal - mercury. So, if you place a piece of lead in mercury, it will not sink, but will confidently stay on its surface.

A 1 liter bottle of mercury will weigh 14 kg. But, despite this, mercury is not the heaviest metal, since gold and platinum are one and a half times heavier than mercury.

Rare metals ahead of gold and platinum are iridium and osmium, which are twice as heavy as iron. So, the heaviest metals, according to their specific gravity:

  • zinc – 7.1;
  • tin – 7.3;
  • iron – 7.8;
  • copper – 8.9;
  • lead – 11.3;
  • mercury – 13.6;
  • gold – 19.3;
  • platinum – 21.5;
  • iridium – 22.4;
  • osmium – 22.5

If we take density as the main characteristic of heavy metals, the list will be different and will include the following elements:

  • tantalum – 16.67 g/cm3;
  • uranium – 19.05 g/cm3;
  • tungsten – 19.29 g/cm3;
  • gold – 19.29 g/cm3;
  • plutonium – 19.80 g/cm3;
  • neptunium – 20.47 g/cm3;
  • rhenium – 21.01 g/cm3;
  • platinum – 21.40 g/cm3;
  • osmium – 22.61 g/cm3;
  • iridium – 22.65 g/cm3;

However, there is a list of metals that are generally considered heavy. Main heavy metals:

  • lead;
  • mercury;
  • copper;
  • cadmium;
  • cobalt.

The peculiarities of heavy metals are that they are all highly toxic and in some cases pose a threat to the health and life of living organisms. In addition, they have the ability to bioaccumulate and biomagnify.

Application of heavy metals

In ancient times, the first metals that appeared in human life significantly facilitated his existence on Earth. After all, metal is a more durable material than stone or wood. More productive tools, more destructive weapons, and also more reliable protection were made from metal. In addition, people also learned to make jewelry, dishes, various ritual objects, and everyday items from metal.

Today, humanity knows about 70 metals, some of which, according to various definitions and selection criteria, are heavy.

Thanks to their unique properties and characteristics, heavy metals have found their application in many areas of human activity, in particular in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, medicine, production of equipment and electronics, construction, in the production of dishes, jewelry, and everyday items.

For example, lead is used to coat various equipment to protect it from corrosion. It is also used as a sheath for cables that are laid underground, in water or any other wet environment. Lead batteries are still used to ignite internal combustion engines, despite the fact that nickel batteries have long existed in nature, however, the cost of the latter is much higher.

Mercury has also found its wide application in electrical engineering, electronics, instrument making, metallurgy, chemistry (manufacture of thermometers, barometers, relays, fluorescent lamps, quartz mercury lamps), etc.

Copper, due to its low resistivity and high thermal conductivity, is quite widely used in electrical engineering - it is the main material from which power and other cables, wires, and other conductors are made. Various heat exchangers are made from copper - cooling, air conditioning, heating radiators, computer coolers, heat pipes and much more.

These elements are extracted from heavy metal ores - the ore is initially extracted, after which it is enriched and then the metal itself is obtained using chemical or electrolytic reduction.

Source: http://mining-prom.ru/cvetmet/metallurgy/tyazhelye-metally/

What is heavier, gold or lead?

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Question for experts: What is heavier - gold or lead?

Best regards, Sergey Neimirko

Best answers

If you weigh two pieces of equal volume, then a piece of gold will be 70% heavier than a piece of lead, for the reason that the density of gold is 70% greater than the density of lead.

What is heavier than a kilogram of gold or a kilogram of lead?

With the same volume, which is not in the question, lead is heavier.

What is heavier than 1kg of nails or 1kg of cotton wool?

In terms of specific density, it’s lead, but not by much

gold - specific gravity 196.97
lead - specific gravity 207.2

that means lead is heavier

Gold is heavier. Everything is decided by one atom on which these 2 substances differ.

All two students, except the student, study: tochmeh /info/plotn.php

You can take gold to a pawnshop :)))), but you’ll have to tinker with lead. :)))) It’s not about the burden, it’s about the money. as usual:)))))

Physical properties

Pure gold is a soft yellow metal. Some gold products, such as coins, get a reddish hue from admixtures of other metals, in particular copper. In thin films, gold shows through green. Gold has exceptionally high thermal conductivity and low electrical resistance.

Gold is a very heavy metal: a ball of pure gold with a diameter of 46 mm has a mass of 1 kg. A liter bottle filled with gold sand weighs approximately 16 kg. The heaviness of gold is a plus for its extraction. The simplest technological processes, such as washing at sluices, can provide a very high degree of gold recovery from the washed rock.

Gold is very malleable and malleable. From a piece of gold weighing one gram, you can stretch a wire three kilometers long or make gold foil 500 times thinner than a human hair (0.0001 mm). Through such a piece of foil, a ray of light shines through in a greenish color. The softness of pure gold is so great that it can be scratched with a fingernail. Therefore, in jewelry, gold is always alloyed with copper or silver.

The composition of such alloys is expressed by breakdown, which indicates the number of parts by weight of gold in 1000 parts of the alloy (in Russian practice). The purity of chemically pure gold corresponds to 999.9 fineness - it is also called “bank” gold, since bars are made from such gold.

thermodynamic properties of a simple substance Density 19.3 g/cm³ Molar heat capacity 25.39 [1] J/(K mol) Thermal conductivity 318 W/(m K) Melting point 1337.58 K Heat of fusion 12.68 kJ/mol Boiling point 3080 K Heat of evaporation~ 340 kJ/mol

Molar volume 10.2 cm³/mol

Lead has a rather low thermal conductivity, it is 35.1 W/(m K) at a temperature of 0 °C. The metal is soft and can be easily cut with a knife. On the surface it is usually covered with a more or less thick film of oxides; when cut, a shiny surface is revealed, which fades over time in air.

Melting point: 327.4 °C

Boiling point: 1740 °C Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance Density 11.35 g/cm³ Molar heat capacity 26.65 [1] J/(K mol) Thermal conductivity 35.3 W/(m K) Melting point 600.65 K Heat of fusion 4.77 kJ /mol Boiling point 2 013 K Heat of evaporation 177.8 kJ/mol

Molar volume 18.3 cm³/mol


This video will help you figure it out

Answers from experts

Lead. It has a higher specific gravity

See periodic table

a kilogram of gold is not heavier than a kilogram of lead and vice versa))

gold - specific gravity 196.97
lead - specific gravity 207.2

A smotrya komu na golovu brosat'

Dvoyka vsem: tjalee zoloto: Density (near rt) 19.3 g cm−3

Pb: 11.34 g cm−3

Almost 2 times a day.

If you weigh two pieces of equal volume, then a piece of gold will be 70% heavier than a piece of lead, since the density of gold is 70% greater than the density of lead.
If you weigh two pieces of the same mass in air, then the piece of gold will again be heavier (by about 0.0035%), since a piece of lead of the same mass has a larger volume and will displace more air (1 ml of air weighs something like 1 mg)

Svenets is slightly heavier than gold.

gold - 19300 kg/cub.m
lead - 11340 kg/cub.m

gold - 19300 kg/cu.m.
m lead - 11340 kg/cubic. m

Even my dad once told me that gold weighs heavier than lead, and my dad knew chemistry and physics very well, hence the conclusion - it’s true that gold is heavier than lead!

Gold is heavier 1. in 1 cube of gold (centimeter per centimeter) there are 19 grams of gold2. in 1 cube of lead (centimeter per centimeter) there are 11 grams of lead. If a bullet were made of gold, a gold bullet would fly 1.5 times further than a lead bullet. But platinum is the heaviest - 3.

in 1 cube of platinum (centimeter per centimeter) there are 21.5 grams of platinum So it is best to make bullets from platinum But lead is the cheapest so they are made from lead Also bullets are made from uranium, because it is as heavy as gold, but is cheaper than gold (but all equally expensive)

In general, lead is not the heaviest, but the cheapest. Gold is heavier, but lead is not so heavy - a little heavier than copper.

The specific gravity of gold is 19.32, and that of lead is 11.4. So “don’t talk nonsense.” If you take equal volumes of lead and gold, then the volume of gold will be heavier.

Lead has a higher atomic weight, but the statement that lead is heavier will only be true for near-molecular volumes of substances.

In everyday life, we are interested in weighed amounts of a substance that are visible to the eye, so a piece of lead will be lighter than a piece of gold with equal volumes. This paradox is due to the fact that under normal conditions gold has a denser crystal lattice. Voila.

Lead. It has a higher specific gravity...

Lead is of course heavier in terms of beat. weight, but in “mining” gold is heavier.

Lead is heavier - here is the table - see for yourself))

Cat's smile, the table means nothing. This is atomic weight. And density matters! Gold has 19 g/cm3, and lead has 11 g/cm3. This means gold is heavier.

Source: https://dom-voprosov.ru/prochee/chto-tyazhelee-zoloto-ili-svinets

What are heavy metals? About chromium, antimony and zinc

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the pollution of nature with heavy metals . This category includes more than 40 chemical elements (tin, tungsten, molybdenum, tellurium, antimony, cadmium, iron, zinc, chromium, mercury, manganese, lead, cobalt, bismuth, nickel, gallium, copper, germanium, thallium).

Calling “heavy metals” “toxic elements” is an inaccurate concept, because they are not the only ones that form toxic compounds for living organisms. Lighter elements can also be dangerous at certain concentrations.

Rocks of igneous and sedimentary origin

The main natural source of heavy metal pollution is various rocks of igneous and sedimentary origin. Many minerals containing these elements may be impurities in other rocks. This group includes: chromium (Fe2Cr2O4) and titanium minerals (anatase, ilmenite, brucite). Compounds of this category of chemical elements can enter the atmosphere from space (with cosmic dust), and from the bowels of our planet (with the help of volcanic gases).

Anthropogenic pollution

An important factor in the release of heavy metals into the environment is anthropogenic pollution . The cement industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, due to technological processes at high temperatures, releases very large amounts of these elements into our environment.

These pollutants can also penetrate into our food if the fields were irrigated with water containing a high concentration of such chemical elements (for example, domestic wastewater). This happens because some of them are considered microelements. Of course, this is not the only way these metals end up in water bodies.

If there are metallurgical enterprises, mines near your habitat, or large amounts of mineral fertilizers containing zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum are applied to your fields, then they can get into groundwater due to rain and melting snow.

So I advise you to test the water quality for heavy metal content in the area if you want to dig a well.

Not only local anthropogenic activity can affect the increase in the content of heavy metals in the atmosphere. In the form of aerosols, these chemical elements can be transported many tens, hundreds, and even thousands of kilometers from the place of their release into the atmosphere. Also, heavy elements can accumulate at the bottom of closed reservoirs in sediments.

Part of their content is formed by insoluble carbonates, sulfates, and are also included in mineral and organic sediments. Thus, the content of heavy metals in reservoir sediments increases, but if the sediments are oversaturated with these metals, they will fall back into the water and then there will be a “double whammy.”

Why is that? Yes, because we have not yet felt the global effect of severe pollution with such elements. When these sediments from the bottom of reservoirs lose their ability to bind them, they will “return” parts of these elements back into the water and then we will look for suitable water somewhere else. A particularly difficult situation has arisen near highways.

The soil there has accumulated so much lead, cadmium and zinc that no positive forecasts are expected.

How are heavy metals removed from water and soil?

Heavy metals entering the soil begin to accumulate in the upper layers of this layer. There are sure ways to remove them: consumption by plants, leaching, erosion, removal by water. As a function of the element, the half-life of removal from the soil may vary. For example, reducing the initial concentration to half for certain elements is: for cadmium - 13 - 110 years, for zinc 70 - 510 years, for copper - 310 - 1500 years, for lead - 770 - 5900 years.

The solubility of compounds of these elements in the soil is influenced by various factors:

This is why increased oxygen levels in the aqueous solution are recommended. Oxygen oxidizes metal ions to insoluble forms. Plants are an important link in the cycle of heavy metals in nature. They accumulate them in tissues, from where they can pass to animals and humans.

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Everyone knows that several chemical elements from this category are included in the group of trace elements. Plants, each according to their type, concentrate certain microelements.

The toxicity of heavy metals increases with increasing atomic mass. Each such chemical element, at a high level in a living organism, affects certain biochemical processes.

Scientists have recently become interested in the effects of heavy metals on animals. It turns out that they can accumulate them, thus serving as indicators. The most sensitive animals are considered to be soil animals (saprophytes, due to the fact that they live in a certain territory), the European mole, bank vole, elk, and brown bear. Information about mammals is especially interesting, because this way you can more accurately learn about possible effects on humans.

The effect of heavy metals on living organisms

By affecting animal organisms, heavy metals accumulate in tissue and cause various diseases.

Antimony (Sb)

The main sources of pollution with this element are considered to be wastewater from enterprises that produce matches, glass, paints, rubber and the natural process of leaching of antimony minerals (stibiocanite, senarmontite, stibnite, serventite, valentinite).

antimony in natural reservoirs

In natural clean reservoirs, the compounds of this chemical element do not exceed the norm and are in a dispersive state. The presence of compounds of trivalent and pentavalent antimony is possible.

Normal water from the surface of the Earth contains very low concentrations of antimony (less than a microgram per liter of water), in the seas it is contained at a level of 0.5 μg/liter, and in underground waters it is about 10 μg/liter.

Maximum permissible concentration of antimony for the aquatic environment

In natural reservoirs, the maximum permissible concentration of antimony (MAC) is 0.05 mg/liter, and in reservoirs intended for fishing purposes (MAC) - 0.01 mg/liter.

Chromium (Cr)

Basically, compounds of tri- and hexavalent this element enter surface waters by leaching of various minerals (crocoite, chromite, uvarovite). Other natural sources of chromium include plants and other living organisms. The decomposition of these living organisms may release Cr ions. Humans can also be involved in polluting the environment with its compounds. The most important sources of chromium contamination are:

A decrease in the concentration of Cr in water is observed due to adsorption on the surface of rocks and processing by various organisms.

The level of Cr compounds in water depends on many factors such as:

It is very important what sorbents are in silt, sediments at the bottom of reservoirs (calcium carbonate, clay, iron hydroxide, plant and animal remains) because they affect the overall level of chromium in the water. Soluble forms of Cr are chromates and dichromates. At increased oxygen concentrations in water (aerobic conditions), hexavalent chromium salts Cr(VI) transform into trivalent chromium salts Cr(III), which at elevated pH transform into insoluble hydroxides.

The concentration of Cr in clean, unpolluted waters ranges from 0.1 µg/liter to n*1 µg/liter, in polluted waters - from n*10 µg/liter to n*100 µg/liter. In the seas, Cr is contained at a level of 0.05 μg/liter, and in underground waters from n*10 to n*100 μg/liter.

It is important to know that hexavalent and trivalent chromium compounds at high concentrations in the environment can cause cancer in animals and humans living in this environment.

Maximum permissible concentration of chromium for the aquatic environment

The maximum permissible concentration for Cr(VI) in reservoirs should not exceed 0.05 mg/liter, and for Cr(III) - 0.5 mg/liter.

In fishery reservoirs, the content of hexavalent chromium MAC fisheries should not exceed 0.001 mg/liter, and trivalent chromium - 0.005 mg/liter.

Zinc (Zn)

The main minerals and rocks that can serve as natural zinc contaminants are sphalerite, smithsonite, calamine, goslarite, and zincite. Anthropogenic factors of zinc pollution can be wastewater from various industrial facilities (factories for the production of mineral paints, parchment paper, viscose fiber and electroplating shops).

In water, Zn is found in ionic form, as well as in the form of organic and mineral complexes. The most common forms of insoluble zinc compounds are carbonates, sulfides, and hydroxides.

zinc in natural reservoirs

In the seas, Zn is contained in concentrations from 1.5 to 10 μg/liter, and in rivers - 3 to 120 μg/liter. Waste water from mines and mines, at low pH, can contain very high levels of zinc.

Zn is one of the most important microelements that all plants and animals need. There are also negative aspects of zinc; the chloride and sulfate of this element are toxic.

Maximum permissible concentration of zinc for the aquatic environment

The maximum permissible concentration for zinc in natural reservoirs is 1 mg Zn2+/liter, and in fishery reservoirs the maximum permissible concentration for zinc is 0.01 mg Zn2+/liter.

Source: https://www.net-bolezniam.ru/chto-takoe-tjazhelye-metally-pro-hrom-surmu-i-cink/61/

Which is heavier copper or lead?

Lead is a soft, heavy metal of a silver-gray color, shiny, but quickly losing its shine. Along with tin and copper, it is one of the elements known to mankind since ancient times. Lead was used very widely, and even now its use is extremely diverse. So, today we will find out whether lead is a metal or a non-metal, as well as a non-ferrous or ferrous metal, we will learn about its types, properties, application and extraction.

What is lead

Lead is an element of group 14 of D.I. Mendeleev’s table, located in the same group with carbon, silicon and tin. Lead is a typical metal, but it is inert: it reacts extremely reluctantly even with strong acids.

Molecular weight is 82. This not only indicates the so-called magic number of protons in the nucleus, but also the large weight of the substance. The most interesting qualities of the metal are associated precisely with its great weight.

The concept and features of lead metal are discussed in this video:

Concept and features

Lead is a metal that is quite soft at normal temperatures and is easy to scratch or flatten. This plasticity makes it possible to obtain metal sheets and rods of very small thickness and any shape. Malleability was one of the reasons why lead began to be used since ancient times.

The lead water pipes of Ancient Rome are well known. Since then, this type of water supply system has been installed more than once and in more than one place, but it did not operate for so long. Which, without a doubt, saved a considerable number of human lives, since lead, alas, with prolonged contact with water, eventually forms soluble compounds that are toxic.

Toxicity is the very property of a metal due to which they try to limit its use. Metal vapors and many of its organic and inorganic salts are very dangerous for both the environment and people. Basically, of course, the workers of such enterprises and residents of the area around the industrial facility are in danger. 57% is emitted with large volumes of dusty gas, and 37% with converter gases. There is only one problem with this - the imperfection of purification plants.

However, in other cases people become victims of lead contamination. Until recently, the most effective and popular gasoline stabilizer was tetraethyl lead. When fuel burned, it was released into the atmosphere and polluted it.

But lead has another, extremely useful and necessary quality - the ability to absorb radioactive radiation. Moreover, the metal absorbs the hard component even better than the soft one. A 20 cm thick lead layer can protect against all types of radiation known on Earth and in nearby space.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lead combines extremely useful properties, turning it into an irreplaceable element, and downright dangerous ones, which make its use a very difficult task.


The advantages from the point of view of the national economy include:

  • fusibility and malleability - this allows you to form metal products of any degree of complexity and any subtlety. Thus, for the production of sound-absorbing membranes, lead plates with a thickness of 0.3–0.4 mm are used;
  • lead is able to form an alloy with other metals (including tin, copper, zinc, etc.) that under normal conditions do not alloy with each other; its use as solder is based on this quality;
  • metal absorbs radiation. Today, all elements of radiation protection - from clothing to the decoration of X-ray rooms and rooms at testing sites - are made from lead;
  • The metal is resistant to acids, second only to noble gold and silver. So it is actively used for lining acid-resistant equipment. For the same reasons, it is used to produce pipes for the transfer of acid and for wastewater in hazardous chemical plants;
  • The lead-acid battery has not yet lost its importance in electrical engineering, as it allows one to obtain a high voltage current;
  • low cost - lead is 1.5 times cheaper than zinc, 3 times cheaper than copper, and almost 10 times cheaper than tin. This explains the very great benefit of using lead rather than other metals.
  • toxicity - the use of metal in any type of production poses a danger to personnel, and in case of accidents - an extreme danger to the environment and the population. Lead belongs to substances of hazard class 1;
  • Lead products should not be disposed of as regular waste. They require disposal and sometimes it is very expensive. Therefore, the issue of metal recycling is always relevant;
  • Lead is a soft metal, so it cannot be used as a structural material. Considering all his other qualities, this should rather be considered a plus.

Source: https://ostwest.su/instrumenty/chto-tjazhelee-med-ili-svinec.php/

Which is heavier: gold or lead?

That is why it is so actively used in dentistry. This metal can be not only yellow. It depends on the components included in its composition. However, regardless of color, products made from this metal are incredibly popular.

The question arises, how does the density of gold compare to the density of other metals? Which element has the largest mass? This article can answer these and many other questions.

Uses of gold

The demand for the yellow metal determines not only its use in the production of jewelry and the increase in the state’s gold and foreign exchange reserves. It is also very widely used in many other areas.

In industry, gold began to be actively used due to its chemical properties. It covers mirrors operating in the far infrared range. This is especially useful when conducting all kinds of nuclear research. Gold is also very often used for soldering components made of various materials.

Another area of ​​application is dentistry. This is due not only to the impossibility of the yellow metal entering into a chemical bond with the human body, but also to its incredible corrosion resistance.

Pharmacology also cannot do without the use of this amazing yellow metal. Gold compounds are now actively used in various medical preparations that save from a wide variety of diseases.

These are not the only uses for gold. Due to rapid progress, there is an increasing need to use gold content in technological innovations. From this we can conclude that yellow metal is not only an attribute of luxury, but also a useful technical tool, the importance of which is increasing every year.


Silver, like gold, has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for the production of tableware. Previously, silver was very actively used in coinage. And today you can see some coins containing a little silver. When choosing a precious metal, the question often arises: what is heavier, gold or another precious metal - silver.


In addition to creating silverware and various jewelry, this material is very actively used in industry, as well as in the photographic industry.

The main properties due to which this element has become so widely used in the industrial field are excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, excellent resistance to interaction with the environment, as well as excellent reflectivity.

Rapidly developing technological progress has significantly reduced the use of silver in the photographic industry. This is due to the fact that thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, the process of producing and using photographic equipment has become much more accessible to most people. This is what ensured a reduction in the use of silver by more than 3 times.

Due to its bactericidal properties, this metal is very actively used in medicine. Currently, silver is used to produce antibacterial patches, as well as to produce filters for purifying water from harmful microorganisms.

Silver nitrate used in medicine.


It should be said that the density of lead is almost 10 times less than the density of the noble yellow metal. To understand the density of lead, it should be said that the density of birch or linden is 25 times less. According to the density table, lead is in 20th place, and gold is in seventh. From this it is easy to conclude that the yellow metal is much heavier than its opponent.

This element is very well used in the production of various metal structures, as well as in the medical field. This is due to the non-transmission of X-ray rays. The widespread use of lead in various fields is also associated with the very cheap cost of this metal. Its cost is almost half the cost of aluminum. Another advantage is the relative ease of extraction of this material, which provides a huge supply to the world market.


It is one of the oldest metals known to man. The first metal products, according to the results of archaeological research, appeared in the fourth millennium BC. Iron is much cheaper than the yellow precious metal. This is due to the high content of iron ore in the depths. And as they say in the economics textbook, the greater the demand, the lower the price of the product.

Unlike gold, iron has several oxidation states, and it interacts very actively with the environment. Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of iron ore reserves.

You should immediately answer the question of interest: what is heavier, a precious metal such as gold or ordinary iron. To answer this you will need to look at the density of metals. The density of the precious metal is already known, let’s find the value for iron. It is equal to 7.844 grams per cubic centimeter. It follows from this that this metal, with an equal volume, is not only lighter than gold, but also silver and lead.


This element has been known since time immemorial, but in Europe, in its pure form, it was obtained at the beginning of the 19th century. Platinum is a noble metal whose value used to be 2.2 times that of gold. This was due to the very small amount of platinum in the world. There are about 30 grams of platinum per kilogram of the yellow metal. At this point in time, the cost of gold is noticeably higher. This is due to the chemical and physical properties of the metal.

Platinum is a white-silver metal of extraordinary beauty, which, like gold, occupies a leading place among metals. The most important feature of this metal is its strength. Therefore, platinum jewelry does not wear out. In Russia, the following hallmarks of platinum exist: 950,900, 850. Platinum jewelry contains about 95% pure platinum, and a gold item contains 750 hallmarks, 75% gold.

Due to its high content, this metal is almost impossible to scratch. This is why it is so widely used in industry. But with gold it’s a completely different story. Another reason is the fact that all countries' gold and foreign exchange funds consist of gold. This practice has evolved over centuries and now it is simply pointless to spend decades reforming a well-functioning system.

It is surprising that platinum, at a certain period of time, was considered waste from gold mining, which was immediately thrown away.

Having assessed the density of the above metals, I wanted to know what would be heavier, gold, which will remain the unsurpassed leader, or platinum. The density of platinum is 21.45 grams per cubic centimeter. From this we can conclude that platinum is heavier than the yellow metal. Therefore, jewelry made of platinum weighs more than jewelry made of gold.

Heaviest elements

The density of five elements was given above, of which platinum is the heaviest. However, it is not the heaviest element existing on earth. The density of the heaviest element is 22.61 grams per cubic centimeter. His name is Osmium.


Surprisingly, this is not a chapel either. There are materials many tens of times higher than the density of Hassia. However, they are in outer space. The matter contained in white dwarfs can have a density of up to 1000 tons per cubic centimeter. This news shocked the world community.

However, this is not the limit. Neutron stars contain matter with a density of about 500 million tons per cubic centimeter. This figure can easily be surpassed by the density of black holes, however, due to the difficulties of conducting research, this is only theoretical.

Source: http://www.999gold.ru/news/view/778

Specific gravity of metals and alloys: concept, indicators of the most common metals and alloys

In order to work productively with various materials, the master must be aware of all their physical properties and characteristics, which will help determine the nuances of the work process. This is a very important aspect regarding any workflow related to material handling in various industries.

The properties of almost all materials known to mankind have long been studied and any indicators can be recognized by the user, thanks to the huge amount of theoretical materials that are available in special books and reference books, and on the Internet.

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Metals are a whole group of materials that are very widely used in various industrial fields. Their processing is not the easiest process, since physical or thermal intervention . Therefore, it is very important to know many of the physical properties of such materials.

The specific gravity of metals is one of the very important characteristics that you need to know when processing them. This article will discuss some indicators of the specific gravity of different metals, which may later be useful to the user.

Determination of metal specific gravity

First you need to define what specific gravity is. This will make it easier to subsequently understand all the indicators, as well as use the acquired knowledge when processing workpieces made from this durable material.

Specific gravity is the ratio of a homogeneous body of this substance to the volume of this material. An interesting point that can be immediately highlighted from this is that, in essence, the specific gravity of a metal is its density .

This value, that is, the specific gravity of the metal, is measured in kg/cubic meter. m. This is the unit of measurement most often indicated in various technical reference books. Sometimes other units of measurement may be indicated, but in domestic sources they are much less common.

If a reference book containing the necessary data about a particular metal is not at hand, then the specific gravity can be calculated using the well-known formula:

In this formula, y denotes the specific gravity, which will later have to be calculated, P is the weight, and V is the volume . Using this formula, you can already perform a calculation with known data on weight and volume.

Specific gravity of various metals

After defining the very concept of the specific gravity of a given material, you can move on to some indicators that can subsequently assist in working with metals.

Of course, it’s no secret that each metal, as well as each alloy, has its own indicators of this value, different from others. In order not to get confused in all the available data on various alloys and metals, metals and alloys will be considered separately below.

Specific gravity of metals

First, we should consider metals that do not contain impurities and have their own chemical designation in the periodic table.

Metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous. The most typical black “representative” is iron. Its specific gravity will be indicated in the table below. The table will also show the specific gravity of ferrous metals such as chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, nickel, and titanium.

The remaining materials that are present in the table, but were not named in the list of metals above, are non-ferrous. All non-ferrous metals that will be listed below can be divided into three groups:

  • light: aluminum, magnesium;
  • noble metals, also called precious: semi-precious copper, silver, gold, platinum;
  • fusible metals: tin, zinc, lead.

Specific gravity of metal alloys

Of course, the specific gravity of metals is extremely useful information, and this would be quite enough for a purely introductory reading of this article. But it should be remembered that pure metals are rarely used in construction and other areas. Usually they are replaced by various alloys , which can be divided into two groups: light and heavy.

Due to their outstanding high-temperature mechanical properties and serious strength indicators, alloys have long firmly taken their place in various industries and various industrial fields.

The most common base materials for light alloys are titanium, beryllium, aluminum and magnesium.

But it is worth mentioning the fact that alloys that were created on the basis of the last two metal elements cannot be used in working conditions where high temperatures are provided.

The basis for heavy alloys are the following elements: tin, lead, zinc, copper. Most often, heavy alloys such as brass and bronze . They are quite often used in various industries due to their excellent mechanical properties. These alloys are used to make sanitary fittings, as well as parts used in architecture.

Below is a table containing data on the specific gravity of some alloys:

All the alloys presented in the table above are among the most popular in a wide variety of industrial fields and are used for the manufacture of a wide variety of items used by people in everyday life.


  • Specific gravity is a value that is the ratio of weight to volume and is measured in kg/cubic meter. m. May also be mentioned in some sources as density.
  • Specific gravity indicators can be used to better process them, which can subsequently affect the quality of the final product.
  • It may be mentioned that this quantity of metals can also be measured in other units of measurement. The indicators given in the article and in the tables, expressed in kg/cc, are very often used in domestic sources and reference books, but you can also stumble upon another unit of measurement, also quite widely used to indicate specific gravity. This is g/cubic. m. If suddenly the user comes across data expressed in a given unit of measurement, but it is easier for him to navigate in terms of kg/cub.m, then there is no need to be upset. You just need to multiply the g/cc figure by 1000.
  • Using the values ​​​​given in the tables, you can easily find out the weight of the existing part. In order to calculate the mass of a part, you only need to calculate its volume. This is done in order to subsequently multiply it by the density of the material from which the part was made.

Source: https://stanok.guru/stanki/metallorezhuschiy-stanok/udelnyy-ves-metallov-i-splavov.html

The heaviest and densest metal in the world

Since time immemorial, people have been actively using various metals. After studying their properties, the substances took their rightful place in the table of the famous D. Mendeleev. Scientists are still arguing about the question of which metal should be given the title of the heaviest and densest in the world. There are two elements in the balance on the periodic table – iridium and osmium. Why they are interesting, read on.

general information

For centuries, people have been studying the beneficial properties of the most common metals on the planet. Science stores the most information about gold, silver and copper. Over time, humanity became acquainted with iron and lighter metals - tin and lead. In the world of the Middle Ages, people actively used arsenic, and diseases were treated with mercury.

Thanks to rapid progress, today the heaviest and densest metals are considered not just one element of the table, but two at once. At number 76 is osmium (Os), and at number 77 is iridium (Ir), the substances have the following density indicators:

  • osmium is heavy, due to its density of 22.62 g/cm³;
  • iridium is not much lighter - 22.53 g/cm³.

Density is one of the physical properties of metals; it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume. Theoretical calculations of the density of both elements have some errors, so both metals are today considered to be the heaviest.

For clarity, you can compare the weight of an ordinary cork with the weight of a cork made of the heaviest metal in the world. To balance the scales with a stopper made of osmium or iridium, you will need more than a hundred ordinary stoppers.

History of the discovery of metals

Both elements were discovered at the dawn of the 19th century by the scientist Smithson Tennant. Many researchers of that time were studying the properties of raw platinum, treating it with “regia vodka”. Only Tennant was able to detect two chemical substances in the resulting sediment:

  • The scientist named the sedimentary element with a persistent smell of chlorine osmium;
  • a substance with changing colors was called iridium (rainbow).

Both elements were represented by a single alloy, which the scientist managed to separate. Further research into platinum nuggets was undertaken by the Russian chemist K. Klaus, who carefully studied the properties of sedimentary elements. The difficulty in determining the heaviest metal in the world lies in the low difference in their density, which is not a constant value.

Vivid characteristics of the densest metals

The substances obtained experimentally are powders that are quite difficult to process; forging metals requires very high temperatures. The most common form of the combination of iridium and osmium is the alloy of osmic iridium, which is mined in platinum deposits and gold strata.

The most common places where iridium is found are meteorites rich in iron. Native osmium cannot be found in the natural world, only in collaboration with iridium and other components of the platinum group. Deposits often contain sulfur and arsenic compounds.

Features of the heaviest and most expensive metal in the world

Among the elements of Mendeleev's periodic table, osmium is considered the most expensive. The silvery metal with a bluish tint belongs to the platinum group of noble chemical compounds. The densest, but very brittle metal does not lose its shine under the influence of high temperatures.


  • Element #76 Osmium has an atomic mass of 190.23 amu;
  • A substance molten at a temperature of 3033°C will boil at 5012°C.
  • The heaviest material has a density of 22.62 g/cm³;
  • The structure of the crystal lattice has a hexagonal shape.

Despite the amazingly cold shine of silver tint, osmium is not suitable for the production of jewelry due to its high toxicity.

Melting the jewelry would require a temperature similar to the surface of the Sun, since the densest metal in the world is destroyed by mechanical stress.

Turning into powder, osmium interacts with oxygen, reacts to sulfur, phosphorus, selenium; the reaction of the substance to aqua regia is very slow. Osmium does not have magnetism; alloys tend to oxidize and form cluster compounds.

Where is it used?

The heaviest and incredibly dense metal has high wear resistance, so adding it to alloys significantly increases their strength. The use of osmium is mainly associated with the chemical industry. In addition, it is used for the following needs:

  • manufacturing containers intended for storing nuclear fusion waste;
  • for the needs of rocket science, weapons production (warheads);
  • in the watch industry for the manufacture of movements of branded models;
  • for the manufacture of surgical implants, parts of pacemakers.

Interestingly, the densest metal is considered the only element in the world that is not subject to the aggression of the “hellish” mixture of acids (nitric and hydrochloric). Aluminum combined with osmium becomes so ductile that it can be pulled without breaking.

Secrets of the world's rarest and densest metal

The fact that iridium belongs to the platinum group gives it the property of immunity to treatment with acids and their mixtures. In the world, iridium is obtained from anode sludge during copper-nickel production. After treating the sludge with aqua regia, the resulting precipitate is calcined, resulting in the extraction of iridium.

Application area

Although Iridium is a precious metal, it is rarely used for jewelry. The element, which is difficult to process, is in great demand in the construction of roads and the production of automobile parts. Alloys with the densest metal that is not susceptible to oxidation are used for the following purposes:

  • manufacturing crucibles for laboratory experiments;
  • production of special mouthpieces for glass blowers;
  • covering the tips of pens and ballpoint pens;
  • production of durable spark plugs for cars;

Alloys with iridium isotopes are used in welding production, in instrument making, and for growing crystals as part of laser technology. The use of the heaviest metal made it possible to carry out laser vision correction, crushing kidney stones and other medical procedures.

Although Iridium is non-toxic and not dangerous to biological organisms, its dangerous isotope, hexafluoride, can be found in the natural environment. Inhalation of toxic vapors leads to instant suffocation and death.

Places of natural occurrence

Deposits of the densest metal Iridium in the natural world are negligible, much smaller than reserves of platinum. Presumably the heaviest substance has shifted to the core of the planet, so the volume of industrial production of the element is small (about three tons per year). Products made from iridium alloys can last up to 200 years, making jewelry more durable.

Nuggets of the heaviest metal with an unpleasant odor, Osmium, cannot be found in nature. In the composition of the minerals, traces of osmic iridium can be found along with platinum, palladium, and ruthenium. Deposits of osmic iridium have been explored in Siberia (Russia), some states of America (Alaska and California), Australia and South Africa.

If deposits of platinum are discovered, it will be possible to isolate osmium with iridium to strengthen and strengthen the physical or chemical compounds of various products.

Source: https://top-top.info/tovaryi/samyiy-tyazhelyiy-i-plotnyiy-metall-v-mire.html

List of heavy metals: types and features

Of all 104 chemical elements known to mankind today, 82 are metals. They occupy a prominent place in the lives of people in the industrial, biological and environmental spheres. Modern science divides metals into heavy, light and noble. In this article we will look at the list of heavy metals and their features.

Determination of heavy metals

Initially, it was customary to call heavy metals those representatives that have an atomic mass above 50. However, the use of this term today occurs more often not from a chemical point of view, but depending on their impact on environmental pollution. Thus, the list of heavy metals includes those metals and metalloids (semi-metals) that pollute elements of the human biosphere (soil, water). Let's look at them.

How many elements does the list of heavy metals include?

Today there is no consensus on the number of elements in this list, since there are no general criteria classifying metals as heavy. However, the list of heavy metals can be formed depending on the various properties of the metals and their characteristics. These include:

  • Atomic weight. Based on this criterion, these include more than 40 elements with an atomic mass exceeding 50 amu (g/mol).
  • Density. Based on this criterion, those metals whose density is equal to or exceeds that of iron are considered heavy.
  • Biological toxicity combines heavy metals that negatively affect the life of humans and living organisms. There are about 20 elements in their list.

Effect on the human body

Most of these substances have a negative effect on all living organisms. Due to their significant atomic mass, they are poorly transported and accumulate in human tissues, causing various diseases. Thus, for the human body, cadmium, mercury and lead are recognized as the most dangerous and heaviest metals.

The list of toxic elements is grouped by degree of danger according to the so-called Mertz rules, according to which the most toxic metals have the smallest exposure range:

  1. Cadmium, mercury, thallium, lead, arsenic (a group of the most dangerous metal poisons, exceeding permissible limits can lead to serious psycho-physiological disorders and even death).
  2. Cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, antimony, scandium, zinc.
  3. Barium, manganese, strontium, vanadium, tungsten

This does not mean, however, that none of the elements grouped above, according to Mertz's rules, should be present in the human body. On the contrary, the list of heavy metals includes these and more than 20 other elements, a small concentration of which is not only not dangerous for human life, but is also necessary in metabolic processes, especially iron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and even zinc.

Environmental pollution with heavy metals

Elements of the biosphere that are polluted by heavy metals are soil and water. Most often, the culprits for this are metallurgical enterprises that process light and heavy non-ferrous metals. The list of polluting agents also includes waste incineration plants, automobile exhausts, boiler houses, chemical production companies, printing companies, and even power plants.

The most common toxins are: lead (automotive production), mercury (example of distribution: thermometers broken in everyday life and fluorescent lighting fixtures), cadmium (formed as a result of burning garbage). In addition, most factories in production use one or another element that can be characterized as heavy. The metal group, the list of which was given above, most often enters water bodies in the form of waste and then reaches humans along the trophic chain.

In addition to man-made factors of pollution of nature with heavy metals, there are also natural ones - these are volcanic eruptions, in the lava of which an increased content of cadmium was found.

Features of the distribution of the most toxic metals in nature

Mercury in nature is most localized in water and air. Mercury enters the waters of the world's oceans from industrial drains, and mercury vapors formed as a result of coal combustion are also found. Toxic compounds accumulate in living organisms, especially in seafood.

Lead has a wide distribution area. It accumulates in the mountains, and in the soil, and in water, and in living organisms, and even in the air, in the form of exhaust gases from cars. Of course, lead also enters the environment as a result of anthropological action in the form of industrial waste and non-recycled waste (accumulators and batteries).

And the source of environmental pollution with cadmium is wastewater from industrial enterprises, as well as natural factors: weathering of copper ores, soil leaching, as well as the results of volcanic activity.

Scope of application of heavy metals

Despite the toxicity, modern industry creates a huge variety of useful products by processing heavy non-ferrous metals, the list of which includes alloys of copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, titanium, zirconium, molybdenum, etc.

Copper is a highly plastic material that is used to make a variety of wires, pipes, kitchen utensils, jewelry, roofing and much more. In addition, it is widely used in mechanical engineering and shipbuilding.

Zinc has high anti-corrosion properties, so the use of zinc alloys for coating metal products (so-called galvanizing) is common. Areas of application for zinc products: construction, mechanical engineering, printing (production of printed forms), rocket science, chemical industry (production of varnishes and paints) and even medicine (antiseptics, etc.).

Lead melts easily, so it is used as a raw material in many industries: paint and varnish, chemical, automotive (part of batteries), radio electronics, medical (production of protective aprons for patients during X-ray examinations).

Source: https://FB.ru/article/300068/spisok-tyajelyih-metallov-vidyi-i-osobennosti

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