What is MAG welding

MIG/MAG welding: what is it?

Welding allows you to obtain permanent connections that are exceptionally strong. This indicator at the seam must be no lower than the base material, which is achieved by strict technology requirements and the addition of alloying substances.

In addition, this process is characterized by connection speed, complexity of the acceptable form, and the ability to control and vary basic parameters. MIG/MAG welding is developing most dynamically in industrial applications, but other types are also being improved.

The choice of a specific approach is determined by a number of parameters:

  1. Material of the parts to be connected.
  2. Production conditions. MIG, MMA and TIG require different organization and production preparation. The set of necessary equipment can vary from a simple power source to a set that includes a feed mechanism with precise adjustment and a compressed gas cylinder.
  3. Quality requirements. MIG, MAG, MMA and TIG welding should not always be considered interchangeable - they have different capabilities, including in the formation of the weld.
  4. Personnel qualifications. The most accessible in this are MAG and MMA. However, RDS is noticeably more difficult with increased requirements and small dimensions: leg, width, height, etc.
  5. Expected performance. The semi-automatic and automatic process turns out to be much faster than the manual one. Depending on this, suitable types are considered and the optimal one is selected.


mma technology diagram

In our country, the definition of manual arc welding (and the abbreviation RDS) is common. It is cheaper and easier to organize production and less demanding on equipment.

The connection of two elements in MMA occurs using an electrode - a metal rod coated with a coating containing substances that help maintain the arc, protect the welding zone, and form a seam with the desired properties. When voltage is applied, a stable short circuit is formed between the rod and the workpiece, leading to their mutual melting.

The difficulty may come from requiring welder qualifications. To obtain a neat and reliable joint, skill and long experience are required.

In MMA, special attention is paid to the condition of the electrodes, which should not be wet or crumbling. Do not neglect pre-drying and checking.


Mig/mag technology diagram

The question of what MIG/MAG welding is should not be misleading, despite the unusual designation.

The English abbreviation MIG/MAG (MIG/MAG) hides the well-known semi-automatic welding with electrode wire in a shielding gas environment.

Instead of a rod, a thin wire acts as an electrode, which is semi-automatically fed into the zone where the weld is formed. This compensates for the melting process and simplifies the performer’s task.

Small diameter wire (from 0.8 to 3.0 mm) allows you to obtain compact connection sizes of a few millimeters.

Fundamentally, MIG differs from MAG in the type of protective gas, which is necessary for isolation from the environment with its high oxygen content in the air. Oxidative processes negatively affect the structure through the formation of intercrystalline rust.

MIG welding involves the use of inert gas, which itself does not enter into any chemical reactions, but due to its relatively large weight, tends downward, displacing air. A local microclimate is formed, which shows good results.

MAG welding involves interaction between the natural and created environments, accompanied by the binding of oxygen.


Tig technology diagram

The decoding of this abbreviation leads to welding with a non-consumable electrode in an environment of inert gases. The main welding material used is thin, sharpened tungsten rods that are strong enough not to melt at operating temperatures. Wire is used as an additive, but its presence is not a prerequisite.

The argon-based protective environment not only sets the correct casting processes, but also creates a melting zone that is local and deep.

TIG is demanding on the level of the welder and on the equipment. Due to its minimal heating, it is usually used to work with aluminum or thin-sheet stainless steel. The same applies to MIG welding.

Application area

Due to high productivity, minimal spatter, quality and appearance of welds, Mig Mag welding has a wide range of applications. It is used in almost all sectors of heavy and medium industry.

Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, production of automobiles, pipelines, production of various metal structures - this is not a complete list. And since this method allows welding thin metals, including body iron, its use has become widespread in auto repair shops and service stations.


Gas protection perfectly isolates the welding zone from the harmful effects of external factors. Thanks to this, high-quality welds with excellent strength characteristics and external aesthetics of welded joints are obtained.

Comparisons with other methods and the ability to weld with long seams make it possible to verify one of the main advantages of semi-automatic welding: high speed and productivity. The advantages also include a small amount of spatter and the almost complete absence of slag crust on the surface of the weld.


The welding kit consists of:

  • power source (transformer or inverter type),
  • special wire feed unit (built into the source, or remote),
  • a welding torch through which the wire is pulled to the welding site,
  • mass clamp with cable,
  • a cylinder with protective gas, a gas reducer and a high-pressure hose for connecting the cylinder to the source.

When welding at high currents (from 350 Amps and above), the kit must include a water cooling unit (WCO) to protect the welding torch from overheating. Burner modification also matters. At currents up to 350 Amps, it is possible to use air-cooled torches; above 350 Amps, water-cooled welding torches are used.

Some source models allow welding with self-shielded or flux-cored wire, which does not require gas cylinders. These can be devices that were initially configured for welding without the use of shielding gases, or that allow welding in both modes: with and without gas, subject to switching the polarity of the torch. In this case, the equipment for the Mig Mag welding post is greatly simplified and it becomes more mobile.

Equipment selection

The main criteria when choosing a semi-automatic welding machine are the requirements for the supply network (one phase or three) and the range of tasks that this equipment will perform:

  • domestic or industrial use,
  • intensity of operation,
  • expected thickness of the workpieces to be welded,
  • use of a source with or without shielding gas.

For simple periodic household work, as well as for beginners learning the basics of welding, the Wester Mig 90 semi-automatic welding machine is suitable. This is an inverter power source with a built-in torch, which involves welding with a special flux-cored wire.

The Wester Mig 90 semi-automatic welding machine is compact, portable, easy to maintain and operate due to the absence of a gas cylinder and related consumables in its configuration, however, it must be taken into account that the quality of seams without gas protection can be significantly lower.

The maximum welding current that this semi-automatic machine can produce is 90 Amperes. This is enough for minor repairs and welding of thin metals. For more serious tasks, we can recommend the Shnaider Mig 200 semi-automatic welding machine. This device can also be used with self-shielding wire during operation, but allows welding at currents of up to 200 Amps.

Thanks to the long welding mode, the Shnaider Mig 200 semi-automatic welding machine can be used at a semi-professional level - in small-scale industries and automotive services.

MIG/MAG welding: what is it?

Source: https://superfb.site/biznes/promyshlennost/mig-mag-svarka-chto-eto-takoe.html

What is mig mag welding?

MIG/MAG is a semi-automatic welding method in shielded gases. It is one of the most common industrial methods for manufacturing welded metal structures.

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Essence of the process

Equipment for MIG/MAG welding consists of:

  • power source - a rectifier with a rigid or smoothly falling current-voltage characteristic, which promotes self-regulation of the arc length when it is disrupted as a result of vibrations of the welder’s hand;
  • feeding mechanism.

The gas supply can be either centralized or from a cylinder.

The consumable electrode, which is a solid or flux-cored wire, is fed into the welding zone automatically and at a constant speed. The torch is moved manually by the welder. The arc and weld pool are protected from the external environment by a flow of inert (MIG method) or active (MAG) shielding gas supplied through the torch nozzle.

Features of MIG welding

The use of inert gases (argon, helium), which do not react chemically with the metal of the weld pool, provides more effective protection. But its use in its pure form leads to a deterioration in the formation of the weld and significantly increases the final cost of the metal structure.

Therefore, in most cases, mixtures of inert gases with active ones are used (up to 1-2%):

mixture metal
2% CO2+ 98% Ar recommended for stainless steel
2% O2+ 98% Ar for welding dissimilar austenitic stainless steel grades
55% He +43% Ar + 2% CO2 alloy steels and aluminum alloys depending on their thickness
38% He + 60% Ar + 2% CO2
85% He + 13.5% Ar + 1.5% CO2

MAG welding

Pure active gas (carbon dioxide) is used primarily for welding metals with low carbon content and alloying elements. For carbon structural steel grades, it is customary to use mixtures of inert gases with carbon dioxide or oxygen. Their CONTENT in an amount of 5 to 30% makes it active - influencing the physical and chemical processes in the welding arc and pool.

Gas mixtures for MAG welding:

Mixture Properties
82% Ar + 18% CO2 It is characterized by versatility - can be used for almost all types of steel, including stainless steel.
86% Ar + 12% CO2 + 2% O2 Provides a stable arc and good penetration
78% Ar + 20% CO2 + 2% O2 Ideal for welding thick rolled steels.

It is sometimes difficult for a non-specialist to understand the terms and definitions used in welding. The complexity is additionally caused by the fact that there are no strictly regulated and classified methods and techniques. However, manufacturers of welding equipment and materials adhere to generally accepted English abbreviations, which will be discussed in this article.

Source: https://master-kleit.ru/origami/svarka-mig-mag-chto-jeto-takoe/

Types of welding. mma, mig, tig, mag – Master Tool


It is sometimes difficult for a non-specialist to understand the terms and definitions used in welding. The complexity is additionally caused by the fact that there are no strictly regulated and classified methods and techniques. However, manufacturers of welding equipment and materials adhere to generally accepted English abbreviations, which will be discussed in this article.


MMA (Manual Metal Arc) - manual arc welding with piece (coated) electrodes using an inverter or transformer. The technical literature of Soviet times used the designation RDS.

The welding process occurs due to the melting of a metal rod - an electrode coated with a special coating, which have their own classification. Its main purpose is to protect the weld pool from air, preventing oxidation of the metal.

The molten rod forms a weld and the used coating remains as slag.

Covered electrode welding

RDS is possible on both direct and alternating current.

With direct current, there are two options for connecting the ground clamp and the electrode holder, so there is welding with direct and reverse polarity.

Alternating current does not have this feature - how to connect the electrode in this case does not matter. The given reliability rating of welding inverters will help you choose a machine that will last for many years.

Since the MMA method is the most popular due to its simplicity and relatively inexpensive equipment used, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the question of how to learn how to weld with electric welding yourself.


TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) - technology of arc welding in an inert gas environment with a non-consumable electrode. Tungsten is a very refractory metal with a melting point of about 3500 C, so it is the basis for the production of this kind of electrodes. Sometimes you can find other variations of this method:

  • WIG (Wolfram Inert Gas) - the name is derived from the German spelling;
  • GTA (Gas Tungsten Arc) - this abbreviation omits the chemical reaction of the shielding gas.

Because the electrode is non-consumable, the argon welding process occurs according to a different scenario:

  • an electric arc is excited between the end of the electrode and the metal being welded;
  • filling of the welding seam occurs by supplying a special filler material - a rod - into the welding zone;
  • the weld pool is protected by a gas cloud.

TIG welding process

Protective inert gas, i.e. a gas whose molecules do not chemically interact with the base and filler materials during the welding process; in this case, argon is used. That is why the name “manual argon-arc welding” or RADS was assigned to it.

We recommend! Argon welding of stainless steel

Argon can be used when welding consumable electrodes - the MIG method, which will be discussed below.

In the technical characteristics of welding equipment, in addition to the designation TIG, it is always supplemented by a mention of the type of welding current DC (Direct Current) - direct current or AC/DC (Alternating Current / Direct Current) - alternating / direct current. In this case it is very important. For example, welding aluminum with argon is carried out using alternating current.


MIG/MAG (Metal Inert/Active Gas) is a method of arc welding in a protective atmosphere of inert/active gas using a consumable electrode in the form of steel or other wire, depending on the type of metal being joined.

Schematic representation of the mig/mag method

MIG or MAG welding usually means semi-automatic welding.

The main objective of this method was the idea of ​​​​creating an “endless electrode”, thereby achieving significant welding productivity.

Indeed, with the RDS method, you often have to change the electrode as it is used up, which in some cases is extremely inconvenient. As with TIG welding, shielding gases are used here.

The inert agent is usually argon and its mixtures, which is suitable, for example, for semi-automatic welding of aluminum and its alloys. The active gas, i.e., interacting with the metal being welded in the process, is usually carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). You may hear from a welder the phrase “semi-automatic welding in a carbon dioxide environment,” meaning the MAG method.

This method is the most common due to its increased productivity compared to MMA, and gives a better result in the quality of the weld. The rating of household semi-automatic machines based on reviews of experienced welders will help you decide on the choice of a welding machine.

We recommend! Manual arc welding in argon environment

We hope that this article will help you understand the classification of basic welding methods, and will also be useful when choosing equipment and materials with English abbreviations.

Source: https://cs-important.ru/drugoe/tipy-svarki-mma-mig-tig-mag.html

What is MIG and MAG welding. 5 Best Magnetic Designer Brands

The MIG semi-automatic machine consists of several main parts:

  • current generator (transformer or inverter);
  • a gas cylinder equipped with a reducer;
  • hoses and cables:
  • torches with wire feed system;
  • wire feeder.

The role of a consumable electrode is performed by a special wire made of aluminum, steel or other materials, which is wound on a drum and fed into the welding zone automatically. The feed speed is proportional to its diameter and welding current.

The welder just needs to bring the torch into the welding zone and press the handle. When an arc occurs, the electric motor feeds the wire to the seam, and gas under pressure blows through the bath and prevents atmospheric gases from reaching the hot metal, which can oxidize it.


In this case, the inert gas performs the functions of covering a conventional electrode during MMA welding, only the protective atmosphere is supplied from the outside in a ready-made form, and is not formed by burning the coating materials surrounding the steel rod. Semi-automatic MIG welding is sometimes criticized for being somewhat bulky - a cylinder, a drum with wire, an inverter or a generator actually somewhat reduce its mobility. But at the same time it has a number of very important advantages:

  • no toxic fumes are released during welding;
  • it is very easy to ignite and maintain the arc (especially on inverters);
  • wire consumption is minimized;
  • You can weld very thin sheets of metal.
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MIG/MAG welding works with direct current of direct or reverse polarity, as well as with sinusoidal current, depending on the characteristics of the metal being welded.

The second type of semi-automatic welding is MAG (metal active gas welding) in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. It is produced on the same principle as MIG, but carbon dioxide is pumped into the cylinder, which is cheaper than inert. But its use imposes some restrictions - only low-alloy and alloy steels can be welded. But in terms of ease of use and breadth of functions, this type of welding is not inferior to MIG.

As a rule, professional semi-automatic welding MIG/MAG is designed to operate in two modes: both with inert gas and with carbon dioxide. It has wide current adjustment capabilities and the ability to work with welding wire of any diameter. The most commonly used wire is 0.5-4 mm; its choice depends on the thickness of the material and its properties.

2 Mag building

The best ratio of price and quality

Country: China

(2019): 4.8

The next place in the ranking is confidently occupied by a more budget-friendly version of the magnetic construction set from Mag building. The product line is represented by sets with a very different number of parts (from 20 to 58 pieces). Together with this construction set, the child opens up incredible possibilities - building vehicles, carousels, large geometric shapes.

The brand often supplements its kits with various parts for a variety of ideas (wheels, letters, signs, etc.). Playing Mag building greatly develops creative and imaginative thinking, motor skills, perseverance and other skills that are important for a child. This construction set is considered the best analogue of the famous Magformers.

Customer reviews are often positive; children are delighted with the brand’s sets.


  • good quality;
  • optimal cost;
  • variety of sets;
  • bright details;
  • storage box;
  • development of fantasy and other skills;
  • interesting additions to the kits.


  • Not all parts of the kit are magnetic.

The main differences between MIG and MAG welding

However, a more experienced welder knows what it is – MIG and MAG welding, and how these types differ from each other. The differences lie in the name and their translation. MIG (Metal Inert Gas) translates as “metal, inert gas”.

These inert gases include argon. These gases are relevant for welding aluminum, copper, titanium and all their alloys. MAG (Metal Active Gas) is translated from English as “metal, active gas”. These gases include oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This gas is used for weld pools of low-alloy, non-alloy and corrosion-resistant steels.

TIG welding

Unlike MIG welding, Tungsten Insert Gas is a manual arc welding performed using a non-consumable electrode in a shielding gas by adding wire. This type is also called argon arc welding. The essence of this process is as follows: shielding gas is supplied to the arc zone through a nozzle, while the non-consumable tungsten electrode is not melted, but is used as a tool for replanting the wire.

According to the classification, TIG, MIG, MMA welding belongs to the manual arc class. This type of welding is recommended for joining extremely small parts with a gap of up to 0.01 mm. The main disadvantage of a TIG connection, compared to MIG welding, is the speed, which is extremely low. If you require excellent quality and are not in a hurry, then this is the ideal choice for an aesthetic welder.

Operating principle of semi-automatic welding machine

The principle of operation of a semi-automatic device is, first of all, that the wire electrode itself, which during manual arc welding a specialist feeds independently with the help of a hand and a holder, in a semi-automatic device is fed using a motor.

Therefore, this method is called semi-automatic MIG welding. The wire performs a dual function - it is both a conductive electrode and a filler material.

An electric current is applied shortly before the electrode exits the torch, causing an arcing phenomenon to occur between the end of the wire electrode and the metal.

Shielding gas is supplied through a gas nozzle surrounding the wire electrode. Due to its inertness, the burning gas displaces all atmospheric gases, preserving the strength of the structure of the welded seam. However, in addition to the protective function, gas also performs peripheral tasks. The composition of the atmosphere in the electric arc zone depends on the protective gas, which also has a positive effect on its electrical conductivity.

Progress of welding machines

Modern welding technologies with the index MIG, MAG, TIG are among the most modern methods of arc welding and at this stage of development of the world industry are used literally everywhere. A novice welder does not always know what MIG/MAG welding is.

The definition of this process is as follows: this is the process of joining parts of metals, in which a special protective gas is supplied to the burning zone of an electric arc, pushing atmospheric gases out of the zone of the metals being welded. This is the protective function of gas.

In MIG welding, the weld pool is completely protected from oxygen and nitrogen.

4 Xinbida Magical Magnet

Best price

Country: China
(2019): 4.6

The following brand produces some of the safest magnetic construction toys in the world. The parts are made of special hypoallergenic plastic in combination with neodymium magnets, just like Magformers. The use of such materials makes the kits safe and durable. There are a wide variety of elements to choose from (minimum 24 pieces).

Recommended age: from three years. By playing with Magical Magnet, a child significantly improves motor skills, develops logic and creative thinking, and by following patterns he can learn to follow a sequence. This construction set captivates children and teaches them useful things. An important advantage is many European quality certificates.

They guarantee long service life and high quality.


  • wide choose;
  • best price;
  • child's interest;
  • quality parts;
  • hypoallergenic plastic;
  • development of important skills.


  • magnets are not strong enough;
  • Stickers don't stick well.

3 Mag Wisdom

Best assortment

Country: China

(2019): 4.7

Another high-quality analogue of Magformers is the Chinese brand Mag Wisdom. It presents both standard sets and sets with an impressive number of parts (up to 258 pieces). Moreover, each constructor is designed so that it has no age restrictions. Both children and adults can build any mechanism or figure.

Every detail of the Mag Wisdom magnetic construction set is designed in a bright, beautiful case and made of high-quality durable materials. With their help you can assemble flat or three-dimensional objects. The built-in magnets are strong enough to hold the elements together well.

A nice bonus is a storage box with a convenient carrying handle included.


  • brightness;
  • a large number of details;
  • the ability to build a variety of mechanisms;
  • additional elements in the kits;
  • reliability;
  • best reviews;
  • baby development;
  • can keep a child occupied for a long time.


5 Magnikon

Best domestic brand

Country: Russia (manufactured in China)

(2019): 4.5

The only domestic brand, Magnikon, takes pride of place in the ranking. For several years now, he has been producing high-end magnetic construction sets at an excellent price. Customers are satisfied, and their children enthusiastically build a variety of figures from magnets.

The set includes many diagrams that make it easy for a child to assemble even the most complex structures. All parts are made of high quality plastic and look very bright. An important advantage of the manufacturer is strong magnets that can withstand heavy loads.

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The sets are equipped with interesting stickers and figures (men, etc.).


  • the best domestic analogue of Magformers;
  • reliable and durable;
  • add. parts included;
  • interesting stickers;
  • safety;
  • excellent quality.


Source: https://stopzaraza.com/detki/mig-mag-svarka-obzor-texnologii-i-oborudovaniya.html

Welding equipment KEMPPI

MIG/MAG (Metal Inert / Active Gas) - arc welding with a consumable metal electrode (wire) in an inert / active gas environment with automatic supply of filler wire. Gas shielded welding is the most versatile and widely used welding method in the industry.

Semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding

During the MIG/MAG welding process, wire is continuously fed from a spool into the welding torch. Therefore, MIG/MAG welding is called semi-automatic.

Semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding is a semi-automatic welding process that provides medium to high deposition rates. This method is suitable for any position of the seam in space and any thickness of the material. MIG/MAG is the most common welding method in the modern welding industry.

Devices for MIG/MAG welding are welding machines with a conventional transformer with manual step-by-step voltage control and continuous control of the wire feed speed. Welding machines such as Kempact or FastMig, being inverter power sources, provide continuous regulation of voltage and wire feed speed, both in the wire feeder and when remotely controlled.

Synergic MIG/MAG welding

In synergetic semi-automatic shielded gas welding, the welder adjusts the welding power using a single regulator depending on the material being welded, the shielding gas and the welding wire used. The memory of the synergic semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding machine is pre-programmed with various parameters. The arc length can be adjusted separately depending on the type of connection, the position of the seam in space and the welding conditions.

The ease of adjustment is based on preset synergic curves that are stored in the welding machine control panel. The synergetic curves can also take into account the approximate thickness of the material, which further facilitates the adjustment of welding parameters.

Synergic semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding is possible with WeldForce, Kempact Pulse 3000, FastMig Synergic and Kemppi Pro Evolution machines.

Pulsed MIG/MAG welding

In pulsed welding, the power source produces pulses of welding current in such a way as to ensure that the filler metal is supplied into the recess one drop at a time. The peak pulse current is high enough to drive material into the recess, while the lower base current keeps the weld puddle and the end of the filler wire molten. The pulsed mode requires the use of several interdependent welding parameters.

The pulse method is used mainly in welding aluminum and stainless steels. In addition, nickel and copper compounds are often welded using this method.

The most significant advantage of pulse welding is the absence of metal spatter in the weld and its good appearance. When pulse welding aluminum and stainless steels, porosity is reduced. The pulse method makes it easier to weld nickel compounds and other materials that are difficult to weld. Pulse welding can be performed on universal welding machines.

The Kempact Pulse 3000 and Kemppi Pro Evolution machines are available for the MIG/MAG pulse welding process.

Double pulse MIG/MAG welding

Double pulse welding is a special form of conventional pulse welding. It allows you to regulate the pulsation of the welding current, as well as the wire feed speed. The double pulse method improves the quality of the weld, improving its appearance and shape. It also affects the penetration depth of the weld.

The double pulse frequency is the number of repetitions of a double pulse in one second. Frequency also affects the appearance and heat input of the weld.

Double pulse welding can be performed on the Kempact™ Pulse 3000 and Kemppi Pro Evolution universal welding machines.

Adaptive MIG/MAG welding

Manual MIG/MAG welding is an easy welding method for both professional and non-professional welders. However, there is one point. Setting the parameters correctly can be a challenge: sometimes it is difficult to find the right balance between welding power and voltage and wire feed speed.

Several techniques have been developed to make this task easier, but existing techniques required either the use of tables/reference books to perform setup or excellent knowledge of welding fundamentals. One solution to this problem is adaptation.

Based on this principle, the machine itself takes measurements of the welding process and decides what ratio of welding wire feed speed and voltage to use. If the voltage and wire feed speed are determined by the device, the user always receives a stable arc and all he has to do is select the desired power level.

Well-designed machines can offer the right level of power for varying material thicknesses. It is this design that distinguishes the MinarcMig™ Adaptive 150 and 180 machines, which in practice have proven the correctness of our ideas about simple and convenient welding.

Source: https://Kemppi-nn.ru/blog/3

What is MIG-MAG welding?

MMA (Manual Metal Arc) - manual arc welding with piece (coated) electrodes using an inverter or transformer. The technical literature of Soviet times used the designation RDS.

The welding process occurs due to the melting of a metal rod - an electrode coated with a special coating, which have their own classification. Its main purpose is to protect the weld pool from air, preventing oxidation of the metal.

The molten rod forms a weld and the used coating remains as slag.

Covered electrode welding

RDS is possible on both direct and alternating current. With direct current, there are two options for connecting the ground clamp and the electrode holder, so there is welding with direct and reverse polarity. Alternating current does not have this feature - how to connect the electrode in this case does not matter. The given reliability rating of welding inverters will help you choose a machine that will last for many years.

Since the MMA method is the most popular due to its simplicity and relatively inexpensive equipment used, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the question of how to learn how to weld with electric welding yourself.


TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) - technology of arc welding in an inert gas environment with a non-consumable electrode. Tungsten is a very refractory metal with a melting point of about 3500 C, so it is the basis for the production of this kind of electrodes. Sometimes you can find other variations of this method:

  • WIG (Wolfram Inert Gas) - the name is derived from the German spelling;
  • GTA (Gas Tungsten Arc) - this abbreviation omits the chemical reaction of the shielding gas.

The choice of materials is carried out according to the color marking of tungsten electrodes, indicating the types of metals being welded, as well as welding modes.

Because the electrode is non-consumable, the argon welding process occurs according to a different scenario:

  • an electric arc is excited between the end of the electrode and the metal being welded;
  • filling of the welding seam occurs by supplying a special filler material - a rod - into the welding zone;
  • the weld pool is protected by a gas cloud.

TIG welding process

Protective inert gas, i.e. a gas whose molecules do not chemically interact with the base and filler materials during the welding process; in this case, argon is used. That is why the name “manual argon-arc welding” or RADS was assigned to it.

We recommend! What and how to weld aluminum

It is worth noting that this name is not entirely correct, because Other gases, such as nitrogen, helium, and gas mixtures, can be used as a shielding gas.

Argon can be used when welding consumable electrodes - the MIG method, which will be discussed below.

In the technical characteristics of welding equipment, in addition to the designation TIG, it is always supplemented by a mention of the type of welding current DC (Direct Current) - direct current or AC/DC (Alternating Current / Direct Current) - alternating / direct current. In this case it is very important. For example, welding aluminum with argon is carried out using alternating current.

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