What is 583 gold standard

Sample 583 what is it

What is 583 gold standard

  • 1 Why is 583 gold standard good?
  • 2 What is the difference between 583 and 585 gold: features and differences
  • 3583 standard gold: composition, price per gram, history
  • 4 What does 583 gold purity mean and what are its advantages?
    • 4.1 What does 583 sample mean?
    • 4.2 Benefits
    • 4.3 We recommend other articles
  • 5 Composition and features of 583 gold
  • 6 Which sample is better 583 or 585
  • 7 Gold 583 and 585: differences, advantages and disadvantages
  • 8 Price of 583 gold samples per 1 gram in 2018
  • 9 Gold 583, composition, how much it costs, difference from 585
  • 10 583 gold: history, characteristics, cost per gram
  • 11 Composition and characteristics of 583 gold
  • 12 Features 583 gold

Why is 583 sample the best?

583 gold standard is an almost forgotten gold standard in the modern jewelry industry.

It is impossible to see it on store shelves, but on the jewelry of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers this sample appears with enviable frequency.

The hallmark number 583 was extremely popular during the Soviet Union, and therefore the alloy with this marking was called Soviet gold. What is the famous composition of 583 gold?

To get a detailed answer to the question - what is it - Soviet gold 583 - you will have to take a short excursion to 1927: the difficult time of the formation of the young Soviet state, as well as the year of birth of gold jewelry marking with the numerical value 583.

The 583 standard received the nickname “Soviet gold” because in the rest of the world there was no standard identical to it.

And it turned out this way: after the revolution and the establishment of Soviet power on the territory of Russia, the young state decided to live by its own mind and abandon the “bourgeois” standards to the maximum, including the existing karat system of gold hallmarking and switch to metric.

Everything would be fine, but a simple mathematical operation to convert carats to grams resulted in

583 watch

a non-integer number of 583, 333, which for some reason the Soviet state decided to round down rather than up. This is how the 583rd sample was born, meaning that the alloy contains at least 58.3% of natural gold in the amount of precious metal.

It should also be noted that not a single metal alloy differs in its composition in strictly defined proportions, that is, the component can always be a little more or a little less.

Therefore, in the jewelry and other industries, the term remedium was introduced and exists - that is, the maximum possible deviation from the standard. In the case of 583 samples, the remedium can fluctuate up to 3 units of noble metal in the composition in any direction - increase or decrease.

Thus, we can say with confidence that in any product of the Soviet standard there is approximately -58, 58.6% gold, the rest is alloy metals.

Standards for marking the Russian hallmark on products

Jewelry of 583 samples contained on its surface:

  • A numerical value indicating the content of pure noble metal in the composition;
  • To the left of the sample there was a picture embossed in relief with a worker’s head and a hammer. This mark was relevant until 1958, during which time it was replaced by the image of a five-pointed star with the symbols of the USSR. During the years of perestroika and adjustment of products to European standards, the 583 hallmark was abolished and instead they began to use the 585 hallmark, which exactly corresponds to the 14 carats of the Western hallmark.

Chain 583 samples

However, the Soviet mark did not go away and did not sink into oblivion: after all, the population had and still has a lot of jewelry and expensive crafts made of gold of this marking. Therefore, metal with such a numerical value on the surface is bought, sold and accepted for processing even today.

It would be useful to note that the old mark was affixed to products right up to the spring of 2000, so you can see jewelry released after the collapse of the USSR with nostalgic markings on the surface.

Composition, density and reviews

If we talk about the most common composition for marking, which received the title of “Soviet gold” in the world, then most often it looked like this: 583 grams - a noble base, 417 - a ligature of less valuable metals: copper and silver. The ligature was added not only to reduce the density of the alloy (high density means poor wearability), but also to obtain different color variations of the finished product: red, green, white.

Despite negative reviews from European consumers, the Soviet alloy of this marking was not of a low grade at all, but on the contrary, it was of the highest quality: jewelry and crafts made from it did not lose their beautiful shine for a long time, they were difficult to damage or scratch, and withstood the influence of the external environment well. From 583-carat gold, domestic jewelers created real masterpieces, which to this day arouse admiration among connoisseurs.

Fundamental differences from 585 sample

There will not be many fundamental differences between the 583 stamp and the 585, but they are still quite significant.

Firstly, in the Soviet alloy the percentage of the noble base content is lower, and accordingly it is cheaper, secondly, the 583 marking was recognized only in the USSR, since it did not fit any Western carat standard, and thirdly, the often acceptable remedium allowed Assay supervision to pass under the hallmark 583 products from a combination where the actual percentage of precious metal did not exceed 58%.

In terms of quality characteristics, the 583 hallmark differs little from the modern 585 mark: the aesthetic appearance, durability, and strength of these markings are almost identical.

Question about cost

As always, when the question arises about the cost of a gram of precious metal, the most logical thing to do is turn to world quotations. Or take for analysis the accounting value of gold, which the Central Bank issues daily in reports. However, these data will also be very approximate: the final price depends on the point of sale, which includes its profit, expenses, and so on in the price.

Specifically, based on the 583 sample, we can say the following: jewelry with such markings cannot be found on the shelves of modern jewelry boutiques; most often they can be resold by purchasers, pawn shops, or private individuals.

And of course, you should not buy the so-called “Turkish gold”, which is also often marked by unscrupulous sellers - this alloy in 90% of cases contains no more than 10-15% of the precious metal and therefore can be considered at most costume jewelry.

And finally, an insignificant but interesting fact: the difference in price between the 583 and 585 markings is not visible when purchasing items of light weight, which is very successfully used by people who prefer to invest free money in jewelry.

Source: http://icredit-cards.com/proba-583-chto-eto.html

Features 583 gold

What is 583 gold standard

The most popular of the precious metals is gold. It does not change its properties and appearance under the influence of air, moisture and high temperature. 583 standard gold was widespread in the Soviet Union, but today it is becoming less common in jewelry. What is the reason for this? Let's look at it in more detail.


Appearance of the reference sample

The sample is determined by the percentage of pure substance in the alloy. The Soviet state, located behind the Iron Curtain, determined its own “gold” standard in 1927. This became the 583rd sample, products from which were bought willingly, valued for their excellent qualities and considered a worthy acquisition. And their affordable price for the population made such a purchase especially in demand.

Most countries use the carat system. The number of carats indicated the proportion of precious metal in the alloy. 24 carats correspond to 1000 fineness. 14 carats were considered the standard for Europe.

Dividing 14 by 24 and multiplying by 1000, we get the figure 583.33, which means the number of grams of gold per kilogram of composition. In the USSR, this number was rounded to 583, in contrast to the West, where the figure was increased to 585.

The difference between these two samples is that the new one contains slightly more noble metal (from 0.2 to 0.4%).

Despite the fact that Soviet gold 583 was of high quality, it did not meet international standards by hundredths of a percent, and therefore was considered low-grade abroad. As a result, the price of 583 gold overseas was very low. To avoid losses, the Russian government established a new standard in 1994 - 585 gold. Today, it is precisely this that has become widespread among the population of our state.


Features of the gold standard

What do the hallmark icons on a gold product mean?

Gold itself in its pure form is a very soft metal. To give strength to jewelry, an alloy is added to it - palladium, silver, nickel, copper, zinc, platinum. At the same time, the shades of the products change. If there is more copper, then the shade is reddish, if there is more silver, then it is yellow. Palladium, nickel, and platinum will add a white tint, indium will add a bluish tint, and rubidium will add a black tint.

It is impossible to achieve an ideal composition, so GOST has established a remedium (permissible error) for all gold samples. The alloy can contain either 3% more or less precious metal. A maximum deviation of 5 units is set for the alloy with nickel.

This does not apply to sample 583, since it does not contain nickel. Most often this is copper, which causes 583 gold to become reddish in color.

It is not for nothing that this gold began to be called “red” or “chervonets”, due to the fact that at the beginning of the last century coins with a denomination of 10 rubles, the so-called “chervonets”, were minted from it.

Although there are many shades of this sample depending on the percentage of elements. The most common alloy has always been a composition of 58.3% pure element, 8% silver and 33.5% copper. This composition is the most successful, since such a ligature mixture makes it especially durable, and the price of such 583 gold is quite affordable.


Gold hallmarking 583

When the gold standard appeared in the USSR in 1927, jewelry was subject to mandatory branding, and not only with the number 583. To the left of it was a relief image of a worker’s head and a hammer located below.

And then, in 1958, the brand was changed to a five-pointed star, in the center of which was a hammer and sickle. When Russia switched to another standard, they began to engrave a kokoshnik next to the number.


583 gold price

In Russia today, the following metric hallmark system is adopted in jewelry production: 999, 958, 750, 585, 500 and 375.

In the jewelry business, when making jewelry, the most preference was given to 583-carat gold. This alloy is quite strong, does not oxidize, and is easy to form. It is often used to make elegant vintage-style items reminiscent of family jewelry, watches, keychains, earrings, and engagement rings. This reddish gold was considered the most prestigious and high quality.

The price was also affordable, since copper predominated in the alloy. And although this standard has become 585, to this day more than half of the products are made from this alloy and the demand for them is high. The reddish tint goes well with the skin and is very suitable for older ladies.

The properties of the alloy depend on the alloy, and its cost depends on the gold content. The price of 583 samples is low and is only 0.2% lower than 585. Fluctuations in the gold rate can rise and fall, but have long been within the range of 1300-1600 rubles per 1 gram of 999 fine precious metal. To determine the cost of 583 samples, you need to multiply this amount by 0.583.

Due to the fact that the sample is outdated, jewelry with it is sometimes considered antique, and therefore costs more. If the alloy contains no base metals, but only precious ones (platinum, palladium), then the price per gram will be about 3,000 rubles.

The 583 alloy will retain its significance for a long time due to its qualities. Now products with such a mark are no longer produced in Russia. But the inhabitants of the former Soviet space have preserved many similar examples.

Therefore, if you want to purchase jewelry of exactly 583 samples, then pay attention only to those that were produced during the existence of the USSR. And do not forget that purchasing gold items of any standard is very profitable, since gold does not depreciate over time.

Source: https://grammzolota.ru/proby/sovetskoe-583.html

583 gold: what is it, price per 1 gram today, reviews of the star stamp

What is 583 gold standard

My respect to dear readers. The topic of today's article is 583 gold. Many still remember that in the Soviet Union the famous stamp with a star and the numbers 583 was used everywhere. What kind of sample is this, why has it ceased to be relevant, are there any good reasons to give your choice in favor of one or another decoration depending on the stamp on it - I'll tell you in this article.

What kind of sample is this

Alloys are used to make jewelry. Their value is determined by the quantitative ratio of pure gold to the remaining components (ligature) and is expressed in the sample, which is applied to the finished product by branding.

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In 1927, in connection with the transition of the sampling system from spool (as in Tsarist Russia) to metric, sample 583 was approved. In recalculation, it corresponds to the previous value of 56 spools. A stamp with the number 583 indicates that in one kilogram of this alloy there are 583 grams - gold in chemically pure form.

Why was the 583 sample replaced with 585

After the collapse of the USSR, in connection with the entry of a new country into world markets, it became necessary to bring the quality of goods into line with international standards. The international community refused to recognize 583 gold, since when converted from the metric to the carat system, the final value is 13.9 carats instead of the required 14.

In addition, the permissible deviation from the norm (remedium) is +/- 0.3%. This meant that the chemically pure gold content could range from 586 to 580 grams per kilogram. Therefore, in accordance with market requirements, a new standard was established in 1994 - 585 alloy.

Composition and properties

In the industrial production of the 583 alloy, a three-component composition with high strength, ductility and ease of use was used, including 33.5% copper and 8% silver. It was the high copper content that gave the metal a noble color with a distinct red tint - such gold was called red gold by analogy with the royal chervonets, which were minted from an alloy of gold and copper and had a similar color.


Using chemically pure precious metal to make jewelry is impractical, as it is too soft a material. Any thing made of 999 gold will very quickly lose its attractiveness and shine.

In the form of an alloy, gold has much greater strength and resistance to deformation and wear. With proper care, such a piece of jewelry can be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom without losing its presentability.

Shades and alloys

The color of the alloy changed depending on the proportions and what metals were contained in the alloy - from greenish-yellow to pink, so products with the same purity could have different shades. Based on this property, jewelers willingly experimented with the composition of the ligature in order to achieve especially successful color schemes and properties of the finished product. The table below lists the main types of gold and their shades.

Alloy shade chart

Color Ligature, % Notes
Reddish Silver – 8 Copper – 33.5 Red gold
Pink Silver – 9 Copper – 32
Yellow Silver – 18.7 Copper – 22.7
Citric Silver – 30 Copper – 11.5
White Silver – 10 Copper – 3 Nickel – 25 Zinc – 3.5 Mainly used as inserts in products with stones


Simultaneously with the transition to the metric testing system for precious metals, the approved type of mark also changed. The woman's head in the kokoshnik was replaced with the profile of a worker with a hammer. On June 1, 1958, a five-pointed Soviet star appeared on the stamp. In 1994, the circle was closed and today modern jewelry is again branded with a female profile with a crown.

A brand is a way to protect an expensive item from counterfeits. A handmade mark, as a rule, was noticeably different in quality from the marks that were put on gold by the experts of the assay office. It consisted of the letter designation of the department that carried out the inspection, an image of a star and a sample.

How many carats are in this sample?

Any sampling system shows how many parts of a chemically pure metal the alloy contains; the only difference is in the units of measurement - kilogram, pound or carat. You can convert the sample value from the metric system to carat or spool using a conversion table.

Zolotnikovaya Carat Metric
96 24 999,9
92 23 958
91 Not applicable 947
88 22 916
84 21 875
72 18 750
56 13,9 583
14 585
48 12 500
36 9 375

How is it different from 585 gold?

These alloys differ in their content of precious metal, although only by two tenths of a percent. Considering the remedium (permissible deviation) of 0.3%, the difference can either increase or disappear, so the difference is negligible. There is no noticeable difference in the strength and durability of identical gold products of 585 and 583 samples, but their cost will vary.

583 or 585 – which is better?

In fact, sample 583 has lost its relevance. Gold alloys of this purity are no longer used in jewelry making. But some collectors are ready to offer higher prices for Soviet-era items, as for antiques.

My personal example is the opposite: when I handed over a 583-carat piece to a jeweler, he was very reluctant to accept such jewelry from me.

Scope of application of this alloy

Due to its properties - strength, ductility, easy soldering, scratch resistance, this gold alloy has found wide application in the manufacture of jewelry intended for everyday use. Our grandmothers still wear, without removing, their favorite pendants, earrings or wedding rings, which are decorated with a sample with a star.

Advantages and disadvantages

An absolute advantage is that it belongs to the era and the gradual transition of 583 gold items into the category of antiques. It is also worth noting the high quality of manufacturing of such things.

Among the shortcomings, I would note the style as out of fashion and the difficulty in finding such an item: you cannot buy this gold in a store, unless you are lucky enough to find it in pawn shops or in private advertisements.

How much does 1 gram of 583 gold cost in rubles today?

The price of gold directly depends on the world price and stock exchange quotes. The trend of the last decade has been a gradual increase in its value with minor fluctuations. But the current price is constantly changing. You can get up-to-date information on stock quotes here:

You can find out the current market value of gold daily from the interactive table on our website:

Price for 999 standard according to the Central BankMarket value of the standard todayPrice for scrapPrice in jewelry

What does the price consist of?

The price of gold, like any other product, is determined by the ratio of supply and demand. The higher the demand, the more expensive it is; the more supply, the cheaper. If it comes to jewelry, then you will be offered to buy the item at the price of scrap: in this case, the content of pure gold in the product in grams is calculated and the market purchase rate is used.

Recommendations for care and cleaning

Whenever it gets dirty, the jewelry needs to be cleaned. This service is provided by jewelry workshops. You can carry out the procedure yourself, without much risk of ruining the item. Some tips for caring for gold:

  • Add 5 ml to a glass of boiled water. ammonia and a tablespoon of washing powder or dishwashing detergent. Dip the object into the resulting solution, leave for 2 hours, then rinse with clean water.
  • Take a glass of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt, put the product in it, leave for 12 hours, rinse with water.
  • Line the bottom of a small ceramic container with food foil, pour a glass of boiled water with two tablespoons of soda dissolved in it. Place the jewelry in, leave for 12 hours, then rinse with water and wipe with a lint-free cloth.

Does gold darken

Gold jewelry of 583 and 585 samples, made without violating technology and not exposed to aggressive environments, does not darken. Jewelry should be protected from iodine, mercury, and liquids with a high content of acetone and chlorine. If such a situation occurs and the gold has oxidized for no apparent reason, then this is a reason to take it for inspection.

Why do gold items turn your fingers black?

If the issue is not the poor quality of the ring, then there may be several reasons:

  1. This is a new item, and it is quite possible that there are residues of polishing paste on it, which caused the darkening on the leather. Over time, the problem will disappear on its own.
  2. Using hand cosmetics whose components lead to metal oxidation. In this case, changing the cream or avoiding contact of the product used with the rings will help.

Appearance of gold streaks

The sudden appearance of marks from a gold ring on your hand may be a signal of changes in the body. There are no facts confirming the presence of the disease in such a situation, but if suddenly, for no apparent reason, your favorite ring began to leave a noticeable mark, then why not get examined. It definitely won't get any worse.

Tips for choosing gold jewelry

Jewelry is an expensive and durable product, so you should approach your choice wisely: choose and purchase jewelry in specialized stores and famous jewelry houses. When buying from a private person, be sure to use the services of an expert. Do not make purchases based on photos or from dubious individuals.



I got very beautiful earrings from my grandmother, I often receive compliments, several times they offered to sell them for a good price, and no one ever asked about the sample.


I was selling two chains, which to me were absolutely identical in both appearance and weight. The buyer paid two hundred rubles less for one and said sample 583 was cheaper.


I wanted to sell a ring, massive, pre-war work. Mother said that the ring contains a stone of very high quality, a young ruby. I wanted to sell it to an antique dealer, but he considered it scrap, and even cheaper than the market value for the sample, and didn’t even mention the stone.


To summarize, I can with a clear conscience advise the owners of such jewelry to take care of them, wear them with pleasure and give them to their children.

Perhaps in 50 years their price will increase significantly. In any case, these are memorable and, of course, dear things to the hearts of our relatives, which already makes their value sufficient to be preserved as a family heirloom.

Source: https://zhazhdazolota.ru/proby/583

Composition and features of 583 gold

Of great interest is 583 gold, which is becoming increasingly rare in jewelry.


New products no longer carry such numerical values, but on a wedding ring, earrings, or a mother’s or grandmother’s chain, you can find this type of sample, which became widespread in the USSR.

Such gold was readily purchased and was considered to be of high quality, because it did not deform, did not darken, and was resistant to exposure to aggressive substances.

According to the metric system, such an alloy consists of 58.3% gold and 41.7% alloy (copper, silver, palladium), which gives the metal strength. Availability for different segments of the population, different shade options for products made from 583 alloys - all this has made gold the most popular in the country.

Difference from 585 sample

The Soviet Union was closed from other states and set its own standards, including for gold alloys. In 1927, the 583rd standard appeared; it was placed on jewelry along with the obligatory stamp in the form of a worker’s head and a hammer. In 1958, the brand changed; now the numerical value was adjacent to a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle in the center.

In 1994, this test was completely canceled, since the USSR collapsed, the new government decided to follow the West in everything, where there was a carat system, the alloy was divided into 24 parts, based on this, the amount of precious metal was determined.

It was believed that 24 carats is pure gold. It turned out that 14k gold differs from international standards and measures were taken to create a new version that would correspond to 14 karat gold, which is widely used throughout the world.

This is how the 585 alloy appeared, it gradually replaced its predecessor, only after that gold produced in Russia received universal recognition.

Products with the designation 583 are practically no different from those branded with the number 585. They are equally durable and similar in appearance. There is only 0.2-0.4% more pure gold in one metal than in the other.

Only the brand changed (instead of a star a girl in a kokoshnik appeared) and one number.

Composition of 583 gold

As you know, in jewelry stores you can find jewelry of different colors and they will have the same hallmark. 583 alloys were also used to make products with shades ranging from bright red to white.

Most often, gold had a pink or red tint because it contained 33.5% copper, the remaining share being silver.

  Sometimes there were variants where only copper was present as a ligature, then the gold turned bright red.

Silver, in an amount of 25-30%, gave the jewelry of this sample a greenish tint, which made them quite unusual. You can also find white gold, which is at the height of fashion today. It is characterized by this color due to the large proportion of palladium (18%). This element makes jewelry more expensive and durable.

The cost of gold 583 samples

The question of how much 1 gram of 583 gold costs is always of concern to everyone. Some people want to buy new jewelry, others, on the contrary, want to sell metal at a good price.

It must be remembered that the 583rd and 585th alloys have the same value, which means you can get an amount of money for them that will be almost the same.

The gold rate is constantly changing: it either rises or falls, but over the years the fluctuations rarely go beyond 1300-1600 rubles per gram.

Of course, this is the price for pure 999-carat gold, the cost of 583-carat gold is lower. It is not difficult to determine if you make simple mathematical calculations.

For example, a pure precious metal costs 1300, you need to multiply this figure by 0.583 and you get 583 gold purity, price per gram. (see also: How much does a gram of gold cost in a pawnshop) In this case, it will be 757.9 rubles.

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The cost may vary at collection points and stores; it is influenced by many factors. (read more: How to buy gold at a pawnshop)

It’s a completely different matter if you want to sell a gold item that has historical value or was made at the highest level of artistic skill. In such cases, when assessing it, collectors will not focus on the price of the precious metal.

14k red gold

Most often, jewelry with the 583 mark is distinguished by a predominant red tint. Until recently, this kind of gold was the standard of quality, beauty and prestige in our country.

An important role was played by the affordable price for this alloy, in which copper predominates over other impurities.

14k red and rose gold has become 585, but it is still used to make half of all jewelry and sells out very quickly.

European jewelers treat such a low standard with distrust, considering gold unsuitable for the production of jewelry, especially with precious stones.

But the number of fans of the alloy is only growing; Western countries have paid attention to it, because it is difficult to find stronger and more wear-resistant jewelry for every day. 583 sample, thanks to its red tint, harmonizes well with skin tone and hides age.

For this reason, ladies of advanced age prefer chains, rings, and earrings made of reddish alloy.

Turkish gold

After returning from Turkey, people bring with them gold purchased in this country. It is believed that it has an alloy of 583 or 585 samples and is much cheaper than in Russia.

In fact, tempting jewelry may turn out to be fake or made of low-quality metal, where there is very little gold and copper predominates. It will not be surprising if the products soon lose their shine and begin to oxidize. Often, such things are stamped directly at the time of purchase at the buyer’s request.

It is better not to make such acquisitions, or you can first check the percentage of pure precious metal with a special device.

583 gold alloy will not lose its attractiveness and relevance for a long time, because it makes beautiful jewelry of various shapes, with elegant patterns. No other metal option can boast such a variety of colors and durability.

Source: https://makdrag.ru/podelochnie/sostav-i-osobennosti-583-proby-zolota.html

14k gold: gold standard of the USSR

583 gold is an alloy consisting of 58.3% gold, 8% silver and 33.5% copper. Consequently, a kilogram of gold alloy of this standard practically contains only 583 grams of gold, and the other 415 grams are the remaining metals (ligature). There is an even smaller amount of noble metal in 375 gold, which is why products made from this gold do not look very high quality.

583 standard gold is a reddish high-grade alloy of gold and copper, previously used to make chervonets and other coins (the so-called red gold). But not only reddish. 583 gold also comes in white, yellow, red and greenish colors, of varying saturation and shades.

583 gold easily takes the desired shape, but has sufficient strength, hardness, and practically does not oxidize in air. gold in an alloy of 583 purity is close to 14-karat gold, tested according to the karat system adopted in Europe and America.

Gold of 585 standard was first smelted in the Soviet Union in the image of 583 standard. In those years, 14 Carat was considered standard in Europe. Dividing 14 by 24, we get 0.5833333, which can be rounded down to 583. In order not to give away 583 gold for next to nothing, the cost of which was significantly underestimated abroad due to non-compliance with European standards, it was decided to replace 583 in our standard gold purity 585.

Both in the former USSR and in what is now Russia, 585 gold is the most common and affordable type of precious metal. Gold of this standard looks great, but also costs less than yellow gold. However, in Europe this gold is generally considered to be of low quality.

But, despite this fact, the large population of the former USSR chooses gold jewelry of 585 standard, since it is precisely the products of this standard that many years ago have proven themselves to be the strongest and most wear-resistant. Quite often, gold of this standard is used to make vintage items that resemble family jewelry in appearance. At the same time, in various jewelry, 585 gold is often used in combination with yellow and white gold.

On gold products where the 583 standard of gold is applied, the price per gram of which is quite stable, you can often see an extruded star, while on the 585 standard the so-called “kokoshnik” is engraved as standard. It can be a kind of relief sculpture, it can be scratched with a special needle, or it can be drawn using special technologies.

Nowadays, 585 gold is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry. Various technologies are used in this process, such as casting, weaving, blowing, and so on.

A wide variety of jewelry is made from such gold, which is suitable for both men and women. Such products include rings, pendants, bracelets, chains, tie clips, pendants, and so on.

Now, following the dictates of modern fashion, jewelry for piercings, VIP keychains, watches and others are made from 585 gold, as well as from 583 gold, the price of which is slightly lower.

White gold of this standard is produced from 585 parts of gold, as well as impurities in the form of palladium or nickel. If a ligature with palladium is used, then the alloy of such gold turns out to be white-steel in color. If the alloy contains nickel, then a barely visible yellowish tint appears.

Turkish gold, marked 585, in reality turned out to be of significantly worse quality than its domestic counterpart.

If you want to purchase gold of this standard in this country, we strongly recommend that you verify its quality using a special device.

Although, it is also a common practice when tourists, purchasing low-quality gold, themselves ask sellers in Turkey to put 585 on their purchase, which can simply be done directly on the spot using a special device.

In 2011, it was possible to sell gold of 585 and 583 purity, the gold price of which varied around 750 rubles per 1 gram. At the same time, in our stores, 1 gram of gold cost from 1200 to 2400 rubles, depending on the complexity of the product.

585 gold is relatively cheap, so products made from it can be purchased at reasonable prices. An ordinary ring of this standard can be purchased for only 1,500 rubles.

But, at the same time, the price of an engagement ring with diamonds of this standard can exceed thousands of dollars.

In our state, 585 gold is the most popular. The name of this sample is even used by numerous chains of jewelry stores and boutiques.

Gold 583 and 585 - what is the difference?

It is quite difficult to answer this question right away. Gold is considered one of the most noble metals in the world, and in ancient times, almost until the end of the 18th century, there were only two such metals - gold and silver. They do not change either under the influence of air, or under the influence of moisture or high temperature. At the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries, they were also joined by platinum, rhodium, osmium, palladium, and iridium. And the fifth, ruthenium, was discovered in 1844.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, gold samples are accepted: 375, 500, 585, 750, and 958. In this metric system of samples, the first two digits indicate the percentage of gold in 1000 parts of the alloy. So, let’s say: 750th sample - 75 means that pure gold is 75%, the remaining 25% are impurities of metals that make up such an alloy with the exception of gold, they are called alloy.

In the USA, England, Switzerland and several other countries of the world, the so-called carat system of samples is used. In it, a sample of pure metal is taken to be 24 carats (1000 sample). That is, 958 standard is comparable to 23 carat, 750 is comparable to 18 carat, 585 standard is comparable to 14 carat.

In nature, gold exists almost exclusively in its pure form, like small beads embedded in quartz or quartz sand.

Interestingly, gold can be used not only for all kinds of jewelry, but also used in the glass industry, it is used in the assembly of chemical equipment, as well as in medicine and in the making of photographs.

But the vast majority of consumers are naturally interested directly in jewelry. By the way, if your “gold” jewelry is marked 875, you should think about the seller’s honesty.

Since ancient times, man has known that the best alloy for gold alloys is silver and copper. These two metals significantly improve the physical properties of the alloy. After all, gold in its pure form is very soft, you can practically knead it with your hands, and it also wears out quickly, and products made from it can easily tear.

Branding of gold products

Due to some historical factors, branding in Ancient Rus' arose somewhat later than in other countries. The first Moscow brand was, naturally, a double-headed eagle, depicted together with a date drawn in Slavic letters, and the branding dates back to the period from 1651 to 1652.

The first hallmarks were not yet hallmark marks in the modern sense. The mark only indicated that the silver and gold were no less valuable than the sample recognized by law, but it itself did not have a standard assigned to it.

Most often, good quality gold was from the 83rd to the 85th standard and more, which was equivalent to the standard of “Lyubskie thalers” or “efimki” - foreign coins, which were often melted down for new products. At the end of the 17th century, a lesser quality sample, the “levok”, was also legalized. A brand appeared - in the oval there is the word “Levok”.

City stamps, which indicated the place of manufacture, as well as personal stamps with the author’s initials, appeared later, only in the 18th century. In the 18th - 19th centuries, in almost all cities, brands included:

— a stamp with the image of the city’s coat of arms, as well as the year or without it, in shields of various shapes;

- a mark with the first letters of the first and last name - the “name holder” of the master manufacturer;

— the mark of the craftsman who made the product, without indicating the year;

- a mark with several numbers that indicate the sample, i.e. number of pure gold spools in a ligature pound.

Absolutely all manufacturers and factories were required to put their name marks before presenting these products to the state assayer.

Medals made by order of the government, as well as products of silversmiths and goldsmiths intended for grand-ducal receptions and the needs of churches, ancient objects of historical, archaeological and artistic significance, as well as products inlaid with silver and gold.

Based on materials from http://kupluzoloto.ru/583-proba-zolota-zolotoi-standart-sssr


Articles by Sergei Denisevich about jewelry

Source: https://pisaka-gold.blogspot.com/2013/02/583.html?m=1

What is the difference between 583 and 585 gold: features and differences

When buying gold jewelry, you want to buy an original item that will bring you joy for many years, especially if it is purchased as a gift. Is the appearance of the product, its consumer properties, related to its cost and sample number? Is there a significant difference between 583 and 585?


According to its characteristics, gold is a soft metal, extremely susceptible to environmental influences. Because of this feature, 999 fine metal with a minimum of impurities is pressed into ingots; the metal alloy is most suitable for the production of jewelry.

To make the products stronger, other metals called ligature are added to it. In addition to adding additional rigidity, by varying the composition of the alloy, you can change the natural color of the metal, giving white, pink or even green and blue shades.

Typically used as additives:

  1. Palladium.
  2. Silver.
  3. Nickel.
  4. Copper.
  5. Zinc.

A sample system is used to indicate the quantitative relationship between the precious metal and the ligature.
In Russia, the gold content in alloys is controlled by the state. The higher the sample number, the greater the percentage of gold contained in the jewelry. If we compare 583 and 585, the difference in gold content in them is small: 0.2-0.4%.

History of origin

Stamp number 583 has been used for marking since 1927 .
During this period, the spool testing system, inherited from Tsarist Russia, was replaced with a metric one. The new standards approved 375, 500, 583, 750, 958, 999 samples of gold. These numbers indicate the number of grams of gold per 1000 g of alloy. The more, the higher the gold content in the product.

583 gold

In the USA, England, Switzerland and a number of other countries, a carat testing system is used. Hallmarks are identified as 9, 12, 14, 18, 22, 23, 24 carats, based on the fact that 24 is pure gold.

Earrings 583 samples

Appearance of the brand, features

In the Soviet Union, gold standard 583 was very popular; most jewelry of that time was stamped with this number. From 1927 to 1958, the brand was made in the form of an image of a worker’s head with a hammer, then it was replaced by a five-pointed star. For your information, this stamp was affixed until the spring of 2000, although in 1994 the 583rd sample was replaced by 585. The 585 sample stamp is depicted in the form of a female head in a kokoshnik.

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Imprint 585

Main differences

When converted to the carat system, fineness 583 is equal to 14 carats . But since it is impossible to achieve an exact value for the amount of precious metal in the alloy, a deviation from the standard value, or remedium, equal to 3 was introduced.

Ultimately, variations in the percentage of gold in the 583 alloy ranged from 58 to 58.6% . In other words, items of 583 purity could contain only 58% gold (instead of the declared 58.3%). Apparently, this is why the Western market was extremely reluctant to purchase metal of this brand.

It did not meet European standards, as a result of which it was purchased at a reduced price.

To avoid financial losses, sample 583 was replaced with 585, increasing the precious metal content in the alloy structure to 58.5%.

Ring 585

External differences

There are no significant differences between samples 583 and 585 . If the color scheme, which is determined by the composition of the ligature, is the same, it is almost impossible to distinguish the products. But 583 gold mostly has a reddish tint; more copper was added to it.

It is also called “chervonets gold”, since initially the alloy of gold and copper was used to mint gold chervonets. Modern 585 sterling jewelry is more varied in color and is available in yellow, pink, white, and green, depending on the type of ligature.

Thus, additives in the form of palladium, nickel, and zinc give gold a white color; additives of silver and copper-pink.

The high content of the ligature allows you to use earrings, rings, bracelets and chains for daily wear without fear of scratches.

There are no differences in the wear resistance, durability, and strength of gold. But it is worth noting one nuance - 583 gold has its own circle of admirers, who believe that in Soviet times, gold products were of higher quality, and control over its production was more strict.

You will not find jewelry marked with 583 purity in the windows of fashionable jewelry stores, since gold with such purity is no longer produced. You can purchase it in pawn shops, purchases or from private individuals. Since the composition of these 2 alloys is almost identical, the difference in price per gram will be small. The price of a 583 sample item largely depends on its condition and appearance. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence and type of mark.

Source: https://vchemraznica.ru/chem-otlichaetsya-zoloto-583-i-585-proby-osobennosti-i-otlichiya/

A little history

The appearance of gold with a mark of 583 dates back to 1927. It was then that the first product was released with an assay mark applied to it, depicting a worker’s head, a hammer and the number 583. And although the USSR established its own standards and standards, in relation to gold the European carat system was borrowed, which equated pure gold to 24 carats or 1000th sample

The standard in Europe was 14 carats, which translated into fineness amounted to 14/24*1000=583.333.

The resulting number was rounded to whole numbers according to mathematical rules and the number 583 was obtained.

In 1958, the first mark was replaced by a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle. And in 1991, the transition began from 583 to 585 samples, in accordance with European standards. Products of this period were marked with new-style stamps (with a woman in a kokoshnik) or with old-style stamps, where 583 or 585 stood next to the star. And only by 1995, new GOSTs were adopted in the country, as a result of which 583 gold was no longer produced.

Chemical composition

The numerical indicator of the hallmark indicates the actual content of precious metal in the alloy from which jewelry is made. This is the main factor that determines the price per gram of the finished product for any sample. But since it is very difficult to achieve an absolutely exact amount of precious metal in the alloy, a permissible deviation (remedium) from the normal value of +3/-3 was accepted.

In the country of the Soviets, the main values ​​of a product have always been reliability and quality. Therefore, the composition of the ligature (additive to gold) was selected in such a way that the jewelry would be quite hard, less susceptible to deformation and capable of maintaining its original appearance for a long time.

The color of the alloy depends on the percentage of metals in the alloy mass, according to which 583 gold can have the following composition:

Color Density (g/cm3) Gold alloy composition (%)  
Gold Silver Copper
Yellow 13,24 58,3 +/-0,3 8 +/-0,5 33,7
Green 13,92 58,3 +/-0,3 30 +/-0,5 11,7
Red/pink 13,01 58,3 +/-0,3 41,7

It is the metals (in their pure form, without impurities) of the alloy mass that give the alloy the specified properties. Without a ligature, the products will be fragile, since gold itself is quite soft, not very suitable for making jewelry.

Features of 583 gold products

Soviet products are in great demand, considering how much gold 583 costs compared to 585. In addition, a significant role is played by how high-quality and wear-resistant the jewelry is, even when worn every day. And although their appearance is somewhat outdated due to the lack of a diamond cutting, which gives shine, beautiful filigree, large stones and a pleasant red color make the jewelry unique.

The 583 alloy easily takes the desired shape and does not oxidize.

Owners of old jewelry often turn to jewelers with a request to remake them, not wanting to purchase anything from modern factories. Moreover, Western consumers began to appear among fans of 583, appreciating the properties of this sample.

Today, many stores display Soviet jewelry in their windows. Among ladies, gold earrings of 583 standard USSR with large red corundums or diamonds are popular. Men are looking at rings and chains, and for children they are purchasing pendants and small earrings with a loop clasp.

What is the difference between 583 sample and 585

It is impossible not to mention the existing differences between samples, some of which cannot be seen with the naked eye:

  1. The first of these is the chemical composition of the alloy: 583 samples may contain 0.2–0.5% less pure gold than 585. This takes into account the remedium, which also sometimes gives a difference of 0.1% in the direction of exceeding the amount precious metal.
  2. The second difference is the appearance of the gold alloy. Products of the Soviet era have a pronounced reddish tint, massiveness and weight.
  3. Third is the price for sale in stores. The cost of 583 gold, of course, is significantly lower than that of its modern counterpart, which makes it accessible to a wide range of consumers.

How much is Soviet gold worth?

The price for 1 gram of precious metal is of interest to everyone who wants to buy or sell jewelry. The interest is connected, first of all, with fluctuations in world prices for raw materials, which also affects our jewelry market. Over the past 5–7 years in Russia, the price set by jewelry stores for 585 samples has increased 2.5–3 times, while purchases at pawn shops have undergone less noticeable fluctuations.

How much does 1 gram of 583 gold cost today?

The quotation of pure gold, determined by the Central Bank, in 2017 fluctuates around 2,320 rubles per 1 gram. The price is based on the indicators of world exchanges by adjusting them, which is safe for the ruble exchange rate. To independently determine how much a gram of 583 purity gold costs, you need to multiply the current quote from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by the coefficient corresponding to the purity - 0.583. In this way, the price of a finished Soviet product can only be calculated approximately.

The cost of Soviet products in Russian jewelry stores is set directly by the administration of the stores and is based on the price at which the pawnshop bought the product from its client.

As of 2017, the price per gram of commission gold in Russia ranges from 1,800 rubles to 3,400 rubles.

This is significantly lower than per gram of modern products.

But with buying things are a little different. For 583 gold samples, the price per gram is approximately the same as for 585: in the range of 1200–1650 rubles. The exact values ​​depend on the pawnshop's policy:

  • Products can only be accepted as scrap at the same price, regardless of their external condition and the presence of precious stones.
  • When purchased, products are classified into categories (scrap or resale) with corresponding prices, often including the cost of diamonds and other precious stones.

The second point is relevant if the pawnshop employs a gemologist who evaluates precious stones.

Soviet gold will retain its popularity for a long time, which is not surprising, given the nostalgic mood of the residents of our country. Everything connected with the era of the USSR evokes a feeling of reliability and confidence in the quality of the product, which means that pawnshops will continue to make a profit from the sale of such products for a long time.

Source: https://ProDragmetally.ru/o-zolote/proby/sostav-i-osobennosti-583.html

583 standard gold in the USSR: price, alloy

Everyone knows that gold is a precious noble metal. It is used to make jewelry, as an investment vehicle, and as a medical item. Today we will talk about the use of gold for making jewelry.

It is not advisable to use pure metal in this area as it is quite soft. Due to this, it is mixed with copper and silver to impart the desired qualities to achieve different shades.

Therefore, such a concept as “gold purity” appears: 583, 585, 750, 875 gold purity and so on.

This is the quantitative content of gold in the alloy from which the jewelry is made. Non-ferrous metals and gold for the manufacture of alloys are taken in strictly established quantities. The numbers listed above are the standards.

Heritage of the Soviet Union

Gold purity 583 is most often considered Soviet gold; there is practically no gold on the modern market. It was extremely popular in the USSR; earrings, rings, bracelets and other products were made from it. The popularity was explained by the fact that the metal retained its original appearance and did not darken over time, like ordinary copper, silver or nickel. In addition, Soviet gold could be of a variety of shades: yellow, red, white, and so on.

Today, a huge amount of this jewelry has been preserved among residents of countries that were former members of the USSR. Every family has at least one or two items of this type.

History of appearance

The karat system has long been used to designate gold standards throughout the world. According to the carat system, pure gold has a thousandth purity, which is twenty-four carats. If we divide 14 by 24 and multiply the resulting number by a thousand, we get the number 583.3. In the Soviet Union, it was decided to round the resulting value to a lower degree, namely 583. This is how the unique 583 sample was born, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

When manufacturing absolutely any metal alloy, it is almost impossible to achieve exact percentages of components. Since the 583 gold standard is truly Soviet, the deviation from the norm for it was determined individually. They were called remedium and made up three units. Thus, the sample contained pure gold from 58% to 58.6%.

583 gold is often called chervonets, since it is an alloy with a reddish tint, which was previously used to produce chervonets.

If we talk about the origin of the sample itself, then it was born about ninety years ago, in 1927. Initially, it looked like a mark with an amount of pure metal, and on the left side of the ball was the head of a Soviet worker and a hammer. In 1958, the symbol of the test became a five-pointed star, inside of which there was a hammer and sickle. A little over twenty years ago, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the standard turned into 585. On products produced before 2000, you can still find the old-style stamp.


The most common sample composition was: 58-58.6 percent gold, 33-33.5 percent copper and 8 percent silver. Jewelry made from this alloy had a red tint.

If it was necessary to give the alloy a white color, then silver was completely abandoned and the following components were taken: 58.3 percent gold, 16 percent copper, 17 percent nickel and about 9 percent zinc. Products in pink and green colors were also quite common, and were produced without the addition of zinc and nickel.

In these alloys, silver and copper act as binding materials, alloys. The price of jewelry made from various alloys is almost the same.

Thus, by changing the percentage of alloy components it was possible to obtain a wide variety of interesting shades.

Advantages and benefits

The sample has almost all the advantages that are valued in gold: a high degree of hardness, strength, and resistance to oxidation. For a long time, jewelry, watches, tie clips, keychains and other products do not lose their original appearance and do not darken or change shape. And if you care for them correctly, you can extend their service life almost indefinitely.

583 is a sample made using Soviet technology, according to the Soviet standard. This means that these are first-class, high-quality products. Therefore, many people still prefer to purchase just such products, even if they are used.

Note! When purchasing Soviet gold in modern stores, check for the presence of the previously described hallmark.

Source: https://ToZoloto.ru/proba/proba-zolota-583-eto-simvol-sovetskogo-kachestva.html

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