How to separate two magnets

How to separate two neodymium magnets at home?

How to separate two magnets

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Question for experts: how to disconnect neodymium magnets from each other?

Best regards, Nora

Best answers

Some of the safest ways to separate neodymium magnets can be the following recommendations:

1. Place the magnets on the edge of a fairly strong table or cabinet so that one magnet “hangs” from the edge, and press the second firmly to the table itself with one hand (you can use gloves). With your other hand, grasping the magnet well and applying a sharp vertical force, move (tear off, cut off) the magnet protruding from the table down and immediately move it away from the table or even throw it to the floor. Using this method, it is possible to separate magnets with an attractive force of up to 100 kg.

2. Drive a wooden or plastic wedge between the magnets and move the magnets apart as in method No. 1.

3. To disconnect powerful magnets with a breaking force of 100 kilograms or more, you can try the “trap door” method. The method is based on the same principle of separating magnets using the shear method, but the door frame (door frame) serves as the table on which the magnet rests, and the door itself serves as the second hand, displacing the second magnet. It should be noted that this method also requires considerable effort and a strong wooden door.

None of these methods are safe and it is better to use special equipment for this when separating magnets.

If magnets are not in use, they must be stored at a reliable (at least 50 cm) distance from each other, or using spacers between them.

Only the door helped))) 2 magnets 50/30 are tin.

OND for the city of Zeya and Zeya district:

About the vibration of a wedge between two magnets - if they are connected in such a way that there is almost no space left and it turns out that they are, as it were, right next to each other?

Thank you, the CABINET door helped


This video will help you figure it out

Answers from experts

The safest way to separate magnets is to place them on the edge of a sturdy wooden table, with the joining line exactly along the edge of the table. And applying vertical force, move down the magnet that protrudes beyond the edge and immediately move it to the side and down from the work table while wearing gloves. In this way, it is possible to separate even magnets with an attractive force of up to 100 kg. More powerful magnets require special equipment to separate.

Lubricate the clutch with soap, make sure that your hands do not slip, and use brute male force, press one magnet against the edge of the door or somewhere else, I personally pressed it against the door, and push another magnet, and hold the first one in place, the magnets will slide over the soap and will disconnect, but don’t think that it’s so simple and you had to figure it out yourself

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What is special equipment for separating magnets? I had the same phenomenon; a friend of mine somehow disconnected them, but the coating had worn off in some places.

narget, each alloy has a Curie point at which the magnet loses its properties and is restored when cooled

Slide them along the plane along which they are stuck together. This will make it possible to grasp them better and reduce the contact area to a minimum.


How to separate two neodymium type magnets?

How to separate two magnets

Neodymium magnets are now very widely used. It must be recalled that these bodies are the strongest in terms of magnetic force. Even over time they do not lose it. But sometimes it happens that two objects are attracted to each other, and moving them apart becomes almost impossible. In this article you can find the answer to the question of how to separate two magnets.


First of all, it should be noted that it is unrealistic to simply break two powerful magnets stuck together. Speaking about how to separate two magnets, it should be noted that you should not even use your own strength for these purposes.

The most you can do is move the objects a short distance from each other, after which they will stick together again, and your hands may be injured. The force of collision of such neodymium bodies is comparable in energy release to the impact of a heavy hammer on an anvil.

This is why you should not experiment if you do not know how to separate two magnets. Let's take a closer look at 4 effective methods that will help cope with this problem.


How to separate two magnets using non-magnetic wedges? First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that it is better to use wooden tools for this purpose. They are inserted between magnets. Then the adhesive force decreases, after which you must make every effort to separate them with your hands.


How to separate two magnets at home, the power of which is 180 kg or more? To do this, you can use a handy guillotine, for which a desk, door or chest of drawers is ideal.

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This method is based on the principle of cutting one magnet from another, however, the door jamb or the frame of a chest of drawers or desk will act as an immovable supporting element. The sliding mechanism will be a drawer or door.

For this method, only high-quality furniture made from chipboard or a door made of wood are suitable.

Wooden guillotine

How to separate two magnets at home? For bodies of greater power, a wooden guillotine can be used. To do this, one magnet is placed in the hole in the wall, and the other with a large lever should move to the side, making it possible to bifurcate them.

Own strength

Magnets with a power of less than 150 kg can be broken using your own efforts. To do this, the stuck together bodies must be placed on a flat surface so that the gluing line is located along the edge of the cabinet or table. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that one magnet should lie on the stand, and the other should hang down.

With one hand you should hold the object that lies on the surface, and with the other you should firmly grasp the second magnet. At the same time, you need to make every effort to break it. The force should be directed vertically, that is, go perpendicular to the plane of the cabinet or table.

After disconnecting the magnets, one of them must be placed at a distance of at least half a meter from the other.

If stuck to another surface

If your neodymium magnet is attached to the front door, battery, sewer hatch, or car body, then it will also be very difficult to remove it with simple movements. If the surface is flat and smooth, then the easiest way to detach the object is to throw it to the very edge of the metal sheet. Otherwise, most likely, it will be necessary to use wooden wedges, which were discussed above.

There are several ways to separate two stuck magnets. Most often, this activity requires not only a certain physical strength, but also ingenuity.


How to separate two neodymium magnets

How to separate two magnets

Neodymium type magnets are very powerful in terms of attraction, which is often used to find or remove metal objects from various types of surfaces. They come in different types and brands, which is indicated on their packaging.

You can purchase such products only in specialized stores, where they will tell you all the basic properties of this material.

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We disconnect the magnets. A few simple recommendations

All neodymium magnets are divided into classes, according to which they have different attractive forces.

If you purchased very strong products, it is almost impossible to disconnect them without using a special tool, but when the magnets are relatively weak, there are several simple ways:

  1. Place the magnet on the edge of the table so that one of it often rests on it and the other hangs freely. Then, with a sharp movement, slide this part down and press the other magnet against the table. You need to do this quickly and after separating, try to throw both parts away so that they do not attract again and hurt your hands.
  2. Another good option is to hammer the blade between both parts. To do this, you need to use only non-metallic products, such as wood. You need to position the magnets as in the previous version and be sure to be careful.

A few more options

You can try to separate powerful magnets at home using a door. This also uses the method of sliding both connected parts. To do this, it is placed in the door frame and, with the help of the closing door, a freely located magnet is moved.

This option is quite complex and requires a very durable door. It is also very important to follow safety precautions. Sometimes you can fix one neodymium magnet (for example, in a vice), and hit it in another way and try to knock it down.

It is very important not to use metal objects. Such work should only be performed with products that are not magnetic. All of these disconnection options are quite dangerous, as they can lead to injury, so it is very important to carry out this procedure very carefully.

If you cannot separate two neodymium magnets, then you need to use special equipment with which you can accomplish this task. We also suggest watching this video:

        5. To separate the maximum sizes of neodymium magnets 70*60, 90*50, 100*50, we recommend using a wooden guillotine. One magnet is inserted into the hole of the guillotine, and the second is moved with a large lever, thereby making it possible to bifurcate them

       Thank you for your attention. I hope we have helped you solve this pressing issue. You can also buy all types of magnets from us: washers, disks, rectangles, cubes, cylinders, with a hole, fastenings, search magnets REDMAG, TRITON, flexible magnets, magnetic vinyl, neocubes of all colors, tetracubes, etc. In total there are more than 300 in stock types of goods. For any questions, write or call: 098-66-14-666, 095-701-77-70, 063-3000-310.


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