How and with what to drill stainless steel

How to drill through tempered glass at home?

How and with what to drill stainless steel

Glass is one of the most difficult materials to drill; it is hard, but at the same time quite fragile. These characteristics make it extremely difficult to make clean holes in it, but it is quite possible. Moreover, this can be done even with the help of ordinary tools that are at hand for anyone who independently engages in construction and repair.

How to drill a hole in glass

The complexity of the work directly depends on what you use for drilling. The simplest option is to use a screwdriver or a drill with a diamond-coated tubular drill installed on it. The main requirement for the tool is the presence of a speed regulator. The entire procedure will be performed at relatively low speeds, since the higher the speed, the greater the likelihood of surface damage and cracks.

Since diamond coating, like glass, tends to overheat due to friction, we will constantly have to cool both contacting surfaces. For this we need plasticine or a plastic bottle cap.

After you have decided where the hole should be, you should place a lid filled with water directly on its center (or make a “pool” of plasticine around this place). Then you can move on to creating the hole. In this case, you should periodically pull out the tool so that water can fill the resulting void.

Having gone deeper, approximately half the thickness of the sheet, we turn it over, mark it and repeat all the same procedures, only now on the other side. To learn how to drill glass correctly, watch the video:

How to drill glass

Before modern construction tools and consumables appeared, a lot of ways were invented to make a hole in glass. The most popular is to use a regular drill, which is first heated red-hot on a burner or gas stove flame, and then hardened in wax. Then everything is done exactly as described above.

Also, to solve the problem, you can use a copper tube mounted directly in the drill chuck. In this case, it is necessary to secure pieces of cardboard with an existing hole on both sides of the glass, and it is better to place the sheet itself on a rubber base to reduce vibrations. In this case, the composition of the “coolant” also changes - corundum powder should be added to the water.

How to drill through tempered glass

There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to make a hole in tempered glass. Theoretically, this is possible, however, it is very difficult to implement it with your own hands.

The problem is not only that it is usually quite thick, but also that there are a large number of defects in the sheet itself, which are visible to the naked eye. Heating makes the material harder and more brittle.

In addition, the internal stress of the sheet increases, which, as a result of external influences, simply bursts or crumbles into small pieces.


Stainless Steel Drilling Basics - Tips for Selecting Drill Bits

How and with what to drill stainless steel

Industrial development and high requirements for product certification in international markets lead to the widespread use of high-quality stainless steels. When creating projects, designers prefer welding connections of individual components.

The bolted and rivet connection was not affected by this and is often used in modern structures. Drilling of stainless steel may be necessary to create process holes. The material presented in this article will give general concepts and features of this process with anti-corrosion alloys.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work consists of eliminating some of the negative factors associated with drilling stainless steel. Let's look at what properties make this process difficult:

  • The chemical composition of stainless steel grades helps to increase the ductility of the metal. When drilling such steels, chips stick to the drill, causing the cutting edges to be excluded from the process, and hardening forms on the walls inside the unfinished hole. Such surface hardening makes further processing difficult and changes the physical properties in this place.
  • Heat is removed from the drill heated by rotation and cutting along the surface of the metal. Without taking preventive measures, you can end up with a tarnished area around the drilling. In addition to the damaged decorative surface, this reduces corrosion resistance and requires additional technological operations to restore the specified parameters.

To avoid the disadvantages described above, before drilling it is necessary to decide how the surface will be cooled and what to do to prevent chips from sticking. Among the effective methods, water is suitable. If the volume of metal being drilled is more than one hole with a diameter of 10 mm in a sheet of 2 mm thickness, then you should consider cooling with oil or a special emulsion.

Attention. Cooling with water when drilling stainless steel occurs during the process itself. Cooling by lowering a hot drill into a jar standing nearby leads to hardening and tempering of the metal and loss of basic properties. Coolant is supplied to the contact point when drilling. To reduce consumption, you can place a rubber ring on the surface, surrounding the contact point.

Drilling modes

The correct choice of drilling mode is the key to obtaining a high-quality hole. The main components are speed, feed and torque.

Cutting speed is a conditional value that determines how quickly a point located on the surface of the tool rotates relative to its center. This means that different drill diameters require different speeds to achieve the same cutting speed.

Example. For steel 08Х13Н with a thickness of 10-15 millimeters, the reference book indicates a cutting speed of 20 m/min. If it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 1 mm, the spindle speed of the drilling machine should be 6366 rpm. If a hole is drilled with a diameter of 10 mm, then the revolutions should not exceed 637 revolutions in 60 seconds.

The feed of a drill into metal means the amount of movement into the depth of the hole being drilled for a certain number of revolutions. That is, this is the sinking speed. Measured in millimeters per revolution. It is important to maintain the recommended values ​​to obtain a high-quality result and reduce the impact of chips on the cutting edges.

The torque transmitted to the drill during the drilling process is an important factor for the drill and the material, determining the choice of steel for the drill and the composition of the coolants. In ordinary words, this is the load on the drill resulting from the resistance of the material to deformations created by the edges of the drill.

The choice of each parameter is determined by the grade of stainless steel, the thickness of the sheet or part, the choice of equipment, the selection of cooling method, drill material, surface roughness and other factors. There are many reference books and regime maps for the main brands. The correct selection and high qualifications of the technologist who draws up the regime maps will allow you to avoid additional processing operations and finishing, reducing production costs.

Read also: Welding stainless steel - GOST

Stainless steel drills

The variety of drilling equipment today can confuse even experienced professionals.

The most common are cobalt drills. Their name indicates the presence of cobalt in the chemical composition of the alloy. A stainless steel drill is a high-speed steel product.

Increasing the percentage of cobalt increases the red-hotness; the alloy will retain its properties after heating to red-hot temperatures.

These include tool steel R6M5K5, the main material for the manufacture of cutting tools for stainless steel in domestic and foreign markets.

In addition to the material, the design of the drill itself is important. The most expensive and high-quality ones are made using technology when grooves are formed on grinding machines. The absence of deformation stresses makes them stronger and expands drilling parameters. These grooves do not have microscopic burrs and facilitate chip exit, preventing the grooves from sticking. The sharpening angle of the drill should be 135 degrees. This leads to a reduction in load.

Attention. When you go to the store to buy a drill, do not forget that the presence of cobalt in the drill does not affect its color. The drill should not be yellow, as the sellers claim. This is just a publicity stunt of unscrupulous manufacturers.

Drilling technique

Drilling a hole larger than 6 millimeters must be done in two stages. First, a hole with a diameter of up to 5 mm is drilled, and then brought to the required diameter. The absence of internal stresses before drilling will simplify and expand the range of operating parameters. This will extend the life of the drill and avoid overheating of the surface.

Before drilling into stainless steel, find out its grade, thickness, and recommended drilling parameters. Decide on the coolant. If this is not available, you can use vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), lard, or an emulsion of laundry soap in water.


How to properly drill stainless steel at home - we explain in detail

How and with what to drill stainless steel

/ Tools /  

The question of how to drill any stainless steel at home usually does not arise if you use special drills for stainless steel for this purpose. Along with such drills, which allow you to quickly and efficiently form a hole of the required diameter, it is necessary to use special cooling compounds, as well as strictly adhere to technological parameters.

In production, industrial machines with a coolant supply are used for drilling stainless steel. In the home workshop you have to learn some tricky techniques

Nuances when drilling

What needs to be done is to decide on a tool. What exactly to use depends on the diameter of the holes needed. If up to 12 mm, then at home you can use a hand drill.

Nothing else will help you drill holes in stainless steel as efficiently as preliminary marking. It is especially effective when making single holes or processing hardened and sheet metal. Axial marks are applied to the workpiece under the drill, and then a small recess is made in the product. Later they are deepened to the required size.

A template is another thing that will help save time when drilling, because the contours of the holes are pre-marked on it. Craftsmen have to resort to tricks when the work is done from the edge of the surface. Usually, half-holes are needed here, which are made as follows: a plate of the same material is attached to the workpiece, which is clamped in a vice. After which you can drill out a standard recess, and upon completion of the work, simply remove the attached plate.

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Useful drilling techniques

There are several simple techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently drill a hole in stainless steel. Let's list the most common ones.

  • It is better to drill horizontal stainless steel surfaces by first passing the drill through a lubricating and coolant liquid poured into a rubber washer or plastic plug installed directly above the location of the future hole.
  • If you need to drill a hole in a stainless steel surface located vertically, then at the drilling site you can attach a ball made of paraffin, which will provide lubrication of the cutting tool.
  • Regardless of whether you drill stainless steel using a household electric drill or industrial equipment, it is better to carry out such a technological operation at low speeds of the cutting tool (100–600 rpm). The use of even very high-quality fluid for lubrication and cooling will not be able to provide high-quality results when drilling stainless steel, carried out at high speeds.

An indicator of the correct selection of stainless steel drilling speed is long chips

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In order to get a more detailed idea of ​​how to properly drill stainless steel parts, you can study this process in a video.

Problems with drilling at low speeds do not arise if you use a machine or drill that has the option of adjusting this parameter. If there is no such option, then you can drill stainless steel as follows.

  • The electric drill starts up in literally 1–2 seconds.
  • After a short start, the drill immediately turns off.

This simple technological technique makes it possible to ensure low rotation speeds of the cutting tool, which, in fact, is required for high-quality drilling of stainless steel.

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How to drill stainless steel at home

Industrial development and high requirements for product certification in international markets lead to the widespread use of high-quality stainless steels. When creating projects, designers prefer welding connections of individual components.

The bolted and rivet connection was not affected by this and is often used in modern structures. Drilling of stainless steel may be necessary to create process holes. The material presented in this article will give general concepts and features of this process with anti-corrosion alloys.

How and with what to drill stainless steel with your own hands. Drilling stainless steel video | STYLE SERVICE

Stainless steel, thanks to its unique characteristics and properties, has found wide application both in industry and in everyday life. Drilling of stainless steel may be required to make process holes. For example, in order to create a bolted or rivet connection of individual structural elements.

How to drill stainless steel

Drilling stainless steel in industrial and domestic conditions

Drilling of stainless steel can be carried out both in industrial and at home conditions. For this process, you can use special industrial machines or ordinary power tools, for example, an electric drill. Drilling machines are used in production. At home, the need to drill a hole in stainless steel may arise during repair work.

Stainless steel differs from conventional metal alloys in its increased viscosity, which means that when drilling stainless steel, the cutting tool can quickly overheat. Therefore, drilling stainless steel has its own characteristics. Stainless steel is drilled with special drills and a cooling lubricant is always used.

How to drill stainless steel

How to drill stainless steel depends primarily on the thickness of the stainless steel product:

  1. A stainless steel sheet no more than 2 mm thick can be drilled using conventional metal drills. In this case, the rotation speed of the power tool drill should be no more than 100 rpm;
  2. Holes in sheets more than 6 mm thick are made in two stages and special cutters are used. First, the metal is drilled with a fine tool, and then the process is completed using a finishing drill.
  3. To drill stainless steel, drills made from alloys containing cobalt are used. Moreover, the higher the cobalt content, the better for the drilling process.
  4. Stainless steel can be drilled with Pobedit drills.
  5. In some cases, feather-shaped drills are used for thin stainless steel.

how to drill stainless steel at home:

During drilling, it is necessary to monitor the chips. If it darkens and becomes shallow, it means that the cutting edge of the tool is dull and overheats. In this case, work must be stopped.

Drills for processing stainless steels

To connect elements made of stainless steel, you can use not only drilling, but also welding. Welding electrodes for stainless steel must meet certain criteria and requirements in order to ensure a high-quality and reliable weld.

Cooling lubricants for drilling stainless steel

When drilling stainless steel equipment, in addition to choosing the right tools and cooling lubricants, you must follow the drilling modes and know the technology for drilling stainless steel.

How, for example, to drill a stainless steel sink? First of all, you need to understand that you should not drill into already installed equipment. It needs to be dismantled. The sink is placed on a horizontal surface and a core is used to mark the place where the hole needs to be made. After this, a tube with coolant is installed at the drilling site and a hole is drilled in the stainless steel through this so-called “bath”.

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Types of drills for stainless steel

Stainless steel is used in various industries. It is an alloy of several materials with high corrosion resistance. To create precise holes in parts of different shapes and thicknesses, you need to learn how to choose drills for stainless steel.

Drill marking

To drill through stainless steel, you must use special equipment. Any drills, including those for stainless steel, have certain markings. It indicates the technical characteristics, material and size of the equipment.

There is one exception to the rule, which is taken into account by tool manufacturers. Markings are not indicated on drills with a diameter of up to 2 mm. This is due to the small size of the instrument. All information is indicated on the packaging.

Basic designations:

  1. The letter “M” indicates the presence of molybdenum in the product. Its percentage is indicated by the number following this letter.
  2. Letter “P” - the equipment is made of high-speed steel. The percentage of tungsten is indicated by a number.
  3. The letter “K” indicates the presence of cobalt in the alloy. Its quantity is indicated by a number.

Foreign manufacturers make HSS markings, which contain information about alloying components and their quantities:

  1. HSS-TiN - titanium coating is applied to the surface of the tooling during production. Thanks to this, the strength and wear resistance increases. Technical characteristics do not change when heated to 600 degrees Celsius.
  2. HSS-E - contains cobalt.
  3. HSS-E VAP are special drills designed for drilling stainless steel of different thicknesses.
  4. HSS-R - drills with increased strength. Used for drilling bronze, cast iron, brass, cupronickel.
  5. HSS-4241 is a tool designed for working with aluminum workpieces.

Principles for choosing stainless steel drills

When choosing drills for stainless steel, you need to pay attention to a number of factors:

  1. Craftsmen recommend giving preference to equipment with an obtuse sharpening angle. This simplifies alignment at the initial stage of work.
  2. A reliable, durable option is gimlets made of hard alloys. Cons: high price.
  3. Cobalt drills are considered the best.
  4. It is advisable to choose products from well-known brands - Bosch, Ruko, Hilti, Gross.

The larger the diameter, the higher the price.

Use of lubricants

When working with stainless steel drills, we must not forget about the use of cooling mixtures. This is due to the fact that the material being drilled has a high viscosity index. Because of this, the equipment and alloy overheat. If drilling is carried out using a machine, it is necessary to install a special system that will supply coolant to the working area.

You can prepare an effective cooling mixture at home. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grate laundry soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Add hot water, mix thoroughly.
  3. Dilute the soap solution with technical hydrochloric acid.
  4. Wait until the fatty acids float to the surface of the soap solution. Add a small amount of cold water.

After this, you need to wait until the fatty acids harden and carefully remove the surface layer. To work, fatty acids are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 6. The resulting composition is used to lubricate the working area and equipment.

How to drill stainless steel at home?

Drilling stainless steel has certain difficulties, which is why a beginner can ruin the workpiece with equipment. There are several recommendations that will help when working at home:

  1. Practice drilling on unwanted pieces of stainless steel.
  2. To drill products up to 2 mm thick, you can use a metal drill, the cutting part of which is sharpened at an angle of 120 degrees. It is important to set the speed low to prevent overheating.
  3. To drill workpieces with a thickness of more than 6 mm, it is necessary to use technology with two diameters of equipment. First, a small diameter hole is made, and then it is drilled out to the required size. It is important not to forget about the use of a cooling mixture.

Before starting work, it is necessary to install the power tool strictly perpendicular to the workpiece. If you take these recommendations into account, you can easily drill a hole in stainless steel.

Drilling stainless steel at home

Acid for drilling stainless steel

Stainless steel is widely used in household and industrial applications to create various items due to its significant number of positive qualities. It is an alloy of various materials that give stainless steel resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments. Based on their percentage, it is possible to create different types of material in the alloy.

At home, items made from so-called food-grade stainless steel are often used, such as taps and mixers, sinks and sinks in the kitchen, tableware and other things. Therefore, it is often necessary to drill through stainless steel for some purpose. However, you should prepare for the process. That is, study the recommendations of more experienced craftsmen if the procedure is being performed with your own hands for the first time, and also select suitable drills and lubricants.

In addition to experience, you will need a bit of sensitivity and attentiveness. This is far from the only thing a master needs. What helps most when drilling is lubricating fluid, without which the master risks damaging the drills and the material.

The lubricant consists of machine oil and sulfur, so it is easily recognized by its viscous form and increased fat content. In addition to choosing the right material, you need to know some features of how to drill a hole in stainless steel.

Drill selection

Choosing a reliable drill is an important step when preparing for drilling. On sale you can find foreign tools manufactured according to the DIN-338 standard and marked HSS-CO.

It makes it clear that the composition contains at least 5% cobalt, as in old Soviet drills. You can recognize a stainless steel product by its obtuse sharpening angle, which makes alignment easier when starting work.

Such a tool is easy to obtain in any specialized store at an affordable price.

As for carbide tools, they are suitable for processing stainless surfaces and products made from this material. But problems may arise with its purchase, since such drills are not available in every hardware store, plus they are much more expensive.

When choosing tools, you should purchase only high-strength products. You can look for old cobalt drills, which are still considered the best.

If you fail, then you should stick to products from Ruko, Bosch, Gross, Hilti, which are available in most stores. The price depends on the diameter, for example, a 3 mm tool can be bought for about 100 rubles. The larger the diameter, the higher the price.

It will not be difficult for real craftsmen to adjust the angle of a conventional drill if they have a diamond wheel at home.


Which drill to drill stainless steel with - Metals, equipment, instructions

The peculiarity of this steel is its increased viscosity. Therefore, a conventional tool overheats almost immediately, and it is impossible to work without effective cooling. And its organization in some cases is a rather complicated process.

For example, if drilling is carried out in a horizontal plane, that is, vertically oriented samples. How to proceed? One of the best options is to work with a cobalt drill.

We will look at the features of such a tool and its types.

Cobalt drills are used not only when working with stainless steel. They are quite versatile, and their use is advisable in many cases: when drilling metals and high-strength alloys; differing in viscosity; and also when the requirements for the accuracy of the operation are specifically specified.

Tool Features

  • Material – high-speed steel only.
  • Coating the cutting parts of the drill with the Cº element (27th position in the periodic table) allows in most cases to work without artificial cooling.
  • The standard sharpening angle of the drill (at the tip) is 135º.

Cobalt drills - general characteristics

  • It is possible to drill even perfectly smooth surfaces without preliminary countersinking. When positioned vertically, the tool does not “go away” to the side. As they say, it is self-centering.
  • The hole is obtained with absolutely accurate dimensions, without burrs and other defects, which is typical for drilling with conventional tools. The risk of “biting” the stainless steel in the working area is eliminated.
  • Cobalt drills are characterized by increased wear resistance.
  • The drilling speed almost doubles compared to traditional analogues.

Double sided

The advantage is that essentially 1 product is 2 drills. In case of breakage (or dulling) of the edges on one side, the tool is quickly reinstalled, and work continues without any delay in searching for a new sample.

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Cost of cobalt drills

Approximate data (in rubles/pcs) for the Moscow region. For cobalt drills with a cylindrical shank. Dimensions – in mm.

The range of this instrument is quite impressive, and it is impossible to list it completely. The price depends, first of all, on the design features of the cobalt drill (single- or double-sided), diameter and length (total and working). A few examples for single-sided samples will help the reader get some idea of ​​pricing.


  • (0,5 – 0,9) – 27.
  • (1 – 2) – 29.
  • (2,1 – 3) – 30.
  • 4 – 45.
  • 5 – 54.
  • (6 – 6,5) – 69.
  • 9,0 – 193.

Recommendations for selection

Cobalt drills, which were produced back in the USSR, were considered one of the most reliable. They were marked R6M5K5 and fully complied with the requirements of GOST No. 10902 of 1977. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find them on sale, since only a small number of enterprises are engaged in production.

But it can be replaced with imported analogues (under the brands “Ruco”, “Bosch” or others). For example, HSSCo5 (according to the Western classification DIN 338R). The last symbols in the designation (K5 or Co5) indicate the percentage of the element cobalt. This is what you need to pay attention to first.

Practitioners claim that tungsten drills are even more effective when working with stainless steel. But they have a significant disadvantage - fragility.

Even a slight play in the chuck will negatively affect the usability of the drill - it will not last long.

Considering its cost, you should think about whether it makes sense to purchase this product if you plan to work with a household tool (hammer hammer, electric drill), which is also worn out.

Judging by the reviews on “metal” forums, there is another problem with tungsten drills. Sharpening them requires professional “eyes and hands.” Can everyone boast of this? So it turns out that for most of us such a tool is disposable.

A big mistake is made by those who, when drilling, practice the same technique as when using a conventional drill. Cobalt should not be regularly immersed in oil or water - it will quickly become unusable. This instrument does not require additional cooling.


How to drill through stainless steel? Stainless steel drills. Subtleties of drilling stainless steel

Stainless steel is actively used in the construction industry, allowing the construction of durable and strong structures without the risk of corrosion damage. However, the strength qualities and, in general, physical characteristics of such alloys create many problems at the stage of installation activities, when spot machining is required. For example, creating holes is one of the most popular operations of this kind, allowing you to prepare technological areas for future fasteners.

Accordingly, the question arises: how to drill stainless steel? The task is not easy and requires the use of special tools. Also, the technique of directly performing the work requires the performer to know certain nuances of the process.

What tool to use for drilling?

First, the type of tool that can be used to perform such an operation efficiently and safely is determined. If we are not talking about production, where the use of a drilling machine would be quite justified, then the choice will be between a drill and a hammer drill. Of course, the eye of an inexperienced user will immediately fall on the hammer drill as a more powerful unit. But not everything is so obvious.

Indeed, an average hammer drill will be much more productive than an electric drill, but it also has a more massive body, has an impressive weight and, in principle, is oriented towards working with brick and concrete.

How to drill stainless steel with a hammer drill? You will have to work in initially uncomfortable conditions, since the massive structure will not provide room for maneuverability, and this is the key to successful processing of solid alloys. The emphasis will have to be on the physical stabilization of the tool, which will not be possible without an additional side handle.

As for the drill, then, of course, the emphasis should be on professional models with sufficient power reserves - at least 1500 W in the case of network devices, and from 18 V if you need a cordless tool for remote work. But in both cases, the design of the drill is optimal for working with stainless steel. By the way, in addition, it would not be amiss to provide a useful set of functions - electronic speed control, a switch lock button and reverse movement.

Choosing the right drill

It is advisable to give preference to cobalt drills made from high-speed steel alloys of the grades HSS (M35), HSSCo5, P6MK5, etc. The intended purpose of such equipment is to make holes in difficult-to-cut and stainless workpieces.

For example, the R6M5K5 drill contains 5% cobalt, which significantly increases the red resistance of the product.

In other words, the glow of a drill with critical overheating can occur only if the established standards for the working session time are exceeded, but not in the usual normal drilling mode.

Moreover, even intensive use of the element will not reduce its wear resistance and hardness. These qualities can be explained by the special production technology using the grinding method, which eliminates the internal stress of the metal.

Drill design parameters: what to consider?

The working part of the drill can be performed in different ways, depending on the required cutting technique. For example, spiral models have a rod with helical edges and grooves that remove chips. This is a universal option for household work, characterized by reliability and decent drilling quality.

As an alternative, a step drill can be offered, but it is more suitable for production where it is necessary to make several holes of different formats in short periods of time without changing equipment.

You should also pay attention to the sharpening angle of the stainless steel drill, which can range from 100° to 140°. Which angle would be preferable? For steels, it is better to choose models at 130-140°. Lowering this indicator makes the drill suitable for soft materials such as duralumin and brass.

Selecting a drill by shank type

Since the equipment will experience increased mechanical loads due to vibrations during operation, it is important to consider the type of connection to the chuck. The most common is the cylindrical key type hitch.

In particular, HSS metal drills from Inforce are designed for it, with a tensile strength reserve of up to 900 N/mm2.

As experts note, the transmission of torque in this design is not the most successful, but you don’t have to worry about the risks of jamming.

Another shank option is hexagonal. In this case, fixation is ensured by a three-jaw chuck with rigid positioning of each face. The fastening is reliable, but the mechanics of handling such equipment are quite difficult. If you need to perform serial drilling, then manipulating the replacement of the nozzle will cause a lot of trouble.

Preparation of lubricants and cooling materials

High-performance mechanical processing of metal alloys is accompanied by increased loads with temperatures brought to critical values. To minimize such effects, lubricants and coolants are used for drilling under load. In this part, it is necessary to provide for two points - the very mechanics of supplying the composition and its recipe.

As for the first, in one-time events you can wet the work area manually as it heats up. Automatic systems are usually implemented in the form of a pump connection - for example, from a car pump. The optimal composition of the mixture will include a combination of machine oil and sulfur. Technical additives that increase the viscosity of the oil can also be used as an additional modifier.

Drilling process

The tool is immediately adjusted to low or medium speeds, since stainless steel does not tolerate high speeds well - this can damage the edges or drill. The workpiece is installed on a firmly fixed base. It is advisable to use a metal workbench with a vice. Direct mechanical contact is made only when the optimal drill speed is reached. Then they start cutting.

The cobalt drill on stainless steel is directed strictly perpendicularly under light pressure. No deviations or jerks should be allowed. Moreover, even stopping is not advisable, since a failure in the pace of movement will, in principle, negatively affect the structure of the hole. The process ends with support for initial revolutions. The speed is reduced and the device is turned off only after removing the drill from the hole.

Features of working with hardened stainless steel

There are often situations when hardened metal is not amenable to even cobalt-based HSS drills. This usually applies to sheets with a thickness of more than 6-7 mm. How to drill through stainless steel in this situation?

The solution will be either to use diamond bits for cutting glass, or to use a nozzle with a fine-grained alloy and soldering. The second option is offered in the Bosch line. German developers produce a unique Multi Construction line with a distinctive feature in the form of a blue belt on spirals. Thanks to the centering tip and AWB soldering, this type of drill can even cope with hardened stainless steel.

Features of working with stainless steel railings

The difficulties of working with such a structure are determined by the round shape of the handrails, and sometimes by the presence of special chrome coatings, which make alignment difficult. The master’s task will be to securely fix the pipe using a vice, as well as special drilling tactics.

How to work with stainless steel railings? First of all, the cutting point is designated. This is done by punching and hammering. With a light blow, a hole is marked from which the material will be processed. Then take any small-format drill.

At this stage, it is important to only slightly deepen the point at low speeds. Moreover, the end of the drill must be lubricated with machine oil. Then, using a full-size cobalt nozzle, a hole of the required size is formed in two passes.

Safety precautions when drilling

The main operational factors that increase the risk of injury are electricity and vibration. Electric shock is deadly, so it is important to always monitor the position of the cable. Under no circumstances should it enter the work area. Moreover, initially it is better to give preference to drill models with double electrical insulation.

Then another question - how to drill through stainless steel with minimal discomfort from vibrations? The fact is that long-term and systematic work with construction tools ultimately affects the state of the nervous system, vision and respiratory organs through strong vibrations.

The solution will be to use a standard vibration damping system, as well as install additional spring devices on the body. For example, hinged damping devices create a shock-absorbing effect, virtually eliminating perceptible vibrations.

General recommendations for work progress

Much of the workflow will depend on the specific conditions and characteristics of the tool. But there are also universal rules for performing critical drilling operations, which are recommended by experts:

  • Lubrication control. Rapidly draining oil will not give the desired effect. To stabilize it, you can first develop a “bathtub” around the hole, and then throughout the entire working process the drill tip will be in optimal condition.
  • Use the drill functionality. Do not ignore reverse gear and speed control. There are situations when they not only make work easier, but also prevent unpleasant situations.
  • Subtleties of drilling stainless steel when creating through holes. In situations where the drill comes out from the back side, burr may appear (blocking of the cutters on the edge). Initially placing a block of wood under the drilling point from the outside will help to avoid such a wedge.


A high-quality electric drill, combined with a properly selected drill of the required diameter, is more likely to meet expectations in creating a hole of the desired format. But how much will such an event cost if it is performed at home without the help of a specialist?

Cobalt or pobedite drills for stainless steel are estimated at about 150-200 rubles. An electric drill will cost about 3-5 thousand rubles. Moreover, you should choose from the families of manufacturers of the same Bosch company, for example, Makita, Metabo or Hitachi. By the way, you can safely purchase drills in the same lines.


How to drill stainless steel - Metalworker's Guide

The question of how to drill any stainless steel at home usually does not arise if you use special drills for stainless steel for this purpose. Along with such drills, which allow you to quickly and efficiently form a hole of the required diameter, it is necessary to use special cooling compounds, as well as strictly adhere to technological parameters.

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In production, industrial machines with a coolant supply are used for drilling stainless steel. In the home workshop you have to learn some tricky techniques


Drilling holes in stainless steel using a regular drill bit may fail. This is explained by the fact that steels classified as stainless steel are characterized by increased viscosity, so their drilling, especially when done at home, is accompanied by significant heating of the cutting tool and, as a result, its failure.

In order to drill stainless steel efficiently and quickly, taking into account all of the above, it is necessary to use a cooling material, which, in addition, must have good lubricating properties.

If you need to frequently drill stainless steel, it makes sense to equip the machine with a homemade liquid lubricant supply system (a car pump is suitable as a pump)

The most common composition used as a coolant and lubricant when drilling holes in stainless steel is a solution consisting of machine oil and sulfur. To prepare such a solution, both colloidal sulfur and fumigation sulfur, often called “sulfur color,” can be used.

If the sulfur at your disposal is a fine powder, it can be immediately mixed with machine oil without special preparation. If you purchased lump sulfur, you must first grind it.

You can make drilling stainless steel products more efficient if you use a lubricating-cooling mixture consisting of sulfur and fatty acids, which you can make yourself at home, to perform such an operation. To do this you need to do the following:

  • grind a piece of laundry soap (you can use the cheapest one);
  • mix the crushed soap with hot water and stir the resulting mixture thoroughly;
  • add technical hydrochloric acid to the resulting solution;
  • wait until fatty acids begin to rise to the surface of the resulting solution;
  • then add a large amount of cold water;
  • remove the hardened stem of fatty acids from the surface of the solution, which are subsequently used to prepare a lubricating-cooling solution.

Fatty acids obtained during the preparation of drilling fluid are mixed with sulfur in a ratio of 6:1. Using a solution made according to this recipe, you can easily drill a stainless steel product that is even quite thick. Naturally, when performing such a procedure, certain technological recommendations should be followed.

How and with what to drill a hole in a tile - for a socket or pipe

When it comes to cutting and drilling tiles, many home craftsmen give up and prefer to build a “mosaic” around complex contours. In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated in the drilling process; it is only important to follow simple rules and have the right tool.

What to work with

You can drill a hole in ceramic tiles using a low-speed drill or a screwdriver of sufficient power. It is permissible to use even a hand drill - the so-called rotator - although it is convenient for them to work only with small holes in the amount of one or two pieces.

The diameter of the hole determines the nature of the tool. For sizes up to 10 mm, conventional twist drills with a Pobedit tip or feather drills, also with a Pobedit or diamond spear tip, are more suitable.

For larger diameter holes, it is better to use core drills (crowns) with a pobedit or diamond working edge. If it is necessary to make a large number of holes of different sizes, use the so-called ballerina - a device resembling a compass. It has a centering drill and a cutter that rotates at a given (adjustable) distance from the axis of the ballerina, cutting the edge in a circle.

Characteristic sharpening of carbide drills

Craftsmen suggest, as a last resort, in the absence of other options, to use high-quality self-tapping screws. Unfortunately, the risk of damaging the tiles in this case is much higher than when using a professional tool.

When creating cutouts with complex geometries, in addition to drilling, tiles are cut with other tools - tile cutters (manual or electric), grinders, glass cutters.

If we are talking about creating complex, but consisting of rectilinear and circular sections of the contour, it is recommended to first drill in the required places, and then cut out fragments between the individual holes.

You may also need metal files or a grinding wheel to smoothly connect the contour (as in the photo above).

It is very useful when working with tiles to use a so-called jig. This is a pad, usually plastic, that helps center the drill and prevents it from deviating from a strict vertical in relation to the surface of the tile.

Preparing for work

It is almost impossible to cut a hole in a tile without dust and other debris, and this dust, and often small crumbs, flies chaotically in different directions. Also, fragments of products often break off during the process. Therefore, the selection of personal protective equipment for the employee and the protection of the interior from contamination are necessary.

If you plan to make one or two holes in tiles already laid on the wall, the easiest way is to use a proven method - fastening to the wall under the place where the package will be drilled. It is glued to the wall with tape or masking tape, and unfolded so that dust falls into it.

If we are talking about large scales, this method is not suitable. Professionals use dust collectors with dust extraction. In domestic conditions, it is better to prepare a vacuum cleaner or a brush with a dustpan, as well as cover/cover already finished surfaces, furniture and appliances with film.

Personal protective equipment includes:

  • dense clothing, little permeable to dust;
  • quality shoes;
  • gloves;
  • safety glasses/mask;
  • a headdress or bandage (so as not to shake dust out of your hair);
  • dust respirator or wet bandage over the mouth and nose.

Earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones are also very useful since the work is noisy.

Marking a hole in the tile for a socket, switch or pipe

It is also necessary to pre-mark the drilling locations - on the wall/floor/ceiling, if the tiles are already laid, or on individual tiles. The second option is preferable. Even if the integrity of the tile is damaged, it can be replaced with another one, and it is much more difficult to disguise defects on an already tiled surface.

There are many marking options - from the simplest “doing it on your fingers” to using special form stencils.

Such a device - a template for copying forms 250 mm EDMA DUPLIC FORM 088255 - will allow you to easily transfer an arbitrarily complex contour onto a tile and accurately make a hole in the tile for a pipe (pipes, wall protrusions and other elements).

Most home craftsmen do it the old fashioned way, with manual markings.

Please note: the marking of the hole for the socket is done so that the dimensions of the hole are smaller than the outer contour of the electrical product, that is, the overlay should hide the edges of the tile edges.

The photo above shows the installation of a socket at the junction of four tiles. In reality, it is not always possible to fit this way and you have to cut a hole in the middle of the panel or closer to one of its edges.

It is important to consider here that usually the internal elements of sockets and switches are round - therefore, the hole should also be round, 510% larger than the base diameter of the electrical product.

For more complex shaped internal elements, for example, those shown in the photo below, it is worth making not a round hole, but matching four round cutouts with straight sections.

How to cut a hole in a tile for a rosette without a crown of the required diameter?

This question often worries people who, due to the rare use of tools, prefer to keep only a minimal set of equipment at home. Why buy an expensive core drill bit when you only need to make one cut? Usually in such cases, a series of holes are drilled along the contour using an ordinary relatively thin drill and then, taking advantage of the fragility of the tile, a fragment is knocked out inside the contour “outlined” in this way.

This option is also suitable for complex curved figures in the absence of a small grinder disk.

The photo above shows how to make a hole in a tile for a three- to four-socket outlet.

Each round cutout is drilled separately with a diamond or pobedite bit, and then the areas between the round holes are cut along the size line using a grinder with a small-diameter disk.

Subtleties of work

To carefully drill a hole in a tile, craftsmen recommend:

  • attach masking tape or construction tape to the drilling site indicating the center of the future cutout and/or its outline;
  • During work, periodically moisten the drill/bit with cold water to reduce the heating of the tool (this rule also works for drilling concrete and other hard materials). If the tiles have not yet been mounted on the wall/floor, it is better to put them in water for an hour in advance and wipe them dry before work;
  • drill only at low speeds, starting from the lowest possible and gradually increasing the rotation speed, but not more than 1000 rpm;
  • Large diameter cuts must be made BEFORE gluing the tiles to the surface to be tiled.

And the main rule: even if you are completely confident in your abilities and equipment, first try to make a cut of the required shape on unnecessary remnants of tiles!


How to drill stainless steel correctly

Drilling stainless steel is always a labor-intensive process that requires some experience, and requires increased sensitivity and attentiveness. Stainless steel is a material that is quite difficult to drill, in this case it is necessary to use a special lubricant, this will greatly facilitate the entire process. Many people don’t really know how to drill stainless steel or the Russian equivalent of aisi 201, but everything is quite simple, you just need a little experience and attentiveness.

The main component in drilling stainless steel is the lubricating fluid, since without it, nothing good will come of drilling, you will only ruin the drill and the material itself. The lubricating fluid has a viscous state, it is quite fatty and contains machine oil and sulfur. Sulfur in a lubricant can be of a very different nature, it can be colloidal sulfur, sulfur for fumigation, and so on.

Drilling stainless steel, which is better to choose?

As mentioned earlier, lubricating fluid can have a very different character, there are two types of sulfur, one is a lighter composition, and the other has complex components such as fatty acids and sulfur.

In order to make a lubricating fluid with a more complex solution, you will need a lot of patience and perseverance, in this case you need soap (it is best to choose laundry soap), it must be broken into even pieces and dissolved in hot water.

You need to add hydrochloric acid to the resulting solution; during the process you will notice some kind of secretions on the top layer of water, this will mean that fatty acids float to the surface.

If you add a little cold water to the solution, you will notice how the fatty acids solidify, as a result of which they can be easily separated from each other.

After that, the fatty, hardened acids should be thoroughly rinsed; for this task, it is best to take a small container, fill it with warm water and stir vigorously for 5 minutes, while do not forget to gradually add cold water there.

Everything ingenious is simple

Drilling is a process in which two components are subject to load at once, the drill and the material itself. During the situation, some issues may arise, such as overheating of the drill, overheating of the material at the drilling point, and much more. In this case, many people have questions about how to drill stainless steel, how to avoid overheating and much more, in fact, everything is quite simple, you just need to slow down and drill gradually, this will avoid overheating.

Note: if you need a manipulator for construction work, you can rent it on the company’s website at a competitive price.


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