How much does the fittings weigh?

How much do ankle boots weigh?

How much does the fittings weigh?

Let's start with the fact that ankle boots are different. Some have metal inserts, others do not. That is, the weight of the shoes will be different.

How to find out the parameter

Berts weigh completely differently. The easiest way to find out their mass is by reading the characteristics presented in online stores. Otherwise, it can reach from 700 g to 2 kg - each shoe.

In addition, military products are lightweight. And different manufacturers produce models with different weights. Let’s take the “Czech” model as an example. They are made of genuine leather, that is, a priori they cannot weigh very little. They do not have a lining, which makes them somewhat lighter. A zipper and laces are used as a fastener - this is also somewhat heavy.

The toe box uses thermoplastic material, and the heel also has it. The sole is polyurethane - not very heavy. The height of the boots is 240 mm. The instep support is made of metal. As a result, the weight of the boots reaches 680 g - they are lightweight. We hope you now understand what it consists of.

Now let's look at the non-lightweight Faraday 906 boots. This model is often used in the service. It weighs 1.5 kg - each shoe. The boots are made from genuine leather. Mesh is used as lining. The sole is TEP, the height of the boot is 22 cm. Laces and a special fastener are used as a fastener. The insole is made of leather cardboard. This model cannot be called lightweight.

How to determine the mass of a house

You can measure the weight of ankle boots at home.

  1. It is better to weigh each shoe after removing the laces.
  2. You can simply put the shoe on the scale and take the necessary measurements.
  3. You can stand on the device yourself. Remember the value. Then stand on the device in your boots.

The weight of the product should be obtained as follows: subtract your weight without them from your weight in boots. Then the value is divided by 2. Everything is very simple and accessible.

It’s easy to understand whether your boots are lightweight or not. If their value is above 1 kg, one should not talk about lightness. If their weight is closer to 700 g, the option is lightweight.

So, ankle boots, like all shoe models, can have different weights. It is made up of a mass of components - and there are many of them. It is also influenced by what material the model is made from.


Description of curling stones: weight of the projectile, material for production, price

How much does the fittings weigh?

Curling is a game that involves throwing stones at a target (at a house) and pushing your opponent out of them. In order for a projectile to withstand throws and impacts, it must be durable. It is important that the equipment glides well on the ice. Therefore, there are a number of requirements: the material of manufacture, diameter, height and weight are regulated.

How much does a curling stone weigh?

The first curling stone was found in Dunblane (Scotland) at the bottom of a dry lake. The date was marked on it - 1511. This year is considered the period of the birth of an unusual game on ice.

The found specimen was very different from modern curling pucks. At that time, sports equipment did not have a regulated weight or size. The weight of some specimens reached 80 kg. Only a physically developed person could launch such a projectile.

In 1838, a curling association was formed, which standardized the rules and equipment parameters of the game. The reference weight is 44 pounds with a diameter of 11.5 inches, height of 4.5 inches. In terms of more usual values, the weight is 19.96 kg, dimensions 29 × 11.4 cm.

The shape of a curling stone resembles a hockey puck. It is round but has a flattened surface at the top and bottom. At the top there is a smoothly polished handle.

The first men's world championship in stone throwing on ice was held in 1959, and the women's - exactly 20 years later (in 1979). The weight of the puck does not change depending on the gender of the players.

1 pound is equal to 453.592 g. The exact mass of a curling puck is 19.958 kg.

Watch a program about the sport with stones:

What are curling stones made of?

Curling equipment has always been made from natural stones. They do not deviate from this tradition even now.

Previously, they used absolutely any breed of suitable shape and size. Thus, the stone found in the river was more of a cobblestone than a round piece of equipment for the game.

Such minerals ceased to be smooth and began to crumble after the third throw. Therefore, curlers faced the question of finding the ideal material.

Shells began to be made from all rocks known in Scotland. However, only the rock called “blue granite” has sufficient hardness and smoothness.

This type of granite is of volcanic origin. It was created by nature itself from magma, solidified by cooling with water.

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They also tried to make a projectile from Ural granite. Unfortunately, this material has not been tested for professional suitability.

Who makes curling stones and where?

Real curling equipment is produced exclusively in Scotland. Only in this country are there deposits of blue granite.

The mineral was first mined on the volcanic island of Ailsa Craig. After the area was declared a nature reserve, mining was stopped. After a short search, a new deposit was discovered in North Wales. Raw materials for curling shells are still mined here today.

The problem is that, according to the latest estimates, the reserves of blue granite in a single deposit will only last until 2020. The search for a suitable rock is currently underway around the world.

They also tried to make curling stones from granite mined in the Urals. The resulting shells became rough and unusable after only a dozen throws. After studying the rock, it became clear that this problem is associated with the content of tiny mica particles in it.

Now equipment made from Ural raw materials is used in Russia during training. It has to be constantly sanded and the coating strengthened in every possible way. For the game they buy original stone shells.

70% of curling stones are produced by a Scottish company headed by Mark Callan. The company produces up to 9 shells per day and up to 2000 per year. The product is in demand all over the world, so orders for its production are placed several months in advance.

The stone part of the curling puck consists of 2 pieces. The upper part is made of ordinary granite, and the lower part is made of blue. It is from below that expensive raw materials are used, which do not lose smoothness and do not absorb moisture when sliding on ice. The handle is made of plastic and is attached to the main part with screws.

To provide one curling team with equipment, 16 stones are needed. The price of each of them reaches $600. Every year the cost increases. It is noteworthy that the service life of curling shells reaches 50 years.

To watch a news story about the production of stones:

Curling is a complex game that requires the participant to have developed muscles, logical thinking and dexterity. Previously, much depended on the weight and shape of the stone. Now, thanks to standardized equipment, competitions are held as fairly as possible. Curling stones are made from blue granite, mined only in Scotland.

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“There are no pictures in my head, only text.” How afantasy people live - people who are unable to imagine visual images

How much does the fittings weigh?

Less than a year ago, I first realized that I never had an imagination - I lived for 29 years without it. I didn’t notice this either as a child or as a teenager until I came across an article on the Internet about people with aphantasia.

Then I decided to tell my story in the comments to a post about a girl with the same feature, to “come out”, to somehow formalize what was happening in my head - and immediately ran into misunderstanding.

Many people consider people without imagination to be almost crazy.

Aphantasia is the absence of sensory and visually observable images. This is a congenital feature, but there have been cases when it appeared in people after severe operations or as a result of mental disorders.

The brains of avisualists work in a similar way, but unlike afantastists, they are still able to imagine images, although they experience serious difficulties and discomfort in doing so.

I was always completely ordinary and normal. It was just that when I closed my eyes, I saw only blackness and nothing more. Realizing that this is not the case for everyone, I was a little upset, I felt that I was deprived of a cool feature that complements life. Agree, isn’t it cool to imagine a picture and see it in your head?

It seems that for any designer, fantasy is the default function, and I didn’t have it. But this has never interfered with me either in work or in life. I couldn’t imagine a carrot, but I knew exactly what it tasted like, felt like, and how much it weighed.

I didn’t “see” the result of my work before I started, but I knew very well what I wanted to do. It was as if my brain was working with raw data, but the visualizer was disabled, or the image simply did not appear on the screen. The mind seemed to strive to embody ideas through reality, not images.

I also saw dreams extremely rarely, and it was something more descriptive than visual. Imagine that your brain is a computer on which you watch a movie, but the monitor and speakers are not connected. It may seem that nothing is happening - but only in visual, auditory, tactile languages. And your PC understands perfectly what the film is about!

Everything changed dramatically about a month after I found out about my peculiarity. Imagination, hyperempathy, depersonalization, derealization, crazy, sometimes vivid, and sometimes scary dreams - I experienced all this myself when I became interested in psychedelics. I am ambivalent about my experience and would not recommend anyone to do the same. I can say for sure: there is no guarantee that after taking psychoactive substances your imagination will turn on or you will suddenly sort out your mental barriers.

I don’t consider aphantasia a problem, at least not the form of it that I lived with. You can definitely work with her calmly, even in the creative field, if you don’t think about what others are doing. But after my experience with psychedelics, I learned to turn on this “option”.

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Having been on both sides, I realized that living with imagination is fun, but difficult, especially if you have never had one. It is not always clear what is real and what is not.

In addition, the roof can easily collapse, so medical attention will be needed. Now I prefer to live without imagination. It is more important for me to feel and understand other people than to create my own worlds.

About three years ago, my sister and I discussed reading books. She said how useful it was to think slowly about every word, to stop and imagine characters, the interior of a room or a landscape. And it turns out I was just reading the letters all the time.

I forgot descriptions of appearance as soon as the paragraph ended. But I always paid attention to wordplay, alliteration and other textual goodies.

Only at the age of 19 did I start thinking about my imagination - experimenting, going through all sorts of quests. I wrote down tasks on a piece of paper like this: “Imagine a puppy. Is he sitting or standing? Fluffy or smooth-haired? What color is it?” I tried to visualize something in my head, but I couldn’t create a solid object - only separate vague pieces “flowing” into each other. And sometimes just a set of characteristics in the form of text.

In 2016, Firefox co-creator Blake Ross wrote on Facebook: “I just learned something about myself and it blew my mind.” This is how he commented on his aphantasia. Western media began publishing screenshots of his post, and this caused a huge resonance.

And in December 2017, Alan Kendle told his story in the book “Aphantasia: Experience, Perception and Understanding,” after which many began to notice that they were also unable to operate with visual images in their heads. The Aphantasia network was even created to communicate with such people.

I would not call myself an afantastist in the full sense of the word. Unlike most, I am lucky: I have a good visual memory - I can remember a poem after reading it out loud three times. Aphantasia does not prevent me from living.

The normal flow of thoughts in my head is not a black screen, but a broadcast of what I receive through my vision. For example, in the morning I don’t imagine how my day will go, but as if I see written notes. A very useful trait for a director! I engage in my professional activities only at the moment of work, here and now, without unnecessary thoughts. I don’t lie at home imagining how best to play out the scene with the characters.

My usual visual process is descriptive - I write feelings, rather than see pictures.

It was difficult for me during art lessons at school: the teacher constantly asked us to imagine what would be on the canvas, and most people closed their eyes and sat like that for several minutes. I couldn't do it. It was as if there was an inner voice in my head that kept saying: “Draw a yellow circle, and from it sticks. If they ask, say it’s the sun.” Now, remembering such moments, I am glad that I did not develop schizophrenia.

Some of my friends still don't believe me. They say: “I made it up - now every second person wants to seem special.” Well, yes, I really am “special”. But that doesn't make me better or worse.

Rebecca Keogh, an expert in cognitive neuroscience at the University of New South Wales, estimates that 2-3% of people have this perception feature. This is not a disease or a mental disorder, but simply a rare trait. People with aphantasia cannot imagine a flower alley or a sandy beach - they will simply feel that it is something calm or romantic.

I always thought that “imagine” was a figure of speech, just like “pull yourself together.” But when I was a teenager, I realized that something was wrong. Once my friends and I took a psychological test. Nothing complicated - trivial questions like “Do you prefer spending time with your family or with your significant other?” Everything was resolved quickly and easily.

But the level of difficulty increased for me when one of the tasks asked me to close my eyes and imagine a desert that needs to be filled with something. It was difficult for me to visualize this - in my thoughts everything consisted of letters and words, not pictures.

Then I asked a friend: “Why close your eyes and imagine something if you are looking into the dark?” At that moment I learned that I was the only one who could see the inside of my eyelids.

Since childhood, I have always won association games. And even now I have to resort to them often: it makes it easier for me to remember people’s names and faces. When I met my friend, I immediately noticed that our fingers were the same length.

Every time I think about him, I get a semi-textual image: approximate height, timbre of voice, small details. There is no photograph of him or memories associated with him in my head - only text.

Every four years I have the same dream: I am near a gray lake, on the shore there are shapeless creatures - pink and purple. There is no plot, but there is a wild abstraction that makes me nervous. I don’t like dreams - because of them I gave up sweets: eating something tasty means waiting for trouble. Sleep will come at night without knocking.

Aphantasia cannot be called a pathology - most often it is a developmental feature. According to people's stories, they have had this trait since childhood - they just didn't pay attention to it before. This is an innate specificity of perception.

In a regular furniture store you will create a layout in a graphic editor, and in a salon with aphantasia - in an Excel spreadsheet.

For such people, as a rule, everything is in order with verbal description: I don’t imagine a palace in the shape of a unicorn, but I know that it is something romantic or fairy-tale.

There are no reasons for the appearance of aphantasia if we are talking about a mentally healthy person. In some cases, this is a sign of schizotypal disorder, but such a symptom in itself does not serve as a basis for a psychiatric diagnosis.

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Normal weight during pregnancy: how many kilograms should the expectant mother gain | Abortion in St. Petersburg

In modern obstetrics, weight during pregnancy is one of the main indicators. Weight gain during pregnancy depends on how much the expectant mother weighed before conception. Therefore, you need to take care of the correct weight when planning a pregnancy. This will help avoid health problems for both mother and child.

Does the mother's weight matter for the proper development of the fetus?

Experts emphasize that for optimal fetal development, both the correct weight of the mother before conception and adequate weight gain during pregnancy are of great importance.

If you are overweight, both before and during pregnancy, the woman and child are exposed to serious health problems, including the possible development of the following pathologies:

  • diabetes in a child;
  • maternal diabetes;
  • hypertension in a pregnant woman;
  • excessive weight of the newborn; 
  • maternal and child obesity;
  • premature birth;
  • varicose veins in the mother;
  • hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Maternal underweight and too little weight gain are also not an indicator of good health. In this situation, the child is susceptible to developmental problems, low birth weight, diabetes and hypertension later in life. And the mother is susceptible to anemia and hormonal problems, leading to premature birth.

How many kilograms can you gain during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of significant changes, the purpose of which is to provide the best conditions for the proper development of the child. One of the most noticeable changes is weight gain during pregnancy and a growing belly.  

Weight gain

It is generally accepted that the increase in body weight of a pregnant woman during the entire pregnancy should be within 9-15 kg. But pregnancy weight is neither fat nor muscle.

At the end of pregnancy, the weight gained is distributed as follows:

  • Baby - 3.5 kg;
  • Uterus - 2 kg;
  • Amniotic fluid - 3 kg;
  • Placenta - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Chest - 1-3 kg;
  • Fat - 2-5 kg.

It should be noted that weight gain parameters for each woman may be different.

What determines weight during pregnancy?

The following factors influence a pregnant woman’s kilograms:

  • Lifestyle;
  • diet;
  • medical history;
  • genetics;
  • woman's age;
  • weight before pregnancy;
  • tendency to obesity, edema.

Weight during pregnancy by trimester

Women who were thin before pregnancy can afford to gain a little more extra pounds. 

Table: what weight should be during pregnancy in different trimesters

Weight before pregnancy Weight gain during pregnancy Weight in individual trimesters of pregnancy
40-50 kg 14-18 kg 1st trimester - approx. 4;  

2nd trimester - approx. 6;

3rd trimester - approx. 4

50-60 kg 13-15 kg 1st trimester - approx. 3;

2nd trimester - approx. 6;

3rd trimester - approx. 4

60-80 kg 11-12 kg 1st trimester - approx. 2;

2nd trimester - approx. 5;

3rd trimester - approx. 4

Over 90 kg 9-11 kg 1st trimester - approx. 2;

2nd trimester - approx. 4;

 III trimester - approx. 3

Often pregnant women believe in the myth that if you eat for two, the child will be born big and strong. In fact, the child's weight is not directly related to the mother's weight. It mainly depends on genetic factors and the woman's diet.

What are the dangers of underweight fetuses?

Low birth weight of a child contributes to:

  • perinatal injuries;
  • psychomotor development delays;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperactivity and learning problems.

Why is high weight dangerous for the fetus?

High birth weight increases the risks of:

  • perinatal injuries;
  • disturbances in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

How to calculate pregnancy weight

The most commonly used indicator of weight gain to assess whether an expectant mother is weighing enough is body mass index, which is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters.

Normal weight gain during pregnancy depends on pre-pregnancy BMI:

BMI Norm Weight gain in a pregnant woman
30 kg/m2 before pregnancy obesity + 5 – 9 kg throughout pregnancy

Experts recommend that the expectant mother discuss with her gynecologist all issues related to weight gain during pregnancy, diet and physical activity. 

It may be that due to health conditions, the recommended weight gain will differ from the above. For example, overweight or obese pregnant women with gestational diabetes experience weight gain much faster.   

How to avoid getting fat during pregnancy

To maintain a normal weight during pregnancy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and move a lot. If there are no medical contraindications, the expectant mother should do gymnastics, swimming, and walk a lot. Exercising during pregnancy will help you avoid unnecessary weight and prepare your body for childbirth. Women who follow these recommendations get back into shape faster after childbirth.


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