How to properly tin the tip of a new soldering iron

How to celebrate Epiphany: signs, customs, traditions

How to properly tin the tip of a new soldering iron

January 19 is the feast of the Epiphany. On this day, ice holes are blessed, bathing is carried out and Holy water is collected, because it is believed that it will last the whole year and will not lose its healing power.

Epiphany is one of the significant and main Orthodox holidays. It falls on the evening of January 18th. On this day, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. This is also the period when the Christmas holidays, which began with the Nativity of Christ, which falls on January 7, end.  

Baptism: basic signs and customs

The holiday of Epiphany has been celebrated for more than two thousand years. On this day Jesus Christ was baptized. The ceremony was performed by John the Baptist on the Jordan River.

Ancient sources say that as soon as the sacrament was performed, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to the people in the form of a dove. The voice of God was heard, recognizing Jesus as the true and only Son of the Lord.

According to the Scriptures, it was on this day that the Epiphany first occurred. God appeared before people in the image of the Holy Consubstantial Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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Currently, on the holiday of Epiphany, ancient traditions and customs are observed, and they also pay attention to signs. For example, only lenten dishes are served on the table; fasting is still ongoing on this day. This is the last day of Christmas Eve and traditionally they serve kutya surrounded by dumplings, pancakes and the drink uzvara.

Holy water for Epiphany and swimming in an ice hole

The main activity at Epiphany is considered to be swimming in an ice hole. Water on this day is endowed with amazing properties: it cleanses the body and soul, eliminates numerous diseases and creates protection from various evil spirits.

The place for such swimming is a natural body of water. On the eve of the sacred day, an ice hole in the shape of a cross is made in it. The priest performs the service and sanctifies the water with the help of prayers. The ice hole is called “Jordan” and it is believed that the grace of the Holy Spirit enters it.  

They plunge into the ice hole three times, but not with their heads. Too cold water leads to a sharp drop in pressure, which only hardened people can withstand. When leaving the water you need to cross yourself.

If it is not possible to visit a specially equipped and illuminated place for swimming, then any clean body of water will do. Water on this day is considered sacred everywhere.

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Previously, it was collected in jugs and stored in cellars all year. She remained holy, had healing properties and did not spoil. They drank it little by little in case of illness, any ailment, and after communicating with an evil person to protect against his “evil” eye. It is not recommended to use plastic containers for storing holy water, only glass ones. The bottle should not be after an alcoholic drink. The collected container is stored tightly closed and in a cool place.

What is not recommended to do on holiday

Christian traditions prohibit doing certain things:

  • Work. This includes any activity that requires physical effort: cleaning, cooking, laundry and minor repairs - do household chores the day before. You cannot do any handicrafts. But keep in mind that on Christian holidays it is forbidden to work not in order to spend the whole day idly lying on the couch. The Church advises dedicating the day to prayer, reading, and thinking about your life and God.
  • Saying hurtful and negative words. All kinds of complaints about people, life and fate, dispute and conflict with any person, family or stranger, spreading gossip and slander.
  • Fun festivities. You should not feast, listen to loud music, dance, say endless toasts and laugh uncontrollably. Spend your day calm and peaceful.

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Folk signs for the day of the Epiphany

On this day, watch the weather to predict what the end of January will be like and what the summer will be like.

  • Heavy snowfall and cloudiness predict a good harvest.
  • Clear blue skies also predispose to a rich harvest.
  • On the contrary, if the weather is frosty and the day is clear, there will be a drought in the summer.
  • Wet rain - expect the end of January to be rainy and cloudy.
  • There was a full moon on the holiday - watch the weather over the next three days. It will repeat exactly at the end of the month.  
  • Epiphany frosts usually subside after January 18th.
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Epiphany is a very powerful spiritual holiday. If you have a need and have been planning to go to church for a long time, to relieve your soul, be sure to attend the service on this day and draw consecrated water. It is believed that on this day the Lord hears all prayers and is very favorable to those who ask. Published by

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Epiphany Christmas Eve January 18, 2020: what you can do and what you can’t do

How to properly tin the tip of a new soldering iron

Epiphany Eve is the day before one of the most important holidays in Orthodoxy. This day is associated with many traditions and rules that every believer should follow.

Epiphany is the twelfth holiday, that is, one of the twelve largest and most important. This means that the rules described below should be followed by all believers. Preparation for such holidays is of great sacred importance.

What you can do on Christmas Eve January 18

In 2020, Christmas Eve and Epiphany fall on the weekend, which is quite favorable, because the church holds long evening services on the day before the holiday. Next, anyone can collect holy water in the temple and swim in the ice hole according to the old Russian tradition.

Since Christmas Eve in 2020 before Epiphany is a Saturday, you can clean the house without thinking about work and extraneous matters. It is possible and even necessary to wash dirty linen, because doing this on the day of Epiphany itself is strongly not recommended. You can devote your time to spiritual preparation - reading prayers, for example. Repentant prayers for forgiveness of sins are perfect.

You can devote your time to your loved ones, do something nice for them, help with some important matter. Epiphany Eve is supposed to be spent preparing for the Epiphany of the Lord and not getting carried away with worldly concerns if there are more important spiritual matters.

What not to do on January 18

There are a large number of prohibitions on this day. It is enough to remember that January 18 is a day of strict fasting. This means that you should not swear, get angry, quarrel with loved ones, use foul language, be offended, or wish anyone harm or problems.

You cannot eat animal food on this day. During any fast, it is forbidden to eat eggs, meat, milk, and fish. This moment must be approached with great responsibility, because traditions are above all, and you only need to be patient for one day.

On this day you cannot hold celebrations, drink alcohol, or watch entertainment programs on TV or the Internet. Strict fasting means that you should not overeat while breaking your fast in the evening.

Many clergy say that you should not guess on this day. The Church does not approve of fortune telling because it goes against the basic dogmas of Christianity. This is a relic of the past that priests advise leaving in the past, although fortune telling is still popular among the people, like many other old rituals.

Many people wonder whether it is really necessary to swim in an ice hole. Church officials say this is not necessary. Personal intention is required. If you are filled with the desire to swim, experts at advise you to familiarize yourself with when and how to do it. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Christmas time is a whole period that begins on Christmas Eve and ends with the Epiphany of the Lord.

The Epiphany of the Lord will take place on January 19, and before this Orthodox holiday, Christians adhere to a certain diet.

Every girl has wondered at Epiphany at least once in her life. There are many ways to know the future,

Epiphany evening serves as the final celebration before one of the most important Orthodox events - the Baptism of Christ. This


How to properly tin the tip of a new soldering iron

How to properly tin the tip of a new soldering iron

Soldering materials when working with radio electronics is commonplace. It’s easy to learn how to solder, and your skill will only improve with experience. But the tool requires high-quality maintenance for it to work flawlessly. The craftsman needs to be able to tin the soldering iron tip correctly so that the solder sticks to it without damaging the tip.

Existing coatings and their features

The traditional material is copper. It has good thermal conductivity, which is why copper has been used in production since the invention of the soldering iron. But the material has an inherent disadvantage - high wear. This metal is characterized by burnout and the ability to dissolve in solder. Over time, manufacturers began to work on the shortcomings, which gave rise to coatings coated with nickel or silver.

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Nickel is wear-resistant and highly durable. As a result, the consumer receives a tip with a long service life. But there is a drawback - weak adhesion , due to which the nickel tip is not able to hold solder well. Soldering can only be done by feeding the material directly to the area that is preheated with a tip.

Silver has good adhesion, but low thermal conductivity. The material is able to dissolve in solder and has a high cost. During operation, the copper base is very quickly exposed, and the expensive tip must soon be thrown away.

Radio amateurs still actively use copper tips, avoiding advanced coatings. We have to put up with the peculiarity of copper - rapid oxidation at high temperatures. As a result, adhesion decreases, and craftsmen need to quickly clean the tip, erasing a thin layer of metal and clearing it of impurities.

Modern coated tips also need to be prepared for work, only the technique is slightly different. Solder accumulates on their surface, which should be removed periodically. This is done in such a way as not to damage the expensive coating, otherwise, instead of a sprayed tip, you can get an ordinary copper rod.

Preparing the copper tip

Solder fits well on a slightly heated tip, but with one condition - it must be clean. This is only possible at low temperatures, since a split tip is difficult to manipulate. The task at the beginning of work is to clean the tool. After heating, the oxidized layer should be periodically ground off to improve adhesion.

You can remove the rod from a cold soldering iron and thoroughly clean it. This will prevent you from accidentally damaging the heater. The entire tip is treated completely, since copper inside the heater is also oxidized due to high temperature. This impairs heat transfer and energy is wasted.

Before tinning a soldering iron with a copper tip, it should be cleaned of dirt. The work is done with a file and sandpaper. The material is sharpened to a clean layer so that the copper looks like new. First, a rough cleaning is carried out with a file, and then the surface is polished with sandpaper until it is smooth.

Experienced craftsmen bind the tip, which somewhat reduces the rate of oxidation. The process involves uniformly strengthening the surface of the copper rod with gentle blows of a hammer on an anvil.

Tinning of a copper tip is carried out in 2 ways - with rosin and rubbing with tin. The first option is characterized by high smoke generation, so it is not recommended for residential premises due to the health hazard. The procedure is recommended to be carried out on the balcony.

The cleaned tip is placed in a container with rosin, where a little solder is first placed, which instantly covers the tip and prevents it from oxidizing. Afterwards the sting is wiped with natural cloth. Do this carefully so as not to get burned.

They try to rub solder into the copper.

Tin rubbing is a virtually smokeless method. The cleaned tip is heated and dipped in rosin. Afterwards, the warm surface is rubbed with tin. The procedure is repeated several times, the protective layer is rubbed with cloth.

Initial treatment of the base with spraying

A tip coated with ceramic or nickel does not need to be tinned, as manufacturers advise, but this is nothing more than an advertising ploy. Such coatings are also prone to oxidation, but the process is slower. It will not be possible to tin the soldering iron tip of a modern soldering station using a proven method - this will destroy the coating.

These tips are cleaned with a small piece of cotton cloth. To do this, add solder to the rosin and dip a heated tip into the mixture, which is first rubbed with a rag. The molten solder envelops the tip and forms a protective layer.

Tinning during soldering

Preparation for work is carried out in a calm environment. After some time, the adhesion of the tip decreases as the copper begins to burn. This usually starts within 5-10 minutes. There are several ways to properly tin a soldering iron while working.

Wood block

A board made of coniferous wood should always be at hand by the master. This wood contains natural rosin. Flux is poured onto the block and a little solder is placed. As soon as the sting loses adhesion, it is rubbed against wood. Thus, you can not only clean, but also tin the soldering iron.


Signs for January 19 - Epiphany: how to fulfill a wish, become happy and what not to do

Today, according to the church calendar, is the great holiday of the Epiphany. The essence of the rite of baptism is to cleanse the soul of sins, so that it can then ascend to Heaven. It was on this day that Jesus Christ was baptized, although his soul was pure and sinless. And in honor of this event, the church celebrates the great holiday of the Epiphany. And the signs for January 19 are revered by people as sacred, as they help to cleanse them of any filth and get closer to the Lord God.

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Sacred prayer for the Epiphany of the Lord on January 19: required reading for everyone

Customs for January 19 - Epiphany

This holiday begins with going to church for a service. There you can bless the water that people take home, store, and then use as needed. It is believed that Epiphany water has miraculous properties, removes damage and the evil eye, heals the body, and relieves diseases.

And the main rite of Baptism is, of course, swimming in an ice hole with blessed water. The priest blesses the water, and people swim in this ice hole. First, it is customary to attend mass, take communion, and then plunge into the ice hole.

Icon of the Baptism of the Lord

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Signs for January 19 say that such bathing will improve the health of any person. It is especially advisable for sick people to bathe - after such a ritual, all illnesses will disappear.

In the evening, the whole family should gather at home and have a big celebration. It is necessary to set a sumptuous table, but all dishes must be lean. It is customary to rejoice at the baptism of Christ in the same way as at Christmas.

Otherwise, the Baptism of the Lord is called Epiphany. Signs for January 19 say that on the night of Epiphany the Heavens open, angels descend to earth and listen to people’s prayers. And if on this night you pray for what is hidden and desired, then this desire will certainly come true.

The best baptism conspiracies: holy water will bring wealth, luck and love

What not to do at Epiphany

On this great holiday you cannot:

  • argue;
  • swear;
  • to swear;
  • perform any work - cleaning, sewing, ironing, washing;
  • do meanness and unkind deeds.

Conspiracies for January 19 – Epiphany

Epiphany spell to attract wealth.

You need to collect holy water in the church, pour a glass of it at home, and with this glass go around all the rooms, reading the plot:

Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!

Fortune telling for Epiphany: the surest way to find out your future - fate, love and money

Signs for January 19 – Epiphany of the Lord

  1. Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany means being cleansed of all illnesses for the whole year.
  2. Signs for January 19 say that if you make a wish tonight while looking at the sky, it will definitely come true.
  3. Children baptized on January 19, the day of Epiphany, will be happy and successful throughout their lives.
  4. If you wipe your child with Epiphany snow, the child will be strong and healthy all year.
  5. A good sign is to get married for Epiphany.
  6. Signs for January 19 say that a marriage concluded on this day is sealed by angels in heaven, and therefore is indestructible and will never fall apart.
  7. If the first person a girl meets on the street is a man, then she will get married this year. If the old man meets, then she will not be married in the near future.

Horoscope for January 19: Aquarius is omnipotent, Virgo will change lives, Scorpio is invulnerable

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